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Ressurection for Voknali

PostPosted: Mon May 12, 2014 10:35 pm
by Voknali
First death ever.
Healed? Yes, Cymorill came by and patched him up.
Grove of Balance (Gaea's Temple)
I am on roughly anytime between 9pm-1pmcst just drop me a PM as I leave myself logged on all the time regardless of if i'm there or not.

Re: Ressurection for Voknali

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2014 5:32 am
by Amara
[23:51] <Amara{Twrl}-GoB> !death count Voknali
[23:51] -Desdaemona- Voknali has died 0 times

[23:52] <Amara{Twrl}-GoB> !death add Voknali
[23:52] -Desdaemona- Death count for Voknali increased to 1

[23:54] <+Voknali> !money give Amara{Twrl}-GoB 200 mhl
[23:54] <@Desdaemona> *transaction* Voknali subtracted 200 mhl 0 cop and gave it to Amara
[23:55] <+Amara{Twrl}-GoB> !money sub 50 mhl

[23:55] <@Desdaemona> *transaction* Amara subtracted 50 mhl 0 cop
[23:55] <+Amara{Twrl}-GoB> Donation to the Goddess.

Rez has been completed.