by InsanityVixen on Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:07 am
Resurrection completed by Kerrigan Enchikra-Lyxteric on Sun May 26 18:25 at the Temple of Ishtar.
{{OOC Note: As said by Ryke, post was up, then deleted. I then instructed Ryke to remake the post. However, it took me this long to post the completion because I was not aware it was up. Either I was told and my brain slipped in memory, or I wasn't. Either way, sorry about taking so long}}
Mysiq Vlia, Kerrigan Enchikra-Lyxteric, Dritchani, Kierstiq, Britanie Darkflare, Al`vur Nek, Nuemalyys Orlausck, Drusilda, Amalia, Oar, Jyles.