New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Questions and suggestions about the rules of the roleplay and how things work

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New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Darkwolfe on Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:13 am


So I've been poking around for the past few days, checking this out and checking that out. Roleplaying here and roleplaying there; I'm not a roleplay elitist by any stretch, however I am a bit confused. I have been told conflicting things by several different conflicting patrons. Please don't comment with, read the site, it's on the site, re-read the rules, etc. I'm trying to get a better grip on things here.

Please help me understand this;

From levels 1-5 you are basically considered a 'new guy' (understandably so) so you are limited to certain actions you can and cannot do -- however. That being said, what exactly does a character do in between those time periods? I have been told it could take up to a month in real life to level up 1 level. As well, I have been told the only way to level up exactly is; to "Just RP." -- Which is fine. I 'spose.

None the less -- my dude here is as dark as can be with exceptions to the settings and game rules, etc. SO he's not exactly a social butterfly unless he has an agenda. (by no means am I trying to be a power player or god moder) though the SL for this character is pure Slavery. He is a Slaver, Slave Trader. Yet I can't get him registered as a slave owner, until he's level 5. I can't have him work for the ISA, for the same reasons.

So what is he to do? Hold off until Level 5? -- What are the consequences for buying and selling NPC slaves in game without being level 5?

On a side note; I'm still trying to understand another thing. I just can't seem to wrap my head around this;

" Violence during combat is inherent and can be fairly graphic, but descriptions should be kept within publicly acceptable limits. Detailed expositions on severed limbs and the effects of bringing an opponent's inner organs to view are not welcomed. There is also an amount of violence inherent in both rape and slave discipline, but this is more closely regulated. Torture has no place in TLI whatsoever, whether OOC consensual or not; neither does unacceptable levels of brutality when training or punishing a slave. It is not possible to define exact limits to cover every situation so if in doubt, consult an Op beforehand. In any event, if an Op decides the violence involved in a public scene is not appropriate for TLI, they will move in to bring it to a halt or require it to be taken to PM. "

That being posted -- "It's totally acceptable to rape publicly and then give a facial to the said raped victim?"

Please and thank you in advance -- I want to try and have the best experience possible here, but sadly I'm only two days in already quickly growing bored with loitering in an Inn full of sexploits, etc, etc.

Game on! Thank you again!
-- Darkwolfe.
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Vladimir on Wed Sep 12, 2018 10:48 am

There are other ways you can level if you're willing to produce content for other players; even a lvl 1, with the proper plan and assurances and a bit of luck/schmoozery can get permission from on high to run a little event or quest for other players, which is a good way to earn experience for all parties concerned. Participating in such events is also a good way to speed along your leveling, so keep an eye out for them in the 'What's Happening?' section of the message board.

As far as idle time IC goes, I always encourage new players to make as many waves as possible within the scope of their characters. Loitering around in the Inn looking broody and intense is indeed no fun, and the vulpines fucking in the corner and the dude hitting on the elf aren't often going to turn their attentions toward brooding intensity, so shake things up wherever/however you can, within the rules/the tolerance-levels of the players around you.

Try to steal that pretty elf out from under that dude, or lay claim upon a prospective slave with ninety nine levels on you... get into trouble, stir the pot, take sides, whatever. Be two-faced. You do you obviously, don't go to any extremes that don't make sense for your character, but so long as you're not afraid to lose on occassion there's always more meaningful play to be found in conflict and intrigue than in lube-tubes.

As for the slaver thing, that's simply the job with ISA. There's nothing preventing you from gathering up a stable of prospective slaves in anticipation of your license, developing your craft and such.

The violence thing is iffy given the game's subject matter, but not hard to adjust too. There are some obvious no-nos, torture-violence devoid of sexual context a major one, I.E toe-nail pulling, bone/tooth breaking out of the context of combat, mutilation, all that nasty torture-porn crap. As for violence within a sexual context, such as whipping, flogging, spanking, etc., it's basically OP's choice. Most in that regard is A-ok, part and parcel with BDSM play, but if you start going full Mel Gibson, an OP may ask you to dial it down.
Full fathom five thy father lies; of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes: Nothing of him that doth fade, but doth suffer a sea- change into something rich and strange. Sea-Nymphs hourly ring his knell: Ding-dong, Hark! Now I hear them, - Ding-dong, Bell.
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Darkwolfe on Wed Sep 12, 2018 3:42 pm

Vladimir wrote:There are other ways you can level if you're willing to produce content for other players; even a lvl 1, with the proper plan and assurances and a bit of luck/schmoozery can get permission from on high to run a little event or quest for other players, which is a good way to earn experience for all parties concerned. Participating in such events is also a good way to speed along your leveling, so keep an eye out for them in the 'What's Happening?' section of the message board.

As far as idle time IC goes, I always encourage new players to make as many waves as possible within the scope of their characters. Loitering around in the Inn looking broody and intense is indeed no fun, and the vulpines fucking in the corner and the dude hitting on the elf aren't often going to turn their attentions toward brooding intensity, so shake things up wherever/however you can, within the rules/the tolerance-levels of the players around you.

Try to steal that pretty elf out from under that dude, or lay claim upon a prospective slave with ninety nine levels on you... get into trouble, stir the pot, take sides, whatever. Be two-faced. You do you obviously, don't go to any extremes that don't make sense for your character, but so long as you're not afraid to lose on occassion there's always more meaningful play to be found in conflict and intrigue than in lube-tubes.

As for the slaver thing, that's simply the job with ISA. There's nothing preventing you from gathering up a stable of prospective slaves in anticipation of your license, developing your craft and such.

The violence thing is iffy given the game's subject matter, but not hard to adjust too. There are some obvious no-nos, torture-violence devoid of sexual context a major one, I.E toe-nail pulling, bone/tooth breaking out of the context of combat, mutilation, all that nasty torture-porn crap. As for violence within a sexual context, such as whipping, flogging, spanking, etc., it's basically OP's choice. Most in that regard is A-ok, part and parcel with BDSM play, but if you start going full Mel Gibson, an OP may ask you to dial it down.

Thank you Vladimir - I appreciate your response and suggestions.
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Tehya on Wed Sep 12, 2018 5:29 pm

Most violent scenes can be within the game rules if written in a descriptive way and can portray a dark, evil character.

You might want to check the event and quest calendar that I just put up and try to keep up to date if the people send me their event dates. viewforum.php?f=92

Look forward to playing with you sometime.

Have fun!
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Wed Sep 12, 2018 7:05 pm

Vladimir largely nails it to be honest so I'll try not to repeat what he has already said.

In some ways I can sympathise with you on the slaver level thing. You have a set vision for your character and trying to get the ducks in a row isn't always easy. For example I always envisaged Rebecca as a light cavalry commander - now trying rocking up a level 1 and getting that :)

But the only way to get those ducks lined up quacking in tune is to RP and burn those levels. Incidentally, a month a level isn't a bad yard stick, although levels can come much quicker through a variety of ways. The mysteries of how XP is granted will always remain that of course, but the more you RP the better your chances of scooting up.

So what to do in those levels at the start? Well as Vlad says...cause some havoc is the best bet. Your character doesn't have to pleasant or likeable to interact with others - I know none of mine are for a start. But brooding away IC when no one knows him or you is probs a recipe for failure. Although it matches his character you have to put yourself in the other players shoes. The question they'll be asking, if he is just sitting there, is "Why should I interact with him?"

A lot of course will depend on the players online at the time too - of which we have every shade under the sun. Those here for the storylines, those here for a quick shag, those with a mix of both depending on their varies hugely and nothing wrong when any of those either btw. I've been all three at some point. But it would be lying to say that who you meet will not have an impact upon the type of RP that you may get or have to work with or indeed how willing the other players will be to make the first move if your chap is going the full Heathcliff in the corner. Also bear in mind that some people are on all the time, some in bursts etc etc so in the short time you've been here you may not have a representative sample of what and who is available - and believe me when it is good here? It is -very- very good.

Also bear in mind that some people will love the way you post, some may loathe happens; and you will have your own preferences too of course. Nothing wrong with that either. I've rather got used to people fleeing my gals for one reason or another and can quite understand.

Anyway, just some additional food for thought; but at the start I would suggest you need to take the initiative a bit; get him and you known and as Vlad says, make some waves.

Good luck!
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Darkwolfe on Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:33 pm

Thank you for replying -- I appreciate the suggestions, and I will do my best. Sadly, I have to admit I am pretty good at doing what Vladimir has already mentioned ( or at least I think I do). I will tweak the character to better suit the environment as it seems that is the only way to get more involved. Which is part of the problem.

Thank you again. I appreciate the suggestions!
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Wed Sep 12, 2018 11:35 pm

One other random thought. I know the subject of jobs came up in OOC the other night which, at first glance you would assume don't suit your character at all.

But you might want to think about having your chap work in the Inn as a cover story whilst he spies out his future slaves. One of my alts does exactly that to choose her victims for crimes....

Just a random. :)
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Darkwolfe on Thu Sep 13, 2018 4:51 am

Rebecca of Valaris wrote:One other random thought. I know the subject of jobs came up in OOC the other night which, at first glance you would assume don't suit your character at all.

But you might want to think about having your chap work in the Inn as a cover story whilst he spies out his future slaves. One of my alts does exactly that to choose her victims for crimes....

Just a random. :)

Thank you!

That's actually an excellent idea, especially since he's been seen frequenting the INN as of late, and doesn't really know where else to go? Though I spoke with Ehlanna briefly OOCly since Desdaemona told me they are one of the managers. I believe (if memory serves me right) she said "If I am nice" it could be arranged, or that was the jest of it. Though nothing has been said ICly about the matter.

Thank you again for your suggestions as I a am well aware I can be quite the personality OOC -- I do love the setting and the general gameplay idea of TLI as a whole. Not to mention Des is awesome! =)
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Tawny on Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:35 am

Firstly I explained to you very plainly that you could own a slave at any time, you can own a concubine anytime. The only thing you can not do is be registered slaver! Nor can you work the ISA and I explained clearly over and over these facts to you. I do have the logs. You can't work the ISA until you are level 5 so we know you know the rules and laws of slavery because the ISA is such a big part of this game. So don't try saying you were told what you were NOT told at all. Also there is not NPC slave in this game.
As stated there are plenty of other jobs he can work. Sorry if this comes off as bitchy but I don't appreciate my words being twist or down right changed, when I was explaining the rules of the ISA to you.

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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby miyuka on Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:42 am

I love it when players help other players out like this. Thanks everyone. And yes, Tawny is correct in that you can still own a slave at level one. Belariath is a player run game. Therefore the use of NPC's is either something relegated to Events, quest, or at the request of an OP. The use of an NPC for slave/concubine owning is not and will not be a thing until StormBringer himself make changes to such rulings. Interaction with other players is key. You RP to level up, and on a side not I'd say not to worry too much about your levels, just play and have fun the levels will come.
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Darkwolfe on Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:28 am

Tawny wrote:Firstly I explained to you very plainly that you could own a slave at any time, you can own a concubine anytime. The only thing you can not do is be registered slaver! Nor can you work the ISA and I explained clearly over and over these facts to you. I do have the logs. You can't work the ISA until you are level 5 so we know you know the rules and laws of slavery because the ISA is such a big part of this game. So don't try saying you were told what you were NOT told at all. Also there is not NPC slave in this game.
As stated there are plenty of other jobs he can work. Sorry if this comes off as bitchy but I don't appreciate my words being twist or down right changed, when I was explaining the rules of the ISA to you.


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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:59 am

Darkwolfe wrote:
And I suppose after reading this, it will be less than impossible to play in TLI.

I think it might be more of a case of after you writing that really dear. But gosh old managed to be a noun and a verb in one go. *is genuinely impressed*. To wit:

An arse.

British slang

1.a person's buttocks or anus.
2.a stupid, irritating, or contemptible person.

1.behave in a stupid way; waste time.
2.make a botched attempt at something.

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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Darkwolfe on Thu Sep 13, 2018 12:40 pm

My frustrations got the better of me here;

I attempted to deleted this thread but I can't seem to figure out how. So I edited some things and figured I would leave this here. --

I do apologize if anyone was offended and or insulted with any of my previous posts/replies. Again, I allowed my emotions and frustrations to get the better of me. -- My apologies.

I do wish to get the best experience here possible and I also wish to remain and be more apart of the roleplaying community here within TLI. Please allow me to retract any previous evidence of ignorance.

Sincerely. I do apologize.

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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Stormbringer on Sun Sep 16, 2018 11:25 pm

Having an NPC slave is rather too close to cyber-masturbation to my way of thinking.

Re the rest of it, I can understand a new player feeling frustrated but there is a reason for this. The game is at least to an extent exp based. This means it is a regulated roleplay not totally free-form. We don't have players coming in with their one day character having 'wicked ninja skills' or whatever their pathetic grasp of English leads them to claim. We don't have one day characters able to throw thunderbolts or heal stigmata. It takes time to understand all the nuances of the game. It should also be considered that many people have been playing here for five years or more and they don't want their environment polluted by a 15 year old boy acting out a wank fantasy.

Please don't take all this as being a personal attack. It is intended as a general explanation of why we restrict some things to new players and instead, make them earn them through role-playing. I'm not suggesting my overview applies to you personally, as it is intended for a wider audience who will read this thread over the next months.
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Re: New Chars. Lv1-10 / ?

Postby Darkwolfe on Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:17 am

Stormbringer wrote:Having an NPC slave is rather too close to cyber-masturbation to my way of thinking.

Re the rest of it, I can understand a new player feeling frustrated but there is a reason for this. The game is at least to an extent exp based. This means it is a regulated roleplay not totally free-form. We don't have players coming in with their one day character having 'wicked ninja skills' or whatever their pathetic grasp of English leads them to claim. We don't have one day characters able to throw thunderbolts or heal stigmata. It takes time to understand all the nuances of the game. It should also be considered that many people have been playing here for five years or more and they don't want their environment polluted by a 15 year old boy acting out a wank fantasy.

Please don't take all this as being a personal attack. It is intended as a general explanation of why we restrict some things to new players and instead, make them earn them through role-playing. I'm not suggesting my overview applies to you personally, as it is intended for a wider audience who will read this thread over the next months.

Thank you for your input Stormbringer; I am finding the frustrations and overall 'problems' I'm facing are shared with several others. Especially in their first days of coming into TLI and learning the settings, learning the playerbase, etc. Again, I hope to find some longevity here and develop my character even further and further, I do think he's off to a 'not so bad' start ICly, it's ...other things I struggle with.

Perhaps there could more lack of dice when involving new characters, as to not detour them so quickly from wanting to do anything combat-related. That would be one suggestion I would add, ie; I can understand having devoloped a character over time, gaining levels, abilities, weapons, spells, etc. Though using them on a singled out low-level, who is an obvious low-level, well.. That's just bad form.

And quite the turn off for newbies I might add. (It's been my experience on two[2] seperate occasions now, by two[2] players. Not only is that boring, it's a slap in the face for the newguy trying to evolve and or make a name for themselves) there are far better ways of putting a new character in 'their place' aside from using a +568 dice mod. Use some creativity, get darker than the dark one?

But that's just my two-bits -- Which in most cases, don't add up to shit. Heh.

- Game on.
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