Ok so here's what's up. Manager and asst Manager pay rates. I am seeing confusion amongst specifically the amount of pay. Won't name names but well I can be logical and whatnot and explaimed it, but seeing as the last listing for pay of such was under the old monthly work as many hours as you want thing as seen here
So there is that. But given now we are on a weekly max hour system I believe it needs specified by the powers that be to make it perfectly clear. I have an idea I'd like to propose to be looked at for consideration of a new pay model for managers and asst managers.
Since we are working on a 4 week system I propose this. The pay be divided by 4 and the first hour each week gets you a 4th of what that pay is. So if someone misses a week of work with 0 hours they make less mgr pay. As it may look like a punishment. But as a manager and asst mgr you are that boss you should be there to be available to hire and such. Also from an in game standpoint it actually goes to weekly management of a businesses like doing he books, ordering stock etc...
Anyways this is just an idea but regardless of what happens an official release of how it works under the new system would be appreciated even if its still the same as it was. It just clears confusion when there is something put out as a 'This is the rule' thing from the powers that be.