Your problems are terrible.....

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Your problems are terrible.....

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:11 pm

...and I'm sorry you have them.

Really. Everything from that horrid thing you found in the kitchen that is giving you apparently some form of mental breakdown over the horror of it, to the death of Great Uncle Boris and the good Lord knows what else besides. I -am- sorry that you're sad and upset, and I know, I really do, that sometimes these things hurt, and that some of us can handle these things better than others. I know that too and, honestly, if Auntie Becca had a magic wand she -would- make it all go away for you. Really, I would.

But y'know what isn't going to make it go away? CONSTANTLY yammering away in the OOC about how upset you are. Constantly. Not a mention, but repeatedly going on and on and on about it. Dropping in additional details as though it was breaking news on News24 or ABC. It isn't you know - and I have news for you. These things happen, all the time to people. It's called life doncha know.

In further news, since it seems several of you do rather like constant updates, I've been places and seen people having to cook in the gutter; people without clean water; the air itself near thick with disease. These people, they have problems. You? You are experiencing life.

Now the clincher and the point of this rant, other than to make you think I'm the biggest, most selfish bitch in Christendom, is that I come here to escape. I come here to put the misery of life behind me for a bit. To have a laugh and to make others laugh; to have fun and adventure; to play a GAME; To get a bit lewd and crude and have a giggle.

I do not come here to experience some misery express as you blow your tiny problems (and they are always tiny) into a bigger disaster than Isandlwana.

Look, I know I've been away, and I'm jolly grateful for the reception I've had on coming back, and I know that this rant will annoy a few people and make several more look somewhat aghast at me. Well, fine. So be it. But in the brief time I've been back and had proper on line access, there has not been a single day without someone wailing "Woe is me" and seemingly trying to involve a bunch of people they do not know in their problems. It's not on. It's bloody selfish for a start if not attention seeking. It's lacking the emotional maturity to deal with a problem without been able to stop yourself from pissing over every body else's cornflakes at the same time.

You want to share? Do it in PM with people you know. Not strangers who may also be having quite a shit time of it and -really- don't want to find themselves randomly risking having to take a ride on your train every time they look in the OOC.
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Postby Lindor on Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:15 pm


Re: Your problems are terrible.....

Postby Azara on Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:19 pm

Yes. This.
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Re: Your problems are terrible.....

Postby Farvel on Wed Aug 22, 2018 11:33 pm


I have a job that specifically involves dealing with people complaining about every little shit that happens in their lives. I come here to ESCAPE from that.
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Re: Your problems are terrible.....

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:47 am

Well it appears I was wrong. Not all our problems in OOC are tiny.

Because now we can also talk about mass shootings - and share the video links too! Such progress! And here I thought that -was- what ABC and News24 was for.....silly old me, eh?

Now just so you don't get the wrong idea, I'm really not a sensitive little flower. Honest. I could tell you stories that would curl your toes. Hell I've even got some medals somewhere in a sock drawer, but is it -really- too sodding much to ask that we keep this kind of stuff out of a games channel? Is it? I mean to clarify my point :

Game : an activity that one engages in for amusement.
Woe and misery don't seem to be in there do they? Or am I misreading?

Anyway, since I come here to play and not put up with this sorta thing I'll be avoiding OOC for the immediate future unless I need to do public rolls or chase down pauses etc. Feel free to be as miserable as you wish without me.

Doom and gloom FTW!
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Re: Your problems are terrible.....

Postby Serena on Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:54 am

Game : an activity that one engages in for amusement. Woe and misery don't seem to be in there do they? Or am I misreading?

Soooo Much This.

I've had some wailing to me in pm, and know of it occurring to others, in pm about some minor issues that, really are minor. How someone won't rp with them, or how someone disrespected that individual, etc, etc.... get over it. No one here is a trained therapist and if they are, that person isn't here to give such. We are here to enjoy the game. Some need to learn to not confuse normal kindness for actual *want* of hearing how a person feels they have been disrespected or how that person is depressed because someone won't answer his/her pm, or how they can't find rp that they want. I've learned to simply pass on some sort of condolences of some sort that are commiserate with the issue of the day, then move on and not let myself get pulled into a long drawn conversation that is done to induce sympathy for that person's *major life issues*. I mean..I've been in a discussion that lasted for 30 minutes about how a missed "heya" in ooc, on my part, wasn't an intended slight against that person. That person has only gotten worse so I don't rp, nor chat with that individual. Shortly afterwards, that person was probably whining with someone else about how I wouldn't rp nor chat anymore. Good Grief. I've been stood up, had a person *poof* while starting a scene..multiple times in a row..just to come back on an hour later and find that person had returned and is ic. You know what? I don't immediately go into a guilt tripping pm that makes the other person feel as if they are being manipulated into forced rp. (Guilt Trippers are the worst, btw) That is minor stuff. I move on. Some people just don't want to rp with others, which could be for one or more of a plethora of reasons. Its life here in the big city of Nanthalion. I will not dwell on things and let it ruin my experience here in the game. There is to much to be had and enjoy.
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Re: Your problems are terrible.....

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:16 pm

Ah Serena, such a level head and such a shame one is such a rarity these days. But I was remiss. How could I have possibly forgot the "played with you once, PM'd you twice, I now have the rights to dump a 16 Wheeler Truck full of crap in your PM every time I come on" type. They -are- such fun aren't they? And come in such a variety; The guilt trippers, the woes-is-me's and the general faux-rp pervs to name just a few!

Now don't get me wrong and in case any of my chums are reading this thinking "does she mean me?" Some people are welcome in my box anytime (God I can't stop being smutty even when ranting it seems!) even to complain. But that's because they're mates not some random nick; and be sure they'd know if they weren't welcome. (The secret word is Mars Bar if there are still any doubts for my mates seeing this bit and wondering unecessarily)

Y'know this was way before my time but I wonder if this is all a milder version of what (viewtopic.php?f=25&t=16084) was all about?

What is it they say, history repeats itself first as tragedy then as a comedy? I'm starting to feel a song come on.....
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Re: Your problems are terrible.....

Postby Miranda on Mon Aug 27, 2018 9:50 pm

The OOC song...

Now welcome to The Lonely Inn
A place for fun and smut
Some of us have been here for years
And I concede are in a rut

But even though we don't RP much
We still can have our fun
By whining to you in PM
and sharing news so glum!

We like to share our misery
From sea to shining sea
and now we have mobile wifi
We can post in OOC!

So what if we don't know you
Why should that makes us care?
We've things to get off our chests
and your PM is right there!

Dont you realise what your role is?
It's not to go IC
It's to spend all of your precious time
Listening to me!


My kitten cried all the night
I've now run out of coffee
I think my boils gone sceptic
And I don't think Blogs likes me!

So I've decided to latch on to you
But there is a little test
Can I lick and fondle you in PM
Oh and send a picture of your breasts?


Look I'm making sad eyes
and I need a little fun
and the last woman that I held
had a staple through her tum

See my needs are important
My emotions are so true
I need to let this all come out
and come out to you

I don't care what you might need
or that you're here to play a game
and if you dont hear me out
Well "You bitches are all the same"


See for I can guilt trip you
It's in my armoury!
Well that and talk of suicide
So now can I see your tits for free?

No. How about a picture then
of you in the bath?
Oh come on I'm so lonely
And it's only just for laughs

and now your ignoring me
Well that's OK, I'm fine
Because now I'll drop posts in OOC
to also waste your time!


Let me post on the minute
about what is bothering me
tell you all about my life
RL not the one IC

Stop making IC jokes!
and discussing gameplay
Ive my health issues to share out loud
I might not make it through the day!

But I'll give you hourly updates
Along with news so sad
What you're here for smut and fun?
When my boil is turning bad?


I dont care if your busy getting off
or actually playing this game
Ive news that I want to share
so just stop being so lame

And if my news wasn't bad enough
I've a whole worlds worth to share
All the crime and horror of the world
Just to make you once more despair


I've links to share and bullet points
Snap posts you can't avoid
The OOC is my place
Who cares if youre annoyed

So no, dry up your knickers
Put your roleplaying away
My kind will always be here
We'll always find a way
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Re: Your problems are terrible.....

Postby Serena on Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:10 pm

Wow.. some of that is sooooo on point. ;)
Theressa Annaert, Pledged Lifelong Bondmate to Allivia Annaert and Lady of the Annaert Household
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Postby Lindor on Tue Aug 28, 2018 2:32 am


Re: Your problems are terrible.....

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Wed Aug 29, 2018 4:53 pm

Thankees but alas I have as much impact as soggy pair of knickers thrown against the wall it seems.

I have tried a reasoned rant, I have tried outright mockery and yet again we seem to feel it fit to discuss in OOC whether someone in RL is being stalked and potentially being set up to be murdered with a chaser of some poor sod being eaten alive by a wild animal.

I don't get it. I really don't. I don't understand why you want to discuss this sort of thing here in a public channel devoted to a sexual roleplaying game. With your mates in PM who might be interested, perhaps. I can see that. I mean, its a bloody weird thing to want to discuss but then again I like talking about shoes so I won't judge. But generally? *shrugs*

I mean I do understand that the OOC has a social element; I really do. I like it for that myself. But at the time of these wonderful conversations there are 23 people logged in, and -two- people IC. Two. And one of those is me. I was in the middle of a rather hot semi-non consensual scene and needed to make a !choice and I come back to rubbish like that. If you want to type things boys and gals, if you're bored...have you ever considered going IC? I hear it can be quite fun. Certainly more fun than the above little chats at any rate. And please don't give me the "I have no one to play with" excuse. I rarely do any arranged scenes and just drop in a room and see what happens, even if that means starting off in a room by myself.

Aye and I know, this won't make any difference whatsoever. the same way that you have the freedom to type this sort of cobblers? I also have the freedom to decide, to an extent, who I play with. Now I know this isn't much leverage but it's the only one I have so I intend to use it. Starting from right now, I have no intention of playing with any player who uses the OOC to discuss such potentially distressing and knicker drying matters - at all. I'm not that keen on playing with misery y'see. If the IC events leads to cross paths unavoidably, then I'll short post out or FTB as appropriate.

And if you think I'm being unreasonable, as though trying to enforce my views on this on you? Well frankly I don't care - that's your problem. Oh..and may I suggest you also bone up on the rules of the OOC channel? I may be on a high horse but my mare is on pretty solid ground I assure you.
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Re: Your problems are terrible.....

Postby Farvel on Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:54 am

I think the problem is the people who do this sort of thing never actually visit the forum. So you can rant all you want that they'll never read it, or have any idea that they're creating a bad environment for everyone else. Perhaps linking this thread in the OOC once in a while might help?

Yes, this is getting out of hand. When people log into OOC and, without even a hello, go on a half an hour rant on how they hate their job, or their boss, or they coworkers, or their family, or their neighbours, and repeat it every single time they log in; when they start going "oh my god I hear gunshots outside" then half an hour later "no I think it's fireworks" and then again "no it really is gunshots", obviously just craving for the attention such statements would give them, it puts people off who come here to forget about RL problems and have fun!

I cannot emphasize the last part enough. We are here to have fun, not to hear you whine about how much your life sucks. And yes, I'm giving specific examples without mentioning names in the hopes people take a hint.

I can see how it's come to this. Social networks created a world of drama queens who think the single purpose of the internet is to expose and whine to the world about their lives, because they haven't even heard of an internet that wasn't about that. It goes with the times, I guess.
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Re: Your problems are terrible.....

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Thu Aug 30, 2018 3:45 pm

*reads and sighs*

You make a fair point about putting people off. I notice a lot of people have been leaving/taking breaks of late. Comes to something when I'm starting to feel an old timer, no?

But not sure what is worse old boy. The confirmation it is pretty widespread or the realisation that....*swallows hard and sobs lightly*

Social networks created a world of drama queens who think the single purpose of the internet is to expose and whine to the world about their lives, because they haven't even heard of an internet that wasn't about that. It goes with the times, I guess.

I can! God's.....this means I'm old!

But aye. Perhaps linking this in my quit every now and again won't hurt.
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Postby Lindor on Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:26 pm


Re: Your problems are terrible.....

Postby Tehya on Thu Aug 30, 2018 5:42 pm

I have been here a long, long time, 18 years or more. Sometimes I am working on things besides chatting when I am in OOC... for the game, but I have said this before, either I am lucking or wear blinders. I haven't experienced the wailing and discontent. Maybe a few times whining about who wants to play with who, but that's it.

Adjusts her blinders and is thankful.
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