Not much of a ratn but something i noticed really

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Not much of a ratn but something i noticed really

Postby Ryke Masha on Tue Apr 03, 2018 10:33 pm

Something i have noticed over the years is the lack of random rp. I remember back when i started five years ago that when you asked to rp most of the time you got a response of someone going yeah lets rp. Now it seems people only rp with those they know. I dont know if it is just me noticing this and i know i have been gulity of not responing to others when they ask for rp but seems like people arent just trying much anymore. Atleast during the times i am normally online it seems like there isnt many people rping in general and just people in the ooc waiting for others and yeah I have been guilty of that as well over the years but I do believe if we all start changing alittle and step outside of our character's and our own comfort zones then we all can bring even more life into this game. Even if you dont like a partical character someone plays then see if they have an alt you can play with them. For myself whenever i see someone asking for rp if i have the time and not already in a scene I will respond to them and see if we can make a scene work. I think if we all tried that then this game can get a whole lot better. Those are just my thoughts on the matter really
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Re: Not much of a ratn but something i noticed really

Postby Balard on Wed Apr 04, 2018 8:35 am

There is also many a reason why some won't rp with others, could be down to their rp style, writing, who their character is, who they are or known as a general dislike of the person not the character, plenty of reasons why, but most the time why some don't random rp with people is they tend to drop quickly, its rare to pick up a good scene and when you do get into a good random scene, the person may end up pinging themselves out on purpose or just logging off if they are no longer interested in the scene, but i do agree there should be more random rp or stuff linking into peoples storylines if they are running something etc.
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Re: Not much of a ratn but something i noticed really

Postby miyuka on Fri Apr 06, 2018 7:06 pm

As an op that monitors channels rather often, this is honestly not true. I still see people randomly jumping into RP with others (specially if they are new players). Does it happen -all- the time? no. Does it happen less than 5 years ago? More than likely. The thing you have to keep in mind is that you don't actually know what's going on with the person behind the PC screen. Are they in OOC? Yes, they are. But how many people are busy? Are going to be busy? Have plans to RP later, really wanna RP but have to IRL so they are just chatting/observing in the OOC. I could go on, but you get the idea. On top of all of that, YES there are people who only will RP with a certain person and quite frankly that's their business whom they wanna RP with. What makes this game better is us understanding one another, that we are people beyond our characters and respecting that first and foremost. You will not always get RP, I've seen people, myself included, ask for a week or so straight in ooc if anyone wants to RP and nothing, but that's just something that's going to happen. It's a player run game. There's so many factors to consider. Be patient, be considerate, respect one another, and have fun.
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Re: Not much of a ratn but something i noticed really

Postby Miranda on Sat Apr 07, 2018 3:32 am

I'll lob my tuppence worth in from across the pond just because...well why not :wink:

When I started almost all my RP was why is that no longer the case? For reading Joe's post I can recognise an element of myself there in what he says. The popping on to OOC, not playing and scooting off again etc. (Not that I was for any moment taking that as a dig of course - just that it was recognisable. Self knowledge and all that.)

But as Miyuka says there are many reasons to which I will add another one. Time. If, for example, you have a few characters which multiple SLs running sometimes you really don't think you can take another one on. Or you might want to close certain scenes down before you let your gal or boy out to play again - because of long term impacts etc. So you might pop on to see if people are around to close them down as opposed to just playing.

However (spins coin to show the other side of it) that being said....some of my best and, more importantly, fondest recalled RP has come from chance encounters. Not by asking in OOC if anyone wanted to play or by having arranged dates - but by just hitting a room and seeing what happened. Through the night scenes; scenes that ended up being -hugely- long running SL's; Staring down a room full of nobles (fabulously haired of course) etc etc. All by just popping in to the Inn to see what the shave was. So...for what it's worth (which is as still a relative newcomer in terms of actual time played is little I know) , my advice is -don't- ask in OOC. By all means let people know your free and going there - but just hit the Inn. And yes, even if it is empty. I once started doing mono in the Inn for half an hour and ended up with a scene that meant I didn't sleep until 6am....
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Re: Not much of a ratn but something i noticed really

Postby Farvel on Sat Apr 07, 2018 5:49 am

Miranda wrote: my advice is -don't- ask in OOC. By all means let people know your free and going there - but just hit the Inn. And yes, even if it is empty. I once started doing mono in the Inn for half an hour and ended up with a scene that meant I didn't sleep until 6am....

This. I've noticed a trend of people constantly asking if someone wants to RP but hardly ever joining any room, and then complain that they never get any action. (And yes, I'm guilty of such myself.)

When in doubt, just join the inn. You might have to waste an hour or more with nobody else coming, but eventually someone will. And others who join the inn without it being in pairs are more likely to be up for random RP.
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Re: Not much of a ratn but something i noticed really

Postby Serena on Sat Apr 07, 2018 11:41 pm

Only been here for a fraction of the time that the other posters here have been - little over a year - but its been a busy year. A couple completely random rp's have led to Theressa being taken as a concubine, then meeting Allivia, which has developed to what it is now. I've had many other fantastic random rp's as well. I prefer to randomly drop into the Inn when there are at least several people present as to dropping in with just one char there can, understandably, maybe give the impression that I may wish to start a scene with whomever is present. Sometimes that's the case, sometimes not for whatever reason.. i have various.

Main reason is the way I play my char's as random rp generally is intended to evolve to "rp". As an example of what tends to occur from time to time: replied to a pm request to rp once. Even after informing that person that Theressa won't get involved sexually but will chat and such, to which was agreed to, the player angled for it via pm shortly after going ic. Informed him again that no sexual rp will occur. After another chat posting, the other had to "go to the store". Not a huge deal but..still..waste of time for both. ICly, chars don't know of another's preferences until they know. OOCLy, its generally known...I stress generally known but yet, have to do the "IC dodge" from time to time if i randomly drop into the Inn. Other reasons that can discourage random rp..time, etc.
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Re: Not much of a ratn but something i noticed really

Postby Wadeywade on Fri Jun 01, 2018 2:39 pm

time and tide, my friends, time and tide. :)
Joe youre right, random RP is down fro. five years ago, but something Ive noticed, it always makes a comeback. so dont worry too much, just wait for the tide to come back in. ;) who knows I may be on it.
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