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the ressurrection of Ascalante``

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:02 pm
by Ascalante_Rhee
Ascalante was killed by Kalagoth, so after his body was healed by Laerel, he would be resurrected by Christolf in the Grove of Balance whence his body was delivered yesterday after a day of prayers and preparation.

Re: the ressurrection of Ascalante``

PostPosted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:03 pm
by Istoaj
[sabina{LI}] EEEK
[`Ascalante] !money sub 100 mhl
[Desdaemona] *transaction* Ascalante`` subtracted 100 mhl 0 cop
[Mysiq{Sh}] binachu I choose you tosses a cube shaped into the form of two cute looking men kissing
[Christolf] *Witnessed for rezzing payment*

One added to death count as well.