by mozenwrathe on Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:43 am
Player: Prydain
Character performing resurrection: Dasan, Head Druid of the Temple of Gaea
Healers present: Twilight Harmony(second), Ellyssa Flamewing (lead), Crispin Pulan (observing)
Servants of the Grove present: Tasanee
Witnesses: Rornok
Services performed: cosmetic healing, death strike healing, resurrection
Death count checked: yes, and augmented by one
Healers were present for increasing their knowledge of the resurrection process as well as fixing the death strike caused to joe. Extra healers were present to observe the talents of their superiors. Rornok was present because he wanted to find out what his concubine had been up to on the previous day. Dasan... sort of needs to take a break. *coughs*
current characters:
Prydain Mozenwrathe (Magi, smith, known to the Might Makes Right) ,
Ichilandar Shimmerstrike (dark elf, ranger, merchant) ,
Dasan (Sheykan, druid, real estate specialist)