Need Quest & Event logs put here please

News about the Bard's Journal and a place to post logs for processing

Moderator: Tehya

Need Quest & Event logs put here please

Postby Tehya on Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:02 am

Please place your Quest and event logs here so people can review them as soon after the event as possible.

That way I can keep track of what I have to do, AND players can see the event posted right away.

From here I will write the stories for the Bard's Journal.
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Re: Need Quest & Event logs put here please

Postby Augustus on Thu Mar 22, 2012 8:14 pm

Finished & Submitted to Journal

[19:25:45] Turistima had spent the night before simply relaxing in her home and thinking over their vows and the last minute details that would need to be handled. The elf was grateful to have such sweet friends as her dear Naidra and Acine to help her out and see that all was in order. A warm fire and glass of wine had helped calm her nerves that she would stumble and fall or that she would forget the words to her vows and stand there like a
[19:25:45] Turistima before those who had gathered to help her celebrate the happy occasion. Upon rising in the morning, she was bursting with excitement, still unable to believe that the day of the bonding had come. After managing to get down a small breakfast and some tea, she took a long soak in the private baths at her home. The elf used the scented oils and soaps that Nai had gifted her, closing her eyes and relaxing in the balmy waters
[19:25:45] Turistima help ease away any lingering tension.
[19:25:56] Naidra [Crystalsbo@6ca5f0d8.6ca5ed56.184.17.imsk] has joined #TLI-Temple
[19:25:57] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Naidra
[19:27:52] Connection to server lost
### Log session terminated at Wed Mar 21 19:28:05 2012 ###
### Log session started at Wed Mar 21 19:28:05 2012 ###
[19:28:05] Augustu1 [aug@a55581.6ca5f041.69.74.imsk] has joined #TLI-Temple
[19:28:05] Channel topic is: 18+ ONLY An adult fantasy role playing environment. The Temples of Ishtar, nuzzling the flank of the town of Nanthalion and the Temple to AdenVer - see for more information
[19:28:05] Topic was set by ChanServ! on Sat Mar 17 14:21:17 2012
[19:28:05] Channel synchronized in 0.0 seconds
[19:28:19] [*@*] has set channel mode +mnt
[19:28:19] Channel was created at Sun Mar 11 08:55:29 2012
[19:28:22] Augustus [aug@a55581.6ca5f041.69.74.imsk] has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[19:28:30] Augustu1 [aug@a55581.6ca5f041.69.74.imsk] is now known as Augustus
[19:28:54] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Augustus
[19:31:59] Nylan [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[19:32:00] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Nylan
[19:34:47] <+Augustus> The night before had been like every other night really, he spent it in umbara.. away from his soon to be mate. He looked over documents, studied the arcane, the divine, here and there...tidbits of information. He drank a glass of absinthe, swirling around his glass as he looked over those robes that were purchased for his bonding. It wasn't much different than any other night, the exception being
[19:34:52] <+Augustus> The night before had been like every other night really, he spent it in umbara.. away from his soon to be mate. He looked over documents, studied the arcane, the divine, here and there...tidbits of information. He drank a glass of absinthe, swirling around his glass as he looked over those robes that were purchased for his bonding. It wasn't much different than any other night, the exception being the knots in his stomach, the butterflies that
[19:34:52] <+Augustus> consistently fluttered trying to escape, and the anxiety of knowing his mate was without him, when all he wanted was to be by her side. In the morning, after not much sleep at all, he made his way toward the temple, with the robes he knew he must bring...although he was simply tempted to go naked...just to make his mate laugh, or perhaps make her furious...either would suffice. He spent most of the morning and day there, pacing … he didn't have
[19:34:52] <+Augustus> friends really...just all acquaintance that usually wanted something, so the absence of friendship wasn't really a bother...
[19:40:20] Turistima finished washing, wringing the excess water from those golden strands of hers as she stepped out of the pool, toweling off and pulling her plush robe tightly about her as she cast warmth, then made her way quickly back to the main house. The elf took her time getting ready, pinning her hair so that a few wisps framed her delicate features and long, flaxen tresses spilled about her shoulders before starting on her makeup.
[19:40:20] Turistima took her time, wanting to look perfect for her mate. A last swipe of coal to her eyes to make those emerald orbs stand out and a hint of color was given to her lips. She rose from her vanity table and strode over to her wardrobe, pulling out the custom gown that Shogeton had devised for her. The woman slipping it over her head, taking care not to ruin her hair as she let the silk and leather gown fall over her slender fra
[19:40:20] Turistima The green silk skirt hugged her waist then spilled out and was decorated with red roses and black cobwebs, a nod to both party's heritage. She settled the black leather corset in place, shifting her ample bust and working to fasten the red laces in back. She would need Nai's help to get it perfectly fitted once she arrived at the temple, but the elf felt sure it wouldn't fall off on the ride over. She grabbed her fur trim
[19:40:20] Turistima cloak and pulled it on as she slipped on her heels, then headed down the steps after checking to see that she had the pouch with Auggy's ring and gift inside. She locked the door behind her as she stepped out into the cool night, thinking how strange that this would now be "their" home as she moved to the barn. It would be a quick ride to the temple as she was filled with excitement and lost in her thoughts.
[19:43:49] Connection to server lost
### Log session terminated at Wed Mar 21 19:44:49 2012 ###
### Log session started at Wed Mar 21 19:44:49 2012 ###
[19:44:49] Augustus [aug@a55581.6ca5f041.69.74.imsk] has joined #TLI-Temple
[19:44:49] Channel topic is: 18+ ONLY An adult fantasy role playing environment. The Temples of Ishtar, nuzzling the flank of the town of Nanthalion and the Temple to AdenVer - see for more information
[19:44:49] Topic was set by ChanServ! on Sat Mar 17 14:21:17 2012
[19:44:49] Channel synchronized in 0.0 seconds
[19:44:51] [*@*] has set channel mode +mnt
[19:44:51] Channel was created at Sun Mar 11 08:55:29 2012
[19:44:59] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Augustus
[19:46:03] Kerrigan`E-L [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[19:46:04] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Kerrigan`E-L
[19:46:09] Nylan emerged from the rear of the Temple where he had been waiting. He is clad head to toe in his full suit of mithril armor, the silvery metal covered by a long floor length tabard with green edgework and scrollwork along the chest. He wore his swordbelt, but a green sash wrapped around his waist his the leather, only the black sheathe and grip not wound in silk. He pauses near the back, his visor raised, looking around the Temple,
[19:46:28] Naidra had dresses to the nines for her friend but kept it simple at the same time wanting the bride to shine, not like she would have any trouble with that. Naidra had noticed that since the elf declared her love for auggy she had been glowing with that new love glow that made her even more beautiful. Naidra's long silk dress was backless and cling to her chest like a second skin at the
[19:46:29] Naidra waist <pain>
[19:46:29] <+Naidra> <and> flowing out in a wash of red color. Her hair was pined up in silver pins topped with pearls and rubies with a few black onyx scattered in to add contrast. She had wanted to met her friend at her house to help her dress but instead would meet her at the temple giving Nai time to get things set up for the reception. She had been hard at work with her slaves and staff to ready the
[19:46:29] <+Naidra> banquet to be <pain>
[19:46:29] <+Naidra> <and> offered. Candies of every sort with a chocolate fountian, Roasted veggies and pig, Little hens stuffed with stuffing and dates to give an added sweetness. She had prepared a feast leaving nothing out wanting only the best for her friend. Once everything was set up she left a few of her staff to watch over things while she went into the temple to find her friend stopping to give
[19:46:29] <+Naidra> a prayer to the <pain>
[19:46:29] <+Naidra> <and> goddess as she walked inside. <and>
[19:46:55] <+Nylan> looking around the Temple, looking as fine as he can clad in armor. He pauses, spotting Augustus, comparing him to the description he had received of the Reeve and Turi's betrothed, and he crosses the floor to introduce himself. "You must be Augustus. I am Nylan, Champion of Ishtar and a friend of your soon to be mate. It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, sir." His smile is warm and friendly, not realizing that this was t
[19:47:24] <+Nylan> not realizing that this was the same man he had found mugging the inn not so long ago.
[19:49:02] Ray`el` [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[19:49:03] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Ray`el`
[19:50:23] <+Ray`el`> like a snapp of thunder, or crash of wave.. the man exploded in what seemed out of thin air, His eys closed as he appeared on the scene. the man was carrying two boxs. Dressed in crushed velvet black robes overy full leather suit. the dark elven man was coming to the weddng, how he find out. why is he there.. who knows. but the dark elven man would appear if he wished.
[19:51:01] Kerrigan`E-L the Priestess would soon slither out from her room, heading to where everyone was kept waiting. She smiled to those who had come to the Temple for the binding, the large Sithian slithering up to the altar. They could see steam rising from her body, a sign of just how hot her room is, "If everyone is ready, shall we begin?"
[19:52:45] <+Augustus> The moriel paced back and forth within the temple, moving things here, moving things there.. seeing a spec of dust and moving it with his foot.. nervous energy exuded through his being. He had changed into those robes rather early..unsure really of what to do. Rather than hold things up, he would be well prepared. That dark robe flowed down his form, Red black and green, webbed with spiders web crawling up around it in red, thorns weaving over
[19:52:45] <+Augustus> it in green. Ode to them both, that is what the shop attendant had said...perhaps it was so. He would reach within the robes, pulling out that brilliantly shining diamond ring as he looked over over, those dark lips curling to a smile as he thought of her. A startle as the man Nylan called out to him, the moriel clumsily let go of the ring.. as he fell from his hand and he quickly caught it again as his heart thrummed up into his throat. He qui
[19:52:45] <+Augustus> ckly put the ring again and held his hand out to the paladin “Yes, you do have the right of it “ He would smile to the man and nod “Champion of Ishtar? Ah... Yes I do believe I’ve heard of you... pleasure is mine.” He would smile as he shifty nervously. Eyes looking toward the priestess “I think we are waiting for the bride” Those vermillion orbs look over the new comers quietly.
[19:55:08] Turistima reigned in her chestnut stallion as she came upon the temple. Taking care not to ruin the dress, she slid down from the saddle and picked her way up the steps and through the garden, feeling terrible that she had been running behind, but knew that Auggy would understand. She grinned as she caught sight of Nylan speaking to Auggy, then as her eyes wandered about the room, she couldn't help but spot Nai. Her dear friend had
[19:55:08] Turistima such a help in getting everything ready and done her a tremendous favor in handling the catering. The elf snuck up to Nai, pulling her aside so that Auggy wouldn't see her just yet. "Could you help me fasten these laces a bit tighter? I know we're in Ishtar's temple, but I'd rather not flash everyone straight away" she teased. A message would be sent to Kerrigan *Just about ready. A quick wardrobe adjustment needed* She w
[19:55:09] Turistima eager to start the ceremony herself and was so glad to have those she cared most about here with her to share it.
[19:58:51] Naidra giggled when her friend snuck up on her "of course turn around and let me get them tight" she would gather the laces in her hands and tug hard pulling them tight knowing that for a moment turi would have to cath her breath. She would let them settle back just a bit then tie them off making sure they were tight but that Turi could breath well enough. "hows that hun" she purred as
[19:58:51] Naidra she <pain>
[19:58:51] <+Naidra> <and> straightened a stray lock of turi's hair settling it back in place and giving her a once over "your gorgous truely stunning are you ready?" she purred ready to lead her friend down the isle to her soon to be mate. <pleasure>
[19:59:53] <+Ray`el`> he smiled alittle as he looked left and right. The dark man moved as if he owned the play, well in his mind he did own it anyway. Hr ownrd almost everything around him in his mind. The moriel moved towards the bencs and movefd to sit. a smile given to kerri. his loving friend and sometimes pet. a nod given to her as he moved to sit down and sttethed out, leg crossed over knee. the mans
[19:59:53] <+Ray`el`> hands clasped over his stomach as he watched. He chuckles alittle. this wedding was going be intresting.
[20:01:49] Ray`el` is Ray`el`!
[20:01:49] Ray`el`'s real name: walks in wicked
[20:01:50] Ray`el`'s channels: +#TLI-Temple, +#Lonely_Inn_OOC
[20:01:50] Ray`el`'s server: - A magical place to be...
[20:01:50] Ray`el`'s idle time: 0d 0h 1m 50s
[20:01:50] Ray`el`'s signon time: Wed Mar 21 19:33:41 2012
[20:01:50] Ray`el` WHOIS info from
[20:02:34] Nylan shook Augustus' hand and nodded, "You are a lucky man. Were I more inclined to the idea of settling I might be jealous. I probably still am a little." He smiled in mirth, then caught sight of Naidra and Turi, admiring the pair from a distance. "Yes, lucky men both, you and Neko..." He trails off slightly, wistfully, then swallows the building emotions before they can rise to the surface. He offers a polite nod and a smile to Ker
[20:03:05] <+Nylan> He offers a polite nod and a smile to Kerrigan, then notes the other man occupying the benches. "Well, I'll get out of your way so you can see Turi," he says, stepping away from Aug and taking a seat upon an empty bench.
[20:07:38] <+Augustus> He would smile and nod to the Paladin, eyes still cooling looking over the over-confident moriel who strolled in without a greeting. A familiar look about him, but he couldn’t place it...perhaps memories long past, still slightly fragmented. What would they do, if they knew luck had nothing to do with it, it was simply a trick, a means to take her and bind her. He was lucky...indeed, but fate was so fickle, and so was luck.. he wouldn't let the
[20:07:38] <+Augustus> ir hand be stirring the pot and keep him from what he -wanted- such was the way things were, you could leave them to chance... or take them.. and now... he was taking them. Those orbs moved as he saw Naidra first, knowing his mate would be close behind. Eyes followed, waiting eagerly.. he knew she would be stunning, he knew she would be by his side...but his heart still beat so fast he could hear it echo within his head.
[20:11:29] Turistima inhaled sharply, though she had been prepared for what Nai would have to do and the binding feeling that would surround her chest, it was something that the elf still hadn't become quite used to. She tucked her cloak away so that it wouldn't get lost in the shuffle, pulling the ring from the pouch, leaving the necklace behind for now. She would give him that after the ceremony. She giggled as she saw Auggy nearly drop the
[20:11:29] Turistima ring. At least she wasn't the only one who was nervous. A small part of her had feared that she would arrive only to find that he had not. "Perfect" she said softly, still adjusting to the tightness of the corset. The elf wrapped her arms around the kitten and hugged her tightly, giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you.....for being here for me and well......everything" she whispered in the woman's ear. She beamed at N
[20:11:29] Turistima she looked at her, cheeks flushing slightly as she was never great with compliments. "You're too kind. The gown is lovely though if I do say so myself. You look wonderful as always." she nodded and headed down the isle along with her friend ready to begin now. She smiled and gave a nod to Ray, seeing the moriel there in the temple, part of her wondering just what trouble he might be planning for it seemed to be his nature
[20:11:30] Turistima elf grinned at Nylan, thinking that he looked handsome in his armor and happy to see him there for he was one that she held dear. Her heels clicking on the floor, seeming as loud to her as her heartbeat was in her ears, those nerves of hers starting to build, yet there was nothing that she wanted more than to be bound to him, she thought as she settled her eyes upon Augustus.
[20:12:55] Connection to server lost
### Log session terminated at Wed Mar 21 20:16:49 2012 ###
### Log session started at Wed Mar 21 20:16:49 2012 ###
[20:16:49] Augustus [aug@a55581.6ca5f041.69.74.imsk] has joined #TLI-Temple
[20:16:49] Channel topic is: 18+ ONLY An adult fantasy role playing environment. The Temples of Ishtar, nuzzling the flank of the town of Nanthalion and the Temple to AdenVer - see for more information
[20:16:49] Topic was set by ChanServ! on Sat Mar 17 14:21:17 2012
[20:16:49] Channel synchronized in 0.0 seconds
[20:16:50] [*@*] has set channel mode +mnt
[20:16:50] Channel was created at Sun Mar 11 08:55:29 2012
[20:16:56] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Augustus
[20:18:43] Naidra lead her friend to the isle stopping to give her cheek a soft kiss "your beautiful and will take hs breath away lets go" She lead Turi and smiled at the men in the room she knew Ray, and Nylan and finally she flashed a smile to Auggy remembering when she told him that if he hurt her freind she would cut his balls off and feed them to him she almost giggled. she flashed a grin and
[20:18:43] Naidra blew a kiss <pain>
[20:18:43] <+Naidra> <and> to Kerri then handed Turi's hand to Auggy "Take care of her Mr Reeve" she purred then moved to take her place so the cerimony could begin. <pleasure>
[20:19:47] Ray`el` crossed hs legs alittle and sighed gently. Both them looked nice. the man smiling alittle as he stroked a hand over the presents he had brought for both, then he broke out into a deep chest racking cough. the mans head ducked down into his hand as he coughed so loud that it easy see that he was in alittle pain, the man wiped alittle crimson fluid on his robe." sorry" he said softly
[20:19:47] Ray`el` as he sat back up. the mans health not well. thou inside. hes smiling evilly
[20:22:47] Kerrigan`E-L she would simply watch everyone for now, smiling to them as she watched a Ray enter and sit. She saw Naidra move to sit down, chuckling as a kiss was blown to her.
[20:25:12] Van walks into the temple to the ceremony and is dressed in a brilant pale blue robe and was very well groomed as he takes a seat near the front
[20:25:43] <+Augustus> The moriel's crimson orbs looked over to those in the inn, he almost furrowed a brow as he thought to himself, eyes landing on ray then the nylan.. luckily, the entrance of the bride was more than enough to take his mind off of where it was heading. He caught his breath in his throat, as he forgot to breath, his heart pounding now out of his chest, a grin moved to those dark lips he simply couldn't control. His hand eagerly moved to hers as her
[20:25:43] <+Augustus> friend handed her off to him. Those vermillion pits moved to those emerald eyes and saw nothing else and the room seemed to fade away. He would whisper to her as he looked into her eyes, seeing her smiling face, beaming nervously and with excitement “you look beautiful” he would not be able to remove that grin. Perhaps Ishtar was working her magic already.
[20:26:29] Rayel [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[20:27:55] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Rayel
[20:29:21] Nylan sat quietly, admiring how beautiful both Turi and Naidra looked. Always beautiful, those two, but especially so this day. Not simply because of the gowns they wore or the primping done, they both simply effused happiness, and that was attractive in and of itself. He continues to sit quietly, waiting for the ceremony to get underway.
[20:29:24] Ray`el` [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 264 seconds
[20:30:21] Turistima felt that brush of lips on her cheek from her friend and her ruby lips curved up in a smile once more. "Thank you." She loved the woman and considered her family. She was one that Turi would do anything for and knew that she would do the same. Brows knitted together as she turned back to look at Ray, feeling a pang of guilt over his present condition, but she couldn't let that ruin her night. This night was about the mori
[20:30:21] Turistima that stood beside her and her heart skipped a beat as she drew closer, coming to stand beside him before Kerrigan. The elf caught a glimpse of Van entering out of the corner of her eye and she fought not to chuckle as the room seemed to be filled with her lovers and the irony of it was not lost on her. Turi's face lit up as she looked at Auggy, thinking how handsome he looked in his robes and that she was the luckiest of
[20:30:21] Turistima to have him here willing to bind himself to her. Her slender frame slid closer to his, hand brushing up against his side as she leaned in to whisper, "You look wonderful. Glad to see Sorgram didn't put in all that work for nothing", she teased, winking at the moriel who had threatened to come naked to the ceremony. As everyone was in place, she turned her attention to Kerrigan and smiled, stomach aflutter as they were abo
[20:30:21] Turistima being.
[20:30:54] Rayel [] has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[20:31:45] Ray`el` [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[20:32:03] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Ray`el`
[20:34:01] Kerrigan`E-L is Kerrigan`E-L!Nuemalyys@870bcc2b.dsl.emh ...
[20:34:01] Kerrigan`E-L's real name: Mysiq Vlia
[20:34:01] Kerrigan`E-L's channels: +#TLI-Temple, +#Lonely_Inn_OOC
[20:34:01] Kerrigan`E-L's server: - The Hobbits welcome you!
[20:34:01] Kerrigan`E-L's idle time: 0d 0h 11m 14s
[20:34:01] Kerrigan`E-L's signon time: Wed Mar 21 19:17:34 2012
[20:34:01] Kerrigan`E-L WHOIS info from
[20:34:42] Naidra took a place beside Nylan and patted his knee with her hand. she was smileing happy for the couple that were about to bond thier lives together before the goddess she served and worshiped. She remembered fondly her own bonding at this very temple 2 yrs ago. She looked over auggy and was please to find him nervous it kind of endeared her to him to see the love in his face for her
[20:34:42] Naidra friend. Turi <pain>
[20:34:42] <+Naidra> <and> had grown so close tot he kitten she considered her family as well and this was a big day for the pair she felt blessed to be a part of it. Moving on the bench so she could snuggle against Nylan's side she watched waiting for the cerimony to begin. <pleasure>
[20:34:54] Ray`el` smiled alittle as he wiped the blood off his hand fully. tyhe dark mans eyes sliding over thw two. he knw she was going enjoyn this. the woman was beautiful, and he heard the reeve was a nice lay. anyway. the man smiled alittle as he stroked more over the packages.
[20:37:00] Rayel [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[20:37:14] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Rayel
[20:38:25] Amara{Twrl} [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[20:38:26] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Amara{Twrl}
[20:38:39] Nylan smiled and covered Naidra's hand with his own, focusing inward a moment and dismissing his armor. The mithril turned into golden light that seemed to absorb into his flesh as it faded. The tabard he wore resized itself as his armor melted away, and soon it was all be wore, and a mithril ankh, representing Ishtar, could be see behind the deep vee in the front of his tabard. He smiles at the proceedings as they get ready to begin,
[20:39:07] <+Nylan> proceedings as they get ready to begin, then leans over to kiss Naidra's cheek, his arm circling around her waist. "You look lovely today, Naidra. Quite more than usual," he says with his lips against her ear.
[20:40:02] Ray`el` [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 276 seconds
[20:40:10] <+Augustus> The moriel would smile, thinking they had to get this thing started... he wasn't sure he was going to be able to wait for the reception and after. His vermillion pits looked toward Kerrigan, while he kept looking back to Turi, then he would look back to Nai, and wink at her. Then back to Turi, his eyes piercing her, knowing that before long she would feel them and look at him, most likely smiling or blushing.. she knew what that look was for. H
[20:40:10] <+Augustus> is thumb moved softly against her hand as it caressed her. A brief moment of panic as he thought about if he had the ring or not, then remembered he had almost dropped it and felt a little better.
[20:45:25] <+Van>
[20:45:34] <+Van> ((crap?00
[20:46:50] Van [Van-@14055b0e.6ca5f07b.199.116.imsk] has quit IRC:
[20:48:00] Connection to server lost
### Log session terminated at Wed Mar 21 20:51:02 2012 ###
### Log session started at Wed Mar 21 20:51:02 2012 ###
[20:51:02] Augustus [aug@a55581.6ca5f041.69.74.imsk] has joined #TLI-Temple
[20:51:02] Channel topic is: 18+ ONLY An adult fantasy role playing environment. The Temples of Ishtar, nuzzling the flank of the town of Nanthalion and the Temple to AdenVer - see for more information
[20:51:02] Topic was set by ChanServ! on Sat Mar 17 14:21:17 2012
[20:51:02] Channel synchronized in 0.0 seconds
[20:51:04] [*@*] has set channel mode +mnt
[20:51:05] Channel was created at Sun Mar 11 08:55:29 2012
[20:51:23] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Augustus
[20:52:17] Turistima held the mithril band with black diamond inlay in her hand, fingers curling tightly round it so as not to drop it on the floor. She stole a glance up at the giant bronze statue of the goddess and knew in her heart that this was where they were meant to do this for it was Ishtar that had had a guiding hand in bringing the unlikely pari together. She couldn't help but steal glances over to Auggy, thinking that it had seemed
[20:52:17] Turistima day would never come just weeks ago and now here they stood in the temple before friends and Kerrigan who was to perform the bonding. The elf's eyes were filled with emotion as she gazed up at Auggy, fingers itching to reach out and take hold of his hand. She fidgeted nervously, hoping that everything would run smoothly and she wouldn't forget her vows.
[20:53:23] Kerrigan`E-L is Kerrigan`E-L!Nuemalyys@870bcc2b.dsl.emh ...
[20:53:23] Kerrigan`E-L's real name: Mysiq Vlia
[20:53:24] Kerrigan`E-L's channels: +#TLI-Temple, +#Lonely_Inn_OOC
[20:53:24] Kerrigan`E-L's server: - The Hobbits welcome you!
[20:53:24] Kerrigan`E-L's idle time: 0d 0h 0m 41s
[20:53:24] Kerrigan`E-L's signon time: Wed Mar 21 19:17:34 2012
[20:53:24] Kerrigan`E-L WHOIS info from
[20:59:44] <+Amara{Twrl}> The kitten came alone, her Master off and unable to attend, sending with her his warmest apology and sincere happy wishes. He would come to visit with them at a later date. She slipped in quietly, seeing the pair together up front, Naidra and Nylan sitting together, the girl would slide into a seat in the back, keeping quiet. Her dress was simple silk all in blue, nothing fancy, golden tresses --Cutest--
[20:59:44] <+Amara{Twrl}> --Kitteh-- cascased down back and shoulders, those emerald hues glistening already with unshed tears as she awaits for the bonding to take place. They looked happy and in love and this made her heart swell with that pride one felt for good friends when great fortunes found them. Their love for one another was truly a fortune in her eyes. --Ever--
[21:00:37] Rayel [] has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[21:00:59] Tehya [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[21:01:00] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Tehya
[21:01:36] Kerrigan`E-L she looked at Turistima and Augustus, smiling to them both, then looking to their guests, "Dear friendsss, today isss a blessssed day. Today we are here to watch asss thisss man, Augussstusss, and thisss woman, Turissstima become bound. Their livesss entering into that mossst beloved union, one called Marriage. I am happy to sssee the sssupport they are recsseiving from their
[21:01:36] Kerrigan`E-L friends. If you two have your own vows, now would be the time to speak them, or I will continue with the normal vows." she gestured to them.
[21:01:55] <+Nylan> (ftb Nylan, unavoidable RL obligation)
[21:02:01] Ray`el` [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[21:02:17] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Ray`el`
[21:02:37] Nylan [] has quit IRC: Quit: bai
[21:06:04] Sorgram [IceChat77@6ca5ed58.14055b2d.190.26.imsk] has joined #TLI-Temple
[21:06:06] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Sorgram
[21:06:40] Ray`el` [] has quit IRC: Remote host closed the connection
[21:07:18] Naidra sat quietly watching even as Nylan slips away into the back leaving her alone on the bench to watch the happy couple bond their lives together. She kept sending quiet messages back to the employees she had tending the food making sure all was perfect for her friends.
[21:08:30] <+Tehya> She wore a red silk gown and had a string of roses braided through the side of her hair framing her face. The gown was full length one she had worn to Sorgram's parties long ago, and she wore satin slippers. One hand she carried a gift in and she looked around the temple seeing one of her good friends and the Reeve and his bride to be. Tehya would record it in the Bard's Journal, and always ...
[21:08:31] <+Tehya> ... enjoyed being escorted by her mate Sorgram.
[21:10:07] <+Augustus> Those vermillion pits looked up, over the statue, then over to Turi, he shifted nervously. This was what he had wanted all along.. her... completely and endlessly. His lips smiled, he could feel her nervousness, her emotion as it welled up in her, he could feel those vibrations along her skin, subtle movements and twitches. His gaze looked over her and watched her, wanting to reach out and touch her, take her in his arms and devour her. His orb
[21:10:07] <+Augustus> s shifted toward the sithian as his lips moved and his eyes moved to hers as he faced her, hands moving to hers and caressing her hands. Low, calm voice, some shaking as the nerves move over his form”I, Augustus, in the name of the spirit of Goddess that resides within us all, by the life that courses within my blood and the love that resides within my heart, take thee Turistima to my hand, my heart, and my spirit, to be my chosen one. To desir
[21:10:07] <+Augustus> e thee and be desired by thee, to possess thee, and be possessed by thee, without sin or shame, for naught can exist in the purity of my love for thee.” He would pause, for a moment emotion being stayed as he swallowed the lump in his throat “ I promise to love thee wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond, where we shall meet, remember, and love again. I shall not seek to
[21:10:07] <+Augustus> change thee in any way. I shall respect thee, thy beliefs, thy people, and thy ways as I respect myself. I take you my heart, At the rising of the moon, And the setting of the stars. To love and to honor Through all that may come. Through all our lives together ¨In all our lives, May we be reborn That we may meet and know And love again And remember. He would pause, lips moving in thick accent of the gloom, reciting the end in moriel.“
[21:10:07] <+Augustus> Ye ph' Vlos d' ussta Vlos, lu' Illing d' ussta Illing.
[21:10:07] <+Augustus> Usstan belbau ye ussta Khel, nindel udos Draa xal tlu Uss.
[21:10:07] <+Augustus> Usstan belbau ye ussta Athiyk, ’til udossta Dro zhal tlu Xunor. “
[21:11:27] Sorgram arrived at the temple, having received word at the last possible moment for him to be invited. wondering if Tehya had meant to create chaos in his life by teling him at the last moment that there was this bonding. Arriving at the slut goddess's temple, he would take Tehya's arm and lead her in. His eyes looking around the temple and chuckling as that pervasive sexuality of the temple <--
[21:11:27] Sorgram --> bombarded him. He was familiar with the head priestess here and they were friends though he did not see her often enough he thought. His fingers slid back and pinched Tehya;s buttocks as they moved forward to find a place to observe. <<--
[21:15:24] Ray`el` [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[21:15:25] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Ray`el`
[21:18:17] <+Ray`el`> he appears back in his opew. now muns fixed the damn rougther
[21:19:26] Turistima would hear the sounds of footsteps on the temple floor as others joined them, but the elf's attention was focused on the male beside her and the words of Kerrigan as she began the ceremony, the woman's voice carrying as she welcomed all the guests who had graced them with their presence and helped to celebrate such a special night for the pair. Turi's body shifted, turning to face Auggy, emerald eyes filled with love and
[21:19:27] Turistima adoration for him. He had stolen her heart and each moment that they had spent together was treasured by her. Her hand slid into his, shaking slightly as she fought to keep herself from crying as he began to speak. They had chosen their vows together and the words falling from his lips made her chest tighten even more than when Nai had bond the laced of her corset. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze, then began her own vo
[21:19:27] Turistima Her voice filled with emotion as she spoke, "I, Turistima, in the name of the spirit of Goddess that resides within us all, by the life that courses within my blood, and the love that resides within my heart, take thee, Augustus to my hand, my heart, and my spirit to be my chosen one. To desire and be desired by thee, to possess thee, and be possessed by thee, without sin or shame, for naught can exist in the purity of my
[21:19:27] Turistima for thee. I promise to love thee wholly and completely without restraint, in sickness and in health, in plenty and in poverty, in life and beyond, where we shall meet, remember, and love again. I shall not seek to change thee in any way. I shall respect thee, thy beliefs, thy people, and thy ways as I respect myself." The elf paused, doing her best to keep her composure as she held his gaze, those pools of blood and shado
[21:19:27] Turistima looking back at her. "I take you my heart. At the rising of the moon. And the setting of the stars. To love and to honour. Through all that may come. Through all our lives together. In all our lives, may we be reborn. That we may meet and know and love again, and remember. Ye ph' Vlos d' ussta Vlos, lu' Illing d' ussta Illing.
[21:19:28] <+Turistima> Usstan belbau ye ussta Khel, nindel udos Draa xal tlu Uss. Usstan belbau ye ussta Athiyk, ’til udossta Dro zhal tlu Xunor" she finished in the moriel that she had practiced over and over so that she would get it right.
[21:21:19] <+Tehya> She caught his hand minutes too late and it was easy to pinch her through sheer silk that adorned her body. She came for two reasons one knowing Turistima from the play and the Reeve of course, but then to also write of the wedding in the Bard's Journal for the Emperor. It felt good being escorted by Sorgram and she quickly took a seat before he could do that again. For now she listened, and ...
[21:21:20] <+Tehya> ... she could always go back to the magical mirror to watch this again when she was writing, that meant all she carried was the gift to the bride and groom and she leaned the large square against the chair next to them. Of course Naidra being there was plus she hadn't seen her since their own bonding ceremony. Beautiful words flitered through the temple, and not one second was their meaning not ...
[21:21:21] <+Tehya> ... felt.
[21:21:45] Eraelabryn [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[21:21:46] ChanServ [] has set mode +o Eraelabryn
[21:21:47] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Eraelabryn
[21:21:49] Eraelabryn [] has set mode -o Eraelabryn
[21:24:28] <+Eraelabryn> Moriel -hated- entering the place, especially as late as she was. Leathers changed out of, but not on her own accord, instead donning the looseness of pants cut to appear like skirting for ..riding, of course. Boots traded out for slippers, and those curls woven back and upwards to spill over features as she would creep silently to settle at the very back, farthest away from altar and closest to †
[21:24:29] <+Eraelabryn> † the door that she could manage. Cloak wrapped even tighter around that form, and fingers would silently let her lurk...once she was still. †
[21:24:49] Winn [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[21:24:50] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Winn
[21:25:02] Naidra noticed the temple filling with friends and she waved then turned her attention back once more to the couple before her a tear spilling from her eye to land on her cheek at the lovely vows.
[21:27:25] Sorgram would nod to Naidra and taking a seat beside Tehya, he would put his arm around her and pull her closer, whispering to her, 'sitting wont stop me' he teased as his finger moved up to her ear and he touched that earring activating the pulsing vibrations in it and draped his arms over her shoulder and down her chest, like an adolescent about to cop a feel. his tail curling around her <--
[21:27:26] Sorgram --> ankles as he pretended to pay attention to the issue at hand. <<--
[21:27:52] Kerrigan`E-L is Kerrigan`E-L!Nuemalyys@870bcc2b.dsl.emh ...
[21:27:52] Kerrigan`E-L's real name: Mysiq Vlia
[21:27:52] Kerrigan`E-L's channels: +#TLI-Temple, +#Lonely_Inn_OOC
[21:27:52] Kerrigan`E-L's server: - The Hobbits welcome you!
[21:27:52] Kerrigan`E-L's idle time: 0d 0h 26m 16s
[21:27:52] Kerrigan`E-L's signon time: Wed Mar 21 19:17:34 2012
[21:27:52] Kerrigan`E-L WHOIS info from
[21:30:03] <+Tehya> She turned to see Byrn come in and gave a small wave, there was a chair if she wanted to sit next to her, and Sorgram finding his hands busy again but that was a good thing, he never tired of her and that was important to Tehya who grew bored easily but not with him. When he touched her earring she shook her head no, "Not the place." Funny how she could be proper at times but she was ...
[21:30:04] <+Tehya> ... working. The earring began to vibrate against her sensitive earlobe and she gave him a look and shook her head no. His daring ways was one attraction she had to him, probably why she wore his ring to this day.
[21:34:24] Sorgram chuckles and looked around the temple at the many displays of copulation and various forms of debauchery and he laughed, not as softly as he should have and coughed to cover it up. 'My cornflower, if there is ever the place this one temple is the place and I daresay, the time is nigh.' He would not deactivated the earring and his hand continued to explore that firm flesh. His eyes <--
[21:34:24] Sorgram --> studying the proceedings but his thoughts on various other pursuits. <<--
[21:34:28] <+Eraelabryn> Tehya saw her and that gesture to the seat beside, Moriel would shake her head, only slightly, letting the curls about features move. Better to not, her trust with being within Temple about as comforted as one of Gaea's would be in Kirva's, or Ishtars within AdenVers. Teeth set to edge and she would focus her attention upon the ones before, standing at the altar, lips so lightly barely turning †
[21:34:29] <+Eraelabryn> † upwards. †
[21:36:52] <+Ray`el`> The moriel began Play with his one ring, th man smiling alittle as he let the evil magics work. thou not really. i mean. he is a nice moriel. the man moved up and moved over towards Eraelabryn and then sat down leaning on her. his gifts put on her lpa.
[21:37:08] Kerrigan`E-L she smiled to them both, once they finished with their vows, "Very beautiful vows. Now, should you have rings, or any symbols for the love between you both, now is the time to exchange them." with those entering the Temple, she smiled to them, before looking back down to the two in-front of her and the altar.
[21:41:15] <+Tehya> He was making it hard to concentrate, but that's what the magical mirror was for. She would sit again and watch this unfold, but him using that earring without asking her made her squirm in her seat, the red silk gown was made for one of his parties, and even in good taste hugged her every curve. The neckline was a low scoop and her cleavage showed a bit as the present she brought with her ...
[21:41:16] <+Tehya> ... moved and she caught it with her hand. It was a painting covered in paper of the Reeve and his wife, something she did in her sparetime in the fire temple while Sorgram was away. There was never a lack of idle times for Tehya and when she heard the announcement for rings to be exchanged she whispered to Sorgram."Remember -your-ring needs enchanting." She grinned wickedly knowing she was ...
[21:41:17] <+Tehya> ... going to put something on there that he might not expect.
[21:41:24] <+Augustus> The moriel would fumble a little, as he looked toward the sithian and then back toward Turi, his hand finding the ring in his robes, taking it out.. his hand trembled only lightly as he took her hand, the cool metal of mithril sliding over her soft milky flesh. His lips would curl into a smile as he slid it onto her ring finger, he half expected it to be his luck that it wouldn’t fit...not the case.. it fit just right. Those crimson eyes locked
[21:41:24] <+Augustus> onto hers, watching her and wanting nothing more than to take her into his arms and claim her fully as his mate.
[21:43:03] Naidra noticed a few more faces find thier way to the temple and her friends bonding. she smiled and gave more little waves after wiping the tear from her cheek. It was starting to look like it would turn out to be a nice event after all and that only made her smile more. She cast a worried look at Rayel wondering what he had on his mind then looked back to the alter not wanting to miss
[21:43:03] Naidra the <pain>
[21:43:03] <+Naidra> <and> exchange of rings <pleasure>
[21:47:03] Sorgram would chuckle and slide his hand into that v of her dress and cup her breast there, finger toying over her nipple. ne ver had he been one to be totally proper, but he was being quiet and not raising a fuss, so he was being fairly polite. his eyes never left the proceedings, but he thought about the ring and wondered if he could have it enchanted to change shape or something. It would <--
[21:47:03] Sorgram --> be a curious thinkg he thought as he thought about that forearm bracelet he had gotten her. A mere ring.. he chuckled, it was the one ring though. <<--
[21:47:14] Turistima stood there with Auggy, hand clasped in his as they said their vows. Each word of them had been carefully thought out and she had reach up with her other hand that held his ring to wipe away a tear that threatened to spill from her eyes. As she heard more steps, alerting her to the newcomers to the ceremony, she couldn't help but turn to see whom had been thoughtful enough to come help them celebrate their love. The elf
[21:47:14] Turistima grinned as she saw Amara there, thought she wished that her Master could have joined them as well, she knew that other affairs kept him busy. Still, it was lovely seeing the kitten and as her eyes fell on Bryn she winked, having seen the woman just days before and fought not to chuckle as the woman's advice to Turi. As she looked to Sorg, Tehya and Winn, her smile widened. She recalled Sorg and Tehya's bonding not long ag
[21:47:14] Turistima how lovely it had been. She hoped that they would enjoy the ceremony and the reception after that Nai had been so wonderful to plan. Golden tresses spilled over her shoulder as the elf's head turned back to Kerrigan and then Auggy, her hand taken in his own shaky ones, she chuckled softly thinking of how adorable it was that he too was this nervous. Little did he know what he was in store for once she placed the ring upon
[21:47:14] Turistima hand. She mouthed "I love you" to him as the mithril and diamond ring was slid onto that slender digit, fitting her perfectly. Turi then took his hand in hers, left hand holding his ring as she prayed she wouldn't fumble and drop it, pushing it slowly onto his finger where it would forever remain.
[21:49:54] Jarod`N{Nai} [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[21:49:56] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Jarod`N{Nai}
[21:50:00] Tamryn [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[21:50:01] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Tamryn
[21:50:04] Eraelabryn [] has quit IRC: Remote host closed the connection
[21:53:33] Connection to server lost
### Log session terminated at Wed Mar 21 21:53:44 2012 ###
### Log session started at Wed Mar 21 21:56:11 2012 ###
[21:56:11] Augustus [aug@a55581.6ca5f041.69.74.imsk] has joined #TLI-Temple
[21:56:11] Channel topic is: 18+ ONLY An adult fantasy role playing environment. The Temples of Ishtar, nuzzling the flank of the town of Nanthalion and the Temple to AdenVer - see for more information
[21:56:11] Topic was set by ChanServ! on Sat Mar 17 14:21:17 2012
[21:56:11] Channel synchronized in 0.0 seconds
[21:56:13] [*@*] has set channel mode +mnt
[21:56:14] Channel was created at Sun Mar 11 08:55:29 2012
[21:56:40] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Augustus
[21:57:19] Augustu1 [aug@a55581.6ca5f041.69.74.imsk] has quit IRC: Read error: Connection reset by peer
[21:58:35] Naidra caught the look from Teyha and smiled she missed the woman having not seen much of her since her bonding. She hoped that they could catch up at the reception. She cast another look around and winked at Bryn then flashed a smile before turning back to the happy couple the bonding almost done.
[21:59:29] <+Ray`el`> He leaned on Eraelabryn, as he basically had claimed her as a Pillow, not caring anyway. another harsh cough given where he wiped the blood off his hand.. his other hand held the gifts as he watched the wedding.
[22:00:35] Kerrigan`E-L is Kerrigan`E-L!Nuemalyys@870bcc2b.dsl.emh ...
[22:00:35] Kerrigan`E-L's real name: Mysiq Vlia
[22:00:35] Kerrigan`E-L's channels: +#TLI-Temple, +#Lonely_Inn_OOC
[22:00:35] Kerrigan`E-L's server: - The Hobbits welcome you!
[22:00:35] Kerrigan`E-L's idle time: 0d 0h 23m 27s
[22:00:35] Kerrigan`E-L's signon time: Wed Mar 21 19:17:34 2012
[22:00:35] Kerrigan`E-L WHOIS info from
[22:00:37] Jarod`N{Nai} would venture in slowly to the small gathering as it were at the temple. Normally not one for such events, but he was close enough friends with Turistima to show himself. Besides the fact that the sylvan hated dressing up; Although he was in his best crimson attire right down to gloves, boots, and long coat. That shade seemed to fare well with Jarod's dark black hair and dark blue
[22:00:38] Jarod`N{Nai} eyes. -*Distorted*-
[22:00:38] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> -*Reality*- Slipping along to just blend in among those present the sylvan healer settled in. Looks liek Jarod nearly missed the whole thing... -*Is Infinite*-
[22:00:55] Sorgram leaned his head over and kissed her on the neck, just below the lobe of her hear and he let his exhalation of breath from his nostrils tease over that lobe. His lips burning hot against her neck as he whispered. 'you smell delightful' he said in a hoarse sensual whisper. 'I shall pluck the petals of roses, one for your beauty, ' he would pinch her nipple then, 'one for your succulent <--
[22:00:55] Sorgram --> smells' again another tweak of her nipple. 'One for the fire in your heart, ' a sharp twist occured that time. 'One for the delicate aroma of your love' he rolled it back and forth. 'One for your long beautiful legs, clasped sotightly around me' <<--
[22:01:10] Taurn [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[22:01:10] Van [Van-@14055b0e.6ca5f07b.199.116.imsk] has joined #TLI-Temple
[22:01:11] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +vv Taurn Van
[22:02:41] <+Tamryn> Feet not even touching the ground, a double reason. One he wished to be quiet and note interupt or distubed the proceedings as he was coming in late, secondly he wished to not touch the floor of the temple. Temples were foul places, this one moreso than most do to the 'gifts' spilled upon it, but cleaned up a bit for the festivities. He would ease in, feet just off the floor, moving to
[22:02:42] <+Tamryn> deposit <cut>
[22:02:43] <+Tamryn> <cut> two bottle of wine, early samples from the upcoming tasting. One for bride and one for groom at a table before he would float towards mate. Things did look to be well in progress. As he came as always he could only be so discreet for that wave of oily corruption came with him. <cut>
[22:03:03] Rayel1 [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[22:03:15] Kerrigan`E-L in one hand, Kerrigan held a silken white cloth, and brought their hands with the rings on them, together. She made sure they were holding each others hands before wrapping the cloth around their hands then upward to their biceps, "The bonding is now complete. After you kiss, you may remove the cloth, which will be the first thing you do together as married man and woman." she
[22:03:16] Kerrigan`E-L smiled wide to them.
[22:03:28] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Rayel1
[22:03:31] <+Eraelabryn> Standing as she was, Ray`el now leaning upon her, that cast of her arm to pinch his side to the cough the blood gazed at upon the hand. Her gifts set down and she would loft brow, only slightly, those lavender pools turning to stare at the Moriel, well up at the Moriel. If Ishtar struck her down, or Kirva came to remove her ass from the Whore's temple secretly praying that it would snatch Ray`el †
[22:03:31] <+Eraelabryn> † first. But then, oh Mate, and she would gesture with head for him to stand near her to, whisper upwards to the ear, something about Ray`el having a catching diease and bringing some icing over. †
[22:05:09] Ray`el` [] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 265 seconds
[22:08:30] Rayel1 blinked and then pinched Eraelabryn hard, the moriel all hae good hearing after all. a nod given as he watched the wedding the mans smiling. as he tapped the gifts on his hand. the man thinking about what he was doing. his eviils were far from ever over. he nodded to himself.. and looked over, seeing Naidra he nodded to her, then amara. he had saved or spent time wit them both in
[22:08:31] Rayel1 the war.
[22:08:48] <+Tehya> She leaned into the kiss, of course Sorgram was erasing all the proper manners she felt that a wedding called for. The tickle from her neck to her ear made her only tingle more as his finger touched her under the bodice of her dress. Luckily she would have to only sit here awhile longer and could escape the situation by bringing the gift up to the couple. She leaned over to whisper in ...
[22:08:49] <+Tehya> ... Sorgram's ear and attempted to nip at his own earlobe, "Wait Patron so close please stop, I painted them a painting." She could see that soft silk red dress was showing off the definition of her nipple underneath it from his insistant rubbing. Squirming a bit on her seat still left her sitting there with her legs crossed, and those pretty silk slippers showed off her toes wiggling in them ...
[22:08:50] <+Tehya> ... trying to behave.
[22:09:32] <+Tamryn> Easy float of his form towards mate, a brow raised at the form of Ray'el, and eyebrow raised and a slight smirk at her words. He would chuckle softly and lean in whispering back to her that if they could get him to cough on the cake, all might catch it. A grin shared as he would settle beside her, his hand reaching over to lightly scritch her back, a nod given to other he might know who
[22:09:33] <+Tamryn> took <cut>
[22:09:33] <+Tamryn> <cut> note of presence. <cut>
[22:11:52] Van [Van-@14055b0e.6ca5f07b.199.116.imsk] has quit IRC:
[22:12:25] <+Eraelabryn> Yelp! it was a heard thing before she would nearly giggle, leaning over to wrap arm around Mate's side. Lavender eyes batted over to Ray`el before she would rise upwards and kiss the line of Mate's cheek. Arms twined about, fingers locking into waist of breeches as she listened, her forehead rested to jawline of the more powerful Male. Scritch to back, the slight arch, as she returned attention †
[22:12:26] <+Eraelabryn> † to the two being wedded. Murmer just for Love's ear, before teeth raked it, that slow lowering to boot heel as moriel would reach for hand that was adorned as her own finger was, hooking ring finger to ring finger, something if noted by anyone she would likely kill for verbalizing, how endearing it was. Soothing herself with the clicking of the rings together. †
[22:12:55] Turistima 's body stiffened a little as she had an image flash through her mind, not so that anyone looking would notice, though one person might. Her eyes would flash quickly over to Ray, cheeks flushing slightly. Anyone looking would think it simply due to excitement over the bonding, which was true for the most part. The elf licked bit her lip and turned her gaze back to Auggy, thinking herself to be very lucky to have been so
[22:12:56] Turistima blessed as to find a mate such as him. Sure he was a bit rough around the edges, but the way that he looked at her made her pulse quicken every time and she knew that he would always keep her safe. Despite the fact that they had had a rocky start to their relationship, they had worked past things and found that they had a connection that was unlike any other she had known. He could bring a smile to her lips just by walkin
[22:12:56] Turistima into the room and he was hers. Her hand was drawn closer to Auggy's, white silk being wove around them to bind them together, fastened in place by Kerrigan as she gave the pair instructions. Turi glanced to the sithian, grinning as a nod was given and a whisper of thanks. The elf leaned in closer to her mate, free hand sliding to his waist, pulling him closer as her lips sought his out. Those plush tiers of her
[22:12:56] Turistima pressing softly to his in a chaste kiss at first, but the feel of his body against hers shattered her ability to restrain herself, those lips parted as she deepened the embrace, tongue glancing over his lips and breath mingling with his.
[22:13:13] Sorgram would turn back and catch her lobe with a bite. He chewed slowly as he said to her. 'you release is an offering to Ishtar, a rdquest for a blessing on this wedding in her house. ' He began to amnipulate her nipple faster and more firmly. 'do not hold back, for she might be angered by it ... cum for them, cum for the couple and ensure it is ong lasting..hold back and they are doomed' <--
[22:13:13] Sorgram --> he sensed the presence of the goddess and thought she might have chcuckled in his mind as he spoke those words. But he felt that it would be well received. 'give them two givfts today , cornflower. not just one' He pinched her nipple firmly and bit the tip of her ear. <<--
[22:16:16] Jarod`N{Nai} would look about and give a soft nod to Tamryn, Eraelabryn and Ray. A brief glance to Turistima and Augustus before giving a nod as well to Naidra and Sorgram. The sylvan just sat with arms crossed for now and foot half tapping. Sure, it was a beautiful thing, a wonderfull event. At least some people would know what it was like, granted Jarod had made sure that any part of him that
[22:16:16] Jarod`N{Nai} ever -*Distorted*-
[22:16:17] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> -*Reality*- wished such was forced aside long ago. -*Is Infinite*-
[22:16:34] Rayel1 [] is now known as Rayel`
[22:16:36] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode -vv Rayel` Rayel`
[22:17:51] <+Amara{Twrl}> She smiled to Turistima when their gaze met, emerald hues still swimming with those tears, the smile was sweet as the corners of crimson lips curved upwards. It did her heart good to see the place fill up. Nod was given to Ray when he noticed her, and if her Lord and Lady did as well, she'd smile to them too. The bonding complete, the silk cloth waiting to be undone by them together, would make --Cutest--
[22:17:52] <+Amara{Twrl}> --Kitteh-- those tears roll slowly down pale cheeks. The kiss they shared was simply one of pure love tinged with sweet lust and that's when the girl rose slowly from her seat in the back and slipped out, it was time for her to leave, though she and her Master would search them out later to offer the gifts they had for them. --Ever--
[22:18:06] Amara{Twrl} [] has left #TLI-Temple
[22:18:49] <+Tamryn> Smile from lips as the owuld watch the end of ceremony. That reeve, someone he seemed to weigh with eyes, older seeming that the face that framed them. He would cradle mate to him and with a tug, lift her to lean against him, letitng her settle her feet upon his toes, so she as well was not forced to touch foulness of temples floor. He would hook finger with her and lean, a lil brush of
[22:18:50] <+Tamryn> his <cut>
[22:18:50] <+Tamryn> <cut> cheek ot hers before chin would be nipped. To her ear he would whisper softly, a smile on his lips but the words something much different. <cut>
[22:19:07] <+Augustus> He would practically beam at her, it was a side of him that people never saw...usually just her... and he was lost in her eyes at this point. Not really noticing who was about or near, they had melted away. His hand moving to her waist, feeling the leather as his fingers moved against it. It was hot, she was hot, nervous and excited most likely. He caught her side glance, perhaps it wasn't cause b
[22:19:10] <+Augustus> He would practically beam at her, it was a side of him that people never saw...usually just her... and he was lost in her eyes at this point. Not really noticing who was about or near, they had melted away. His hand moving to her waist, feeling the leather as his fingers moved against it. It was hot, she was hot, nervous and excited most likely. He caught her side glance, perhaps it wasn't cause by him. Those arms pulled her toward him, natural
[22:19:10] <+Augustus> ly as they melted together his head tilting as those dark lips pressed against hers, following her lead this time, wanting badly to keep her close. Her form fitting so perfectly, those lips moving over his, deepening as his tongue glanced over hers. Hand on wait moved north, up her back and to the back of her neck as it squeezed, pulling her tightened to her. His body moved with hers, writhing, forward... then back teasing as that kiss moved fr
[22:19:10] <+Augustus> om deep, to torrid.. to almost lewd. Had the moriel possessed any coloration than black, it would have been red right now. Raising levels of sensitivity, higher and higher with each movement.
[22:19:12] Taurn had raced to the temple not wanting to miss Turistima special day he slipped qietly inside just as she was being bound to her mate. She looked both beautifual and sexy in her outfit the corset accentuating the fullness of her breasts. He tore his eyes up from her bosom as he found a seat near the back to watch the rest of the ceremony.
[22:20:27] Nylan [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[22:20:29] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Nylan
[22:20:46] <+Eraelabryn> Smile as her head lowered to Jarod, merely the show that she saw him, as her little finger would curl, flex to the near point of pain upon Mates finger. Sex. The temple reeked of it, like some lure to those who sought out only the pleasure of the flesh, instead of the control which guided blade and mind. Her lips pulled taunt until that wording that whisper to her and her alone, that curve of †
[22:20:46] <+Eraelabryn> † them, cleric within her, oh one could -see- it in how her feet, those slippered twins would shift and move grateful to stand upon Mate's boots, how lavender eyes normally so cold would swirl with their own color. Amara given wane smile before she would let hands clap out her appulase at the bonded ones. Removing hand just that long, before reclaiming it. Lean of head against the chest, as she †
[22:20:47] <+Eraelabryn> † rose to tip toes, to return the quiet whisper. †
[22:21:56] Rayel` [] has left #TLI-Temple
[22:21:57] Rayel` [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[22:21:58] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Rayel`
[22:23:14] Naidra beamed at the pair then looked around the temple now that the bonding was finished she readied to head to where the food was to make sure all the presentaions were right and the couple would be happy. She would cast one more look then moved from her seat to offer the couple a kiss and her congradulations. "congrats to you both and auggy welcome to the family. she kissed them each
[22:23:14] Naidra on the <pain>
[22:23:14] <+Naidra> <and> cheek then left them to their other guests while she went to check on everything to make sure it was ready. <pleasure>
[22:23:27] <+Tehya> She couldn't help it and her head dipped down so not to call out or say anything to let anyone know what she was feeling, except Isthar if it was to be. Tehya seen the interaction between her god and Ishtar through the mirror, and she lifted her head to look into Sorgram's eyes. Maybe hearing the vows added to the nostalgic trembles he knew how to conduct, and that is when her legs tightened ...
[22:23:28] <+Tehya> ... together being crossed so tightly as is and she moaned out, "Not fair." That earring would have to be dealt with when they took his ring to be enchanted, and Tehya didn't recipercate by casting a spell on him. Need he know that earring didn't have to be used at all his presence was enough. Feeling the sensations subside, her climax in silence would only be known to her mate, since he knew ...
[22:23:29] <+Tehya> ... her body language so well. The Sylvan reacted by placing her hand on his knee, "That codpiece comes off for just me." She was determined that it would be, and those blue tainted lips turned into a smile seeing Taurn coming in, she hadn't seen him forever and Tamyrn, how quaint she immediately looked over to see what he was wearing another patch off his clothes was the first thing on her ...
[22:23:30] <+Tehya> ... mind. No one was un-noticed not Rayel either, since they would all be written about soon enough. ...
[22:26:20] Ray`el` [] has joined #TLI-Temple
[22:26:26] Rayel` [] has quit IRC:
[22:26:56] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Ray`el`
[22:26:58] Ray`el` leaned off the woman moriel, she was basically enjoying her mate. no need interupt. after all. he wasnt that rude. he smiled alittle then as he looks around and chuckles. the moriel plotting as he thought. turning he moved from the wedding. he had left a few items bhind. the boxs of gifts, but his work.. err visiting was done now. No need for him be here. he smiled as he left both
[22:26:58] Ray`el` gifts for them. they both got a nice gift. outside that. nothing was needed. he was going leave, gonee like water on a warm summers day when you needed it.
[22:27:05] Sorgram would chuckle and state not an answer at all. Picking up her painting, he would stand, reaching out to her, to adjust her dress, perhaps to make it more presentable, but merely to bare her other nipple so that they both matched now. Grinning, he would offer her his hand. 'let us go molest the bonded ones and play the niceties as we as leaders should.' He had almost said noble ones, <--
[22:27:05] Sorgram --> but that would have been a faux paus would it not. He chuckled and waited on her. <<--
[22:27:10] <+Tamryn> His own hands come together, congratulatory even as arms were around his own mate. A smile given, nod of congratulations and approval to Augustus and Turistima. It was good to see others matched, he hoped their path was as, interesting and passionate as his own had been with his mate. Never a dull moment with the moriel. A thought that made him grin wickedly. He would lean his head enough
[22:27:11] <+Tamryn> to <cut>
[22:27:11] <+Tamryn> <cut> bite her ear lightly and whisper. "We truly must get out of here soon though, i want to Ravish you and I so wont' give the one whose house this is, the pleasure of wathcing.." <cut>
[22:27:36] Taurn joined others in clapping in celebration and notice Naidra moving off after making her congratulations known. Then he spotted a sparkle of gold and felt the blue eyes of the elf maid Tehya on him her lips curled in a smile that was immediately returned she had her hands full with her own mate it seemed as she squirmed next to him.
[22:27:41] Winn [] has left #TLI-Temple
[22:29:48] Ray`el` [] has left #TLI-Temple
[22:30:51] <+Eraelabryn> The way of those eyes, was there little to nothing they didn't catch. Smile a pure thing when given to Augustus and Turi, but then the way another gazed over to Mate. Jaw flexed only slight thing barely there, before she would turn head upwards to Loves words. Bite to ear and little Moriel would lean back against the form, one hand rising upwards not the fingers entangled where rings touched, †
[22:30:51] <+Eraelabryn> † became near one again, but the other hand, slow thing that touch to the side of beloved cheek as she stood upon his booted feet so that the taint of Ishtar's stone floors wouldnt sully slippered feet. Moriel she was, that nip returned to bottom lip. "Soon enough, Mine heart. What did I do to earn such as you.." that soft nudge of nose to his before whisper would come from lips, excitement †
[22:30:51] <+Eraelabryn> † flushing ashen cheeks. "it is rude yes, to take scalps during attendance, against custom?" †
[22:31:46] Turistima 's fingers played over the dark silk of his robes at the small of his back as her hand slid round and held him there, not wanting to be parted from him. Her mate responded in kind to her embrace, the pair lost in each other for a few moments, forgetting that they were not alone as that passion between them was ignited by that single kiss. She had missed him last night and this morning, the pair having decided to take the
[22:31:47] Turistima apart before the ceremony. Now that they were together, she couldn't fathom letting him go even for a moment tonight. Her cheeks flushed as she pulled back reluctantly from the kiss, licking her lips, eyes sparkling as she looked at him. "I love you and will remember this day always." She beamed at Nai as she kitten was the first to come and offer her congratulations, placing a kiss upon her cheek and her mates before das
[22:31:47] Turistima off to see that the food was ready. "Thank you Nai. I'm so glad that you were here. It wouldn't have been the same with out you." She would have hugged her friend, but between the binding on her arm that they had yet to untie and the woman's haste, it would have to wait. The elf grinned as she heard the clapping from the guests and felt the heat upon her face once more. "Thank you....thank you all for coming. Please...hel
[22:31:47] Turistima yourselves to food and drink. The SaS has generously catered it for us and we'll be having games shortly" she called out, body tucked against Auggy's.
[22:32:16] <+Tehya> She stood up and adjusted the long red gown, the bodice was askew on one side since his hand was in it and she pulled it upwards to cover herself. Letting Sorgram carry the painting she followed, but not before greeting those she passed such as Ray`el` on his way out, Byrn and Tamyrn, and she stopped at Taurn and whispered,"You Sir need to see the waterfall now." She grinned and walked ...
[22:32:17] <+Tehya> ... past him, suggestive words well look where she was. When they passed Naidra she stopped and hugged her friend tightly. "Come visit us soon we are going to have a dinner party." Tehya was suppose to learn how to cook, but she did not and didn't intend to the palace cook was going to cook food for her and she'd lie and say she did it. Onwards to the wedded couple and she stood waiting their ...
[22:32:18] <+Tehya> ... turn to congratulate them.
[22:32:57] Nylan had not gone far, slipping out to keep an eye on things to ensure no unsavories would disrupt the ceremony, keeping an eye both within and without. The ceremony concluded, he stepped more fully into the light. It had been his wish that he'd been permitted to perform the bonding, however that had proven as impossible as the first time he'd sought to be permitted to do so, for Callie and <--
[22:32:57] Nylan --> Allisa, two other dear friends. None the less he had prevailed upon the powers that be, knowing what their answer would be, but the issue important enough that he would take that chance. He steps up beside Naidra as she sets about checking to ensure the feast was ready. "A beautiful ceremony," he says softly, touching the small of her back as he steps up behind her, "I wish I had been able <--
[22:32:57] Nylan --> to watch more closely. But...better to have an eye out to ensure nothing got in the way of it's completion." He smiles at her, then excuses himself, "I'll be back...I think I should congratulate the new couple." He moves from Naidra's side then, stepping over towards Turi and Augustus, waiting his turn to cheer the pair on. <<--
[22:35:42] <+Tamryn> Light chuckle from his lips and he would seem to ponder a moment. A grin and then he would lick lips. "Well, yes, I think perahps it might be mine love. I am assuming they ahd it here to do a bit less of our enjoyment and more theirs..." He owuld snicker and grin, a tug at her lip. "Both quite blessed my heart, I guess we should wish this could find such happiness...." He would grin and
[22:35:43] <+Tamryn> honestly <cut>
[22:35:43] <+Tamryn> <cut> believe it was hardly possible, but it was the best thing to wish on others. <cut>
[22:35:49] Sorgram would approach the two, Augustus and Turistima, when their turn was there, he moved up and placed the painting to them. 'I am not certain of the subject of the portrait, if it is not one of our mates nude, I doubt it is the most beautiful in the world.' he would say specifically to Augustus. Offering his hand,
[22:36:52] Kerrigan`E-L she smiled as the two enjoyed their kiss, she slithered from the altar while smiling to the two. She decided it was best for the two to enjoy their ceremony and everything after, feeling such a celebration was left to friends, "May the Goddessss watch over you and your friendsss." she slowly made her way towards her room.
[22:38:07] <+Tehya> !shopitem give Turistima #18550
[22:38:09] <@Desdaemona> Tehya (Tehya) gives picture frame to Turistima (Turistima)
[22:38:24] Jarod`N{Nai} would dust off his outfit a bit and traipse on over to where the food and drink were to be had. Might as well not let it go to waste after all! Games? Oh, the sylvan never fared well at all with any such affair. Was nearly as bad as just trying to have casual friends not try and get attached to the elf...
[22:39:06] <+Eraelabryn> The lick of lips, her own rising upwards to nip at the bottom lip, before her little fingers would coil more about his index finger. "We should run before the Priestess comes.." Whispered ever so quietly, near disappointed in Loves words, she would not be rude oh not her..well..she would. But not with the one tugging at her lips there. Her hand moved, free one dropping from the line of face to †
[22:39:07] <+Eraelabryn> † roam down, that playful scratching at the side of form as she would 'jump' turn her feet barely felt things upon the tops of his. Lean back into him, her arms binding making his wrap around her form as she nodded towards the door.. "retrearetreatretreat" whispered to Human! †
[22:39:16] Naidra hugged Tehya and Sorgram "of course dear friend I would love to come to dinner" she purred "when your done with the couple come outside and get a drink I will be getting everything ready" she told her then moved tot he door to get everything ready. she looked over the spread checking on the pig that was roasting pleased to see the the skin a nice roasted red and brown the meat juicy
[22:39:16] Naidra inside <pain>
[22:39:16] <+Naidra> <and> "pull this from the spit and start getting it cut" she told the worker she had tending it" she turned to another "get drinks ready i want glasses set up and bottles ready to pour for the guests they will all be out soon" she moved to the tables she had set up with more food and another full of desserts. The cocolate fountain flowing a lovely shade of green as her friend requested
[22:39:16] <+Naidra> and tray of <pain>
[22:39:16] <+Naidra> <and> cookies and such set up for dipping. she looked over the cake smiling as a tiny moriel and elven beauty copies of the mated pair danced along the top tier. Checking on the other foods she finally nodded in approval all was ready. She looked over at the gift table her own gifts the only ones there as present but she knew it would fill soon enough. <and>
[22:40:50] Taurn rose and was moving toward the new couple when Tehya pass by him, her scent like wildflowers on the wind as she flitted past and her murmured suggestion of waterfalls made him flush slightly at the memory. He stepped behind Tehya and Sorgram waiting his turn to congratulate the couple and when a space cleared he put his hand out to clasp wirst with Turi's new mate. He had not met
[22:40:50] Taurn him but knew she would not have made to bold a descion unless he was a good man. "Congradulations sir, you are a lucky man indeed to find someone in this land filled with pretty women to find one of the few who is as beautiful in the inside as she appears out"
[22:41:34] <+Tehya> She had painted a picture of Turistima the way she remembered her in the play with Augustus standing in back of her holding her around the waist, but she chose a blue dress for Turi to wear in the picture and the Reeve in a long black coat with tails. It was a proper picture for his office or their home. "Congratulations I hope you have an eternity of happiness!" She uncovered the ...
[22:41:35] <+Tehya> ... painting for them to see it, and then rolled up the wrapping paper in her hand. When Naidra invited them to go outside for something to eat she nodded yes loving to watch Sorgram when he devoured his food before her.
[22:42:19] <+Tamryn> He would move, strong arms sliding around the lush form of moriel mate and nods. "Oh yes, we must escape!!" His words whispered to her ear, in mock fear of the worst of fates. He would bite down to her earlobe and with a wink and a nod to all he would suddenly call upon magic, space and time twisted as he would yank himself and mate far away from there, pulling them with magic towards
[22:42:19] <+Tamryn> their home!
[22:42:50] <+Augustus> The moriel would smile as she spoke, their kiss broken...their passion just igniting... his nose rested against her cheek , forehead resting against hers as she whispered to him “I love you Turistima, and neither will I...” He would kiss gently before they faced the crowd. He was taken aback at first, surprised so many had come. He had sent out invitations, and half expected that most would come to kill him. He would notice Tamryn, a nod...hit
[22:42:50] <+Augustus> mate, and he would offer them both a smile. He noted Bryn's posture... knowing something about her he knew why. Nevertheless, they were welcome with open arms, they were something that he had grown fond of...influence, they had it...but most of all...under their rather intoxicating ways of existence, they still found time to talk with him, perhaps they wanted something..but no matter, everyone wants something. His eyes would move to Tehya and S
[22:42:50] <+Augustus> orgram, He knew his invitation had been sent to them for tomorrow. His hand moved toward the portrait as he laughed at Sorgrams words “Very true... very true. “ His hand would meet his and embrace it. He would smile to Tehya... “You're truly talented..”
[22:44:21] <+Eraelabryn> One would hear it, giggle escape those full lips, strange in sound but Love's to hear alone as she would wave to Augustus blow a kiss even in congratulations, a bit strange considering she was standing on her Mate's toes, bidding him to retreat with her in arms. Head tilted, that sudden 'yank' darkness consuming and both were gone. Slipped out to the comfort of their own home and the absence of †
[22:44:21] <+Eraelabryn> † Ishtars eyes upon forms uncomfortable with such. (TY muchly!) †
[22:44:22] Eraelabryn [] has left #TLI-Temple
[22:44:51] <+Tamryn> <congrats!>
[22:44:55] Tamryn [] has left #TLI-Temple
[22:46:56] Sorgram would then let his gaze turn towards Turistima and it moved over her so that only she could see and he would smile genuinely. 'I doubt even blessed with Ishtar's desires, you could look more lovely.' His wink was quick and very doubtful any but she would see it. His hand reaching out to take her free one and he would place his lips on it, leaving the quickest of bites and a lazy kiss <--
[22:46:57] Sorgram --> upon it. 'may youre time with you mate be blessed and debauch.' He let his fired gaze return to her face and he smirked leaving other things unsaid but sent nonetheless. <<--
[22:48:00] Turistima smirked and tried not to giggle as it would seem that she had not been the only one caught up in the heat of the moment with a mate, eyes having flashed over to Tehya and Sorg, then to Bryn and Tam. Yes, Ishtar's presence could certainly be felt by those who had gathered here tonight. The elf's grin widened as she saw a familiar figure there that had escaped her before, thinking he must have slipped in during the vows. It
[22:48:00] Turistima been some time since she last saw Taurn and it was wonderful to see him here tonight. She was sure that this would be a shock to him, but that he was here now for her reminded her of why he was so close to her heart. "Lovely to see you both again" she said as Tehya and Sorg approached, that smile seemingly permanently fixed in place. She chuckled at Sorg's words. "I'm sure that it is a beautiful piece and we'll display it
[22:48:01] Turistima proudly in our home. I do hope that you will be staying for the festivities." Those jewel toned orbs of hers catching Bryn and tam sneaking out of the temple, likely to go do a bit of celebrating of their own.
[22:51:55] Nylan waited until Tehya and Sorgram had given their congratulations and been acknowledged, then stepped up to give Turi a tight hug and a kiss upon the cheek. "I'm very happy you have found happyness, Turi. Congratulations." He smiled at her and took a step back, then reached out to shake Augustus' hand once more. "And you, and I told you before, you are a very lucky man, and will have to <--
[22:51:55] Nylan --> suffer a little envy from me." He smiles a the couple, "May you continue to please one another for the rest of your lives just as much as you do now." He smiled, drawing his sword in a slow, smooth motion, lifting the crossguard in salute to them before resheathing the blade. <<--
[22:54:00] <+Tehya> She wasn't sure if they were staying or not, and gave a guarded look up at Sorgram, though she could smell meat roasting and she loved to watch the Drak Sen eat, it was almost sexually stimulating to her. Well look where they were too, "Glad you like it and Sorgram are we staying for the food and drinks?" Tehya turned to listen to her speak to Taurn and she was up to no good again, but ...
[22:54:01] <+Tehya> ... she did squeeze her mate's hand letting him decide. "Lovely ceremony." Tehya stood on her tiptoes to try and find Naidra through the crowd.
[22:55:17] <+Augustus> The hustle and bustle of people speaking with them, he looked over Taurn and smiled. Most here were good friends of his mates, there were few of his own. He forged alliances and debts to be paid to him, friends would come and friends would go. He knew that, his mate was forever..and she was the type that would have friends until the end of time, such was her personality... to help, to forge bonds, to get lost in passion and love. His hand would
[22:55:17] <+Augustus> meet Taurns and he would chuckle “I consider myself the luckiest, I've not had anyone prove me wrong yet!” He would look over at his mate, who seemed to be enjoying herself.. cheeks still flush and wearing a bright smile. His gaze would look over Nylan "Champion of Ishtar... ill suffer whatever you throw at me, for all im concerned... A friend of my mates is a friend to me, so ill do what needs to be done to keep them" He would meet his grasp
[22:55:17] <+Augustus> and nod
[22:57:54] Turistima took the painting from Tehya and blushed as she looked at the work, recalling her tragic attempt at acting come months before. "Thank you Tehya. You did and exquisite job." She smiled at the bard, wondering if she might convince Auggy to join the woman's next play with her. The elf's cheeks turning red as Sorg too her hand, teeth nipping lightly at it as he pressed a soft kiss to it, recalling their last meeting at the sh
[22:57:55] Turistima well. "I only hope that we are as fortunate as you and your mate are. Ishtar has truly blessed us this night with such wonderful company for this occasion." As the pair moved aside, she saw Taurn speaking to Auggy and she winked at them both, glad to see the two getting on. She hugged Nylan with her free arm and grinned as she felt his lips brush against her cheek. "Thank you Nylan. I can't tell you how lovely it was seei
[22:57:55] Turistima you here and that you kept us safe." She had worried about attempts on her mate after he had expressed a few concerns some nights back. "Please....go have some cake and we shall start the games shortly."
[22:58:30] Naidra was standing near the tables putting finishing touches on a few things then she moved to grab a drink taking a long sip of wine glad to have the ceremony over and the happy couple ready to relax. Taking her drink with her she found her way back through the croud stopping to kiss Taurn's cheek and saying hello then pausing to chat with Tehya and sorgram again "so how have things been
[22:58:30] Naidra for you <pain>
[22:58:30] <+Naidra> <and> two?" <pleasure>
[23:01:41] Sorgram was not one for cake and would bid his adieu, taking Tehya by the waist. 'i think leaving would be prudent, or i shall make an offering to Oshtar in front of this crowd here. ' He stated and looked warning ly at her. His fingers carressing her back and bottom.
[23:03:32] Jarod`N{Nai} would just sort of blend in amongst the gathered, as much as one could do in all crimson anyway. Gathering up just a small bit of food to eat the sylvan just kept a open eye and ear for now. Besides, healers were best to just learn of goings on... never knew when that would pay off. A glance to the happy couple and sighing to himself.
[23:04:44] <+Tehya> She wanted to see Naidra first and ran over to her friend. "Fine and you? Been sort of busy having parties here and there. I have missed you." She caught Sorgram's look that he wanted to go and asked Naidra, "Would it be insulting if we took a plate of food and a bottle of wine with us. I think Patron wants to go." She was pretty sure why, after her little escapade on her chair ...
[23:04:45] <+Tehya> ... during the ceremony, and waited for her friend to fill her in on how she was.
[23:06:53] Taurn smiled as Naidra kissed his cheek in passing smiling at the cat woman, before stepping next to Turistima. "I am glad I was able to be here on this special day of yours," he offered and leaned in to gently hug her and kiss her cheek a gentle whisper given before stepping back to make room for any others that might like to wish the couple well. He moved to the tables laden with food
[23:06:53] Taurn both plain and exotic and filled a plate before grabbing a glass of wine.
[23:10:06] Sorgram waited by the door on his mate, His member was uncomfortable in his codpiece and he was tempted to god nude from the waist down and with a thought, he did and he felt much better. Looking up to Ishtar, 'Well, you would expectr nothing less woudld you not?'
[23:12:07] Nylan smiled a last time at the newlyweds, then excused himself to allow them to continue with the night's plans, stepping aside to speak with an errant Tanani for a moment (afk)
[23:12:33] Turistima 's fingers were entwined with Auggy's, the silk cloth still binding them to one another as they stood there near the altar. A wicked glance given to him as she thought of her presents for him later, her hip nudging his. It made her heart swell with joy to think that so many had come to wish them well. "Taurn! I'm so happy to see you here. I'd thought that you might not make it. I do hope you've been well." She smiled and
[23:12:33] Turistima kissed his cheek, hugging him with her free arm as he whispered in her ear. "Thank you....thank you so much and I do hope that we'll be seeing more of you. Perhaps one night for dinner" she purred, happier than she had been in a long time and pleased that all had gone so smoothly. She'd feared tripping as she walked down the isle, dropping the ring or forgetting her vows, but none had happened. It was a blessed night.
[23:14:15] <+Augustus> The moriel moved over to his mate, his body pressing against hers, his arms moving around her. Lips moving to hers and pressing against them “Should we sit, love?”He would run his tongue along her ear “Maybe eat.. drink... and get some sustenance? “He would kiss down her neck “It may be a long night. “ Those feature darkening...if they could... she would know what his meaning was as he felt her body close to his. His crimson orbs looking over t
[23:14:15] <+Augustus> o see what everyone was doing.
[23:16:43] Naidra shook her head "not at all let me have one of the wokers make the pair of you something to take with you" she purred and smiled "we will have to get together soon and catch up" she commented then told one of the workers what she wanted waiting with Tehya while the plate was made and wine collected. "You should come see me at the candy store I am sure we could make something special
[23:16:43] Naidra for one <pain>
[23:16:43] <+Naidra> <and> of your parties" she purred casting a glance over the event to make sure her workers were helping the guests with all they needed. She smiled again when the plate piled high and a chilled bottle of wine was presented for Tehya and sorgram to take with them "here you are I hope you like it took me all day to get it all cooked though I luckily had help." <pleasure>
[23:16:50] Kerrigan`E-L [] has left #TLI-Temple
[23:18:10] <+Nylan> <damnit, RL again, FTB again for Nylan>
[23:18:14] Nylan [] has left #TLI-Temple
[23:20:27] Sorgram waited by the temple entrance as he leaned back and waited on Tehya, any longer and she would be taken in an alcove and nor unforcibly he thought as he watched for her, looking over the others that were here.
[23:20:56] <+Tehya> "Soon Naidra it looks like Sorgram is too hot here. I will come by the store soon." If she could cover Sorgram she would of but then she teased him carrying the food out with her. "Who hasn't seen you like that already?" She knew he had been around to put it nicely and she was kidding. Off she went with him before who knew what would happen.
[23:21:24] <+Tehya> grats and thanks for the invite>>>>
[23:21:28] Tehya [] has left #TLI-Temple
[23:21:56] Sorgram [IceChat77@6ca5ed58.14055b2d.190.26.imsk] has left #TLI-Temple
[23:23:47] Jarod`N{Nai} would glance around and tilt his head a moment. What was going on? People were leaving all over the place! See what happens when the sylvan makes any of these? No good comes of it, never... but, it did not slow him down from eating and drinking. After he quit eating and held a drink in hand the elf ventured off to Augustus and Turistima. "Is nice to see you two finally have this
[23:23:48] Jarod`N{Nai} day to -*Distorted*-
[23:23:49] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> -*Reality*- yourselves..." -*Is Infinite*-
[23:25:22] Turistima stole a kiss from her mate, lips pressing firmly to his as her leather clad bust was trapped against his muscular form. A soft murmur falling from her lips as his hand played over her pale skin. She shivered as he broke the kiss only to let his tongue tease over that sensitive ear of hers, breath warm and tickling on her skin as he whispered. "Perhaps we shall sit after we grab a drink. We must be sociable after all and N
[23:25:23] Turistima did go to a great deal of trouble for us to get the food and drink. Can't let it go to waste." She nipped his lip, glancing down to the silk that bound them. "Shall we take this off and head over to the others?" She would wait for him to help her, the pair working together to unfasten it and free their hands, having him bind it to her wrist after so that it would not be lost. She licked her lips at seeing the chocolate
[23:25:23] Turistima fountain and other assorted goods, recalling her instructions to Nai for the little something extra.
[23:29:52] Turistima smiled at Jarod as he approached the pair, having been some time since she saw the male last. It would be at the fair if she recalled correctly and the day she first met Auggy. "Good to see you again Jarod. I trust you've been well. Thank you for coming tonight to celebrate with us. Your mistress did a wonderful job planning."
[23:32:36] <+Augustus> The moriel would nod and smile to her, placing another kiss firmly on her lips. He looked over Jarod “thank you “He would smile. And then looked to the silk that bound them, he tugged with her, weaving it from around their arm. His eyes looked over the spread that Nai had placed about, he knew where his mates eyes would go... to the sweets.... he would smile as he kisses her cheek. Knowing her too well, his arm wrapped around her waist “ A drin
[23:32:36] <+Augustus> k it is..” He would smile and look over Taurn, Nai and Jarod. And a couple of the wait staff as they made their way around. His eyes moved to the statue of Ishtar, remembering the night they worshiped on the altar as his lips curled.
[23:34:57] Jarod`N{Nai} would smile and nod softly to Turistima. "That she most certainly has, and well I could not miss it. After all, not often friends of mine have a special day." mused softly as he would drink just a bit more. Now keeping in mind Turistima could tell he was one to not particularly like such things after his apparently fake bonding quite some time back. "So, when are you two
[23:34:58] Jarod`N{Nai} going to run -*Distorted*-
[23:34:58] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> -*Reality*- off and disappear a few days hmm?" -*Is Infinite*-
[23:35:19] Naidra called out "put your gifts on the table and we will let the couple open them here very soon everyone please grab a drink for toasts and a plate of food there is plenty" she smiled at those still left as she sipped her wine.
[23:35:30] Taurn watched as people slowly left while he eat his plate smiling at the joy he saw in his friends eyes and the looks she gave her new mate. He found a seat and leaned back against the wall enjoying the cool feel of the stone on his back as he drank from his glass and streached his legs out. It was not often he got to relax like this and he basked in the luxury of it.
[23:45:01] Turistima kept her arm around his waist as they moved to where Nai and Taurn stood talking, chuckling at Jarod's comment. "Oh, we'll be disappearing before long I'm sure. Auggy's been away from me for far too long as it is." She winked at her mate, thinking how it had been but a few days. "Nai....thank you again. The staff did a wonderful job and the food looks amazing" she purred, taking a glass of wine in her free hand after popp
[23:45:01] Turistima one of the small chocolates in her mouth. How she loved the sweets that they made there. That decadent flavor filling her mouth as she stood there with friends and her love.
[23:49:04] Naidra smiled then rose her glass in a toast to the happy couple "to my friend Turi who is like a sister to me though we share no blood I wish you all the happiness in the world and To auggy who has put this smile on the sister of my heart I wish you happiness as well my your nights be filled with pleasure your days be filled with love and your lives always be intertwined to that you know
[23:49:05] Naidra one isnt <pain>
[23:49:05] <+Naidra> <and> far without the other for long" she said with a smile then took a drink of her wine "now lets open presents" <pleasure>
[23:50:05] <+Augustus> The moriel would nod to jarod with smile, confirming what his mate said as he picked up one of the glasses and drank from it. He lifted a chocolate too, although not a sweets lover... it was there and he was hungry. He would finish the chocolate and drank more to wash it down. Leaning in he would whisper into his mates ear a soft groan escaping from his lips “Still not nearly as good as what you've got between your thighs.” His tongue would run
[23:50:05] <+Augustus> along her ear lobe and he would suck it in to nibble on it.
[23:50:09] Connection to server lost
### Log session terminated at Wed Mar 21 23:53:12 2012 ###
### Log session started at Wed Mar 21 23:53:12 2012 ###
[23:53:12] Augustu1 [aug@6ca5ecdd.6ca5f041.69.74.imsk] has joined #TLI-Temple
[23:53:12] Channel topic is: 18+ ONLY An adult fantasy role playing environment. The Temples of Ishtar, nuzzling the flank of the town of Nanthalion and the Temple to AdenVer - see for more information
[23:53:12] Topic was set by ChanServ! on Sat Mar 17 14:21:17 2012
[23:53:12] Channel synchronized in 0.0 seconds
[23:53:14] [*@*] has set channel mode +mnt
[23:53:14] Channel was created at Sun Mar 11 08:55:29 2012
[23:53:49] Augustus [aug@a55581.6ca5f041.69.74.imsk] has quit IRC: Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Augustu1))
[23:53:54] Augustu1 [aug@6ca5ecdd.6ca5f041.69.74.imsk] is now known as Augustus
[23:54:31] Desdaemona [Desdaemona@14055a93.6ca5ed96.184.107.imsk] has set mode +v Augustus
[23:56:20] Taurn stood and raised his glas as Naidra made her toast, emptying the rest of his glass as he did them moving back to the table for another. "No doubt you kept the shops open long hours during your shopping spree" he teased his friend as she mentioned presents, then realized he had not brought one.
[23:57:42] <+Augustus> The moriel would nod to jarod with smile, confirming what his mate said as he picked up one of the glasses and drank from it. He lifted a chocolate too, although not a sweets lover... it was there and he was hungry. He would finish the chocolate and drank more to wash it down. Leaning in he would whisper into his mates ear a soft groan escaping from his lips “Still not nearly as good as what you've got between your thighs.” His tongue would r
[23:57:42] <+Augustus> un along her ear lobe and he would suck it in to nibble on it.

[00:05:30] Turistima lifted her glass, eyes getting misty once again as she heard Nai's toast. The kitten was one of the dearest people to her heart, having been there for her since she first came to town and the pair bonding instantly. She was friend, mentor, and family to her. Her words meant more to the woman than she could know. She took a sip of the wine and curled in closer to Auggy, stealing a glance his way, still unable to believe th
[00:05:30] Turistima they were now mated. She laughed as Taurn joked about shopping. "Speaking of shopping Taurn....Nai & I may have to come pay you a visit in the shops soon" she teased, unable to resist tormenting the poor man with that thought, knowing he would likely groan and pray that they day wouldn't come. Her cheeks flushed as she heard the words her mate had whispered to her, hand resting on the curve of his ass, she gave it a squee
[00:05:31] Turistima "Mmm...perhaps you'll get to taste that as well tonight" she whispered back.
[00:10:01] Taurn shook his head, and groaned, then smiled as he watched his friend show her affection to her mate. He knew soonn they would be enjoying each other. He stiffled a yawn and set his food down. "Well then I must go get some rest to be ready for you, thou i doubt you'll get out of the bed chamber in the next few days" he said the last with a wink and smiling moved out the temple and headed
[00:10:01] Taurn for home.
[00:10:23] Taurn [] has left #TLI-Temple
[00:14:23] <+Augustus> The moriel would raise his glass and drink to nai's toast, his features smiling as his mate spoke to him. That firm grab to the ass.. it wasn't much more he needed.. he could of ripped her dress off then and there. His hand moved up her form, along the tight leather and grasped her chest, squeezing lightly his tongue moving over her her neck and collar bone. “I hope I will get to taste it tonight, and the next.. and the next...” He would grin
[00:14:23] <+Augustus> as he nipped her neck.
[00:21:43] Jarod`N{Nai} would just watch the pay and stay silent for now. After all, he had plenty running amuck in his mind and they deserved to enjoy themselves. The elf had to admit he was quite impressed at Naidra's work here. Was one of the best events he had set foot into in quite a bit; Well besides the fair... which once again Naidra was part of...
[00:23:50] Turistima began to feel the effects of the drug that she'd asked Nai to slip into some of the treats and grinned wickedly as her mate seemed to have found a chocolate that was laced with the potion as well. This would be a happy bonding night for the pair indeed. She finished off the last of her wine after saying goodbye to Taurn, then let go of Auggy long enough to give Nai a hug and kiss, whispering a heartfelt thank you in her e
[00:23:50] Turistima and asking that she see the rest of the goods she'd had prepared special for the event delivered to the elf's home so that they might not go to waste. She gave Jarod a hug as well, then looked to Auggy and took his ringed hand. "Shall we head home my love?" She had no intentions of sleeping anytime soon.
[00:27:19] Naidra hugged and kisses Turi back "you too have a good night" she set the staff to packing everything up taking the left overs tot he inn for the patrons to enjoy and sent another employee with the gifts in the wagon to get them home for the pair. She smiled at Jarod and asked if he would be going home as well with her or if he planned to linger around the temple longer.
[00:27:31] <+Augustus> The moriel would move into his mate, the drugs also moving through him. He would also move with his mate and say his thanks to nai as well. He would answer his mate with a grope and kiss, whispering into her ear “Yes”
[00:29:38] Jarod`N{Nai} would hug Tui back as well and smirk wide. "Okay now, no breaking the Reeve... we need him you know hun!" said teasingly and a short laugh followed behind. Yes, Jarod had his moments, and probably had been what seemed liek ages since anyone saw a smile on that healer's face.
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Re: Need Quest & Event logs put here please

Postby Tehya on Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:44 pm

All Heart's Day (being worked on)

Session Start: Sun Feb 12 15:45:46 2012
Session Ident: #tli-forest
04[15:45] * Now talking in #tli-forest
03[15:45] * Topic is '4 18+ ONLY An adult fantasy role playing environment. 3The forest around The Lonely Inn. Visit #Lonely_Inn_OOC or the website at for more details.'
03[15:45] * Set by ChanServ! on Thu Feb 09 08:49:50
03[15:45] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Tehya
06[15:46] * +Vahris slithered closer and wound those arms about Stormwinds waist, cheek pressing to back and full lips parting as a yawn caught up to the dark beauty. 14"I'm all for sitting back and watching the events unfold. I predict no rebel will be found at this event of bards and noble. Unless of course, they are complete fools. I don't imagine them so. They've struck in logical places. They are making <14.2>
[15:46] <+Vahris> <14..6> people fear, they are showing the Empire running in circles. Why give that up for foolishness?" 6Her mind was rather sharp, a warrior in training and heart, an earth mage out of need. The situation was easily defined and she'd rather Stormwind mind himself where it was concerned. <4end6>
06[15:46] * +Krang-ELT sits quietly atop the guard tower, huddling beneith a heavy brown mat, half burried in snow. The trolless stares off into the horizon, rendered almost painful to look at for the midday sun between regular sweeps overlooking the more relevant grounds on the approach to the castle gate.
04[15:50] * Luthiel ( has joined #tli-forest
03[15:51] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Luthiel
06[15:51] * +Krang-ELT leans out over the side of the wall, eying an odd grey blur in the distance, recognizing it finally as a small cart lead by horses, she slumps back in her seat, dissapointed. Idly, she begins tapping her foot on the wood planks underfoot, waiting impatiently for the next guard on shift to relieve her.
[15:52] <+Amara{Twrl}> Warmth about her neck again, that pressure, the pulling and shifting of her head would draw a soft moan from her. She lifted her right arm up, the beautiful tattoo seemed to glisten up and down the length. The flower in her palm had healed nicely as well as the vine and leaves that trailed from it up to her shoulder. "Looks stunning.." Another soft moan would slither forth as he cupped her 106--Cutest--
[15:52] <+Amara{Twrl}> 106--Kitteh-- pierced tit, mashing it beneath his own palm roughly. She knew what he meant. She was careful around those she didn't know or trust and would never speak so freely with anyone other than him. "Aye, Master.. I know better to watch this mouth though you know what I speak is truth.." she smiled softly. "I shall continue to tiptoe about and play the -unknowing- kitten." And with that, the girl 106--Cutest--
[15:52] <+Amara{Twrl}> 106--Kitteh-- simply laid back into him, relaxing as he manipulated her body, it was his after all. 106--Ever--
06[15:53] * +Gabrieli` would tip her head, her attention drawn back to him at the feel of his hand, sweetness and laughter rising from her again, a quiet thing. Her head tips toward the touch of his hand, a shudder of an exhale, such contentment found there when he spoke such things to her, and so affectionately regarded her. She'd almost beam at that last statement, if it weren't for his lips capturing her own, <more>
06[15:53] * +Gabrieli` ... the bard sounding a soft 'mmm' as she returns that kiss with equal fervor, things she'd been starved of, when she was apart from him. She hovered over him, half her chest atop his, as both arms move to curl around, beneath his neck, to hoist herself up and atop him, straddled across, but keeping her weight mostly on her knees, and her elbows.

06[15:55] * +Stormwind shook his head. "i don't intend to be at the event. they arent idiots. they will attack elsewhere. while the eyes of everyone are on the stage, the rebles will burn something else. the emperor will be at the event..... would that not be a fine time to then burn his castle?" he suggested. no, he was niether fool and had long ago learned the value of misdirection.

06[15:57] * @Ehlanna merrily squelches and sqidges my way through the slush and mud and gloop as I make my way to the ampitheatre, revelling in the fact that none of the mess sticks to any of my clothing
01[15:57] <+Tehya> 14 The amphitheater has been moved from the arena, constructed and seats have warmers near them since the weather is cold. Snow has been shoveled for easy access to the amphitheater, and there are horses decorated with lightning bolts braided into their manes as per the Emperor's crest has. They will very slowly revolve the stage so everyone from any angle can see the theater.
06[15:57] * +Vahris let fingers dance and tap at his warm tanned flesh, over ribcage and up to those pecks and down again to strong stomach where she beat out a dance. 14"I would think you are correct. At least, if my confidents are correct. Anyone else that does so is likely foolish and acting on their own. That is what I would do." 6Little smile as body oozed its way around to the front of the chirot. <14.2>
[15:57] <+Vahris> <14..6> Dragging covers with her as she went. He looked so very tired still. <4end6>
ZabugDabug!-Dabugdabug, He'z da greatezt Zabug who eva'did bug Dabug!-Zabugabug... Hee'z Dabug... Th'buggiezt Bug... He'z Dabugiezt Bug in Da whole Zabuggin' Dug..!)
06[15:59] * +Krang-ELT quirks her head and rests her hand on her cudgel as the heavy wooden trap door to the left is heaved open with a loud clatter. She grins as a dejected looking young man in garb of the house guard scrambles up through the entrance, slipping in the slush as he does so. Without ceremony, the trolless tosses the tarp to him, all but knocking him back down the hole as she hands off the afternoon shift.
06[15:59] * +Twerlinger` let gaze settle upon that outstretched arm, eyes travelling up the length of it, till that flower was reached, and he nodded.."Taria did good work" he said simply.."I'm thinking we will go back to her soon and get her to do some more work. I will need to get some more ink enchanted first though, but she seemed.. willing to indulge her wants to cause a little unsettledness upon you my dear.. 106--7=^.^=6--
[15:59] <+Twerlinger`> 106--7=^.^=6--06 and perhaps we will arrange for her to come visit.. and you can say thank you in a way that is perhaps more appropriate for your blossoming skills." Fingers tightening around that lush tit, before hand released and shifted, granting the other that same treatment, even as fingers maintained their grip around her neck 106--7=^.^=6--

01[16:00] <+Tehya> 6She wore a black silk dress with a low v neckline, cut short in the front to her knees and longer in the back where it flared out slightly. The pleats and lines were designed to move with her body, accentuating her dancer legs, and bust line. She wore a red silk sling that held her injured arm, and of course she was playing up the injury for a bit of attention. Her long wheaten blonde hair was ...
01[16:00] <+Tehya> ... loose and brushed to a high sheen, and on one side she wore a thin braid. Her eyes the color of cornflowers were lined with very dark lashes, and she wore no make-up. The theater was perfect and she had each seat labeled for the nobles and those owning box seats.

06[16:01] * +Relantoh rode his horse towards the place where the old palace was. His good friend Tehya had asked him his assistance in promoting the arts, and she knew as well as he did that he would never deny her his assistance in those matters. The high elf was dressed in purple and red, fit for the occasion. Once the horse stopped, he casually made his way to the rear area, looking for Tehya. He wouldn't actually be showing off his own stuff.
[16:01] <+Relantoh> 2{( continue)}--> 6 ly be showing off his own stuff. that would be Gauche, but he'd enjoy announcing it for others. 2<--{( end)}
06[16:02] * +Varisanna she would finally get around to showing up, a slight grin as she would notice Ehlanna too, curious if she was showing up due to her role in the lands or for the same reasons Vari was showing up.
06[16:03] * @Ehlanna splishes and splashes joyously up to the entrance of the ampitheatre, not really minding who get scaught in the fallout of muddy slush and looks round a moment, catches Varisanna's eye, blows her a warm kiss, and then espies where I wish to sit and murmurs a Dimension Door spell to apport me there

01[16:05] * +Tehya was walking around the stage area and seen Relanoth and Ehlanna, she gave them a wink, and then a little wince of her arm hurting in the sling, well it did hurt but not as bad as she was pretending. Everything was read and Varisanna coming in was an ease of mind as expected the Master of Ceremonies would be actually running this, she would only be organising it and reading. She waved to ...
01[16:05] <+Tehya> ... Varisanna and looked at her first announcement of MC's checking it over.
04[16:06] * Kahee ( has joined #tli-forest
03[16:06] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Kahee
06[16:06] * @Ehlanna turns, adjusts bow and sword and sits, catches Tehya's wink and returns one of my own
01[16:06] <+Tehya> If anyone wants to read or perform pop in #Tli-quest)
06[16:08] * +Luthiel walked sedately towards the ambit. She had agreed to help so she would. The pale wisp of a Drak Sen took her time, walking barefoot upon the snow in her silvery robes doing her best to avoid the slush and staying mostly on the replenished side of the snow. The chilling winds didn't seem to bother her in the slightest, in fact the Drak Sen reveled in the cold water. She gazed around
06[16:08] * +Luthiel with those pale diluted creamy eyes as those diamond scaled wings ending with those tickling wisps of downy feathers closed about that sensual form, only slightly hiding the way that her robe hung loosely off her shoulders, lending to a look of erotic dissarray.
04[16:08] * Carthad ( has joined #tli-forest
03[16:08] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Carthad
[16:09] <+Ayahka> She hadn't actually heard of the events taking place here, and if she had she'd completely forgotten it -- the life of a Sylph was flighty and it was hard to keep such things in your head for very long. And yet, as she was dancing over the skies, a rainbow-colored dot against the blue skies, Ayahka noticed the crowd of people way down below, and she was qurious about what was going on. So, spinning around, with her rainbow
[16:09] <+Ayahka> -colored dress billowing out around her (and revealing to anyone below who happened to look up that she wasn't wearing anything underneath), she descended, down and down she floated.
04[16:10] * Itylra{Carth} ( has joined #tli-forest
03[16:10] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Itylra{Carth}
01[16:10] <+Tehya> 6 They showed up as expected and that made Tehya relax more. She made sure that she wore a red sling on her arm, and in silk to get sympathy and play up the injury more. When she seen Luthiel coming in as another Master of Ceremony she gave her a wave to come on up to the stage. 14"If all the Master of Ceremonies will come up on stage, we can begin soon."6 She was hesitant not seeing many ...
01[16:10] <+Tehya> ... Nobles yet and biding her time.
06[16:13] * +Varisanna the sithian would move up toward the stage being sure to let her fingers graze over the seats set about occasionally casting a pleasure spell here or there just to make things a bit more entertaining. A smile as the sithian would notice Ayahka though doing her best not to simply grab the girl and drag her off to some corner for a bit of fun. A hope at least that the girl would find a way to <14next2>
[16:13] <+Varisanna> <14more1> one of the boobytrapped seats so the sithian could enjoy watching her squirm well she did her performance. Moving up onto the stage now as she noted it lacked a crowd figuring she could muster together some way to please the crowd.. or at the very least have a good spot to use her magic on them from. "I suppose I can contribute a bit.." she says simply not really sure if she was supposed to sign <14next2>
[16:13] <+Varisanna> <14more1> up, though with people being so afraid of the rebellion not really sure her offer would be refused either. <4end1>

06[16:14] * +Carthad only attended these events when he was terribly bored, or looking to get good and drunk without any expenditure of his own coin. Right now was neither of those, as instead it had been the constant demanding of his pet that he actually take her out, that they do something together, that had roused him from his keep. They had everything they needed there, why should they leave? The
06[16:14] * +Carthad argument had falled on her pointed ears as if she couldn't hear them at all, and the two had set off toward the festival. Arriving at the festivities now, his hand perched upon her lower back, perhaps grazing the firm bottom of his moriel pet as they'd stride into the assembeled party, dark blue eyes darting about ,"Well here we are..."

06[16:15] * +Luthiel offered Tehya a warm smile as she made her way towards the stage. Her eyes went to the sling and she gave the girl a sympathizing look as she approaches. Upon reaching Tehya at the stage she would move to gently hug the woman, mindful of the arm as she says, "I had hoped to see you completely restored by the healers in time for today, but you look wonderful anyways." Luthiel murmmured
06[16:15] * +Luthiel softly. Her eyes not scanning the crowd and seemingly completely at ease.
06[16:16] * +Relantoh stepped upn the stage, all grace and poise, one refined eyerbwo raised at seeing her arm in a sling. "Tehya, you are as radiant as ever. How plain must I look coming after your visiion." He flattered with practiced ease, making a polite bow to the sylvan. "But what is this? Has someone dared to try to cause a flaw in this masterpiece?" he looked at her arm. He gave Luthiel a friendly nod as well.
01[16:16] * +Tehya took center stage and she waved her arm towards the first Master of Ceremony Relantoh. She was dressed in black not to cover any tainted flesh since she was healed, but wore that red silk arm sling like an announcement of what happened to her. She was here just to organize the event, and enjoy seeing others run it. 14“Ladies and Gentleman in honor of the Emperor and the Nobles, and as ...
01[16:16] <+Tehya> ... tradition ‘All Hearts Day’ is presented to you, to express your words in poetry, poems to dedicated ones in the audience, readings, dance, or song. One of our first Master of Ceremony, to open this event is Relanoth, a friend and appreciator of all Arts!”
04[16:17] * Stormbringer ( has joined #tli-forest
03[16:17] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Stormbringer
[16:19] <+Ayahka> Her bare feet finally touched the ground, her raindow dress settling down around her as she looked around eagerly. The Sylph was slender and willowy, with pale skin and hair like spun gold, and like all nymphs she possessed an inherent sexuality apparent in all her movements, though her face was innocent, childlike. She looked around, looking at the theater, looking at everyone around her. "What's going on?" she chirped to
[16:19] <+Ayahka> the nearest person, who happened to be Varisanna. "Why are people gathering? Anything fun happening? My name is Ayahka!"
06[16:19] * @Stormbringer approaches the ampitheater on his horse, alone for a change but bennu would be joining him soon. Arriving he hitched the beast out of the worst weather and made his way to the reserved seat, pulling his cloak around himself
06[16:20] * @Ehlanna smiles and closes my eyes for a moment, then murmurs a slyly cast spell, opening them again to gave at the target as the final syllable trips off my tongue
06[16:20] * +Kahee keeps quietly to herself, moving first to find a seat in overshadowed back rows, only to see a few people had thought to claim them first, and were inclined to go unnoticed for reasons quite different than her own. Her pace increasing as the Master of Ceremonies begins to speak, she hurries down the aisl e and takes a seat further towards the center, still quite distant from the more densely...
06[16:20] * +Kahee ...populated foreground.
06[16:21] * +Taria had talked him into it, there was no getting out of it.. Not that she was romantic or anything! After a long talk of abominations and rotting things, it was now time to do what they were suppose to do.. Mingle with the people.. Her voice was low, a murmur for only him to hear "I would not be surprised if the rebels attacked this place, be on your guard my love" she'd murmur before she, with <14The2>
[16:21] <+Taria> <14Dead1> her arm laced within her Dark Lord's arm would find them stepping into that atmosphere of love... or rather, lust. Hues found Tehya, a slow curl of lips skyward as fignertips waggled her greeting and a kiss of magic would touch her ear as the necromancer spoke ~How is the favorite today? Well I hope...~ <4Now1>

06[16:24] * +Luthiel smiles as she moved backstage at the arrival of others. There would be time for talk later with Tehya. She heard Tehya introduce the first MC and smiled softly.
06[16:24] * +Relantoh stepped forward, nodding at Tehya, stepping forward, the marquis giving a smile at the audience present. "Thank you Tehya. He looked up. Love. It has inspired the most glorious of arts, the mightiest deeds, and gives a high that no spell in the world seem to match. But it drives men and women to madness someimes. Honour, self preservation and dignity all become distractions. To one who doesn't love, love is like madness, dang
[16:24] <+Relantoh> 2{( continue)}--> 6 love, love is like madness, dangerous, unpredictable, unyielding. We want love, we want such a happiness, but we fear how this will bind us, how it will change us. Both that desire and fear are spoken off in thousands of songs, and hunders of books. From passionate meetings betwene wolvens that go beyond the flesh, to the most refined courtship." He started up 2<--{( end)}
01[16:24] <+Tehya> 6 Odd she came there feeling fairly well but some odd thoughts were invading her mind, luckily she was standing to the side of the stage, for the stirring of lust was being combated against. She quickly gave someone a suspicious look, and then moved to the side of the stage stepping down into a seat. This was hers to organize but she was delighted others had offered to run it. Tehya gave ...
01[16:24] <+Tehya> ... Ehlanna a smirk, minx that she was and greeted the Emperor with a smile. With a wiggle in her seat she found herself drifting off, maniuplated into thoughts of desire, and she didnt expect that.
04[16:24] * Winn_ ( has joined #tli-forest
06[16:24] * +Varisanna she would grin as Ayahka "I remember you dear.." quite well in fact though the sithian figured it best not to remind the girl of how both times the two had met the girl had ended up naked with strangers by the time it was done. Of course she did seem to rather enjoy it but still always better to leave the mystery, especially since Vari had a feeling this encounter would end in about the same <14next2>
[16:24] <+Varisanna> <14more1> way. <4end1>

03[16:25] * Winn_ is now known as Winn
06[16:25] * @Stormbringer looks around idly at who else had made the journey there, nodding to those he knew without distracting any from their work
03[16:25] * Winn is now known as Octavia
03[16:25] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Octavia
06[16:27] * +Archaon He'd shake head, robed and furred for the occasion while he walked with his mate towards the event that was scheduled to take place at the amphitheater. "I would not be surprised with a gathering of people, but I will be watching." he nodded at that, looking about the place once they had arrived. "I wonder who would be present however. It would hardly be a target of worth, unless it's done to just do it."
06[16:27] * +MorganDrakewing hums as he enters the ampitheater grounds. Looks like the event was in full swing, and as he was never one to turn down a request from Lady Tehya he made sure to make himself comfortable, finding a close seat to the action. He looks behind him, gesturing for his cute vixen concubine to follow, giving a cursory glance about as he waits.
06[16:28] * +Ayahka honestly didn't seem to remember her previous encounters with Varisanna; she did think the sithian looked vaguely familiar, but any details had been erased from her memory -- but such was the way of the Sylph, and Ayahka was a notable scatterbrain even for her kind. So she just giggled and planed a kiss on Varisanna's cheek.
06[16:28] * +Taria had worn very little this day. A one-shouldered crimson gown with swaths of fabric which hugged her every womanly curve. Her right side exposed, a heart-shaped cut out adorned by mithril thread binding the point of that heart, as a thigh-height slit exposed milky white flesh as she strode confidantly at her mates side. The gentle clack clack clack of silver heels resounded in their wake. And <14The2>
[16:28] <+Taria> <14Dead1> all she could do was grin at Tehya and that suspicious look.. Hues turned toward Stormbringer, a slow blink as the woman would nod. A deep courtsey given before she was once again standing beside Lord Archaon. "They have already attacked the Inn on more occasions than I can count my love.." she said hushed.. "Just watch, as I will watch... I will have their heads.. " <4Now1>
06[16:29] * +Relantoh let his eyes wonder over Stormbringer, noting his liege was there. It did not matter, today he served Art. "Our first work will be done by a Dragon's Dream, and a pleasant dream it is. A form of white, as it borne of the fresh snow, aptly called Silivrenniel. Watching her, one could believe she is a dream, and one could wake up at any moment. So enjoy this dream while it lasts. I present to you people, Luthiel." With that the
[16:29] <+Relantoh> 2{( continue)}--> 6 u people, Luthiel." With that the high elven noble stepped aside to let Luthiel take the stage. 2<--{( end)}
06[16:29] * +Kahee leans against the back of the seat in front of her, glancing over shoulder as more and more people stream in, at this rate she might not have the whole row to herself, and then she'd just have to deal with it...
[16:29] <+Itylra{Carth}> The moriel was so tired of being cooped up within the keep and even this would do as about the only other place to get out of the keep was the towers she would go study within. She didn't know what to expect really, at her master's side and the feel of his hand upon her lower back, grazing that rounded ass of hers was a little more comforting then she'd like to admit. The silver corset against her dark ebony flesh and the black s
[16:29] <+Itylra{Carth}> kirt that barely covered her rounded bottom adorned her body and boots up her calves. She kept close to him, leaning into him a bit as she was not familiar with a lot of people about and yet those violet eyes were everywhere, taking everything in until she paused a bit in her step and eyes were upon Taria. Lip drawn in between teeth as she moved in a bit closer to her master "I know nobody here.." She whispered softly as to not i
[16:29] <+Itylra{Carth}> nterupt the actions upon the stage

06[16:33] * @Stormbringer glances around, never shy about assessing any females within sight when there was nothing else to hold his attention. He returns Taria's curtsey with a wink and lets his eyes drift over the other girls in view while he waited
04[16:33] * Jarod`N{Nai} ( has joined #tli-forest
03[16:33] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Jarod`N{Nai}
06[16:34] * +Varisanna the sithian would grin a hand moving to slip behind Ayahka as she leaned in to kiss the sithian giving the girls rump a squeeze "Be sure to stay close though dear sylph it wouldbe such a shame for you to miss my performance.." words seductive though she would not use her magic just yet. Of course her real reason for wanting the girl to stick around is that she intended on making the girl the <14next2>
[16:34] <+Varisanna> <14more1> main part of the show. <4end1>
06[16:34] * +Archaon He'd nod at her words, taking a moment to look about the theater as they made their way to a suitable place to sit. Greetings were delivered to those present, and to others that the pair pass by on their way to their seats to enjoy whta will transpire this day.
01[16:36] <+Tehya> 6 She made sure warm food and drinks were on the side for the guests attending. Warm mulled cider one of her favorites was being passed around. She walked over towards Taria, and just stood there going over what happened she was as responsible as she. There was that ongoing rivalry, and she bent down to whisper to her. 14"Think you owe me a favor I need a judge for the grand prize."6 That was ...
01[16:36] <+Tehya> ... as humble as Tehya would be, and she stood back up and ran her hand over her arm in the sling.
06[16:36] * +Taria moved with liquid grace, a slow sway of hips as she followed her mate's own footsteps toward the seats. Only once there, did she slip into the cushion of a chair and flick hues once more toward Stormbringer.. That wink had garnered him a heated blush, curling over the bridge of nose and the height of cheekbones.. Damn Barbarians! They had gotten to her in a way that she never thought <14The2>
[16:36] <+Taria> <14Dead1> possible, and in that moment, she couldn't help the very lewd thought which played out in her mind.. Only to have her hues turning up toward Tehya as she fought to clear her throat. "I.. Sure" she would say clearing her throat again.. "Where must I sit to judge? Or am I fine here?" <4Now1>
06[16:37] * +Carthad walked to the side of the events, finding the tables there and begining to pick at the finger foods. Popping some meats and cheeses into his mouth, chewing on them slowly as he'd let his yes dance about the fesitivies. "Mmmm, I suppose I know a few, but did you want to meet anyone Itylra? You seemed to just want to get out of the keep..." He'd say as he'd let hand slide lower,
06[16:37] * +Carthad patting her bottom firmly now, as his own eyes would dance about. Familiar faces, just a few...spread out and about amongst the sea of people. It was getting more crowded quite quickly. Tehya must have down a good job advertising it.
[16:37] <+Ayahka> "Oh!" she squeaked as Varisanna squeezed her ass, but she didn't get angry or upset about it... she just looked at her with innocent blue eyes as if that was the very last thing she had expected. "Performance?" she said, blinking again, just as if the fact that people gathering by an amphi theater would mean some kind of performance was a completely new and radical concept. "A-Ayahka likes performances!" she squeaked excit
[16:37] <+Ayahka> edly. "Whatcha gonna do?"
06[16:37] * +Luthiel smiled softly, shaking out her long wispy straight white hair, fluffing it a bit before she made her way back out onto the stage. She had no magic to use for this rendition but she had the skills of Dance and Song that ages upon ages of practice had given her. She moved with that grace and her voice came out in song clear as a bell.
[16:38] <+Luthiel> "Even through the bleakest nights, The stars of Love shine through. They shine with all their might, They shine for me and you." A softness entered her features as one slender hand moved up along the curves of her body the wrist rolled in a flowing motion as if presenting the stars as she continued...
06[16:38] * +Sheba-MD had stopped near the entry. Vixen ears perked and eyes shining with interest yet her shy timidness of a crowd of people seemed to have her feet glued to the floor. She looks to morgan and takes a small step forward then scurries as quickly as possible to his side and stands there again looking about the place.
01[16:39] <+Tehya> 6 She looked at Archaon in one of the seats reserved for the Nobles and Taria, 14"You have the finest of seats your fine where you are."6 She didn't -thank- her but then walked over to sit by Ehlanna and Stormbringer. Tehya wasn't holding a grudge, but she was still going about with an aching arm, more displayed for sympathy at this point.
[16:40] <+Luthiel> "These stars that shine, So bright and pure, Have seen it all, And know that love is a cure." Her eyes seemed to gaze into the souls of those present as her words carried, "Love is a cure, For pain and strife. It brings us a retreat, From all the drama in life."
06[16:40] * +Jarod`N{Nai} would venture to this affair in his best outfit for a change. Dark black long coat would be over a crimson silk shirt and vest. Black pants would taper lightly over crimson boots. Dark blue eyes glanced about those that had arrived themselves, as hands adjusted the crimson gloves uponhis hands, and the small crimson hat upon head as well; Tilting it careflly. Spotting Taria, with
06[16:40] * +Jarod`N{Nai} Lord -*Distorted*-
[16:40] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> -*Reality*- Archaon and against his better judgement the sylvan made his way to be as close as allowed. Yes, it seemed the elven healer had a deathwish, or was finally becoming one of the corrupted. -*Is Infinite*-
06[16:40] * +Varisanna she would grin having to fight the temptation to simply say you in response. "It would ruin the fun of it if I let you know.. but I am sure you'll find it.. entrancing.. for now though lets just watch the show.." her own body seeming to not listen to her as she would hike the back of the girls dress up and move that hand to slide down between the girls legs.
06[16:40] * @Ehlanna flashes a smile at Tehya as she approaches, then goes back to watching and listening to Luthiel
06[16:40] * +MorganDrakewing smiles softly as Sheba scurries over. He undoes his cloak, setting it down along the sections of seats, beckoning the vixen over, sitting down, stroking her tails gently as he notes Luthiel on the stage, his voice whispering. "Seems they started, little one."
06[16:41] * +Archaon He'd greet the Emperor with a solemn nod as they pass by, now thinking it would be a prime time if attacks were to happen. Not very good, he thought, but too many present. It would be folly to attempt such. He'd greet Tehya with a warm smile. "Thank you. I'm sure it will be most enjoyable once the performances begin." he'd take a seat, listening in on the need for another judge, and the spot offered to his mate.
[16:42] <+Luthiel> Her hand moves once more as she opens up her arms and her wings, those diamond patches of scales on those wings giving way to downy feathers, a few that float towards the crowd, her voice growing cautionary, "Yet Love can be a disease, And drive some mad. It allows others to do as they please, Thinking it's a passing fad."
[16:43] <+Ayahka> "Oh... Oh!" she squeaked again, as she felt that hand hike her dress up, baring her plump little ass. "Wh-what are you doing...? Oh...." She gasped slightly and bit her lower lip as the hand went up between her legs.
06[16:45] * @Stormbringer gives a nod to Tehya, no more, not wishing to distract her from her event, then returns his attention to the stage and the haunting melody which captured his imagination
06[16:45] * +Sheba-MD settled down close to his side and looks up on the stage. Furry soft ears straining to make sure she caught every word that was being said.
06[16:45] * +Kahee quirks her head slightly, eying one particular stranger and the way everyone seems so eager to greet... then turns back to observe the stage with interest, only to be find herself distracted once more as the faint squeaking protest begins to rise over the din of the crowd, her ears perk up, and she finds herself listening for it, even as she tries to concentrate on the performance.
[16:45] <+Itylra{Carth}> She noticed the ones that chose the seats that were set aside, giving them a place of honor as she listened and stayed close to her master as she studied each one. She had seen whom Taria walked in with and then the one on the horse, Stormbringer, was studied with curiousity before moving off to Ehlanna and the rest before she even addressed her master's question as he was popping food within his mouth. How he could eat at times
[16:45] <+Itylra{Carth}> like these she didn't quiet know but he seemed to not even acknowledge the things going around him and that amused her in his confidence as well. The feel of his hand sliding down along her bottom had her remaining close to him. Her voice remained soft for his ears, not at all wanting to interupt those that had put the time to preform on stage "I wouldn't even know whom to choose at the moment and I'm even more fearful of asking
[16:45] <+Itylra{Carth}> you as I know what you'll look for anyways.." She smirked over at him and then leaned into him, shifting a bit in her stance so that she was not just standing beside him but curling herself into his body.
06[16:46] * +Taria found her hand slipping onto her Mate's thigh, a glance toward Ehlanna then, a quiet nod in regards to the woman before orbs began to take in all of the faces afoot.. Though she minded not the task Tehya had asked of her, in fact, she gladly did it.. She couldn't help but allow lips to dip lightly in a frown of concern.. There were far too many nobles, the Emperor included in this place.. <14The2>
[16:46] <+Taria> <14Dead1> And hackles were raised, the woman, was worried.. Her voice dipped, a murmur upon wind as a message meant souly for the Emperor himself would kiss his hearing. <4Now1>
06[16:46] * +Relanoth waited besides the stage, watching Luthiel, his face an undisturbed smile, listening carefully to her voice. It befitted her looks, certainly. The song was innocent, but it befitted her looks.
06[16:47] * +MorganDrakewing keeps stroking Sheba's tails, giving a glance about. Seems there was the Emperor well as Miss Tehya, and Miss Taria close to her. He's guessing that's Taria's mate Archaon closeby. Hrm...interesting wolven female in the row a few in front of them, and there was Mistress Ehlanna. Hard not to feel her prescence coming in, of course. Seems like a good gathering.
06[16:47] * +Luthiel 's voice grows soft once more and a farway look comes into her eyes as she holds herself with her arms as her sinuous tail caresses her form, "If a love is true as can be, Then it won't take a form untrue. True love is hard to see, Look with your heart and you will." She offered a wink to the crowd as the last note left her lips. Hoping to mask the wistfulness held in the depths of
06[16:47] * +Luthiel her eyes.
01[16:48] <+Tehya> 6 She got up to see if she could get a few more acts and walked over to Taria who had said she would judge. The Emperor's nod was taken in stride, she hadn't seen him in a long time. She didn't wish to sit down next to Taria, only because of the attack days ago, but she had heard she played the violin. With a whisper to her she asked, 14"Besides judging would you perform as well?"6 Something ...
01[16:48] <+Tehya> ... about getting her on stage excited Tehya, anything could happen.
06[16:50] * @Stormbringer 's whispered reply to Taria carried more than a hint of amusement but the only audible sound he made was to applaud the bardess. Barbarian he might be but he always appreciated those who could perform well
06[16:51] * +Varisanna she would let a single finger slip into the girls folds pumping in and out of the lovely slyph though in a slow sensual motion so as not to overdo the girl before the show was on. Eyes meanwhile going to look over the crowd noting where most of the head nods and recognition seemed to be going so she could get a good guess of who the emperor was before her show started.
06[16:51] * +Archaon He'd listen on as there was a performance taking place. Head turned to his mate, and a brief smile flashed before he'd place hand atop of her own. Silence enveloped him now as there was something to indulge upon. A splendid show thus far, having a keen eye and ear for some arts. It wasn't all death and mayhem for the drak. Even he had an artistic niche to him. Anything and everything for his Elders was gathered, <-cut
[16:51] <+Archaon> cut-> even art.
[16:51] <+Octavia> * long-bodied and brown-skinned Valencian dressed in homespuns and loops of loose scarves, straight-legged and thin linen trousers .. silk-thin brown hair in a knot at her nape, paint on her elbows. though inelegant .. somehow managing, with magnificent neck and a prowling gait, to be engaging anyway.
06[16:51] * +Taria 's lips spread at the piggyback message which caressed her hearing.. Hues flicked once more toward the Emperor for but a moment before once more residing upon the stage.. So long as he knew of the dangers.. Her lips curled, satisfied with his reply.. But that offer stood, and the necromancer would indeed make good on that promise. And then nose wrinkled.. "Yes yes.. I will perform if you <14The2>
[16:51] <+Taria> <14Dead1> wish" She'd say.. "I'll have mine minion bring my violin.." and with that, tendrils of necromancy searched outward, caressing the mind of that minion with a single task, to bring his mistress her violin.. Her hand, slipped then, perhaps all too forwardly up her mate's thigh. What could she say? She was flushed, hungry, and well... That amusement in the Emperor's voice hadn't <14The2>
[16:51] <+Taria> <14Dead1> helped. <4Now1>
06[16:52] * +Relanoth waited an appropriate amount of time for th last note to echo away, not only in the air, but in the minds, and then gave a soft applause, stepping on the stage. "Thank you for taking that always difficult first song, Luthiel. And thank you for assisting me as my fellow master of ceremonies. The two of us will be your hosts today, and guide you though the wonders and perhaps nightmares that people will show from their heart."
[16:52] <+Relanoth> 2{( continue)}--> 6 ple will show from their heart." He nodded at her. "would you kindly announce the next eprson that wishes to enrich us?" He asked, rhetorically, stepping away, sitting next to Tehya. 2<--{( end)}
06[16:53] * @Ehlanna smiles and blows Luthiel a soft kiss and then applauds her song
[16:54] <+Octavia> * her gaze paused on Stormbringer first, not the stage. though .. her ears tuned, divided the art from the artifice. she smells of woodsmoke and the acrid tang of home-made paint thinner .. Tehya, next, in the mirror of her eyes. rather than drift toward either, she remained on the edges of things a moment longer. blending well, just another smudge, with house-slaves and farm peasants.
06[16:54] * +Carthad had sated himself on finger foods for the moment, as he'd let his eyes turn and dance over those assembled once more, "You'd be surprised Ity...there aren't many here at all that have warmed my bed. Not the number I'm sure you assume.." He'd say with a chuckle as he'd hold her to him lightly, shaking his head and then moving away from the table, "But I really am not one for crowds.
06[16:54] * +Carthad Do you truly want to stay out and about, or can we go somewhere else? It doesn't need to be back to the keep...but somewhere other than here would be quite lovely i think."
06[16:54] * +Sheba-MD looks up at Morgan then turned her attention back to the people around them and on the stage. The words spoken about love interesting to her but mostly not understood.
06[16:57] * +Jarod`N{Nai} settled in and just noted all the noble sorts and their mates, or people they brought along. Well, hopefully no radical rebels would stir up and drama; Leave them to this day at the very least. Ears would take in all words from performances and the elf looked more like a shady character, although stylish, then a healer. Then again, why not show himself off? You never know what
06[16:57] * +Jarod`N{Nai} happens day to -*Distorted*-
[16:57] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> -*Reality*- day around Nanthelion anymore. -*Is Infinite*-
01[16:57] <+Tehya> 6 What a pair when Relanoth sat next to her she smirked and whispered in his ear.14"I don't know who looks more dashing you or I."6 They played off each other well, and she feigned an act of pain for sympathy form him. Their last adventure together in the Inn turned into a dark punishment fantasy, for both. When she looked to the side, there was Octavia, and she motioned with a wave of her ...
01[16:57] <+Tehya> ... hand to come join her. Tehya was only organizing this event, and was enjoying seeing -others- step up and run it. She hadn't missed Carthad coming in, but she didn't greet him, instead reminisced of another event long ago silently.
06[16:58] * +Archaon Brow rose, looking to Taria when her hand rode up further along his leg. "Everything alright?" he asked in a whispered tone as to not disturb the performance. The first piece had then ended, and he'd offer an applause for the song until Relanoth came to the stage. Curious though, and now his mate was to perform at a specified time. A surprised look upon his face, and in mind.
[16:58] <+Ayahka> "Mmm.... ah-ah nnn..." she whimpered softly, naked arms grabbing hold of Varisanna as the sithian slipped a finger inside her and began slowly maturbating her.... it was really an amazing way of getting the Sylph to calm down; just moments ago she had been hyper and excited and liable to get carried away by the excitement and run off (or even fly off)... but as the finger worked her pussy, she went almost limp, clinging to
[16:58] <+Ayahka> Varisanna and slightly moving her hips against the finger. Her charrering and questioning had stopped as well, all that escaped her throat now was silent whimpers of "nnn... nnn nnn... ah... ah-ah mm..." Soft and almost inaudible.
06[16:58] * +Luthiel made a soft curtsey before she smiled to the High Elf, "It is a pleasure to assist in this wonderful artistic venture brought to us and organized by the lovely Miss Tehya." She seemed to sparkle under the light though be it due to the applause or her own scattered patches of diamond scales was anyones guess, "It is my great pleasure and honor to announce the sensual Varisanna as
06[16:58] * +Luthiel the next act. One that is sure to ensnare your hearts and captivate your senses." With that said she would move silently to her seat delicately crossing her feet at her ankles and tucking them under her chair, her robe parting slightly to reveal the creamy expanse of pale snow dusted skin.
01[16:59] <+Tehya> 14 if anyone wants to read a Valentine pop into #Tli-quest>
06[17:00] * @Stormbringer smiles to see Octavia as always having looked as though she just stepped out of her studio and nods approval that Tehya has invited her to that sector of the audience. He would have done so himself otherwise, not next to himself as he expected bennu to arrive at any moment, but nearby at least
06[17:00] * +Kahee lets out a wistful sigh as the song concludes and the next performance is prepared... her eyes wander about the crowd once more, for sign of that whimpering protest growing ever softer... Almost self conciously she glances over her shoulder, surely those degenerates in the shadows of the very back rows weren't up to business already!
06[17:00] * +MorganDrakewing nods as the next act was introduced, giving Sheba a kiss on the ear. "If you get too tired, don't be afraid to fall asleep next to me. Your prescence is enough to keep me happy now, vixen." He flicks the tails a little more, another glance around. " one you recognize around?"

06[17:02] * +Relanoth whispered back. "Oh, flatterer, you know everyone in this place is just an accesory to make you look better." He whispered back. He nodded at Octavia, unfamiliar with her, but if Tehya called her over, she must be interesting , in one way or the other.

06[17:02] * +Taria squeezed her mate's thigh all the more and hues danced with amusement.. "Yes, everything is fine".. She'd offer up those soothing words to her mate.. It wasn't long before a tall blonde and lumbering torian minion came to the side of Taria's chair. Within its hands, a leather bound case in which the woman plucked from hands.. There was no thanks given, for the dead needed none of that.. No, <14The2>
[17:02] <+Taria> <14Dead1> she'd withdraw her hand from her mate's thigh and would flick the casing open, exposing a wormwood violin coated with witchhazel and sealed. Its bow, finely crafted, carved with dragons along its edge.."Something -I- have been working on" she murmured to her mate.. Ahh! The surprises kept coming. <4Now1>
06[17:03] * @Ehlanna flicks my eyes around, finally settling on Varisanna and waits for her to slither up to the stage, wondering what she will be doing
[17:04] <+Itylra{Carth}> This was perhaps not what she meant about getting out and about a bit more but there was to much here and with everything going on around her she felt a little out of control and not able to keep an eye on everything all at once. Whispered words near her master as a soft nod was given in agreement, she thought the music and words were beautiful but she was out of her comfort zone completely and it could be noted by the way she ke
[17:04] <+Itylra{Carth}> pt close to her master, fingers curling into his robe a bit when normally she would sputter words of defiance against him. "Thats a surprise to my ears.. I would have thought different but yes..anywhere.." She kept noticing others, watching them a bit and then shaking her head as her attention swung back to the only one that seemed to matter to her and fingers clung a bit tighter to him.
06[17:04] * +Sheba-MD glanced up at morgan then once again looks around. " I dont really know much of anyone anyway so no dont see anyone I know. Why is everyone going u there talking about love?
06[17:04] * +Varisanna the sithian would grin hearing her name called as she would let that finger slip back out of the girl though not before casting divine ectasy on her to hijack her senses. "Come girl it is time to put on a show.." she says as she would move to the center of the stage. Turning to face out to the crowd as she would begin "To you the people of this fine great nation, it is my honor and even my <14next2>
[17:04] <+Varisanna> <14more1> elation, a performance to give to show respect to our ruler..a give you now my thoughts on the rebels" a hand motioning to Ayahka "So small and petite so weak and naive.. so desperate of course to be bent over knee." this said she would grab Ayahka by the wrist to pull her forward and make her tumble down onto her hands and knees in front of everyone. <4end1>
[17:05] <+Octavia> * tall woman showed her grace in movement .. sliding through the crowd with bent head and long, paint-stained hands tucked into pockets. her shoulders were slivers, if she were a dancer, might have given fine form .. drew up, rather uncomfortably, near the more reasonably dressed Tehya - Relanoth - and Emperor. a smile for each, most faintly warmer for the very latter.
06[17:06] * +MorganDrakewing shrugs. "Well, I'm guessing during this season there are a few holidays that celebrate the concept of poetic love right around winter. That's the best time to find someone to snuggle with." He nibbles Sheba's ear. "I'm sure Miss Tehya might have a good explanation on the reason for the season. She's the elf with the blue lipstick...and the sling on."
[17:07] <+Octavia> * when sitting, appeared as though she were laying herself across the seat like a fine garment .. flat bellied, more athletic than soft. nearer, beneath the woodsmoke she smelled of better things .. cinnamon, and sea. a lean, to reach out and touch Tehya's knuckles by way of greeting .. and near enough to Stormbringer for touching, but not inside his shadow.

01[17:07] <+Tehya> 14"We need to have more fun Relanoth its been too long, and I hear the Inn has become entertaining, rebels to be drawn out with our great allure hmmm? This is Octavia a dear friend of mine. A sculptor, and she has helped do some personal work for me."6 She didn't go into what it was, or about the Artists`Ambit this wasn't the time, she enjoyed watching the act.
[17:07] <+Ayahka> "What -- I -- Ah!" she gasped, completely unprepared for this; she lost her balance and only avoided falling to the ground because she was, after all, aSylph, and she'd forgotten to be affected by gravity. Instead, she flipped around to float horizontally over the stage floor. By now Varisanna's spell had taken hold of her, and she was smiling blissfully as she was handled.
06[17:08] * +Archaon He'd look as that perfection of unlife arrived with her violin. Indeed a surprise, a good one at that. He'd grin faintly, and nod while the show continued on. "I'm sure you will do just fine my love." he winked. It will definitely be a treat to listen to her play when her time arrives to be on the stage. It looked to be a fairly good crowd of people here this day. Eyes drift along, making sure nothing out of the <-cut
[17:08] <+Archaon> cut-> ordinary would cause any problems.
06[17:08] * +Luthiel blinks as she tilts her head as Varisanna put the girl onto her hands and knees. Now this was... different. Her face was expressionless as she regarded the 'show' onstage.
06[17:08] * +Sheba-MD looks around then stopped. " Ohhh Morgan Mister Lord stormbringer emperor Sir is here.
06[17:08] * @Ehlanna arches an eyebrow and chuckles watching Varisanna and poor little Ayahka
06[17:09] * +Relanoth nodded, seemign delighted to meet her. "Aaah, an artist. I am exalted to meet one of the arts. You should come and visit my home. I always seek to find ways to beautify the world." His attention was drawn to the stage, but his face was drawn to a frown. "Hm... politics. is there anything politics cannot disturb?" He whispered to Tehya. He didn't seem to mind the imprmptu use of audience as prop, even if it was cruder than he'
[17:10] <+Relanoth> 2{( continue)}--> 6 p, even if it was cruder than he'd prefer himself. 2<--{( end)}

06[17:11] * +Taria would only smile at the man who seemed all too surprised at her side. She watched viligantly that stage, with Varisanna's performance in queue. She would not allow her attention to deviate all too far. However, a gentle pluck of strings to keen hearing, to ensure that it was indeed tuned correctly for her performance. Tongue dashed across her lower lip, a dark brow rose, what a performance.. <14The2>
[17:11] <+Taria> <14Dead1> Interesting.. <4Now1>
06[17:12] * @Stormbringer raises an eyebrow at events on stage. It promised to be entertaining

03[17:12] * +Itylra{Carth} ( has left #tli-forest (Leaving)
06[17:13] * +MorganDrakewing smiles softly. "Yes...that is the Emperor, little vixen. Is that your first time seeing him in person?"
06[17:13] * +Kahee chuckles softly under her breath, leaning back in her seat and turning her eyes back to the stage, that had been it, she realized, as the Sylph yelped in surprise, the voice that had been distracting her so...
[17:14] <+Octavia> * simply smiled one more at Relanoth and focused on his face intensely - one and two seconds, a split hair longer than was perhaps polite. perhaps to commit his name and face to memory. "i'm rather quiet company, more used to stone than flesh," she confesses, round Valencian vowels and staccatto consanants. all sotto voce, murmur managing to cut through the noise.
06[17:14] * +Sheba-MD shakes her head. " No I seen him once before. but only for a litle bit. He is the boss of everyone right? I mean if he says something gets done then it gets done right?
06[17:15] * +Bennu{SB} was late, much to her dismay. The emperor had reminded her of the time just the day before and yet time had gotten away from her. The guard wasnt making matters any better, refusing to ride at a faster pace, worrying about rebels along the way from the palace to the concert. Varisanna was already on stage when she finally arrived, the guard leading her through the crowd towards <-more->
[17:15] <+Bennu{SB}> <-more-> Stormbringer's seating area. The slave kneeled at his side, the guard gave him a nod and excused himself for his own seat behind them. "Master." She murmurs softly in greeting to the barbarian. <-done->
06[17:17] * +MorganDrakewing strokes Sheba's tails, giving a nod. "Indeed. His word is law for everyone living under his domain. It helps that he is a well-tempered ruler as well. Very easy to talk to and quick to earn respect. Such a shame others see him in such a narrow light."
06[17:17] * +Jarod`N{Nai} was keeping track of everyone that came here. Now, it was not like Jarod would get himself killed for the Empire.. no. However, he would provide services as needed when the time arose. Bearing this in mind the majority of focus was on the others that were in no way nobility in the least. Making mental images, noting voices, mannerisms as well.
[17:17] <+Sheba-MD> Her ears perked up and she sat straight up. " easy to talk too? really?'

06[17:17] * +Varisanna a grin now as she would move slowly sliding the girls dress up over her form to expose her body to the crowd "They hide in the darkness they hide in the shadows..they burn down are houses and even mess with our spouses.." the dress now tossed aside as her wings would begin to glow to catch the eyes of Ayakha and entrace her into watching the sithian dance. "They probably claim reasons like <14next2>
[17:17] <+Varisanna> <14more1> honor and power.." the sithian would begin to sway her body about which would likely make Ayahka do the same as a dance would begin "But what I think is they just want to be deflowered.." a quick shift as she would slip behind the girl now turning her out to the ground as the sithian would move one hand to grip one of Ayahka's breasts the other slipping down between her legs as she would toy <14next2>
[17:17] <+Varisanna> <14more1> with the girl on stage for all to watch. "So here is to our emperor and his might legion, to the noble houses that fight, to the people that endure..we share our love now to hold our anger for later, that we may embrace our loves now and fuck our enemies over later.." rather then bowing the sithian simply pressing her fingers roughly into the girl and casting a full blown arousal into her to <14next2>
[17:17] <+Varisanna> <14more1> send her over the edge in front of all the people. <14more1>
03[17:17] * +Van (Van-@14055a3a.6ca5f07b.199.116.imsk) has left #tli-forest
01[17:18] <+Tehya> 6 She was hoping that Relanoth would invite Octavia to see his Manor, the art he collected made a memorable visit. With a soft nudge to his side, 14"Maybe we could come visit you soon to see your new art."6 Her eyes followed the performance on stage though, and she smiled seeing Bennu{ join SB's side.

[17:20] <+Octavia> * Octavia crossed booted ankles, attention following Bennu to her kneeling-place.
06[17:20] * @Stormbringer regards bennu as she arrives but apparently expects it to be no more than the work at the SS having kept her so long. He wouldn't encourage her to claim special privelege that would make other employees jealous so he put up with it. "Come up here so you can see better, little slavegirl," he murmured quietly, patting the seat on his right then returning attention to the stage
06[17:22] * +MorganDrakewing nods. "Oh yes. I've had a few audiences with him. Straightforward. Always appreciative of cute things." He pauses, having a good idea what was going through Sheba's mind. "Did you wish to talk to him?"
06[17:23] * +Luthiel regarded the performance, a frown marring her features. The normally impassive face displaying her dismay for a moment before she regained control of herself.
06[17:23] * +Relanoth smiled at Octavia. "There is something to be said for that. Some of the greatest artists spurned the company of others completely. Of course, many went quite mad, but their works were amazing. But I would love to invite you to my home, and see what vision you have. We shall have tea and speak of it, right Tehya?" He looked at her. The wrok on the stage was given a looks, lips tightening a bit. He was visbly displeased by Vari
[17:23] <+Relanoth> 2{( continue)}--> 6 He was visbly displeased by Varisanna's work, but remaiend quiet. 2<--{( end)}
06[17:23] * +Sheba-MD nods her head. " Yes I want to talk to Mister Lord Stormbringer Sir. I have something I want to ask him. So can i go over to ask him? it wont take very long and i will wait till inbetwen people on stage doing their things.
06[17:23] * @Ehlanna licks lips and, assuming Varisanna's show is over now the Sylph has reached her climax, lifts hands to softly applaud
06[17:24] * +MorganDrakewing stands. "A good idea, little Sheba. Did you want me to come with you? So I can introduce you properly?"
03[17:24] * Miyuka sets mode: -o Miyuka
06[17:25] * +Sheba-MD bites her lower lip then nods her head. " Yes please. He dont know me but you have talked to him before.
[17:25] <+Ayahka> Almost completely entranced now, the Sylph barely even reacted as her rainbow-clored dress was slid up and off her, exposing her soft, pale form.... she was soft, slender and almost willowy, with gentle feminine curves, softly rounded hips, perky breasts with pink little nipples, and soft, smooth legs.... And as Varisanna danced, so did Ayahka, like a sleepwalker, mimicking the sithian's moves, as if she was moved around l
[17:25] <+Ayahka> ike a puppet. Her blue eyes were distant and dreamy, and her lips parted slightly as Varisanna groped her.... and then... "Ah... Ah!" she gasped as Varisanna drove her fingers into Ayahka's slit; already wet and ready from having been masturbated behind stage. The pleasure overwhelmed her, and she arched her back, screaming out, and quite unashamedly cumming all over the Sithian's hand. "Aaaaaah!"
[17:27] <+Octavia> "tea," echoed the sculptor with a lift of brows and a gesture with her chin as though in agreement .. glancing at Tehya with half a smile on strange and endlessly expressive mouth. how things had changed from pneumonia and the snowbank. the work of Bennu and Tehya, certainly. "i would be delighted, a viewing, politics, watercolors," just a little louder.
06[17:27] * +MorganDrakewing takes Sheba's hand, nodding, letting her lead the way over to the Emperor. He gives a small smile to Tehya as the performance on stage ends, scooting over a little.
06[17:27] * @Stormbringer laughs softly as he watches the climax of the performance, a climax in more ways than one. It reminded him of a time with bennu and he was sure it would her too, no doubt accompainied by a blush
06[17:27] * +Kahee snickers, joining in the applause as the sithian completes her little little show, watching the Sylph writhe and squirm in her arms.
06[17:28] * +Bennu{SB} smiles and rises to the seat he offered, knowing he wouldnt chastize her until later if he remembered. She settled into the seat, letting the cloak fall from her shoulders. The slave girl was dressed in a velvet dress, the neckline was off the shoulders and cut deep to display the swells of her breasts. Lace trimmed the top and the hem of her skirt, showing off the collar at her neck and the <-more->
[17:28] <+Bennu{SB}> <-more-> cuffs at her wrists. Then her gaze drifted to the others in the crowd, smiling to Tehya and Octavia, giving them a nod in greeting. The exclimation from Ayahka however turned her attention back to the stage, indeed blushing as she saw the 'finish' of the show. <-done->
06[17:28] * +Luthiel took a breath before uncrossing her legs and rising in one fluid motion. Her robe clinging to her form as her long legs strode forth peaking out from it's slit. She moved to the stage muttering a clean spell upon it before she spoke, 5"That was an interesting display. Thank you to my fellow Master of Ceremony for joining us this day. Varisanna shall introduce the next act." Luthiel
06[17:28] * +Luthiel held a warm smile for the crowd before she returned back to her seat. She would not call that a performance, nope that was a display.
06[17:28] * +Sheba-MD walks towards where Stormbringer was sitting but as she got closer she stops and let Morgan move in front of her since she didnt know Stormbringer or he her.
[17:29] <+Octavia> * she seemed distracted, a toe of her boot was tapping. perhaps the noise, the crowd? or the display on the stage. all was well, she supposed. she'd made an appearance, which was her ultimate goal. when to disappear was the thing.
06[17:30] * +Relanoth gave Octavia a pained laugh. "Oh, not politics, anything but politics, good Octavia. It'd be less banal to discuss the weather. And hasn't it been cold lately?" He chuckled, once more looking at the stage, wondering who the next person would be to appear on stage.
[17:32] <+Miyuka> Late. Miyuka had planned on getting there on time but sh ehad once again become wrapped up in her work at Unigo and lost track of time. Now, the black and purple colored carriage that bore the Estate Valentine Symbol came down the snow shoveled road that led to the amphiteater. It would come to a halt and the adorable one steps out dressed in a magnificent red and white dress that had
[17:32] <+Miyuka> a heart themed pattern to it (PM for pic of outfit). Miyuka looks about for a moment as her two wolves join her by either side of her.
06[17:32] * +Varisanna she would grin though looking to Luthiel for a moment seeming a bit confused as to be honest she was not entirely sure what she was supposed to be doing. Looking about though and noting Tehya seeming ready to perform she would grin letting out one last rhyme to let the other up on stage. "Good day to you all I am off to entertain this piece of ass," a hoist of Ayahka to put her over the <14next2>
[17:32] <+Varisanna> <14more1> sithians shoulder or floating over it depending on how the slyph landed a quick swat given to her rump. "So I give you the talents of Tehya which I am sure shall provide far more class." a bow to the next performer given and then she would slip off stage with the slyph to find a seat to watch the rest of the events from. <4end1>
01[17:32] <+Tehya> 6 She nodded yes to Relanoth, they would have a tea and invite Octavia, seemed perfect since Tehya had missed out on new pieces he had added since she gave him the ice sculpture.14"Sounds delightful."6 Then her name was called and she stood up smoothing the black silk dress down and adjusting the red silk sling on her arm. Oh yes best to get that perfect for Taria to see. She walked up to the ...
01[17:32] <+Tehya> ... stage and thanked Varisanna with a nod for introducing her and then turned to the audience. 14"This is a poem about this and that, some say fantasy, some say not."6 She gave Ehlanna a smirk, and then recited her work.
01[17:33] <+Tehya> 14With picturesque snow winding paths this way and that~ I picture a man walking away from a swamp~ He may be confused on what he left there~ Some say there was a heart that none could compare~ She longed for a touch, a word or two~ Confused on why he felt trapped and didn’t pursue~ With months and days going by with no reason or rhyme~ She finally came to the conclusion her words were not ...
01[17:33] <+Tehya> ... sublime~ Confused on gender and lust came a day ~When a lady with cat girl scent on her brought her to a cabin to play ~ Now breasts were her erogenous zone in sexual display ~ but being shoved in a corner was enticing that day ~ So the lady with hearts went back to the swamp to stay ~ Everyone that passes her see pink hearts floating their way ~ To those that wish to stop and give her a chance ...
01[17:33] <+Tehya> ... ~ She will fancy an exchange of words and longs for romance ~ The man she hopes to return, name is whispered on her lips ~ How she longs for his touch when guiding her hips ~ So Remember this on All Hearts Day ~~ Be it a swamp or your heart ~ One faithful and filled with lust, should never be cast away~ ...
06[17:34] * @Ehlanna watches Tehya and arches an eyebrow, leaning forward a bit more to eye her more closely, suspecting she has something up her cast
06[17:34] * +Ayahka grunted slightly and flopped limply over Varisanna's shoulder as the Sithian hoisted her up, her naked ass high up in the air and her long golden hair handing down as she was carried of-stage, murmuring to herself in a daze... she never even knew what was going on.
[17:35] <+Octavia> (sorreh!)
01[17:35] * +Tehya took a bow but not before winking at Ehlanna, and went back to her seat, enjoying the fact the Master of Ceremonies had this show under control.

06[17:35] * +MorganDrakewing gives a bow to the Emperor, his hand drawing around Sheba's shoulders, noting that Tehya has begun her set, waiting for the next act before he introduces his concubine. He smiles a little as Miss Miyuka enters. He will have to wait and see how long it will take for her to notice the female wolven nearby.
06[17:36] * +Sheba-MD bows her head towards Stormbringer then remained silent as the next person was on the stage and she didnt want to be rude and interupt Stormbringers watching them. She turned her attention ot the stage herself now.
06[17:38] * +Bennu{SB} cheered for Tehya as she finished her poem, applauding for the elf as she hurried from the stage. She quieted however as she noticed MorganDrakewing with his girl waiting for Stormbringer's attention.
06[17:38] * +Varisanna she would grin as she would sit in a chair setting the slyph down on the ground in front of her before guiding that head down to the sithians hips to press it against her folds "You most be thirsty dear... have a drink.." she would say to Ayahka then looking back up to the stage as she would take in Tehya's performance.
06[17:38] * +Kahee watches the Sithian make her exit, still grinning at her vulgar little performance. Leaning back in her seat, she crosses her legs and tries to get comfortable, listening intently to the Sylvan attempt to weave sublime insights on the very same stage where that poor Sylph had been made off with.
06[17:38] * +Jarod`N{Nai} looked at the parchment and smirled to himself, edges of those soft lips curling upward. Hand through midnight dark hair as the slyvan knew exactly who it had been written for. Although, to his blatent amusement nobody here would have a clue; Thankfully NAidra was nowhere to be seen, the woman would think it was about her after all.
06[17:39] * +Archaon enjoyed the presentations so far. Not one had been lackluster, or disappointing to him. Applause given when each one had ended, and silence when the next performer took to the stage to deliver their performance. Poem or song, it was all a well orchestrated event thus far.
06[17:39] * @Stormbringer watches Tehya's performance with a faintly bemused air. he tended to get rather lost in the alliterative notions of poetry but the voice and view were both pleasant enough and he applauded those at the appropriate moment before turning slightly to acknowlege Morgan
06[17:40] * @Ehlanna glances round, looking a little bemused, and looks at everyone else to see what they think they thought ot Tehya's performance, but claps anyway
06[17:41] * +MorganDrakewing gets the acknowledgement, giving the bow again to Stormbringer and his slave. "Emperor, I would like to present to you my vixen concubine Sheba. She has expressed a desire to meet you for some time." He gives the fox a nod. "Go right ahead, little one."
06[17:41] * +Varisanna then noticing some eyes from the stage again seeming to fall on her she would look snap up one of the programs to see who was next "Such lovely words leave question as to who can follow the answer of course being Relantoh who.." trying to find some word that would rhyme but being unable so she would simply go silent hoping no one noticed her trail off.
06[17:43] * +Miyuka had arrived just in time to hear Tehya's poem and the adroable one smiles and claps as she begins moving to find a seat. Miyuka leans down and whispers into the ear of her white furred wolf and the familliar runs off for a moment. Miyuka takes note that Ehlanna was here and she couldn't help but to gravitate towards the sexy seductress. "Lady Ehlanna, I've not seen you in such a
06[17:43] * +Miyuka long time now." Yuka says to the woman in a hushed tone.
[17:43] <+Ayahka> "Ah... ah.hah... mmm..." the poor Sylph was mush too dazed and confused to realize what was happening; she was sittng naked on the ground, and all of a sudden her head was taken and her face pressed against Varisanna's cunny.... and when a nymph, especially one like Ayahka, and especially after having been zapped with spells and her brain is all muddled and confused, suddenly finds herself pressed against a vagina like thi
[17:43] <+Ayahka> s and told to "drink" -- well, then she knows only one way to act. Instict takes over. And Ayahka, her mouth pressed againts those soft folds, began to lick and lap up Varisannas sweet honey.
06[17:44] * @Ehlanna flashes a bright smile at Miyuka, 10"hello, little one. Come here often, and would you like to?"
06[17:44] * +Relanoth leaned back as Tehya went to give her poem, listening to it carefully, quietly listening. He smiled. The exact amount of sexual tension to set minds at work without crudenes, with a bit of sadness in it. Varisanna seemed to be faltering, so he stood, stepping up and breaking the silence. "Thank you Varisianna, thank you very much. now, our addition comes from the ever elegant and stylish Taria. We all await what she can say t
[17:44] <+Relanoth> 2{( continue)}--> 6 . We all await what she can say to enrich our hearts further this day. Whether it be lesson, warning or encouragement." He stepped down, giving Taria the stage. 2<--{( end)}
06[17:45] * +Taria noted Tehya's performance, very well done. And then, would shift from her perch beside her mate, a flick of hues as she gathered up that remarkable violin and its bow, carved of bone and left the case settled at Archaon's feet. A free hand found purchase in gown, pulling upward the fine fabric so that she could move to the stage. Hands smoothed across the front of that silk dress, which <14The2>
[17:45] <+Taria> <14Dead1> pressed bust against nearly sheer fabric. Leg out-turned, flesh far more exposed than nipples which pressed into her gown from the bitter chill of winter. Only then did she turn, bright hues cast over those in the crowd. At first, an etherial humming took over her throat, a practiced tone which would carry so all within the amphitheater would hear. Vocals were a beautiful and sultry sound before <14The2>
[17:45] <+Taria> <14Dead1> the violin was uplifted and upon chin-rest pointed chin was nestled. Bow arched upward, and the music would begin. Fingertips pressed, plucking at the strings and that saddening melody would errupt from a well-tuned instrument. ( ... re=related ) <14Speak1>
06[17:46] * @Ehlanna glances at Taria, then gently elbows Miyuka, and very loudly declaims, 10"gosh, just look at the nipples on that"
06[17:48] * +Relanoth was listening, closing his eyes carefully, enjoying the music. Then heard Ehlanna's remark, the high elf, usually unflappable turning to fix Ehlanna with an icy stare before turning his attention again to Taria, closing his eyes and letting his finger idly moving along with the music.
06[17:48] * +Miyuka couldn't help but to giggle as Ehlanna points out that Taria's nipples were not quite hidden by the fabric of her outfit. "Do you mind if I use your lap while I'm here, Lady Ehlanna? I didn't bring my wife with me and I've no where else to sit." Miyuka was never one to sit in a regular char unless she absolutely had to.
06[17:48] * @Stormbringer assumes at first that Morgan is offering him another slavegirl but realises that not to be the case so waits for the vixen to say something for herself. Though Taria's performsance starts before that occurs
06[17:49] * @Ehlanna checks that bow and sword are out of the way and casually snakes an arm around Miyuka's waist and tugs her into my lap
06[17:49] * +Varisanna she would hear the words and find her eyes drawn to Taria and particularly the area Ehl had mentioned, perhaps not the healthiest thing for the sithian to take note of as she had already been growing a rather dangerous fancy to the necromancer. The fact that the sylph began to work on her right at that exact moment all the worse as she would let out a moan of pleasure barely able to control <14next2>
[17:49] <+Varisanna> <14more1> herself enough to keep it quiet enough not to disturb the show. A forced diversion of her eyes as she looks back down to Ayahka to watch the girl work. <4end1>
06[17:50] * +Sheba-MD blinks and looks up at Stormbringer and swallows hard. " Mister Lord Stormbringer Sir I know you dont know me but I have lived here along time. Some I dont even remember the time but alot I do. I never ask for nothing from you. I go down to the river alot and i found a animal awhile back it bought it home and ask Morgan ws it was and he said i was a water dragon so I took really god care of <mew>
[17:50] <+Sheba-MD> <meow> it. but it was just a baby frog and it growed legs and i turned it loose. I see people has little dragon and I got 18 coins in my pouch and if i give them to you can you let me buy a one of them baby dragons please. I just want to pet it and love and has one please sir? <rawr>
01[17:50] <+Tehya> 6 She sat back down, and as much as an actress as she was her arm did begin to itch like she was told by the healer. Luckily the silk eased that sensation and she watched Relanoth introduce the very one that caused her injury. Hard feelings not at all, Tehya had plans and wouldn't let it get in the way. Music, oh she loved music even played on the specialized violin Taria had. She shut her eyes ...
01[17:50] <+Tehya> ... absorbing every note, and became quite entranced in the voice accompanying it. So maybe they had more in common than in rivalry, it seemed so.
06[17:51] * +Taria Hypnotic was that melody. Soft, perhaps moreso than most would ever think possible of the necromancer. Though, she too seemed swept up in her own playing. The vibration of fingertips as they drew the strings to warble but for a moment, and the bow, strung with care, plucked free sharply, once, twice, only to be settled back down upon strings, her hues of ice closed, dark lash dusting the <14The2>
[17:51] <+Taria> <14Dead1> height of cheekbones. And she sought to push down her own emotions which began to bleed through that music. The sensation of loss, unabashed regret.. All fed into that one musical piece. Ebony and silver curl, once piled high atop her head had frays of rebellious strands curling over elven features at the jostling motion of the violinist. Brows furrowed inward, lips drawn into a line of <14The2>
[17:51] <+Taria> <14Dead1> consentration with each push of bow against strings. Hips rocked slightly with the melody, by no means meant to be seductive outwardly, but as she attempted to draw the crowd inward with that violin. Though as hues were closed, she would seek not the eyes of those who watched her, but rather, poured herself into that music in which she graced them with. <14Speak1>
06[17:51] * +Relanoth would again be disturbed out of his enjoyment of the music by Varisanna's moans, another attempt at murder in the first degree with only his eyes attemped, corner of his mouth twitching for a bit, before he could refocus his attention on the high elf playing the music, drinking it in eagerly.
06[17:52] * +MorganDrakewing blushes a little, but considering he HAD been promising Sheba something along this lines for a year running now, he really wasn't too surprised that the vixen was making the reasonable request. He kept one hand on Sheba's shoulder.
[17:53] <+Ayahka> "Um... mmm... ummm..." Her head bobbed up and down, her long blonde hair spilling down her back (and looking rather messy right now) as she licked... and licked.... she was holding Varisanna's hips, burying her face in her pussy, letting her naughty little tongue probe deeper and deeper. At the moment she wasn't even wondering why she was doing this; she just did it.
06[17:54] * +Bennu{SB} looked to Morgan and Sheba, thinking she would say something, smiling to help encourage her but the other seemed silent. Taria took the stage and started to play. There was surprise in her eyes to see the lady playing so wonderfully. People had all kinds of hidden talents. She was tapping her foot along to the music, just hearing the vixen when she finally did speak. She glanced to the <-more->
[17:54] <+Bennu{SB}> <-more-> barbarian, knowing he had a great deal of paitence for all his people....and glad for it today. <-done->
06[17:55] * @Stormbringer is getting practiced at dealing with the apparently witless peasants who inhabit some corners of the realm so he doesn't laugh out loud or even turn Sheba into a frog herself. But he won't reply until the current performer has finished
04[17:55] * Dorja_Stormhoof ( has joined #tli-forest
03[17:55] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Dorja_Stormhoof
03[17:55] * +Dorja_Stormhoof ( has left #tli-forest
06[17:55] * +Archaon He'd smile as Taria's moment had arrived to perform. Case set by his feet, and she began to play. A somber, mournful piece of music. Still, it was something to take in and enjoy. Eyes remained upon her while she continued on, listening to the notes, looking solely upon mate. She had surprised him well with this. It was very well done, enjoyed, despite his biased feelings that his wife was the performer.
06[17:55] * +Miyuka settles into Ehlanna's lap and listens to Taria's music, such a solemn yet lovely song. There was so much going on around them though Miyuka was having a hard time concentrating on anything other than Ehlanna. Specifically her breast. Yuka leans her head against them and relaxes. The combination of the comfort and the music was causing her to get sleepy. The adorable one yawns oh
06[17:55] * +Miyuka so cutely. "Magnificent..."
06[17:56] * @Ehlanna listens to Taria, catching Relanoth's glare with an upraised eyebrow and chuckles softly as I see his scowl focus on one after another then, finally, mutters a soft spell, maybe only heard by Miyuka as she nestles in my lap, 10"mmmm, thank you. Taria is not bad either"
06[17:57] * +Taria It was not a long song by any means, meant to simply empower those around her, evoke feelings within them. Be them sad, mournful, or even sheer glee that they had not experienced loss and now, now could enjoy such a heart-felt day with their lovedones.. And so, she digressed, withdrawing the bow from strings, and allowed the bow to fall along with her hand, at her side and chin upturned, the <14The2>
[17:57] <+Taria> <14Dead1> violin withdrawn loosely within her other hand and she'd simply walk free from that stage, biting back the hot sting of tears that few would note. A pursing of tiers, the woman would cast icy orbs to her mate, a warm smile curled tiers and she settled herself back into the seat astride his own, plucking upward the case in which both violin and bow were laid lovingly inside.. Only once it was <14The2>
[17:57] <+Taria> <14Dead1> closed was it once more given to that looming torian minion.. And a thread of necromancy plucked lightly, away to home with that instrument it would be, to safeguard it from any violence which may lurk among the crowd. <14Speak1>
06[17:58] * @Ehlanna kisses the crown of Miyuka's head and cuddles her with one arm, the other hand slapping at the seat next to me in lieu of applauding
06[17:58] * +Varisanna she would not cast any new magic in the girl the divine ectasy slowing fading as even the arousal would weaken. A hand brushing through the girls hair as she would hold her down against those hips letting her work as the sithian would slowly grow wet from her desire. "Such a good girl.." she whispers to encourage more.
06[17:58] * +Sheba-MD stood silent as Taria played and clapped when she was done. She then turned her attention back to Stormbringer and awaited his answer.
06[17:58] * +MorganDrakewing still keeps silent too. Indeed Taria had some talents, though it was not too long ago he saw her kill an assassin with her bare hands, with undead torian in tow. Kind of creepy to see so much violence and so much art gathered in one nice package. She's come a long way, he has to admit. Then, back to the Emperor, hand on Sheba's shoulder.
01[17:59] * +Tehya applauded Taria and really enjoyed the music. She watched her pack the violin away and someday would ask to see it first hand. For now she watched for the next Master of Ceremony come on stage and next act announced.
06[18:00] * +Relanoth relished it, that sadness. Oh, had he felt it himself? Oh no, the marquis was not one to fall in love, but he'd broken plenty of loves for his own amusement, and the music brought back plenty of pleasant memories. As the music ended, he started applauding, his teeth shown in warm applause, until at some point his eyes widened and then blinekd repeatedlky, shaking his head. Hm, must be that rude Sithian's entertainment getting
[18:00] <+Relanoth> 2{( continue)}--> 6 e Sithian's entertainment getting to him. He should perhaps use his slave more if his imagination was that easily dsiturbed. 2<--{( end)}
06[18:00] * +Miyuka took note of Ehlanna's spell, though was unable to recognize what it was or whom it was cast upon. She knew it wasn't on herself as she didn't feel any magic invading her own. Taking note that Taria was finishing up, Miyuka claps, absolutely loving hearing the sound of a fellow violin player. "What manner of mischief are you up to now, 'lanna?"
06[18:01] * @Ehlanna smiles and nuzzles Miyuka's hair, 10"I think her g-string was loose. The violin was well-tuned though and mishief, me? I am nt sure I even acknowledge knowing the word let alone how to spell it or what it means"
06[18:02] * @Stormbringer can appreciate music easier so he applauds that of taria before turning back to Sheba. "So you want a dragon eh? Well you're talking toi the wrong person. You need the dragon lady over there" He gestured towards Ehlanna with a slightly malicious grin. "Now if you sneak under her skirt and kiss her just right, she might show you a really big dragon. And if that one doesn't eat you, you can ...
[18:02] <@Stormbringer> ... ask him if he has any spare babies for you!
04[18:03] * Fariday ( has joined #tli-forest
03[18:03] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Fariday
06[18:03] * +Bennu{SB} stood as Taria finished her song, admiring the talent and skill of her playing. The slave had no talents with musical instruments herself but was moved by the music. She smoothed her skirt and reclaimed her seat, flushing for her outburst, seeing Morgan and Sheba still there. She bit the inside of her lip as the barbarian answered the vixen, directing her to Ehlanna. She remained silent <-more->
[18:03] <+Bennu{SB}> <-more-> herself beside him. <-done->
06[18:03] * +Archaon He smiled to Taria, clapping enthusiastically for his mate's performance. Indeed bias on his part, but he was no judge at least. She did very well in his eyes. As she returns, he slides arm about waist once she had taken care of what she needed to do. "Very good my love. I enjoyed it very much." he spoke softly, while there was a bit of silence between performances now.
06[18:04] * +Sheba-MD dropped her ears and bows her head and simply turned and walked away without another word said. She moved over and takes her seat once again and sat there staring down at her hands.
[18:04] <+Miyuka> "Oh, come now, Milady. I know seductress magics are subtle when cast but I don't have these long slender fuzzy ears for show. I got quite the earful of your magics being weaved. I just wish to know what it know how curious I can be."
06[18:05] * @Ehlanna giggles and nods, 10"oh, I know and I reckon I can drag this out for a while longer and get you really, really curious and ready to agree to almost anything for me to tell you"
06[18:06] * +Luthiel had a smile on her face of appreciation the entire time the music played. That had been wonderful though it had echoed the sadness she felt. Tears pooled in her eyes as she moved to the stage. A warm smile as she spoke, 5"What a lovely performance that was, simply haunting as befitting of a noble wife." She said with a warm smile. 5"Next up we have the charming Jarod to grace us
06[18:06] * +Luthiel 5with his talents. Please welcome him."The sensual Drak Sen makes her way down the stage as she searches the crowd for the next performer, nodding to him with a smile. She resumes her seat, folding her wings around her like a cloak as she once more demurely crosses her legs at the ankles and tucks them under her seat.
06[18:07] * +MorganDrakewing gives a bow to the Emperor. "Thank you for entertaining her request, my liege. The vixen is...a bit more inclined towards men, you understand, but I do believe we can have a talk with Mistress Ehlanna for a proper compromise." He turns quickly, walking over to the vixen, taking her hand. "Come...stick with me now..."
06[18:07] * +Jarod`N{Nai} would listen to Taria's performance end and clap a bit before blowing a kiss to her with a smile. After noting he was next the sharply black and crimson dressed sylvan ventured to the stage and got comfortable. Dark blue eyes would trail over the crowd onceover and then started. 2"I call this poem... "A light on the horizon..." 1 Elf said and then cleared his throat proper. 2"I
06[18:07] * +Jarod`N{Nai} 2think that -*Distorted*-
[18:07] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> -*Reality*- I have found, Upon this wondrous ground, A friend for life, a love -*Is Infinite*-
[18:07] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> Who is a touch above.. *eyes trail over the crowd as he continues* Life's mediocrities, That blow in different seas, These special ones on earth, Who've been that way since birth, They touch lightly your heart, And never must you part, For when you see their eyes, There can be no good-byes..." The elf caught his breath and soldiered onward* "So walk this way with me, Along this pathway
[18:07] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> free, I -*Distorted*-
[18:07] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> -*Reality*- shall not bind or tie, Our love or it would die, The way you turn me on, Is like the switch of a light, Because when I see you, I think: What a sight! You brighten things up, Throughout the whole day, And when you're about to leave, I say to myself: Please stay." *Jarod would take a bref pause and finish* "Some day you might be my lover, Some day you might be my friend, Whichever
[18:07] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> one comes -*Distorted*-
[18:07] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> -*Reality*- first, I hope will never end." -*Is Infinite*-
06[18:09] * @Ehlanna listens to Jarod speak his poem and smiles as I gently caress Miyuka, 10"that was nice - would you clap for me?"
06[18:09] * +Taria couldn't help but smile all too sheepishly at her mate as his arm bound around her waist, she would lean inward, a gentle kiss upon his cheek. "Thank you mine darling". but unknown to her, some man out there had her positioned in a very sexual manner, all due to the manipulations of Ehlanna. Hues flicked toward Bennu, and a slow curl of lips as she blew a kiss to the woman. And then she <14The2>
[18:09] <+Taria> <14Dead1> heard Luthiel, a warmer smile offered up to her before hues would find Jarod with a dark brow arching skyward. Interesting.. Truly, interesting, she thought.. Before she too offered up a generous clap of hands and nestled in closer to her mate's frame. <4Now1>
[18:09] <+Miyuka> "Oh, no no, I'll not fall into that particular trap, madam. I am wise to your ways and have studied your magics, not to mention experienced them first have over the years." Miyuka takes another peak around, finally taking note of Morgan and Stormbringer. "It looks like the emperor is enjoying himself, that is wonderful. Yuka looks towards the stage once more as Jarod begins. Miyuka
[18:09] <+Miyuka> listens intently and claps out of appreciation.
06[18:09] * +Relanoth turned to Taria as she passed by, the high elf smiling at her. "Thank you for playing that, Taria. I am very much impressed. I pray you tell me if there are other aoccasions when you might grace us with a performance." he said, all charming. Then he looked, seeing a slave was going to give something. The high elf frowning a bit. He was very... strict on what slaves could and could not do. High elven society was very stratifie
[18:09] <+Relanoth> 2{( continue)}--> 6 elven society was very stratified. But well, this was not High Elven society. it was not at all a bad poem though, and Taria's music was a hard one to follow. 2<--{( end)}
06[18:10] * +Jarod`N{Nai} would then bow to Stormbringer himself, the other nobles, then the rest of the crowd before leaving the stage and returning to the area which he had seated himself. While the elf did so eyes would drift about every soul here, trying to gauge them after his performance. Since, nobody would think that the elf had his heart with someone other then his mistress. Satisfied with getting
06[18:10] * +Jarod`N{Nai} that -*Distorted*-
[18:10] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> -*Reality*- veiled confession aired the healer would now relax. -*Is Infinite*-
06[18:10] * +Luthiel smiles as she claps for his performance.
06[18:11] * @Stormbringer shrugs slightly and privately thinks Morgan should probably have kept the twins and given away Sheba to a passing band of romanys but there was no accounting for taste and perhaps he would be offering to steal his way under Ehlanna's clothing on behalf of the female. That might be even more entertaining that the show. But for now he just looped an arm around bennu and cupped her breast with ...
[18:11] <@Stormbringer> ... rough familiarity
06[18:11] * +Fariday would walke the path to the amphitheater, the onyx-winged Torian stretching in the evening air. It was cold, but the atmosphere was festive and warm, at least. He was late, he knew that. Working on an order for the MMR had taken his sense of time from him, but he would shrug that off. Havi not really prepared anything, he would have to go by wing from here out. He wondered if he would see anyone else he knew here.
06[18:12] * @Ehlanna glances at Stormbringer and Bennu and chuckles, 10"well, who would not enjoy oneself with such a sweet little companion. And now I have you, sweet Miyuka - do you feel the strands of the net closing in about you yet?"
06[18:12] * +Taria couldn't help but smile back at Relanoth at his words.. "Your kindness, will get you everywhere.. Sir.." she purred.. "You are most welcome.. Perhaps, there will be an occasion in which I may once again grace you with my violin.. Or.. perhaps my harpsichord would better suit if I am not.... bombarded with such a quick request?" she teased him. Her hues couldn't help their traveling, noting <14The2>
[18:12] <+Taria> <14Dead1> Stormbringer's hand finding purchase upon Bennu's breast and that heated blush once again curled her cheeks.. God damn barbarians! She shifted in her seat, returning her attentions back to Relanoth, hand cupping her mate's thigh.. "Do find me, and we will talk more of artistic things". <4Now1>
06[18:12] * +Sheba-MD just stayed in her seat and shakes her head. " No. Why you always tell me things not true? You said it was a water dragon it wasnt and you said he is easy to talk to and he is mean. I wont go under any body skirt to kiss them and I dont want ate by a big dragon. You said he was the boss of everyone and he isnt. I think I would just like to go home now.
01[18:13] <+Tehya> 6 She sat and applauded for the Jarod that was a perfect themed poem for the occassion. She crossed her legs and watched the stage, actually enjoying the show this time rather than doing all the work. It felt good, and she moved her arm in the sling tempted to take it off. When she seen the look on Relanoth's face she smiled, oh what fun she intended to have at that tea party. Seeing Fariday ...
01[18:13] <+Tehya> ... walk in the smile faded quickly remembering how he said he didn't like or care for the Emperor or the Nobles, but she did wave to him he was a talented writer.
[18:15] <+Miyuka> "From the moment I first approached you, madam. But that's part of the fun. Why do you think I went out of my way to marry such a lovely seductress as my wife?" Miyuka giggles. There was of course, far more reasons as to why she had married Braids, but she truly did enjoy the magics of a seductress, not just because of what they did, but because of how they felt when they interacted
[18:15] <+Miyuka> with her own magics.
06[18:15] * +Archaon He'd hold arm about waist, enjoying the next performance with her as it progressed. A piece of poetry written rather nicely. He'd look back at her as her hand took firm hold of his leg yet again. "Something must be getting your attention." he smirked, spoken beneath breath to keep it between themselves. For now, things would wait. He knew better than to begin something that would not be finished in such a place.
[18:15] <+Ayahka> And even thought the magic was fading, and theoretically the arousal should as well; this was a Nymph, whose sex drives are quite legenday. Getting her all horny and wet was easy; but making the arousal go away was harder... much hadrer. She had been brought to orgasm once, but since then she was been made to lick Varisanna's pussy... and the taste of her juices, the smell of her arousal, was more than enough to keep poor
[18:15] <+Ayahka> little Ayahka happily licking and suckling even as the magic faded. Her hands were carressing the sithian's hips, and she let her tongue roll around her clitoris... humming softly against the soft skin, pulling back slightly and then diving her head back into the fun. "Mmmm... ummmm...." she ummed, her head moving slightly against Varisanna's hand as she tran her fingers through her hair.
06[18:15] * +Relanoth laughed at her. "There are times we must do things iwht no rush, as we have the centuries, and there are times we must seize opportunity, or mourn its passings for centuries. I am Relanoth Alandil, I'm sure we'll speak later." He turned his attention back to Tehya. It was his turn next he knew. "Hm... the slave is pining for his owner hm? Not so rare. Always a bother I find, if slaves fall in love with owners. I personally di
[18:15] <+Relanoth> 2{( continue)}--> 6 love with owners. I personally discourage it." He looked at Fariday. "Hm? A friend of yours?" 2<--{( end)}
06[18:16] * @Ehlanna laughs softly and lifts a hand to caress Miyuka's hair, 10"I though ti was because I was unavailable at the time"
06[18:16] * @Stormbringer nods appreciation of Jarod's worrds, though he can't exactly applaud at that moment. Still he appreciated the more direct path they had taken
06[18:16] * +Bennu{SB} blushes as Taria blows her the kiss, smiling in return before listening to the poem Jarod offered for the crowd. Again she applauded when he finished and took his bows. Stormbringer's arm slides around her, drawing her into his side as his hand cups her breast. Her cheeks were just as heated as Taria's as she saw the lady's glance. "Are you enjoying the show Master?" She murmurs.
06[18:17] * +Varisanna she would look at the program once more noting that her apparant slot was up again and more noting that she had misspoken the first time a simple shrug "And now to um perform or something.. Relanoth" by all accounts the sithian had simply checked out of the event now as the girl between her thighs was far more entertaining to her. Her other hand slipping underneath the girl to get a hold of <14next2>
[18:17] <+Varisanna> <14more1> one of her nipples giving it soft gentle tugs. <4end1>
06[18:17] * +MorganDrakewing strokes Sheba's hair. "Little one, there's no reason to be angry. You know I promised you that we would find you a dragon, and that is what I intend to do. And you certainly aren't going to crawl under Mistress Ehlanna's skirts...especially if we can find a proper substitute..." He glances over to Ehlanna and Miyuka.
[18:18] <+Miyuka> Those words made Miyuka blush heavily. Even if it was just meant as a joke, Miyuka couldn't help but to linger on that thought for a moment. "D-don't make me blush like that, Madmoiselle." Miyuka holds he rhands up to her cheeks where had turned such a rosey color.
06[18:19] * +Taria narrowed eyes at her mate's teasing and then she drew those pale blue eyes to look back upon Relanoth for but a moment.. "I am Taria Ama Mai.." she offered up the whole of her name then.. And lips curled "Or the Lady Deathwhisper.. Either will suit well.. I look forward to our next meeting.." and then she looked up to her mate.. Finally, she would answer him.. "It is not my fault that I have <14The2>
[18:19] <+Taria> <14Dead1> grown a.... certain fondness for the forwardness of barbarians" she murmured in a hushed tone.. And then a flick of her gaze once more directing her mate's own eyes toward the Emperor and Bennu. <4Now1>
06[18:19] * +Kahee coughs softly, taking leave of her seat and mumbling soft appologies as she slips out of her row and down the column towards the exit.
03[18:19] * +Kahee ( has left #tli-forest
06[18:19] * +Relanoth heard Varisanna announce him like that while receiving head, and as he stood the ones who knew hm knew Varisanna had made an enemy. His smile was just a bit to tense, and his eyes just a bit too friendly. And there was a little twitch in his figners. "Thank you Varisanna, for that kind introduction;" he said oh so sweetly, then turned solemn. "This poem I wrote for a late friend of mine. He knew love, and he followed it, wher
[18:19] <+Relanoth> 2{( continue)}--> 6 ew love, and he followed it, wherever it led." 2<--{( end)}
01[18:19] <+Tehya> 6 She leaned over to Relanoth and whispered, 14"Yes a talented writer and poet, with views that differ than mine."6 She really didn't know where or how in depth Fariday's hate was, but would ask him in private. There was a crisp scent of new clothes that Relanoth had on and she leaned back in her chair to watch the show.
06[18:19] * +Fariday nodded to Tehya, a glance all around. Finding most seats taken, he would recline against a wall at the back. The cold bothered him not: most of his race was tolerant of more biting colds than other races. So many people. He sighed, wondering if he had missed any truly outstanding performances. He would send a quick message spell to Tehya.
[18:20] <+Relanoth> Once, I was whole~
[18:20] <+Relanoth> Then love stuck a hole~
[18:20] <+Relanoth> And there is now a need~
[18:20] <+Relanoth> I thirst, I starve, I bleed~
[18:20] <+Relanoth> Only near you do I live~
[18:20] <+Relanoth> breathe every smile you give
[18:20] <+Relanoth> But your heart is taken
[18:20] <+Relanoth> And thus ine is breaking
[18:20] <+Relanoth> Justice, honour and sense all
[18:20] <+Relanoth> cannot stop me from this fall
[18:20] <+Relanoth> I will feel your terrified final breath
[18:20] <+Relanoth> If not in life, we'll be together in death
[18:21] <+Ayahka> Was she even aware where she was? Probably not. For the moment, her entire world consisted of sexual pleasure, and providing it to the Sithian in front of her. She raisted herself on her knees, moving slightly to kiss and lick at that oh-so-overpowering pussy, even as her hand moved from Varisanna's hip to stroke along her labias.... it was really too bad she was missing all the performances, but she was busy with her own.
[18:21] <+Ayahka> ... and now she moved slightly to insert a finger into Varisanna.
06[18:23] * +Luthiel listened to the performance that Relanoth gave. A sad smile crossing her features. She understood that feeling all to well. Not that there was anything she could do about it but it was nice for him to remember his friend that way.
06[18:23] * +Archaon He'd just chuckle softly, head shaking. "Yes, I'm familiar with such. Both given and received. Subtlety is not their style." he'd look toward the stage as another piece of poetry was being recited. Some creativity exited within the land. It was nice to witness it. "Seems then that I might rectify that once we return home." he grinned deviously. All his words kept under breath as best he could to not interrupt <-cut
[18:23] <+Archaon> cut-> anyone else's attention on the performance.
04[18:23] * Semaj_Anon (Semaj_Anon@14055af0.6ca5ed3c.76.73.imsk) has joined #tli-forest
03[18:23] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Semaj_Anon
06[18:24] * +Sheba-MD glanced up at morgan. " I am not mad. Just know where I dont belong. Just know when i have been insulted for asking a polite question. If that is someone easy to talk to then I would hate to meet someone not easy to talk too. What did I say to deserve that from him? You tell me? Just cause I am not some Noble person?

06[18:24] * @Stormbringer looks down at bennu with a knowing smile. The blush may be there but the nipple has hardened instantly at his touch also. And he did like that combination. "I'm cerytainly getting entertained from all sides," he would snicker softly to her. Then he went quiet again to listen to Relanoth. He isn't sure what a love-struck hole is but assumes it a sexual reference and so nods and smiles as he ...
[18:24] <@Stormbringer> ... pretends to understand what the poenm is saying
06[18:25] * +Luthiel glanced over to Sheba and Morgan hearing them. She hadn't heard the event but wondered if perhaps the girls very attitude is what got her into some trouble. She returned to look over to Relanoth, it wasn't a concern for her that was certain.
06[18:25] * +Varisanna she would grin leaning back now as she saw the sylph grow even more forward as the spells waned. "Want some toys to use on me pretty thing?" she asks curious how long she could go before she would have to drag the girl off somewhere a bit more private to really get the two making noises.
01[18:27] <+Tehya> 6 she stood up to applaud for her fellow bard and was quite impressed having heard him recite a poem for the first time. Then she sat back down and sighed mulling over a matter that has been plaguing her for months. The bard grew quiet, dark in mood and drew off the red silk sling and threw it on the floor by her chair. The show had to go on and she looked down at the new flesh a bright pink in ...
01[18:27] <+Tehya> ... comparison to her tan she had. Soon it would match the rest of her but it itched and annoyed her. When Relanoth came back she would whisper, 14"Bravo!"

03[18:27] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Thrash
[18:27] <+Ayahka> "Mmm?" she lifted her head softly and looked up at Varisanna, as if just now realizing there was a person attatched to the vagina in front of her.
06[18:27] * +Taria smirked at the teasing of her mate and rolled icy hues skyward.. "I've much to do this day.. " she murmured.. "But..... If you wish to mmmh.. satisfy my inner voyer.. Take up one of these girls, fuck her into silence.. " she murmured, hues cast out along the crowd, curious as to which girl her mate could take.. Either with or without their permission.. What could she say? She enjoyed <14The2>
[18:27] <+Taria> <14Dead1> watching her mate have his fun... And enjoyed all the more, the petious cries of help. And she'd tilt head up at Relanoth, again, with the murmuring of magics which would kiss his ear in a whisper ~Beautiful words.. Sir~. <4Now1>
04[18:27] * Alieera ( has joined #tli-forest
03[18:27] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Alieera
06[18:29] * +MorganDrakewing squeezes Sheba's hand. "Now, don't be silly, vixen...I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding. Let's just talk to Ehlanna, okay?" Hard for him to answer some of the more heavy questions in such a public place. Let's just hope the elf is not as naughty...

06[18:31] * +Relanoth nodded in gratitude, smiling. Of course, what people didn't know was that the friend wasn't really his friend. And he himself had been the one to take the girl's heart, just to torment the poor soul. It had been qutie a surprise to see the murder-suicide. But it had been inspiration, and so it had been worth it. "Thank you, now I might have darkened the mood a touch, so I give you now someoen known for brightness. The Lady of
06[18:31] * +Varisanna she would grin just putting a finger underneath the girls chin to pull her up onto her feet and then lean her forward for a soft kiss to the lips "I was asking if you wanted to use toys on me.. but maybe I should be using toys on you instead hmm?"
[18:31] <+Relanoth> 2{( continue)}--> 6 known for brightness. The Lady of the Valentiya estate, the strawberry Princess, and a connoiseur of the beautiful, the inimitable Miyuka." Relanoth didn't know her personally, but could work from rumours. he went to sit next down Tehya again. 2<--{( end)}

06[18:33] * +Semaj_Anon would eventually make his way to the amphitheater, the boy curling his lips into a slight smirk. Those eyes peering at the audience which was around him, slowly stepping downwards and finding an emtpy seat. The feline forgoing his hood this time around, simply dressed in a forest green cloak, dark brown tunic and breeches which were stuffed into knee high leather boots. His dirty
06[18:33] * +Semaj_Anon brown hair ...
[18:33] <+Semaj_Anon> ... tangled into something of a mess, two furred and tapered ears protruding from the bundle.
06[18:34] * +Ayahka got to her feet; she was incredibly light (or to be more specific, gravity didn't quite work the same way for her as it did for everyne else) and so Varisanna didn't have to use much strength at all to pull her up to a seated position. Naked, and quite unselfconsciously at that, she breathed out slightly as the sithian kissed her. "Ah... okay..." she breathed against her lips.
06[18:35] * +Archaon Head shook, silence after. More performances to enjoy. A good evening of song and written word all organized together masterfully well. True talent had emerged from all manner of place. The drak waited to see who would make their way to the stage next as there seems to be another pause in activity.
03[18:36] * Ehlanna sets mode: -o Ehlanna
06[18:36] * +Miyuka perks up in Ehlanna's lap as she was announced, and what a lovely announcemnt it was! Miyuka hops out of Ehlanna's lap and leaps towards the stage, floating oh so gracefully through the air, showing off that beautiful heart themed dress of hers in the process. She looks out at the crowd for a moment before she'd pull free a rather expensive looking bell and give it a bit of a jingle.
06[18:36] * +Miyuka "Along with my performance, I've a gift for our Emperor, the mighty Stormbringer." She snaps her fingers and two of the maids from her estate come up onto the stage, carrying a small fragment from the Phoenix Gem. Just what did the adroable one have planned?
06[18:37] * +Varisanna the sithian would grin "Let's just rest for a bit hmm watch the shows and then when its all done I well take you off someplace more private and really make you scream."
06[18:37] * +Fariday would stretch, ready now for his turn, when it should come. It was a small night of relaxation and creative outflow, if nothing else. Miyuka, the woman he'd been working on swords for for weeks now,vwas next. He wondered if she was as good as she was a few nights prior.
06[18:37] * +Ehlanna watches Miyuka with twinkling eyes and blows her a sultry kiss after she lands, so gracefully, on stage, plus a littel finger wave, accompanied by a smirked grin
06[18:37] * +Sheba-MD had heard about Ehlanna before and really had no wish to go over there. She had seen her in action before and tho she didnt understand it all she knew she could somehow make people do strange things and besides she was a rich lady so sheba figured she was only be made fun of and laughed at and talked down to again anyway. " dont want one anymore."
[18:38] <+Ayahka> "Okay..." she breathed again; she was quite docile now and would rest against Varisanna with little protest.
04[18:38] * Allisa ( has joined #tli-forest
03[18:38] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Allisa
06[18:39] * @Stormbringer hears the words from the overdressed one on stage, recognising Miyuka and wondering what she had in mind
06[18:39] * +Alieera stood at the entry way taking a deep breath. The girl had been painted in all Gold so she had a glitter to her. Long ravyn hair shone with a glossy tone and had little sparkly beads in her hair. Bells around her ankels and wrists. Dressed as Thrash had dawned a loin clot upon the girl and a strip about her breaasts of leather. The girl had not danced for Stormbringer in a long time.
06[18:39] * +Alieera <snip>
06[18:39] * +Alieera <cont> She had her lips painted a deep blood red and was nervouse as she waited t obe acknolwedged.
06[18:40] * +Semaj_Anon lifted his hand and lightly stroked his chin with a light tapping of his fingertips, his head tilting to one side as he saw Miyuka clamber onto the stage. This was certainly an interesting festival so far! The feline continued to make his way further into the amphitheater, his eyes searching, head turning left and right attempting to spot an available seat.
06[18:42] * +Bennu{SB} couldnt hide the reaction of her body to the man's hand. Her cheeks were bright red as well as she sat beside him. She looks to the stage as Miyuka announces that she had a present for her master, curious what it might be.
06[18:42] * +Alieera should mention she has little small gems placed at her forhead and one at her belly button. Hah. The girl was all cute and delicate looking. She sighed and hoped that thrash enjoyed himself toinght. It was his special day afterall. She wanted to please him the most. She had painted also a small red heart above her breast with a styliZed T upon it in. She hoped this pleazed her love
06[18:42] * +Alieera as <snip>
06[18:43] * +Alieera <cont> she limbered up for the dance she was about to do. Listening to MIyu while the girl was on stage. Waiting for her cue.
06[18:43] * +MorganDrakewing looks hurt. "Sheba..." He ruffles her hair. "You are not one who's supposed to be easily discouraged, remember? You are still MY beloved, and I take any promises I make to you very seriously, though others may not." He comes over to Ehlanna's seat. "Excuse me, Mistress this seat taken?"
06[18:43] * +Ehlanna looks up at MorganDrakewing and smiles, 10"um ... the seat I am sitting in, or some other seat?"
[18:44] <+Miyuka> Once the phoenix gem was properly set up, Miyuka suddenly begins singing, the girl not even needing the help of a melody of anykind. There was a reason why she was called Song Maiden of her tribe. Her singing was second to none. The slow lovely song would come out. "A barren lonesome place stripped of all hope faith and belief...I stumble on for I alone can bring relief to those that
[18:44] <+Miyuka> cry out!" As she finishes that last sentence Miyuka brings a finger to the Phoenix gem and a massive ball of flame shoots from it and launches high up into the sky and explodes into a large heart that would glow brightly for some time up in the air. She'd continue singing while the dazzling display went on. Anyone keen on their magic would recognize the spell as a Fire mage spell (fireworks)
[18:44] <+Miyuka> though the spell itself was far more powerful than somethign even the most powerful of firemages could produce, and this was just a harmless spell.
06[18:44] * +Ehlanna lifts a hand to forestall MorganDrakewing, 10"shhhh, let us watch and listen"
06[18:45] * +Varisanna the sithian would grin noting the next person on the Queue from her house "Oh an now Alieera is going to give us a lovely show!" she says with a grin then realizing that was her introduction of the girl too.
06[18:45] * +MorganDrakewing nods, finding a seat, taking Sheba into his lap, holding her close, listening to his clansister begin her routine.
06[18:45] * +Luthiel sighed softly then looked over towards the performance of Miyuka. Smiling warmly as she regarded the woman's performance. She watched Miyuka awed by the display.
06[18:46] * +Fariday would watch Miyuka's performance, havi little aod frpm magic or other outside sources. His familiar perched at his shoulder, the peregrine falcon looking about curiously. She'd never been about so many people before, especially nobles or royalty.
06[18:46] * +Alieera the girl heard varisanna. Her heart stopped and she looked up heading up to the stage. Dark eyes scanned for Stormbringer and for Thrash. She would bow to Lord Stormbringer and then st and back up again. Beginning to move one leg out half poised arms arched out as she began to move her body in a pop and lock routine.
01[18:47] * +Tehya looked up into the sky watching the fireworks and smiled. Perfect at least there were no attacks this eve and everyone was performing to the utmost abilities. The colors caught her eye and she relaxed back into her chair watching.
06[18:47] * +Relanoth sat down next to Tehya, raising an eyebrow as a mention of a gift was made. Well, occasions like this couldn't help but be home to some pandering to the ruler. While he appreciated the music, and seemed to like it, the high elf woudl frown slightly at the use of magics. The high elf knight was a purist in these things, and when it came to art, considered the use of magic boorish. Still, it was an impressive display. His eyes
[18:47] <+Relanoth> 2{( continue)}--> 6 an impressive display. His eyes would settle on Fariday. "So, you are a friend of Tehya. Always glad to meet one. What kind of writings do you produce? I fancy myself something of an amateur poet at times." 2<--{( end)}
06[18:49] * @Stormbringer blinks as the light shoots out. H had been wondering when the gem reserch would produce anything and now it apparently had. Some sort of magical amplifier? Well that was interesting and overshaded the sung itself
06[18:49] * +Alieera still waits to be brought fourth.
06[18:49] * +Ayahka was sitting leant against Varisanna, breathing softly..... and even though she was supposed to be watching the performances, the afterglow of magic and orgasm was working on her, as well as the fact that she was being made to sit still.... so it didn't take long before her eyes closed, and she was asleep.

06[18:50] * +Sheba-MD was normally not easily discouraged but such words from one whom she had always deeply respected and admired could discourage anyone. So she wasnt as smart as alot of people, did that mean she should have been been treated that way? Live and learn they say and learn she did. Somethings were starting to make alot more sense to her suddenly but she just sat quietly in morgans lap since he had <mew>
[18:50] <+Sheba-MD> <meow> pulled into it. <rawr>
06[18:50] * +Taria watched Miyuka's performance quietly.. Afterall, she was charged with judging all performances. However, that did not mean that she wasn't still angry with the Strawberry Princess. Perhaps so much so that the woman would be lucky to get cock or vagina near her in the near future. Her brows furrowed at that magic.. And then a frown dipped.. Why had the woman brought that here? If something <14The2>
[18:50] <+Taria> <14Dead1> like that existed, it could be used by the rebels.. Certainly, not a safe place with it.. Not at all. <4Now1>
[18:50] <+Fariday> The torian would look to Relanoth, heari himself bei addressed. "Quite honestly O'm a smalltime writer; very little do I come to such events, but Miss Tehya invited me. Honestly I'd likely not have shown up were it not for her," he explained, starry wings folding behind himself. "Of course, I doubt I'll much stand out."
[18:50] <+Miyuka> "With the weight of the world now on my shoulders I feel weak...but with a hand from you I'll never know defeat. In your aaaarms, I feel warmth...and I know then that you'll always be the one that's there for me and so I dream once mooooore...of that one place. We both knew when happiness, was just one step away!" Once again, Miyuka touches the Phoenix gem and concentrates for but a
[18:50] <+Miyuka> moment and releasses another spell from it, this time one from the symphonic Sphere (Rime of the ancient mariner), yet again on a far more massive scale than normal. It was in time with the fading of the heart that had been launched into the sky. Ice began to form within the fading heart and it would quickly expand, creating Stormbringer's crest in mid air out of pure ice. Such simple
[18:50] <+Miyuka> spells were turned into incedible feats thanks to the enhancing powers of the gem. And just imagine the combat possibilities of such a thing.
06[18:51] * +Ehlanna eyes Miyuka and the gem and smiles. Sweetly.

06[18:52] * +Varisanna the sithian would grin as the slyph went out taking her off to somehwere more safe to sleep

06[18:52] * @Stormbringer brings his eyes back down to see a flash of gold in the periphery. He looked at the girl exercising with almost as much interest as the fireworks. Not really recalling where he had seen her before, he knew he had, He rarely forgoy a nearly naked female
06[18:53] * +Bennu{SB} gasps at the fireworks display, delighted with the burning heart in the sky above them. Her hands lift and she claps to show her appreciation. The ice shot up next, forming the crest of her master and let out another sound of awe. "Lovely!"
02[18:54] * @Sutara ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
06[18:54] * +Alieera her arms moved back as she limbered in a half swing circle hreaching to grab her ankels as she worked streatching before she was suppose to go onstage . She wiggled her toes as she streatched and worked on her fingers. Then stood up straight and her shoulders rotoated. becoming ready. She had not noticed Stormbringer watching her exercise yet.
01[18:54] <+Tehya> 6 She looked at Fariday wondering what he meant the other night, but this wasn't the time to question his alliegance to the Empire. In fact not actually working this event lent her time to relax and enjoy her friends. 14"Yes he is very good in fact he wrote a poem for my bonding ceremony."
06[18:55] * +MorganDrakewing pulls his cloak around Sheba, letting the vixen snuggle in. He seems quiet, a little worried about her outburst. Then again, he was trying his best...wasn't he?
06[18:55] * +Luthiel watched the fireworks, spell bounded.
[18:55] <+Miyuka> It was a small, short song, though there sounded like there definetly should have been more too it. Miyuka brought it to a close, ending her performance and her song. The ice above would melt ever so slightly and then shatter. Once more touch to the phoenix gem and instead of shards of ice falling down along the gathered crowd, it would be heart shaped snow flakes. Miyuka takes a bow
[18:55] <+Miyuka> and summons her maids back up to take the gem back to the carriage. She'd follow them as well, insted of returning to the festivities.

06[18:56] * +Ehlanna smiles brightly, makes a mental note as I applaud Miyuka's performance
06[18:57] * +Relanoth nodded at Fariday. "Well then, we have the lovely Tehya to thank for your presence. I do like the grace of the Torian people. They have beauty without, I'm interested in deeing what beauty they can produce further. And like us, you have the centuries to refine your craft." He then saw that Miyuka left, giving polite applause as she returned to her carriage. It had been impressive enough.
06[18:57] * +Fariday would smirk to Relanoth. "Centuries we may have, but I am but 23, milord."
06[18:58] * @Stormbringer watches Miyuka depart. He would have to learn more from her. Soon
06[18:58] * +Luthiel clapped wildly for Miyuka as she headed towards the stage to announce the next act. "Now that was a captivating and spellbound performance! Truly a captivating show. Now please allow the words of our next performer captivate your heart and draw in your soul. Let's see what Fariday can illuminate next for us." With another smile she would make her way from the stage leaving it open
06[18:58] * +Luthiel for Fariday.
06[18:58] * +Semaj_Anon remained within his seat, lightly rocking back and forth on it, one leg crossed over the other. His eyes would peer at Miyuka as she left the festivities, a small, light clap of his hands greeted her as she walked past. "Very nice..." he spoke quietly to himself, his eyes once more focusing upon the stage, wondering if he had come too late and the festivities were already over.
06[18:58] * +Allisa finally stops fussing about how late they are running as the ampitheater comes into sight, her mood brightening as she grips Callie's waist to hold on, her long red cloak flapping in the wind behind them. Seeing the fireworks, Allisa feels her show-smile slip comfortablly into place, the promise of returning to her element soothing her excitement after all her preparations. Feeling them dropping lower toward the <<more
[18:58] <+Allisa> <<follows>> ground, she reaches down and pat's Maraqwai's scaly flank, her mate's mephos carrying them to the event.

06[19:00] * +Fariday would sigh, it now being his turn. He was never one for public performance, but such was the night. Spreading his ebon wings, feathers all tipped white like a night sky, he alighted on the stage, introduced by Miss Luthiel. He would gaze with pure white eyes over the audience. "Good evening; I'm but a simple man with a small gift to the entirety of the empire." he would introduce, them begin:
06[19:01] * +Ehlanna arches an eyebrow and giggles, then says, quite loudly, 10"size doesn't matter"
[19:02] <+Fariday> I sit and watch the memories; Of olden days gone by~ A whisper in my mind of all; The things I try to hide~" The torian wuld begin, words spoken at first, but as the subtle rhythm set in, his voice turned to gentle song; as if one man's words sung to his lover.
06[19:02] * +Amita_Kepi wasn't quite sure why she'd decided to follow the instructions on the flier to come to this but, she was bored and curious what exactly this thing entailed. she wore her rather unusual clothes under her closed robe as she reached the area calmly looking forward at the familiar man on the stage.
[19:03] <+Fariday> The secrets ringing through my head; The thoughts unspoken so~ Each and every mystery; Has thus defined my soul~" he'd co tinue, eyes washing over Stormbringer, Tehya, Ehlanna, the rest
06[19:03] * +MorganDrakewing tilts his head to Ehlanna, still stroking Sheba. "Lady Ehlanna, the Emperor mentioned you know something about dragons. Is this true?"
[19:03] <+Fariday> I sit and watch each day slip by; Alone and pondering why~ I can sit upon the ground; And yet my feelings fly~"
06[19:04] * +Luthiel listes with rapt attention
[19:04] <+Fariday> A day of righteous purity; A night of solemn flame~ Has drawn my age-honed eyes to you; My perfect, silken dame~ Her gaze can find my every fault; My secrets come to light~ I find my soul purged clean of all; The wretched darkened night~
[19:04] <+Fariday> My wings unfurl, they wrap about; That beauty that I see~ Her arms embrace my tired form; Her eyes watch over me~ I feel at peace with her at side; I feel so calm and tired~ I can finally rest my head; Put out my wandering fire~
[19:05] <+Fariday> So now when all the world should burn; The inferno wrap the skies~ We can fall into each other's arms; And leave these lives of lies~ And when the stars should leave the night; The sun should flee the day~ I'll have you in my memory; I'll have my final say~"
06[19:05] * +Ehlanna listens to Fariday, smiling at the gentle way the spoken word slides into song, then glances at MorganDrakewing and Sheba, 10"indeed I do. Avoid being breathed on by them."
[19:05] <+Callie`Volopa> The patient, blue-furred water fox Callie Volopa very rarely argues with her wife, and when she does, it's usually over matters of life and death. If asked to list the five most patient people she knows, she'd put herself close to the top. Nevertheless, Allisa's fussing about running late had started to get even on *Callie's* last damn nerve, and it was all the fox could do not to turn
[19:05] <+Callie`Volopa> Maraqwai around and return to the cabin. But when the ampitheater comes into view, and Allisa stops complaining and takes hold of her waist from behind, Callie's lips change from a scowl of irritation to a smile of contentment, and she's reminded of why she loves her wife so much. Taking Maraqwai down towards the ground, Callie is careful to keep her dragon's velocity and angle slow and
[19:05] <+Callie`Volopa> casual, so it wouldn't be misinterpreted as an attack. Anyone who recognized the identity of the rider wouldn't believe that for an instant anyway, but she'd hate to be shot down on the way to Allisa's dance performance. When Maraqwai's scaly feet touch bottom, Callie slowly lowers herself down as well.
[19:05] <+Fariday> Come what Godly wrath may come; Come what war shall pass~ I'll keep you safe behind my wings; I'll keep you safe at last~" he'd let his song come to a close, voice falling soft and soothing, eyes closed as he let the echoes ring over the audience.
06[19:06] * +Alieera had stopped working her muscles and looked to Fariday.. her eyese watering as she heard the song. She took a deep breath tyring to still herself ro the dancing
06[19:06] * +Ehlanna nods and applauds Fariday's performance
06[19:06] * +Luthiel smiled softly, forgetting to clap that was definitely the words of a man in love.
[19:07] <+Callie`Volopa> <Scratch "Allisa's dance performance"; replace with "a party">
06[19:07] * +Bennu{SB} sat a little straighter as Fariday took the stage, her eyes roaming over his ebony wings. The slave girl leaned further into Stormbringer's side as she listened to the poem. Her hand rested on his leg, fingers toying with the fabric of his pants, sliding higher as the poem continued. At the end of Fariday's preformance she pulls her hand away, clapping enthusiatically.
06[19:08] * @Stormbringer takes his hand away from bennu's breast long enough to clap for the performance. Nice simple words he could understand, and a nice tune to go with them
01[19:08] <+Tehya> 6 She applauded loudly for Fariday being he had written several other pieces before this that she didn't have time to applaud. Looking over to Relanoth, she whispered, 14"Perhaps invite all of them to the tea party."The performers I mean, it could prove interesting to say the least."6 She would help him if he needed it, of course.
06[19:09] * +MorganDrakewing nods. "Sage advice. Well, my little Sheba was told by the Emperor to ask you about the dragons...or more specifically, how we can get in contact with one."
06[19:10] * +Relanoth listened to the Torian quietly, nodding in approval. Melancholic song. The high elf was never one for the all too sweet ones. Very idealistic. He reminded him of some of the younger elven knights in his days. A smile appeared on his face. Oh those days of yore. He turned to see a mephos (inferior mounts! Horses were the one worthy animal of being a noble's steed) land, some more people entering. As the song ended he applauded
[19:10] <+Relanoth> 2{( continue)}--> 6 g. As the song ended he applauded with enthusiasm. Walking up the stage. "A very moving performance from Fariday. We thank him for sharing it with us. Now, the graceful Alieera is ready to turn her body to art, speaking to us without words." He announced her, then stepped back. 2<--{( end)}
06[19:10] * +Amita_Kepi hadn't heard all of the performance of the torian on the stage but, she offered a little applause at what she had, it was certainly well written at any rate. her eyes landed upon a dragon as it landed and she want closer towards it cocking a brow before her legs draged her towards it and the familiar looking woman that lowered herself off of it. 14"good Evening to You Callie!"6 she smiled brightly brushing a10 ~*~Do
[19:10] <+Amita_Kepi> --10 ~*~Maybe I shouldn’t?~*~6146 hand through her snow white hair bowwing before the five tailed beauty as her own twin tails swayed.
06[19:11] * +Ehlanna blinks and looks at MorganDrakewing and Sheba again, then casts a playful baleful glare toward a certian, randomly selected barbarian emperor, 10"really? Well, we used to have a cellar dragon at the Inn, but after sarai stopped leaving it ribbons and cookies it left. As for a proper dragon ... why would you want to meet one, they do tend to have large appetites"
02[19:11] * +Fariday ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Fariday_)))
04[19:12] * Fariday ( has joined #tli-forest
03[19:12] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Fariday
[19:13] <+Callie`Volopa> Upon seeing Amita there to greet her, Callie's earlier bad mood is forgotten and she responds with a broad smile and friendly hug. "Charavizhra, Amita!" Callie says, swaying her five tails brightly behind her. The water mage is dressed quite nicely for the occasion in her purple blouse with black and white trim, black skirt, and calf-length black leather boots. "Allisa, this is my good
[19:13] <+Callie`Volopa> friend Amita Kepi; Amita, my wife, Allisa." She doesn't *think* Amita's met Allisa yet anyway...
06[19:14] * +MorganDrakewing squeezes Sheba tight. "It is a promise I made to my little one. She has always wished to ride upon a dragon...maybe even having one of her own. Course, for the latter, it'd probably be close to a mephos or something. Maybe my little one can explain better." He looks to the fox expectantly.
06[19:15] * +Semaj_Anon smirked, lightly tapping his fingers against the side of his arm as they were folded over his chest. His eyes peering at the stage, taking note of the new performers and lightly bobbing his head, the feline passing his time.
06[19:16] * +Fariday would nod, bowing to the emperor Stormbringer and all else before leaving the stage. A simple song was his gift for now. It was really all he could give, though he might say his time at the MMR was service to the empire on its own.
06[19:16] * +Sheba-MD sighs and just shakes her head. She had no idea what they were called and really had givin up even trying. Fact was she was scared of Ehlanna and was still tring figure out why the emperor had been mean.

06[19:18] * +Jarod`N{Nai} snapped out of his thoughts of a particular moriel necromancer and glanced about. Well, we had some new arrivals, who got glanced over and evaluated as the elf let out a sigh. Anyone within earshot would now it was a in love and missing someone sort of sigh.
03[19:18] * Desdaemona sets mode: -vv RedRaven RedRaven
03[19:18] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v RedRaven
06[19:18] * +Taria knew not how many more were to follow Fariday's performance, but as she glanced from one person to the next, she would await the arrival of the newest performer for her to judge.. So many different variations of performances to choose from.. Though, most seemed to lean heavily upon poetry this day.. Interesting..
06[19:18] * +Allisa practically leaps from the mephos's back as he settles to the ground, lighting gracefully on the snowy ground and turning in a pirouette to her wife. "Come on! There's no telling how much we've missed," she says with a laugh, the bulge of her mandolin under her cloak pulling it open to flash glimpses of her flowing dress beneath. At Callie's words she turns to Amita, gracing her with a brilliant smile, and <<more>>
[19:18] <+Allisa> <<follows>> pushes back her hood. Long, brown hair cascades over her shoulders, and the gold and silver circlet at her forehead glitters almost as bright as her brown eyes, the onyx and emerald set in the metal in a pattern suggestive of the Emperor's insignia. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Amita."
02[19:19] * +Luthiel ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
06[19:19] * +MorganDrakewing undoes his cloak a little more. "She's...quite devoted to me, as you can tell. I think the world of her."
04[19:19] * Luthiel ( has joined #tli-forest
06[19:19] * @Stormbringer returns Ehlanna's look with a smile full of bland innocence. He still owed her for the times she had messed with L`aquera's emotions some years before and such things were never entirely forgotten. Having Sheba foisted upon her seemed like a nice evening of that score. Then he turned away before he lost the innocent appearance completely, waiting for the next performance and quietly, ...
[19:19] <@Stormbringer> ... unobtrusively sliding his hand down bennu's side and thigh, to edge it under her skirt
[19:20] <+Fariday> He'd make his way back towards the spot he was in before. To Tehya he'd nod, the same gesture given to Relanoth before he stood and watched for the next performance.
06[19:21] * +Amita_Kepi hugged Callie back tightly; she treasured her good friends more than what most people would treasure their dearest loves (not to mention how long it had been since she'd seen the vixen last)6 She looked to Allisa after she released Callie from her friendly embrace. She had known Callie had a wife, but honestly had expected another vixen rather than a human (not that race really bothered her). she returned10 ~*~Do you
[19:21] <+Amita_Kepi> --10 ~*~Maybe I shouldn’t?~*~66 the brilliants smile with her own simple genuine smile. 14"A pleasure to meet you as well Allisa. I hope I'm not keeping either of you."
01[19:21] <+Tehya> 6 She seen Allisa come in and waved to her, what a delightful surprise, but she remained seated not to disrupt the performances. Everything turned out perfect, and the Master of Ceremonies were doing a great job, Tehya was pleased. She gave Taria a look and held her arm bent so she could see the raw flesh beginning to heal. Hopefully Traghorn was connected to her dreams last night, when she ...
01[19:21] <+Tehya> ... dreamed and relived the incident.

06[19:23] * +Sheba-MD looks at Ehlanna then turned her head and looks at Morgan. " Where we going Miss?
06[19:23] * +Taria couldn't help but snort aloud at Tehya's display.. Her lips formed a magical message once more which smacked against Tehya's hearing.. ~Yes yes.. You poor dear... I rotted your arm~ She teased her before offering up a blown kiss in her general direction.. ~You will live.. You are made of tougher stuff than that, are you not?~
06[19:24] * +Ehlanna laughs and shakes my head, 10"nowhere, little one - it was a gentle admonishment for you to speak"
06[19:25] * +Jarod`N{Nai} would dust himself off and stretch a moment, popping all down his back and a twith of eye. Chest wasn't near as bad but had that lingering annoyance of soreness. The sylvan made sure to get seated all by himself away from the others for now. Between things, or rather, someone on mind and the performances he needed his own space.
03[19:25] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Luthiel
06[19:26] * +Archaon He'd continue to listen on each performance, mostly of written word poetry. Each one nicely written. It was a pleasant distraction to be here. Curious look around to see if anything out of place had come since his attention had been glued to the stage with each performer coming and going.
06[19:28] * +Pharaun{Danae} slowly made his way to the amphitheater. He had not been sleeping well or eating much since the rather violent gang rapes. Especially as his Mistress had seemed to abandon him. He shivered deeply. He needed emotional support and was recieving none. He had begun to retreat and in fact had not been seen publicly in some time. He made his way slowly down and looked around. He bit his lower lip chewing on it and sitting in
06[19:28] * +Sheba-MD sighs softly. " You dont has them. If you did you would know what they are. Sides not going under your skirt and kissing anything so it dont really matter. I offer the emperor my coins to buy one but he said i had to go under you shirt and kiss you there and then go a big dragon and hope he dont eat me so i just wont ever get one.
[19:29] <+Pharaun{Danae}> >>>>lip chewing on it and sitting in the back row.
[19:30] <+Callie`Volopa> "Not at all," Callie says to Amita, all the while trying and failing to keep the smile off her face that was coming as a result of Allisa's slight goofiness. It was nearly impossible for her to remain annoyed with her wife for an extended length of time, especially not over something as mundane as nagging about being late. Came from having faced life and death together, Callie supposed
[19:30] <+Callie`Volopa> . "Allisa's been looking forward to this party for a week now, and, uh... we were delayed." That was the best way to describe the uncharacteristic cooking nightmare that had been Callie's first attempt at making verasho, a Karalinka tribe specialty. Her mood had gone downhill from there.
06[19:31] * +Ehlanna nods slowly, 10"what you should do, little one, is join the Imperial Guard, or do the empire a great service. Then you might be granted a Mephos"
06[19:31] * +MorganDrakewing ruffles Sheba's hair playfully. "My little vixen prefers males over females, you see, Mistress Ehlanna, and me as her one and only. Her devotion to me is unwaverable, and I seek to reward her devotion properly..."
06[19:32] * +Fariday would relax, his familiar on his shoulder as he waited for the next performer. He hoped his song had been decent; he was not usually one for singing, but if there was one thing Torian generally had... It was a certain grace and knack for showmanship, even if he prefered to be behind a forge than before an audience.
06[19:32] * +Luthiel smiled softly as she settled into her seat and quietly watched it all as she became just another one of the crowd, relaxing.
06[19:32] * +Allisa perks up a little as she sees a wave in her direction from the good seats, retuning the gesture with a friendly wave of her own. Tehya she'd not seen in a long time, and she hoped to catch a word with her in private later. Still, her attention is on the woman before her and she shakes her head. "Callie, my dearest love, doesn't think so, but I hope we haven't missed the performances. It's been far too long since <<more
[19:32] <+Allisa> <<follows>> I saw a show like this. Have they been wonderful so far?" she asks like she and Amita were the closest friends. She gives Callie an earnest, warm, smile, and reaches over for her lover's hand, giving her a squeeze. "Let's find some seats and talk there."

06[19:36] * +Alieera all right. She took a deep breath moving up the stage as Fariday ahd finnished his great work. The girl lowering the lights a little . As she began to work and dance in the pop and lock rthym routine her hips popping up then down cuasing her belly to rock back andf roth. Arms outstreatched to Lord Stormbringer.
06[19:37] * +Sheba-MD slips off morgans lap and looks at Ehlanna. " if morgans service to the empire dont gets him one then nothing i could do would ever get one and do i really look like i could be in that guard stuff? Just forget i even said anything to anyone ok". She didn wish to bother anyone anymore.
06[19:37] * +Amita_Kepi listened to Callie and Allisa both without interupting them smiling gently as she did. When they finished she placed her hands in her robe's pockets. the monochromatic woman shrugged her shoulders just a little bit. 14"I've only been here for a short time though the performance I heard thus far was quite beautifully written and performed."6 she glanced to the seats for a moment as Allisa recommended they10 ~*~Do you
[19:37] <+Amita_Kepi> --10 ~*~Maybe I shouldn’t?~*~6146 sit. 14"That sounds like a wonderful Idea."6 she glanced to the stage to the second performance to begin since she'd arrived.
[19:38] <+Pharaun{Danae}> {FtB Pharaun}
03[19:38] * +Pharaun{Danae} ( has left #tli-forest (Leaving)
06[19:38] * +Ehlanna cocks my head as I watch Alieera, gives head a quick shake and then looks at Sheba, 10"sorry I cannot help you little one, maybe you ore Master Drakewing could have a word with those in charge of the Imperial Guard?"
06[19:39] * +MorganDrakewing nods thoughtfully. "Well, that is an idea...anyone in particular we can talk to?" He keeps a hold of Sheba's hand. He knew she was frustrated, and he could relate, but sometimes these sort of hurdles had to be navigated.
06[19:40] * +Selenity had ventured to listen tot he performances. She slipped from her horse and stood with her cloak securely around her form. The ethereal swan maiden was cautious of crowds lately, her eyes scanning. She recognized a few familiar faces that caused her to relax before she saw Fariday. With a smile she began to walk towards him as she lowered her hood, revealing her elven seeming
06[19:40] * +Selenity appearance. She lightly touched Fariday's arm upon drawing near as her gaze was caught by the dancer on the stage.
06[19:41] * +Ehlanna puffs out my cheeks and ponders, then chuckles softly, 10"I'd go and have a word with Kuromaku, him being the captain and all"
06[19:41] * +Relanoth watched the song. It was a pleasant enough close to the show. No need to think too much and simply enjoy the movement of the girl's body.
06[19:42] * +Fariday would look back at the touch, the fair maiden of his song by his arm, which he wrapped around her with the addition of one of his starry wings. "Ahh, how fare you tonight, my fair Selenity?" he asked as he drew her near, his familiar watched Alieera, so he could see her as well thhrough their mental link.
06[19:42] * @Stormbringer watches Alieera quite attentively, the gold painted body moving so sinuously. he knew he had seen that before at a concert. Possibly when the sea castle was opened or perhaps even further back. It didn't stop him from fondling bennu's thigh though. If anything it encoraged it
06[19:43] * +Allisa smiles a little wider, hearing she hadn't missed it all, and takes the lead, nearly dragging Callie toward the seats. "Let's watch the rest, then. I've heard a lot of one of the dance performances. It's supposed to be brilliant." She flashes a look back to Callie, adding in a lower voice, "I do have to spot my competition, don't I?"
06[19:43] * +Alieera her body rocked backwards suddenly , leaning back , long hair spilling donw her shoulders. Arms moving out as she to each side as she undulated them including her fingers moving in that same rhythm. shoulders moving fro mside to side in that undulation. Cuasing her b reasts to dance again. Moving back up slowly she began to do do the shimmy. cuasing her body to reflect the light
06[19:43] * +Alieera and <snip>
06[19:43] * +Alieera <cont> dance.
06[19:43] * +Taria watched Alieera quietly, the movement of the woman. A dark brow rose.. She did indeed know how to move her body. Though, she wondered idly how much of the movement was the light playing off her frame and that gold paint upon flesh. Fingers curled all the harder upon her Dark Lord's lap. A pursing of tiers and a slip of tongue outward to re-wet them.
06[19:43] * +Jarod`N{Nai} watches Alieera and smirks to himself. Yes she was cute enough, and sweet in her own way. Although cute and swee was not particularly what the sylvan was attracted to in the least. Oh no, his eyes were opened to a great many things last evening; Things would be changing for sure, however how they could change would remain to be seen by all. Dark blue eyes occasionally drifting across
06[19:43] * +Jarod`N{Nai} Taria, -*Distorted*-
[19:43] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> -*Reality*- Callie and Ehlanna. -*Is Infinite*-
06[19:45] * +Alieera the girl finnished her routine and came to a stand still slowly sliding to the floor and lowering her head against her knee. one leg outright and the other behind her. Hands grasping at her ankel. Head turned to look to Lord Stormbringer wich ended the gift.
01[19:46] <+Tehya> 6 She got up from her seat and gave Taria a smirk while walking up on stage, that soft black silk train on her gown clinging to her legs as she stood in the middle. She thanked each Master of Ceremony first, 14"Please give a round of applause to the Master of Ceremonies, without them leading the show tonight it wouldn't be possible, especially after my recent injury *ahem* Let's hear it for ...
01[19:46] <+Tehya> ... ... Luthiel... Marquis Relanoth... Varisanna, thank you very much. To all the performers there is a small bag of coin wrapped in a pink heart bag, which will be passed out to you, and Taria will announce the grand prize winner donated by Ehlanna. Thank you all for coming, and refreshments will served under the tent to the side of the amphitheater, do enjoy!"6 She took a bow waiting for Taria to ...
01[19:46] <+Tehya> ... come up on stage to announce the grand prize winner.
06[19:46] * +MorganDrakewing nods. "That's just what we'll have to do, little Sheba..." He takes Ehlanna's hand, squeezing it. "Thank you for your time, Miss Ehlanna."
06[19:47] * +Alieera she got up and slipped off the stage as quietly as she had been here. Walking to Thrash and looking to her husband to be wondering if he enjoyed watching her upon the stage.
06[19:47] * +Fariday would applaud softly for Alieera, as he had for the few performances he'd been here for. It was a nice, ralaxing night, and Selenity being there was a definite plus. Alieera knew how to dance, and he wondered... Why completely gold?
06[19:47] * +Ehlanna smiles and nods, 10"good luck, Sheba - but remember, real dragons are best seen from a distance"
06[19:47] * +Bennu{SB} was enjoying the dance of Alieera, the girl trying to learn to dance herself was always interested in picking up a few new moves. She felt the large hand along her thigh, her skirt pushed up high by Stormbringer's wrist as his hand disapeared under the fabric. Her knees parted, thighs spreading just a little wider for his wondering fingers. She clapped as the dance ended, rocking into his <-more->
[19:47] <+Bennu{SB}> <-more-> touch. <-done->
06[19:47] * @Stormbringer doesn't let go of bennu but he slaps his other hand against his own thigh to simulate clapping and gives Alieera a wide smile of approval. Erotic dancing was something he understood better than poetry and songs
06[19:48] * +Ehlanna blinks and glances at Tehya as I hear my name called out and looks round to find Taria
[19:48] <+Callie`Volopa> Rather than clamp her toes into the ground and refuse to move, or let her arm be wrenched out of its socket, Callie does her best to keep up with Allisa as she all-but-drags her towards the seats. Callie's clearly trying to put her best face on but not quite succeeding; she's had a rough couple of days now, and her natural antipathy for crowds is something she's experienced her entire
[19:48] <+Callie`Volopa> life.
06[19:48] * +Archaon He'd look to Taria, smiling briefly as the performances seemed to be at a close now. Applause given to the final performance of the evening, and now it seems that his mate was designated to deliver the winner's name along side Ehlanna.
06[19:48] * +Selenity smiles as she murmmurs, "I am well." She clapped softly as she watched Alieera dance. "Lovely." She replied bbefore looking to Fariday, "I am assuming I missed your performance?" She asked softly.
06[19:49] * +Relanoth enjoyed the dance, applauding warmly when she left. it had been quite a night, and the nobleman started to feel the fatigue. As Tehya thanks him, he nods, all modest charm and waits for the announcements of the prize. It wouldn't do to leave before the end as Master of ceremonies. Which reminded him of what the Sithian had done
[19:49] <+Fariday> He smiled to the swan-mae. "Aye, but I will repeat it for you later, if you wish." he held Selenity tightly.
06[19:50] * +Taria shot Tehya a look and she was soon moving to stand. Hands pressed over curves, moulding the crimson fabric against shapely hips before she was padding up toward the stairs with a rhythmic clack clack clack of heels.. She too cleared her throat, shooting Tehya another glare.. "Thank you Miss Tehya, First, I wish to extend my hops for your speedy recovery.." and then lips curled skyward.. "And <14The2>
[19:50] <+Taria> <14Dead1> now, I wish to thank you all for coming.. I assure you, that I was not expecting this duty.. So many talented people here within our realm.. May that we all remember that with our nobility, and our Emperor's due cause, we are allowed the pleasure of showcasing our wares, our talents.. " and then she'd draw a finger to tiers, a slow curl of seductive lips as it was drawn outward, pointed squarely <14The2>
[19:50] <+Taria> <14Dead1> upon Relanoth.. "But he, I do believe, exudes the most heartfelt love of his craft.. I choose Sir Relanoth." she purred aloud.. "And to the rest of you.. Thank you again" And then the necromancer was turning, a low courtsey once more given to Stormbringer, and she once more righted herself, moving off of the stage, and toward her Mate. <14Speak1>
06[19:50] * +Sheba-MD stepped away coming away from all this with a completely different idea about Stormbringer than she had always had. She just glanced back at Ehlanna and then walks away and off to the side. She was not about to near that big person that had a thing for people littler than himself. Oh that was a name she knew and had seen in action before.
06[19:51] * +Amita_Kepi saw the dance end only to hear a woman upon the stage anounce that the performences had apparently ended for the evening as she followed Allisa and Callie towards the seats. she sighed gently to herself befre she'd catch up to the surprisingly quick and eager Allisa. 14"I guess I was later than I'd thought."6 she said simply a bit upset to be honest, she had hoped to see more performers after the first two10 ~*~Do y
[19:51] <+Amita_Kepi> --10 ~*~Maybe I shouldn’t?~*~6146 showed their impressive level of ability.
06[19:52] * +MorganDrakewing stands, going over to Sheba, walking close to her as he heads to the exit, briefly catching Callie's eye. Guess that vixen too had some inconveniences to handle as well. But still, he had some leads now. The knight took Sheba's hand. "Back home we go, I gather?"
06[19:53] * +Jarod`N{Nai} would give a decent round of clapping for the high elven knight. Jarod of course not minding the other performers but having come her of his own motives. That being said the elf glanced at those still around and debated just how to go spend his evening now. Not as if the healer would find Naidra anytime soon with his luck.
01[19:53] <+Tehya> 6 She seemed surprised and amused at the same time hearing Relanoth won and Taria's get well wishes. It turned out to be a good night, and she was glad those coming shared their talents. A touch of her cheek to Relanoth, 14"Congratulations! Lets thank Taria and Ehlanna as well."6 She softly continued to applaud the best she could with one arm stiffly bent into position and walked down the ...
01[19:53] <+Tehya> ... stage. The dress only emphasized her skin tone which was premeditated.
03[19:54] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Stormbringer

06[19:54] * +Sheba-MD shakes her head. " no, you can go. I have afew things i wish to do before I go home.
06[19:54] * +Ehlanna applauds and blows Tehya a sultry kiss
06[19:55] * +Selenity smiles softly and nods her head as she murmmurs, "I'd like that. Shall we mingle with the others for refreshments?" She placed her hand over the crook of his arm her cloak revealing a glimpse of gown beneath.
06[19:55] * +Alieera congratulats Lord Relanoth and sighs wlaking to the exit.
06[19:55] * +MorganDrakewing is quiet, raising his eyebrow a little. "To do around here?"
06[19:55] * +Ehlanna stands, continuing to applaud, and then makes my way toward the exit
06[19:55] * +Allisa watches the dance performance with deep interest, the sense of Callie's discomfort pushed aside for just this moment as she focuses entirely on her craft. She nods slowly as she studies Alieera's moves, critquing honestly and memorizing some motions for her own use. She pouts a little when Tehya announces the end of the performances, listening casually to Taria's speech and noting the odd jab at Tehya in her <<more>>
[19:55] <+Allisa> <<follows>> tone. "Still, there was some good to be seen. Sometimes the crowd-watching is as entertaining as the performance." She applauds with the rest of the crowd, picking out the major players in the stands.
03[19:55] * +Ehlanna (ehlanna@6ca5f083.6ca5ecc2.212.183.imsk) has left #tli-forest
[19:56] <+Fariday> He chuckled, leaning in and kissing her brow. "I'd more like to avoid the crowd and simply stay here, enjoying your presence, Selenity, but if you want to mingle, by all means, let's," he smiled.
06[19:57] * +Relanoth stood and took a bow towards Taria, as well as the audience and his Emperor. "I thank you for those kind words, Taria. To be considered the best among the many fine works that have been shown here, is the greatest compliment indeed. Touching music, inspiring poetry and beuatiful dance were all seen. And I hope together, we will make the Empire a force to be reckoned with, not only in might, but also in culture and beauty. Tog
[19:57] <+Relanoth> 2{( continue)}--> 6 t also in culture and beauty. Together, I am certain we can create art that will survive the millenia, even beyond the longest lifespans." 2<--{( end)}
06[19:58] * +Sheba-MD shakes her head. " No not around here. No reason for me to stay around here.
03[19:59] * +Alieera ( has left #tli-forest
06[20:00] * +MorganDrakewing nods. "I will come with you, then. No reason for me to leave my vixen alone on a night like this, right?" He takes her hand. "Lead the way..."
01[20:01] * +Tehya walked over to the refreshment table to get something warm to drink. She was curious who was with Fariday and gave her a smile. It seemed the tea party idea was next on her agenda, she would discuss it with Relanoth when he had time. With Patron gone Tehya picked at the few cookies that struck her and put them on her plate, relieved there wasn't a drak around making her eat.
04[20:01] * Cirri ( has joined #tli-forest
03[20:01] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Cirri
06[20:01] * +Semaj_Anon shrugged slightly as he remained within his seat. The feline peering at each of the audience members surrounding him, a small smirk forming against his lips. The feline content to sit there for a few longer moments.
06[20:01] * +Archaon He'd hear the winner of the event, and watched as Taria returned to him. "It was a pleasant event. Rather enjoyable." he nodded at that before he'd start to rise up standing. "I believe I may return home. I believe that was enough excitement for one evening." he chuckled lightly. "If you wish to remain, then I will await your return. I will most likely be doing what I do best." At least things did not look too <-cut
[20:01] <+Archaon> cut-> out of place. Nothing happened that would disrupt anything.
06[20:01] * +Selenity smiled to Fariday as she nodded her head, curls slipping forward a bit the bulk of her hair still under her cloak. Her skin was soft with a natural glow to it. "The puppy wanted to come with but I had a feeling that this wouldn't be the place for little Mero." She remarked softly.
03[20:01] * +Cirri ( has left #tli-forest
[20:01] <+Callie`Volopa> Well, that about makes the vixen's bad mood complete. The two previous days, combined with today's cooking disaster, Allisa nagging about being late, and then arriving at the party just in time to see its conclusion, made Callie feel as if the entire day was a complete waste of time. "Sorry, Allisa," escapes her lips as her tail-language looks downcast. She's about to suggest they go
[20:02] <+Callie`Volopa> home.
06[20:03] * +Sheba-MD shakes her head. " i dont think you want to go where I am going. You really should just go home or something. I sure you can find someone to have fun with.
[20:03] <+Taria> (FTB. Sorry, headache)

06[20:04] * +Fariday would nod. "Aye, I can see this not the place for a rowdy puppy." the Torian would answer as he looked to Tehya and gave a slight nod. "What brought you here tonight, Selenity?" he asked, curious. He'd not even really planned on beingg here himself.
06[20:04] * @Stormbringer leans back i his chair, relaxed, having enjoyed the show. "Good work as always," he calls across to Tehya as his fingertips massage bennu's hidden spaces
06[20:04] * +MorganDrakewing is silent for a long time. Then he sighs, nodding. "Be safe, love." He leans in, giving Sheba a long kiss.

01[20:06] <+Tehya> 6 She turned plate of cookies in the bad hand and warmed mulled cider in her good one hearing the Emperor finally speak to her. 14"Thank you M'Lord."6 That title meant in many ways and she went off to mingle with the guests.

06[20:06] * +Jarod`N{Nai} noted everyone slowly leaving and nodded to himself. Well what better time to observe everyone and people watch? Is what the healer did best, next to hove r close enough to overhear and gather information. Mostly not naything worth reporting or selling, but always good to know as much as you could around these people.
06[20:06] * +Alieera the girl had only exited the stage. THinking of leaving but decided that she would simply wander about getting to know people and remember them. Occasionally glancing to lord Stormbringer. But then dashing her eyes away. She still bathed in gold paint and nearly nude in that oger style loin cloth and slip of materila for her breasets to be covered. Just wakling around and smiling
06[20:06] * +Alieera at <snip>
06[20:06] * +Alieera <cont> Tehya bowiong in thanks for letting her dance.
06[20:06] * +Sheba-MD returned his kiss but there was something different in it this time. " I am sorry" She then turned as if to walk away from him.
06[20:06] * +Allisa looks back to Callie and Amita, her smile undiminished as she plots her course through the crowd. "Sorry? For what, keeash'a?" Seeing Callie's tail-language, she laughs and steps close to kiss her wife softly. "This was as much for the mingling and contacts as for the performances," she whispers to the vixen, then steps back and glances to Amita. "Shall we all get some refreshments? I have someone here I'd like <<more>
[20:06] <+Allisa> <<follows>> you to meet, Callie."

06[20:08] * +Relanoth smiled, talking to tehya now that there was some time. "That was quite a success, Tehya, as most things you touch naturally." He chuckled. "Well, mostly, where did you find that... Sithian?" He said in a low voice. "She seemed to think she was in the inn?"
06[20:08] * @Stormbringer gestures for Alieera to come join them if she isn't busy else where
06[20:09] * +Amita_Kepi easily noticed the downcast shift of the vixen's tails; her friends being upset never would sit well with her but, hearing Allisa she smiled knowing it was likely that she'd do a fantastic job improving Callie's mood. 14"A drink would be nice. it isn't often I get to have a drink outside of the inn and even less often I get the chance to meet people while I enjoy it."6 she smiled a bit brighter to Callie10 ~*~Do you
[20:09] <+Amita_Kepi> --10 ~*~Maybe I shouldn’t?~*~6146 then in hopes the woman's mood would snap back quickly.
06[20:09] * +Alieera blinks.. he was becknoing for her t ojoin them ? SHe looked surprised. Heading over t oLord Stormbringer and kneeling before him looking to the ground. Her eyes closed as she waits to see what was up.
01[20:10] * +Tehya shook her head, 14"I had a notice up for volunteers afraid I don't know her so well. I can tell by your reaction."6 She offered Relanoth some cookies and sweets on her plate, still curious who Fariday's guest was and spotting Allisa with a smile.
06[20:10] * +Selenity smiles softly as she looks to his falcon and then back to him, "Would you believe me if a little birdie brought me a message from another little birdie?" She asks with a small smile. And it was the truth afterall, afterall, she could naturally understand them.
06[20:11] * +MorganDrakewing blinks, biting his lip. There was a dark sense of foreboding in those words. Everything in his brain was shouting at him to follow. He'd seen that look Hannah, so many years ago. He follows suit shortly thereafter.
06[20:11] * +Bennu{SB} sits a little more upon the edge of her seat as his fingers delve a little deeper. She follows Stormbringer's gaze, seeing him gesture to Alieera with his other hand. The barbarian's hand was hidden under her skirt, exposing the creamy curve of her thigh. Her cheeks bloom as Alieera joins them, kneeling right before her master and herself at his side. She kept quite...for now.
[20:12] <+Callie`Volopa> Callie could definitely go for a drink right now, and maybe it would do her good to meet some of Allisa's friends. The fox has been wondering, after all, if Allisa *had* a lot of friends outside of their mutual ones. Nodding after the kiss, Callie goes where Allisa leads.
03[20:13] * +MorganDrakewing ( has left #tli-forest
06[20:13] * +Jarod`N{Nai} would manage to wind his way on about people and over to the drinks. He could use one, being tipsy sure as hel lcould not hurt teh healer after all right?
06[20:14] * @Stormbringer regards Alieera with an interested expression, not having seen her really up close before. Naturally the look doesn't stop at her face but strays over the gold covering which does little to hide and much to accent. "You dance well, girl," he spoke softly, apparently unconcerned that he still had a hand in between bennu's thighs and his fingertips were massaging ner mons
06[20:14] * +Relanoth sighed. "If there was justice, you would have a great line of worthies to pick from. Well, her behaviour could not put a shadow over the sun." He took one of the cookies, delicately eating it. "He's interesting, your feathered friend. Full of youth and fire and idealism and hope. I should like to see where that path takes him. I'm sure it'll be... entertaining." He politely stiffled a yawn. "But it has been a busy day. I shou
[20:14] <+Relanoth> 2{( continue)}--> 6 ut it has been a busy day. I should be away, and let you receive the well deserved accolades." 2<--{( end)}
06[20:15] * +Fariday would chuckle at that, looking at his falconess familiar, then back to Selenity. "Ahh, I was invited by Miss Tehya, over there," he'd explain as he held the swan-mae close. "It's good to see you here though.
06[20:15] * +Sheba-MD exits the door with only one glance back at Stormbringer. Not that he would notice but she then turned and heads out.
03[20:15] * +Sheba-MD ( has left #tli-forest
06[20:16] * +Alieera the girl looked up and smiled warmly at stormbringer. HEr cheeks would color but the girl looked to SHeba as she had exited.. and then back to the high lord . " 14 I am greatful you thnk so my lord " 6 she spoke with etiquette and grace . One who had grown up in the courts was evident in every manner she acted in front of Stormbringer.
06[20:17] * +Allisa seems to light up as Callie nods, stepping beside her and hooking her arm under the vixen's. "Right this way, Callie. I think I see the drinks just over there." She flashes a wink to Amita and crooks her head toward the refreshment table. Approaching, she steers her charge toward Tehya and Relanoth, beaming toward the lovely woman. "Tehya! It was such a wonderful performance. I'm glad I was able to make it." <<more>>
[20:17] <+Allisa> <<follows>> With a nod toward Relanoth she brings Callie up alongside her, almost shaking with her excitement. "Have you met my wife, Callie?"
06[20:18] * +Selenity smiles as she looks over to Tehya then up to Fariday as she asks, "Would you introduce us? I'm afraid I didn't get a chance to at her wedding to introduce myself." She replied softly, "I did said her a thank you note though for the open invitation."
06[20:20] * +Bennu{SB} inhaled softly as his finger toyed with the hidden peircing. She was still becoming used to the ring at her clit, though the barbarian seemed to delight in stroking it when she least expects it, surely just to see the color on her cheeks spread to her neck and down acrossed her breasts. Certainly he took some satisfaction in feeling that wet dew he drew as he chatted with Alieera.
[20:20] <+Fariday> He nods. "Of course," he'd reply as he guided her skillfully through the throngs of other partygoers. It was a quiet night, despite the many voices and the sounds of laughter and revelry. "Miss Tehya?" he called, catching up with the bard. "I'd like to untroduce you to Selenity; Selenity, this is Miss Tehya."
02[20:21] * +Semaj_Anon (Semaj_Anon@14055af0.6ca5ed3c.76.73.imsk) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
01[20:21] <+Tehya> 6 She hated to see Relanoth take off and asked, 14"Promise we will discuss plans soon, something to amuse us!"6 They both seemed to be worse than the other in some regards, but she enjoyed it immensely. With her cheek she pressed it to both sides of his to bid him goodbye, and she whispered to him, 14"Thank you for helping."6 There were other guests to mingle with and she heard Allisa. No ...
01[20:21] <+Tehya> ... formality was there she just put her cookies and drink on the table and warmly hugged her. 14"Thank you for the scroll I have missed you."6 Hearing her name again she pulled back and smiled at Fariday and his guests Selenity, 14"Pleased to meet you, this is Marquis Relanoth and Allisa."
06[20:24] * +Relanoth chuckled. "Of course, The world is our playgrond, and its people are our toys Tehya." He said softly with a wink at that kiss. "I definitely hope to see you later;" He nodded at all the other people claiming Tehya's attention, excusing himself, once more the very image of the courteous noble, making his way to his stallion and riding off.
06[20:24] * @Stormbringer feels an almost irresistible urge to see if the gold paint rubs off but restrains himself. Though he does admitre Alieera's breasts as he plays bennu with a finger more directly ob her clit. "Yes very entertaining. Bennu here has been learning some dances to entertain me so I think it would be useful if you called in at the palace some time. You could help her learn to dance like that and ...
[20:24] <@Stormbringer> ... possibly give us a more comprehensive performance too
06[20:25] * +Jarod`N{Nai} would not be terribly far from the gathering of Tehya, Allisa, Relanoth and Callie. Although, he made no effort to start conversation at all, being quite silent short of the poem reading earlier in the evening. Jarod seemed a shade different, although the sylvan doubted many would say anything even if they noted such things.
06[20:26] * +Alieera blinked.. looking to Stormbringer. Did he just ask her to teach ? She looked shocked.. biting her bottom lip and grinned as she looked to Bennu " 1 I would love to do such for the lord and his . "6 she feeling as if her world was coming unglued. Especially since the lord of the land was asking her t oteach his . She took a dee pbreath nodding trying to fucus .
06[20:27] * +Selenity smiled warmly as she looked to Tehya staying close to Fariday. Upon reaching Tehya she smiled softly as she says, "It's nice to meet you Tehya, I still remember your wedding it was a lovely affair and you looked stunning in that dress."
06[20:28] * +Allisa returns the hug eagerly, laughing softly as she pulls back. "It was long overdue, as I've felt that way for a very long time. I should have sent it years ago." She steps back and turns to include Fariday, Selenity, Callie and Amita in the conversation, noding to Relanoth during the introduction. "It's a pleasure, Selenity. Fariday."

06[20:29] * +Fariday would let Selenity and Tehya speak to each other, the Torian simply standing protectively next to the swan-mae. To Allisa, he nods. "Good evening to you as well, Miss. Your dance was very well executed." he complimented.
06[20:29] * +Amita_Kepi took note of both wink and crook of head towards the refreshment table she followed until Allisa turned away with Callie moving towards the whom she assumed to have been the host. she did want to thank Tehya for the bit of perfromances she'd had the pleasure of seeing. she moved quietly to follow Allisa and Callie then smiling softly to the hostess of the event this evening before she noticed Fariday here10 ~*~Do you
[20:29] <+Amita_Kepi> --10 ~*~Maybe I shouldn’t?~*~6 as well. 14"Do hope this night catches you all well."
01[20:30] <+Tehya> 6 she was a gracious host and watched Relanoth ride off, soon they would speak of another devilish idea. She wasn't so closed out from greeting those she knew to overlook Jarod on the side and she called him over. 14"Sir Jarod come join us."6 It wasn't like her to overlook people, those days long gone she had learnt her lesson well from a good teacher Nicholas. Hearing Selenity remark about ...
01[20:30] <+Tehya> ... her wedding brightened the Sylvan up a bit since she was still nursing the wound to her arm. 14"Thank you for coming, it was a wild affair."6 The word wild emphasized since it was Wildfire.14"Allissa was once my student, and a fine example of performer, she knows to this day unity in the arts is a must."6 She beamed proudly at Allisa hoping they all would mingle.
06[20:33] * +Selenity smiled warmly gazing to Allisa, she'd missed the girls performance from earlier she assumed, "I'm affraid I missed Allissa's performance, perhaps I'll get a chance to see it at another event." She offered with a warm smile. She smiled to Tehya remembering exactly how wild that night had become.
06[20:34] * +Jarod`N{Nai} would nod softly to Tehya and venture on over to the gathering of those that remained. 2"Well, now how could I ever refuse you Tehya dear.." 1 said teasingly and gave a nod in greetings to all the others. He was a odd sight indeed in black and crimson attire, all matched just right; Even moreso actually dressed up for a event. Mind naturally however fell into more sexual thoughts
06[20:34] * +Jarod`N{Nai} 1thinking -*Distorted*-
[20:34] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> -*Reality*- about Callie, such a bad habit of the sylvan. -*Is Infinite*-
[20:34] <+Fariday> "Ach, my apologies." the torian would chuckle. "Miss Alieera danced, not Miss Allisa," he'd remember, confusing the names. Allisa was obviously not a solid-gold painted woman.
06[20:34] * +Bennu{SB} gives Alieera a kind smile as she sounded so thrilled at the request for her instruction. "Thank you miss." She murmurs to Alieera as she accepted. The slave girl sounded a little breathless as she squirmed on her seat, though with the hand between her wasnt really the seat she was squirming on.
[20:35] <+Alieera> I believe there were others that were dancing at the opening of the sea castles. IF you wish it i will seak them out and bring them to you as well so that yours can learn from the mas well " 6 she added so that the other dancers would not be left out of the limelight.
06[20:37] * @Stormbringer laughs softly "The other was LyllaMarie who is already my slave. You may meet her too, to exchange techniques, when you visit"
[20:37] <+Alieera> Does the lord wish to have me dance again?" she asked looking towards the stage. Mabye the gathering could use some entertainment .
06[20:38] * +Taurn followed the road to the old palce per the notice in the town square, the rugged mountain pony traveling through the swon with little effort. He saw the lihgts long before he arrived and tying Shadow off to the side slipped his worh shirt off and slipped a fresh one from his saddle bag on, the cold air making him move all the faster. A quick wipe of his hand through his hair and he
06[20:38] * +Taurn was presentable if not, as neatly groomed as he wished. Stepping insto the stands he looked around to see who was here he recognized.
06[20:39] * +Fariday heard Alieera's question to the emperor. Ahh, the emperor. How odd it was to stand in the midst of so many lords and ladies, when his inherent mistrust of such was so high. Still, he was a civil man, and would not let his history tarnish his ability to coexist witthe upper class. It was then he saw Taurn, and smiled as he called to the man.
03[20:40] * +Relanoth ( has left #tli-forest
01[20:40] * +Tehya wasn't much on shaking hands her form of greeting was a touch to one's cheek with hers and she did so to Selenity, 14"I seen you there but Patron devours my attention."6 Her pet name for Sorgram who had orchestrated the explosion of fire into a cornflower and had vows and gifts that left her breathless.14"Bring Fariday and come visit us sometime."6 She gave a short announcement looking ...
01[20:40] <+Tehya> ... at Jarod including him in her idea with Relanoth, 14"We were thinking of having a salon in Relanoth's manor, a gathering for those who appreciate the Arts."
06[20:40] * @Stormbringer tilts his head to one side and looks at her. "Why not. But do it here, in front of us, not away on the stage."
06[20:41] * +Allisa nods in agreement, her smile taking a demure cast at Fariday's assumption and Tehya's compliment. "I'm flattered by the comparison, Fariday," she she says smoothly, "Her performance was delightful. I may have to ask her about some of her moves." Taking Tehya's cue, she adds, "If there's one thing I learned from Tehya, it's that through a unified performance you gain the greatest applause. Each performer, <<more>>
[20:41] <+Allisa> <<follows>> building on the talents of the others, creates great works well beyond what any one can accomplish. All it takes is each part giving full dedication to the common goal."
06[20:41] * +Bennu{SB} had already been taking lessons from Lylla, private showings to the emperor from time to time just to show him their progress. The barbarian was always an attentive audience. Her thoughts drifted to such things as he told the other girl to treat them with another dance.
06[20:42] * +Alieera the girl nodded to the lord. A music stepping up as a drummer comes to her side and sits down. She beginning to once again begin the tribal beat . Her body bending half way and then jerking up moving back arms moving with a forward back lash. Then her hips moving to a oundulating rhythim as if she were taking someone between the legs. Slow sexy seductive grinding down then sliding
06[20:42] * +Alieera <cont> up. Hand sgoing to her hips as she began to do that hip pop then pres it down causing the other side to launch up. Her arms moving in that come hither t oBennu. If The lord would allow it .
06[20:42] * +Alieera bakc <snip>
06[20:43] * +Jarod`N{Nai} would loft a eyebrow to that and give it some thought. 2"Well, I am a bit of a artist after all.. sounds interesting Tehya; When shall it be? You have me curious now." 1 said with a smile and winding down some. His mind was free of the moriel and was happily diverted to other matters. Dark blue hues occasionally glancing at Callie's tails.
[20:44] <+Callie`Volopa> Callie looks surprised at Tehya claiming Allisa as a student; of course the fox suspected that Allisa hadn't become such an excellent performer on her own, but she'd never heard Tehya's name mentioned before during their conversations. Nevertheless Callie nods towards her and says, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tehya." Callie, of course, notices Jarod subtly checking her out; vulpines
[20:44] <+Callie`Volopa> have a sixth sense about these sorts of things.
06[20:45] * +Amita_Kepi quietly listened to each of those gathered letting her eyes land upon each person as they spoke; she really unfortunately had nothing to add as of yet so she stood silently with hands in the pockets of her robes. Art wasn't something she knew (or had any talent in whatsoever as far as she was aware)6 so she saw no place to speak. her tails swayed iddly behind her as she listened and learned about those in10 ~*~Do you
[20:45] <+Amita_Kepi> --10 ~*~Maybe I shouldn’t?~*~66 the group.
06[20:46] * +Taurn waved in recognition to Fariday, then glance slightly to the side as a gold coverd girl dance before none other than the Emporer himself. He also spotted Selenity next to Faridy and nodded to them both as he mad his way towards them, keeping his eyes open for Tehya to ask about this cryptic request she had.
01[20:46] <+Tehya> 6 No one could of granted her a greater wish than what Allisa just said and in fact if she could have that carved in stone and put in front of the Artists`Ambit she would. There was nothing selfish about Allisa, she knew how things worked and how more meant better. 14"Nicholas would of been proud to hear you say that Allisa, I will never forget how him."6 She became nostaligic and looked up ...
01[20:46] <+Tehya> ... at Jarrod and Callie with a smile. 14 "Nice to meet you too and soon Jarod, sometime soon. The Marquis needs amusement, and so do I. This will different I assure you."6 Then Taurn was notice and Tehya just smirked, she had left a cryptic message with his help and expected a visit from him.
01[20:46] <+Tehya> brb>
06[20:47] * +Selenity smiles warmly as she nods her head, "Well i certainly appreciate the arts. It amazes me what can be created. I would love to go..." Her eyes went to the woman's sling before she looked to her returning the greeting to Tehya, offering the same cheek touch in return. "If you are in need of a healer I would offer my aid, magical in this case as mundanely it would take quite a long
06[20:47] * +Selenity while to heal your injury if you'd like."
06[20:47] * @Stormbringer watches the movements intently, enhanced as they are by the golden paint which catches the light of torches and scatters it in an interesting manner that highlights he curves. He grins amiably when Alieera gestures and takes his hand from bennu so that she can move away easier#
06[20:48] * +Fariday would turn to Amita_Kepi after a short while, answering her short greeting with "And I hope you do well also?" he'd ask, giving a polite bow. To Taurn, he'd extend a hand to shake. "Gods, Taurn, you seem so tired lately. Have you been to the MMR lately? Or attended Ami'Femi?" the Torian would inquire, hopefully politely. " She seems worried."
06[20:52] * +Taurn gripped the Torians wrist and touched his shoulder with his other hand, noting several woman about him he asked "So how did you draw all these women did you offer to take them all flying?" he asked with a smile, "Oh I have seen to Ami recently she is well, she remarked how pretty she found your wings" he added
06[20:52] * +Jarod`N{Nai} would smirk widely and trail a finger through Tehya's hair. 2"Ah I see, well be sure to not let me miss such a thing hmm? Afte rall, with the last week I could use something to distract and amuse as well darling." 1 said as gaze trailed about around now. Although, for some reason his attention was drawn to Callie. What was it about her that the elf could not stop?
06[20:54] * +Amita_Kepi looked back to Fariday with a smile still on her fce as calm as ever. 14"Oh it does, it's been nice seeing my dear friend Callie again. Your performance was quite brilliant if I do say so myself, That did help my evening."6 she would catch the gaze of Jarod in the direction of Callie and wonder for a moment why it lingered on the vixen but, the thought didn't last long.
01[20:54] <+Tehya> b>
06[20:54] * +Fariday would nod. "Ah, did she now?" he'd reply, adding. "As for the fair company?" he'd chuckle. "I am with Selenity tonight. Miss Tehya invited me here, and the other ladies are mostly fine performers or acquaintances of mine, or others," the Torian explained. "But we have a rather... Gargantuan order at the MMR, if you'd like to hang out after this party?"
06[20:54] * +Bennu{SB} rose up, her knees quivering just a little as she turned to face her master. She watched Alieera, starting to shake her hips in a similar way, though it was clear that the slave was just starting to learn the moves.
06[20:55] * +Alieera if taurn paid attention he would recognize alieera giving Bennu little help with her dancing. She moving her hands to place on the girls hip and the other on her belly " Tilt your hips , hold youer legs close to mine.. beome one with me and feel how i move " 6 she said softly trying to help the girl relax alittle.
[20:57] <+Fariday> He looked to Amita as she spoke. "Really? It wasn't anything particularly noteworthy, I'm sure," he chuckled, smiling at the smaller woman.
06[20:58] * +Selenity smiles softly as she looks over to Taurn and asked, "How are you Taurn? I hope you're well." She asked softly, looking from him and then back to Tehya for a moment. Listening queitly to the talk flowing around her.
[20:59] <+Callie`Volopa> <FTB Callie; 'tis bed for her handler.>
02[20:59] * +Callie`Volopa ( Quit (Quit: "Bah, if they hadn't wanted me to use my [magical] abilities for sex, they shouldn't have allowed vulpines in the door to begin with." --Callie Volopa)
01[20:59] <+Tehya> 6 She was hurt that wasn't the matter, but she was also healed but the healer said it would take a few days. So thanking Selenity and pulling her arm from the sling a bit so she could see, 14"I was healed yesterday, but they said the skin takes a few days to heal completely." 6 Interest in Jarod since she hadn't know him or what he did sparkled in those cornflower blue eyes. 14"Jarod did a ...
01[20:59] <+Tehya> ... wonderful poem tonight too."6 Announced to the small group of friends, and she hoped he would do more in the future.
06[21:00] * +Allisa blushes a bit at that, lowering her head humbly at Tehya's compliment. "Thank you. That means a lot to me." She remembered Nicholas, too, if not as well as Tehya. He had provided her first break into performance, after all. "I am very interested in attending this salon, Tehya. And to catching up when we can speak more privately."
[21:00] <+Taurn> "I was just there speaking with Pryadain, he really should get out and enjoy himself once in a while" he said, "And we will get to work on the order, but enjoy yourself tonight" he offered and nodded to the pretty swan mae beside him, "I am well indeed as I hope you are and I've not forgotten my promise of meat Selenity, I will bring something over soon"
06[21:02] * +Amita_Kepi shrugged just a little bit to Fariday. 14"If you say so, I'm afraid that while I am a bit of a genius, I don't know very much if anything about the arts."6 she sighed softly then at admitting her ignorance; never a good thing for her to do.
06[21:02] * +Bennu{SB} looked to Stormbringer as Alieera put her hands on her her hips and belly. Moving more with the other woman, smiling at the barbarian, a coy little smile on her lips as she watched him watch her as the other touched her, pressing their bodies so intimatly together. "Like this?"
06[21:03] * @Stormbringer nods to the music as he watches Alieera handling bennu. That was interesting in itself but it was also getting late. "That may be useful to help my slabe position herself for sex too," he observed, "But for tonight there is a long horse ride ahead of us so either visit bennu at the spell shop or come along to the palace when you have chance"
06[21:03] * +Selenity smiles softly as she says, "Take your time, I have discovered the market will send me a shipment each month weather providing! So I merely have to go down and set it up. That and I have begun staying more often at the keep. What with the rebels recent attack and having another after my life it is safer to stay with Lord and Lady Kinslayer."
06[21:03] * +Amita_Kepi 14"I did like it though even if that doesn't mean anything"6 3((was an early enter before))
06[21:03] * +Jarod`N{Nai} would blink as Callie had to rush off to her own affairs, such a shame. He was hoping the vixen could have been around longer, greanted the elf was being quite shelfish in that regard. 2"Aye, most certainly it takes a few days. Beleive me, used a empathic transfer on Lady Taria and just now fully recovering myself." 1 mused softl and nodded a fair bit. 2"Well, was just a little
06[21:03] * +Jarod`N{Nai} 2something -*Distorted*-
[21:03] <+Jarod`N{Nai}> -*Reality*- from the heart for someone who does not even know..." -*Is Infinite*-
06[21:05] * +Fariday would nod to Taurn. "In all honesty my training goes well; I've begun work on mithril, and even minor jewelry if you can believe it," the torian chuckled. "I have spwnt so long at the forge... That the spare bits of metal and cut stone have, well... Ended up as a few rings and other items within my workbench's drawers," the torian chuckled.
01[21:05] <+Tehya> 6 Clever blue eyes sought Taurn's and she knew what Pry told him. She was off to find him only to find Pry there digging into the why's she was there. They would meet soon by the familiar waterfall, and just so Pry knew what she meant her fingers reached up as if falling water was hitting her palm. A nod to Allisa, they did need to meet and visit more in depth in the future, 14"I'd love to any ...
01[21:05] <+Tehya> ... time. 6 Jarod perked her ears a bit a slight twitch of Sylvan ears through her fine wheaten blonde hair hearing him, it was true she wasn't fully healed, but she was milking it for all she was worth too. She looked down at the ground a bit almost ashamed....almost.
06[21:07] * +Alieera she giggled nodding and then would give Bennu back to the lord " 14 SLeep well m'lord. Call me when you wish and i will arrive" 6 she bowed moving away .
06[21:07] * +Bennu{SB} eased herself away from Alieera, knowing the meaning behind those words. He was excusing them from the party. Even though she had ridden her own horse to the concert, it was his lap she would be seated on for the way home. "I look forward to seeing you again maam." She murmured as she dipped her head towards Alieera. She gathered her cloak and pulled it around her shoulders, ready to depart <-more->
[21:07] <+Bennu{SB}> <-more-> with the barbarian. <-done->
06[21:10] * +Allisa feels the flow of the party changing and goes with it, ducking in to press her cheek to Tehya's and whisper, "I'll be in touch." She smiles as she pulls back, easing into the ebb and flow of the conversations around her and drifting off after her wife, knowing she would never leave her behind but also not wanting the vixen to feel left out. With a flourish of her cloak, the bard disengages from the immediate <<more>>
[21:10] <+Allisa> <<follows>> throng of party-goers.
[21:10] <+Allisa> <FTB, Allisa>
06[21:11] * +Fariday would turn to glance at Tehya, sending her a message with his spell, letting her knownof the few nights prior.
06[21:11] * +Taurn caught the sylvans eyes upon his and his smiled warmed at the gentle caress of those orbs, The gesture not lost to him but remembering how cold that waterfall was in the fall wondered about the chilling effects the cold might have in winter. His smile grew broarder as he wonder what she had in mind to warm then after. Outwardly the most polite of nods was given as he turned back to
06[21:11] * +Taurn Fariday, "I am glad to hear your training goes well" he offered, "and i ahve something for you the next time were in the shop" he added leaving it at that.

06[21:11] * @Stormbringer thanks Alieera and agres that he will seek her out. Or more likely delegate that at the appropriate time. Then he leads the wy towards the entrance after having paiused to thank tehya for the entertainment, looking forwards to the feel of his slave riding tightly wedged in front of him on the saddle
[21:12] <@Stormbringer> <sorry have t fade, my brain is gone completely to sleep>

01[21:12] <+Tehya> 6 /me turns and waves to the Emperor and Bennu bidding them a goodnight.
02[21:13] * @Stormbringer ( Quit
06[21:14] * +Fariday would raise an eyebrow at the man. Taurn was mysterious at times... But he shrigged, content to stand there with Selenity. "I'm heading there after this; is it something I'll be able to identify readily?"
06[21:14] * +Jarod`N{Nai} looked around and blinked if people kept leaving this fast the sylvan would be there by himself. Mind you, he ould at least prefer one girl to be left around here. Getting quiet all over again the healer kept close to Tehya.
[21:15] <+Bennu{SB}> <FTB>
03[21:15] * +Bennu{SB} ( has left #tli-forest
[21:15] <+Phaing> huh, looks like Phaing arrived just in time to see the whole thing ready to end. She watches the Emperors exit and sighs, wondering what to do next.
06[21:15] * +Selenity watches others slipping away and wonders if the party is over already. The gentle healer leaned slightly in against Fariday as she asked, "May I venture with you both? I try not to be alone during this time... not with the recent rebel attack and knowing there is one out there out for my life already."
06[21:16] * +Alieera the girl sighe and began walking away from the lord and his. Heading to no where in particular. Walking past Taurn and Fariday and Senlity. The girl completely danwed in gold paint . The way she wakled wit hsurity and grace casued the paint to accentuate her form
06[21:16] * +Amita_Kepi watched her friend and her wife drift away and mentally sighed. what she could do do now was pretty limited by given how few of these people she knew and how little she usually spoke to people. it was rare that she would go up to anyone for conversation usually far more content to allow it to flow to her. she looked again to Fariday and then his guest Selenity as she considered heading back to the inn.
06[21:18] * +Fariday looked to Amita_Kepi, who seemed slightly forlorn. "You okay, Miss Amita? You should relax, it is a fine night." he smiled. To Selenity, he would nod. "I can walk you to house Kinslayer, if you'd like." he offered. "Or to the MMR. If Taurn is right, Prydain should be there as well, still. He'd be... Good protection, if anything."
01[21:19] <+Tehya> needs to ftb its been 6 hours>>>
[21:19] <+Fariday> (Night, Miss Tehya)
01[21:20] <+Tehya> night>
06[21:20] * +Selenity smiles softly, "Prydain is a good friend as well." She chuckled softly, "It seems three of my dearest friends all work at the MMR." (nini Tehya)
Session Close: Sun Feb 12 21:20:23 2012
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Re: Need Quest & Event logs put here please

Postby Tehya on Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:49 pm

Mad Hatter Party (being worked on)

15:00] <+kara{Tam}-alice> Little one was ever so excited! Had helped where she could and then! Master came! How could she not adore it, terrified she was as she peeked upwards Masters looming presence, unsure if it was him or wasnt! Other's were starting to gather now, in costumes outside the Maze, on Lord Relanoth's property and blue skirt flounced with the little humans excitement. Whispers for her Master's ear, cause 12†
[15:01] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† she knew it had to be him! Just had to be! she made the costume! As her little fingers threaded through taloned ones, peeking around the Beasts side to stare at those coming out to take part. 4†

06[15:02] * +Wade`Caterpillar would make his way up the road following the direction to Relanoths place, and as he would approach what he figured was the right way he could hear clamor of revelry and people talking, he would come up to the gate and he would slip his pipe into his mouth loaded with his blend, Purple Dragon. he would slip inside after lighting it, trailing along a cloud here and there that would
06[15:02] * +Wade`Caterpillar take rough 12<===|-@
[15:02] <+Wade`Caterpillar> (12<===|-@) shapes that seem familiar if one got a look at them long enough before they dissipated.. a horse head (donkey actually), what might have been a mermaid and a flat almost square sheet of smoke, all of them a funny dark purple. (4DeadEye!@-|===>o)

06[15:05] * +Famfrit-TheBeamishBoy galumphs into the slithy troves, each step frumious and mimsy. He is clad beamishly, and on this frabjous day, he is not dressed as a goblin warlord or frumious bandersnatch. Nay, to great Callooh and Callay, he gyre and grimbles in the wabe, dressed in plan grey... a mere peasent boy, with a dirty cap, and dirty face. The only thing that stands out is the scabbard about his hip,
06[15:05] * +Famfrit-TheBeamishBoy and the borogroves. OH the borogroves.
06[15:05] * +Clearwater-flower looks around at all the people that have gathered around, watching them in their various interesting costmes

06[15:05] * +Zailynn-WhiteGuard would come on inside and glance around a few times. Well, is not as if she knew all that many people about; Let alone get all into costume for such affairs. Seeing kara a huge smirk crossed her face but she would then let ruby gaze settle about the others. Seems Lorsd Tamryn made it as well, kara would be a happy little thing she would. Dressed in a very nicely made outfit by little
06[15:05] * +Zailynn-WhiteGuard kara, -*Distorted*-
[15:05] <+Zailynn-WhiteGuard> -*Reality*- the drak sen would just try to blend her way in for the time being.( ... arrior.jpg) -*Is Infinite*-
03[15:06] * Rayn` is now known as Rayn-table
03[15:06] * Desdaemona sets mode: -vv Rayn-table Rayn-table
03[15:06] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Rayn-table
02[15:07] * +Siari ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[15:08] <+kara{Tam}-alice> oh! she saw Zailynn and leaned up to whisper in the Jabber's ear. Fingers coiled and curls bounced as the little human would near beam with pleasure. "kara made that!!!!!" whispered out like squeal before she would cover her hands to mouth and giggle. So excited, so very much excited, as she let go of Master's hands and started to peek peer over. There! a boy! Her hand extended upwards waving at 12†
06[15:08] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts makes an appearance at the designated area for today's event having cast spell of change appearance to affect the shape of facial features into somewhat of a more chiseled character. Contour of ear, hue of eyes morphed into cerulean blue, one of which is covered with a heart shaped eye patch, length of ebon hair to a length above the high collar of the black and red cloak would
06[15:08] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts depict an androgynous human attired in black leather breeches and black knee high boots, scale mail vest with a chain mail skirt layered over a black with red striped shirt. Alas something different: for instead of a rapier, the being had sheathed to hip a bow! To back instead of shield a lovely violin. ... Hearts.jpg
[15:08] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† the other human (Famfrit) excitedly! The set of those blue pools, natural in that, how wonderment filled them and set the soft sunkissed flesh to glowing. Collar today, wound with black bow like choker to accent the slender neck was tugged upon, proudly fiddling with the {Tam} tag til it shimmered there against her throat. "oh! Master! Jabber hookie!! look! " 4†
06[15:09] * +Wade`Caterpillar would stand there and the cloud over his head formed a sort of mushroom shape, on top there was another whisp of smoke that if you looked long enough looked like a caterpillar sigging there with a hookah.. he would have to stand still though, but as he would move the shappe would move too making little puffs of smoke ride up the mittle making the caterpillar look like he was smoking
[15:09] <+Breeze_Dormouse> And it was perhaps a little strange to see a mouse fly.... well, there were houseflies, so why not mouseflies? In any case, as might be expected, the "dormouse" fluttering towards the even was no real mouse but a pixie -- a pink-haired, silvery-blue-skinned pixie whose naked form was decorated with what could, in a pinch, be called a mouse costume.... she was not wearing her normal loincloth, but now wore a hood with round
[15:09] <+Breeze_Dormouse> mouse ears on top, and she had tied some string around her naked waist, giving herself a "tail."
01[15:09] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> 6 The hair wasn't hard to change, she just turned it white, and penciled in her eyebrows dark, it was a stark comparison. She wore a long silver dress that flared out at the waist. How was Lord Relanoth making out it was hard to tell and she tried peeking over tall bushes and then couldn't see. It was quite a maze so she stayed at the table for now curious enough there was a tilt to her head ...
01[15:09] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> ... looking at it. She was already there and of course she was very close to Relanoth in fact they played off each other much of the time. One would think of what the other did, and when they got together there was no warning what would happen. An addition to this event was Adrienna{I}-Fireworks who would set the place ablaze with colors with her talents and help pass out ...
01[15:09] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> ... gifts.
[15:09] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock> He practicly radiated that unsettling ocrruption to leak out from him and indeed he would let little one slide fingers within his. He would give a reasuring squeeze to then and then his arm would move to slide around her form, holding her to him, in that costume as they waited, it would surely look as if he was about to devour the girl. He would lean his head, and look where she pointed
[15:09] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock> his eyes <cut>
[15:09] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock> <cut> to, but the traveled, those ever aware orbs, taking in all as they arrived. <cut>
02[15:10] * +Clearwater-flower (webchat@6ca5ed5c.6ca5f080.96.53.imsk) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
06[15:11] * +Vena-foxxy was following derections to the manor smileing as she sees the place and walks up in her foxxy costume which was just her normal look
06[15:11] * +Famfrit-TheBeamishBoy remains wary of jubjub birds, and is ready to shun the frumious Bandersnatch... when his eyes fall upon Tamryn.... suddenly his hand goes to his sword... he hunches down low... watching his jaws that bite, ready for claws that catch... his face determination, his eyes heroism... oh... he is so totally beamish right now.
06[15:11] * +Zailynn-WhiteGuard would spot Tehya and grin, well this would make things a shade easier for the Dream. She would slowly but surely make her way in Tehya's direction and before long was near her left side. Was only fitting the White Guard be at the White Witch's side. Another glance to kara, she was just too damn cute when she was happy that one.
06[15:11] * +Rayn-table landed softly nearby. She is naked (of course) in nothing more than a pair of black heels and knee-high stockings... but a table need not dressing.
06[15:12] * +Lilika-CheshireCat had primped and curled all day, wanting to go to this and have fun, but now that she was looking in the mirror, she felt a surge of shyness. 14"Oh my..."6 Looking over herself, she blushes, almost losing her will before shaking her head. 14"No. This is going to be fun, and I don't want everyone to think I'm overly stuffy and strict."6 Smiling at herself in the mirror, she picks up the cat ear headband6 ...
[15:12] <+Lilika-CheshireCat> ...6 and slides it into place. Slipping out of her bedroom, she makes her way out of the castle and hurries to the party, stopping just outside the gates. She was dressed in an overbust corset and a short frilly skirt, both done in pinks and purples. Long stockings ran the length of her legs, of a deep purple color. High heeled shoes adorn her feet, of the same color, with little hearts. A faux long tail, attached to

[15:12] <+Lilika-CheshireCat> A faux long tail, attached to her shirt in the back, hangs down behind her knees, also that shade of pinkish-purple. Her long brown hair, normally held up in a bun, hung down her back and around her face, a riot of ringlets, nestling a pair of pinkish-purple cat ears. On her cheeks, she drew in some whiskers. Grinning madly, she makes her way up to the gate, casually slow.6 ...
[15:14] <+kara{Tam}-alice> Master looked so -fiercesome-, surely the goosebumps on her skin showed it, as she dared to touch the side of mask and beam upwards to the one who was by all rights looked like he was about to eat her! Jump! oh she jumped when the Boy would draw weapon, almost draw it, skirts flouncing up, about to fall, her hands coming to bring up the stuffed kitten in her pocket to her cheek, stroking it. 12†
[15:14] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† Eyes so wide, amazement flittered as she looked about. Lili there, her tug on Jabber's tail light thing, giggling as she peered through. "tis just pretend, tis just a dream, will wake up soon, and have dinner.." muttered as jaw set rather stubbornly! She would enjoy it she would! her fingers reaching around, tightening grip to one of the Jabber's dripping talons. 4†
06[15:15] * +Relanoth-Madhatter stood on this most wonderfullest of wonderful days, ready to have wonderful tea and refreshing conversation, or was that the other way around. Dressed suitably for the occasion in an okay suit, with a hat on his head worthy of celebration. He comes out of the maze and looks around. He'd notice everyone, and would call. "All right, good folk, and bad folk, and medium folk, thank you for coming to the tea party. Don't
[15:15] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 to the tea party. Don't spoil your appetites!" He warned the Jabberwock. "It's VERY impolite to do so! If you have no appetite, you cannot eat cookies, if you cannot eat cookies, how can you drink tea? It's madness." He laughed, then looking at the Lilika-CheshireCat, looking horrified. "Oh no a CA...." He stopped, looking at Breeze. "Ah... we should get you to the tea party soon. Or there'll be panic,
[15:16] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 6"Ah... we should get you to the tea party soon. Or there'll be panic, terror, spilled tea!" He rushed behind her, pushing her into the hedge maze that was behind the entrance. 
06[15:16] * +Vena-foxxy was at the gate not sure what to do
06[15:17] * +Adrienna{I}-Fireworks wasn't exactly one of the characters in the story itself, but she was there for entertainment and for purpose. Heeled sandals, adding more to the luxurious height she already possessed, feathered and moved with ethereal grace as she crossed the parthway. Long legs were hugged with the sheer tight'ness of stockings --laced things, patterned and shimmering white. Athletically sculpted, toned, 14...2
[15:17] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 long and beautiful. Upwards was the little red number in velvet, lace and silk. It cinched around her torso like a corset, pushing those lovely girls up and accentuating the full'ness of them. Lower, that matching skirt, reaching to just below the swell of delicious rump. Flaring thing --layer upon layer of rich crimson colours to give the little dress it's flair. Black collar hugged prestine, 14...2
[15:17] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 swan-like curve of her throat. That silveresque -I- standing out against ashen hue of flesh. Upwards those thick, cerulean and platinum laced tresses bounced with lively'ness, soft'ness. Loose, mostly, safe for a few locks pulled back and up and secured with golden pins. Curly things. Inviting. Heat radiated from her, carrying the soft tinge of lavendar, vanilla and flawed some with essence of 14...2
[15:17] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 cloves. She came to that maze, and those ruby hues wandered, roamed. Soft little smirk upon the full'ness of crimson painted tiers.. 14...1
06[15:17] * +Wade`Caterpillar *the more he smoked, the more it hung around until he was ensrouded, off to one side by himelf and as one bowl was emptied he would pack another.. the catterpillar and mushroom of course had grown propotianately

06[15:18] * +Lilika-CheshireCat saw Lord Tamryn and would naturally gravitate towards him, moving slowly over towards him and Kara. Giving the slavegirl a playful wink, she leans in close before speaking softly to the girl. 14"If it takes half a hen half a day to lay half an egg, how long does it take a one legged grasshopper to kick all the seeds out of a dill pickle?"6 Patting her arm with a grin, she'd turn to look at Relanoth6 ...
[15:18] <+Lilika-CheshireCat> ...6 and shrug with a huge grin. 14"No no no... my lord... not a CA... It's CAT! CAT! CAT! CAT! As in... meeeeoooowwww... Right?"6 Twisting her lips in a fake confused look, she shrugs. 14"At least I think that's what we do?"
03[15:18] * Tamryn` is now known as Tamryn-Jabberwock`
06[15:19] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts has crumbs on their vest of scale mail. A little tart to the corner of the mouth. It was a weakness. Once you had those tarts it was a slippery slope and one fell into addiction soon enough. Hands would be gloved and interlaced behind back after a tug to eyepatch. Wonder of wonders would it all cease? Meander into the gathering to see if anyone recognized or had a hint. So different
06[15:19] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts so odd. The gold eyes replaced with blue!
06[15:19] * +Breeze_Dormouse fluttered up to Renaloth, fluttering around him once or twice -- a little energetic for a Dormouse, perhaps, but she figured she could be sleepy and doze off later. "And will there be tea pots to sleep in?" she inquired, wondering a little if her "costume" was solid enough to take the water. ... and then she saw Lilika, and immediately flew into a panic, darting about, shrieking in a high pitched voice: "CAT! CAT HE
[15:19] <+kara{Tam}-alice> OH! the hatter, it was as if her book had come to life, tome beloved to her, Master even read her parts of it some nights, during winter mostly! That yelping sound came from lips, silenced as she would giggle to the Hatter's warning to the Jabberwock, her blue eyes widening only slightly flittering up there. "Doesn't do to be rude, not at all.." Trying to remember the order as black slippers 12†
[15:19] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† would dance upon the ground, nervous little thing, setting fingers from the talons, costume upon Master so -well- he even felt bad..felt evil! wicked! Blush brought the cheeks upwards, as she gasped to the sight of the Fireworks, her hands clapping together in excitement. To the Cheshire those words as she would look upwards. "What sense does any of this make! to be a pickle one must have the 12†
[15:19] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† seeds, if not is barren to the world.." voice came with that giggle as she tucked her head. "It is what you do, only here would a dog go BARK BARK" 4†
06[15:19] * +Wade`Caterpillar would be mostly obscured but you could see a human form in there.. but you couldnt tell who he was..
[15:20] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "CAT! CAT HELP HELP HELP!"
06[15:20] * +Rayn-table looked at all the fancy costumes gathered here, and the event tickled her. She anxiously clicked her silver tongue stud against her teeth as she waited, and the excitement made her pierced pink nipples and clit stand on end.
06[15:21] * +Vena-foxxy flicked her tails around as she looked around at the crowd "so many people..."
01[15:21] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> 6 With ryhmes going through her mind and white hair flowing from behind, she worked her way from the table to Adrienna{I}, those dark brows furrowed and that pretty silver dress chased behind her only to find that she had no gifts in hand. Instead she handed Adrienna a sack of money to hand out for the games. 14"I hope I can trust you, and you know what to do. If they win than hand them a coin ...
01[15:21] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> ... or two, but if they lose putt them in the behind with a shoe."6 The sack was wrapped in glitter and gloss with long flowing ribbons around it. She danced away leaving the coins in Adrienna's hand.

[15:22] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> He would give a squeeze again, and a growl, a fearsome deep rumblings sound, those wings behind him for a moment a smokey outline to match beating once. Eyes, black as pitch as he let that corruption inside him have reign for a moment, old eyes indeed of a creature very unlike the man who bore them. That part was barely a costume, but more it was part of his own self, a dragon well he knew
[15:22] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> much <cut>
[15:22] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> <cut> of said beasts. He would curl that little form within his arms. <cut>
06[15:23] * +Lilika-CheshireCat nods smartly to Kara. 14"Ah, of course... so then I MUST be a cat!"6 Turning to look at Breeze, she grins, quite insanely so. 14"CAT? You Call for the CAT's HELP?? I AM HERE! LET ME HELP YOU!"6 Shaking her head, she looks back at Relanoth as he pushes on her, guiding her through the maze. 14"Ara ara... what were we doing again? Ah right... seeking the purple eye while gazing in the blue one... Away my6 ..
[15:23] <+Lilika-CheshireCat> ...6 lord, we must hasten our steps quickly!"
06[15:25] * +Relanoth-Madhatter pushed her in, quickly. "Oh no, oh no, we have terror, panic, discomfort! Look, cat, mouses are not to be served with tea! They are strictly a chocolate milk treat, and we will not truck with any chocolate milk at a Tea Party! It's for Chocolate Milk Party!" He pushed her deeper into the maze. "Now, listen carefully to my insturctions, you go right, right, till you're left with no righhts left, then turning left is
[15:25] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 , then turning left is right, right until you're right there! Got that right? Right!" 2<--{( end)}
06[15:27] * +Zailynn-WhiteGuard would blink and look around now. Madness already! How much crazier could these people get? Well, it was a tea party after all; Keeping a eye on Tehya she would keep fairly close but could not help but to have some fun. Sneaking behind Breeze quietly she'd lean over by her ear and then let out a 2"MEEEOOOWWWW!!" 1 then giggle like a madwoman before gathering herself back up and
06[15:27] * +Zailynn-WhiteGuard 1closeby to -*Distorted*-
[15:27] <+Zailynn-WhiteGuard> -*Reality*- Tehya for the time being anyway. -*Is Infinite*-
06[15:27] * +Famfrit-TheBeamishBoy advances... deciding that despite the gallumphing... he's not drunk enough to really get this... so he eyes the Jabberwock with intent menace... and removes a stolen bottle of wine from his cloak.... he sets it on Rayn's back (cause she's a table...) and he grabs the scabbard and pummel... and slowly unsheathes his VORPAL BLADE... and how sharp is it! He's spent hours making it
06[15:27] * +Famfrit-TheBeamishBoy sharp using goblin skill and craft.... suddenly the sword slashes once at the bottle... then twice... SNICKER SNACK goes the VORPAL BLADE... actually it really DOES make that sound, thusly enchanted to make such sounds as he cuts the top of the bottle... he then sheathes the vorpal blade... and grabs the bottle-sans-top... taking a drink of it... reaching down to pet Rayn's breast to reward
06[15:27] * +Famfrit-TheBeamishBoy her for her 'cooperation'
[15:27] <+kara{Tam}-alice> Scream! One didn't even need to fake it, as those blue eyes widened like saucers and lips set to such a perfect O. Within Jabber's snatches! Within the talon'd claws that dripped their cruelty, robbing the..wait! it was Master! Giggle escaped the mouth, as hand covered the lips, little one wrapping arms about one arm and clinging to it, never minding the wings and oily 'taste' that would come 12†
[15:27] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† forth with it. "Cat! Cat! " called forth after the Cheshire who set about upon disappearing! Beaming boy, once more drawing attention. Instructions given by the Hatter to the cat and little ones brows would knit. "That makes absolutley no sense! Not a drop of sense, how can one go left until there are no more rights.." the sound that came the snicker snack and eyes were pivot rivetted towrds the 12†
[15:27] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† Beaming boy. "How very parcticular.." 4†
06[15:29] * +Adrienna{I}-Fireworks allowed the tip of saliva lacquered tongue to grace the soft swell of bottom lip. Leaving behind sweet moisture as those hellish inferno's continued to dazzle and cruise along each and everyone assembled or arriving. From the little velvet pouch that laid on her side, did another clove find it's way between nimble'ness of slender, long fingers. Ignited, and soon dragged and puffed upon at 14...2
[15:29] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 leizure as she stood off to the side. Waiting, watching. Plumes of blue'ish smoke soon drifted and shrouded her before taken away with the soft gusting winds of affected warmth. Then Tehya. Dip of her delicate chin at the woman, awarding her with a little smile.. 14"Thee can trust. A little putt given when the right time's right. A little light to shine to show the way.." 6*A fluttering of 14...2
06[15:29] * +Lilika-CheshireCat nods and grins up at Relanoth, 14"Right! Only one thing left! I got it! And of course mouses are not to be served with tea... the hair fills the cup and it gets cold by the time you can drink it down... everyone knows that, even your hat!"6 Meandering up to the maze, she hums softly to herself, a syncopated nonsensical tune about mouses and hats and tea, and how fun it is to have all three. Skipping6 ...
[15:29] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 lush, inky lashes as she winked at the woman. Taking that bag and loving the chime of coins as it clinked and clattered together. She turned her face away, enjoying the addiction of smoke. A little more time before she would light up the skies. To give a little taste of pretty fire to those gathered.. 14...1
[15:29] <+Lilika-CheshireCat> ...6 lightly, she goes the complete opposite direction, just to be contrary.
06[15:29] * +Wade`Caterpillar would look about.. just people milling about.. the costumes or what he could see of them, then he would slip out the cloud still there.. but after a minute it sort of lost its shape, then the whole thing would melt down and eventually dissipate leaving a fruity, flowery smell that would remind one of an english garden..
03[15:29] * +Wade`Caterpillar ( has left #tli-forest
[15:30] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> (Let's say Adrie moved off with Tehya! Sorry for missunderstanding guys.))
06[15:30] * +Breeze_Dormouse zipped around screaming "CAT! CAT!" for a bit, and then, just for added protection (and because it got boring to rush around in a blind panic like that, she zipped around every single one of the guests, plus the host, and including the "cat," before she came to rest on top of Relanoth's hat. She fluttered over him and then sat down, cross-legged, on top of the hat, getting herself comfortable.

[15:32] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> Head, snap of it, a growl from his lips as he would scent that foulness of clove smell coming from what Adrienna{I}-Fireworks had lit up. It caused him to curl finger to his little ones, middle rough press of taloned tips but for just a moment and he would look to his little one. "Should we follow after those who have set upon the maze my little alice?" His wordsgiving a little rumble all
[15:32] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> <cut>
[15:32] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> <cut> through her, as he would dart gaze about. <cut>

06[15:34] * +Relanoth-Madhatter nodded. "Well, it goes without saying!" He said, returning, to find the mouse calmed down. "Aah, there you are. The Mouse is Gone." He turned to kara{Tam} -Alice. "Not a drop of sense? Well, this is not a Sense PArty, but a Tea Party! How can you put Sense in a Cup anyway! Tea is a lot better than sense, if you ask me!" He looked at the Jabberwock and Alice. "Oh yes, please take her inside! We have tea with in the m
[15:34] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 have tea with in the maze, but no sense, we may have non-sense, I haven't checked. Nonsense is good iwth cookies. 2<--{( end)}
06[15:34] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts was alerted to screaming a moment then while they would be distracted, are there any tarts? Yes? Hmmm one would think so. We will look for them, oh yes we will. Believe it. The Knave strode through and looked over the others there and studied curiously. Gloved hand would reach up and shove hair back and tug on the eye patch. There were many rumors about the way the Knave got the
06[15:34] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts eyepatch - from bar fights to a grovel over the last tart. So careful of their appearance they would be careful to not get dirty. A gloved hand flicked the other arm and strode a bit closer to those assembled.
[15:35] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "Treacle," she added from her place atop the Hatter's hat, nodding her tiny head as if she had said something very clever.

01[15:36] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> 6 She tended to things on the table setting things out that were not in perfect places and then walked around the table tugging at the tablecloth some and intrigued by something. That costume she wore was becoming more alight with glitter as if there were a thousand lightning bugs on the skirt, but that could of just been magic. The White Witch turned this way and that and had a keen ear to the ...
01[15:36] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> ... trimmed hedges listening to those coming in.
06[15:37] * +Zailynn-WhiteGuard went right on into the maze and kept close to people. Granted that made for nteresting moments, especially when you got to a dead end right up against each other! How fun! Zailynn was of course hoping to get through this easily; Otherwise... that sword on her back would be carving herself a path to get through this maze all her own. Yes, drak girl did have some patience, but only
06[15:37] * +Zailynn-WhiteGuard so much -*Distorted*-
[15:37] <+Zailynn-WhiteGuard> -*Reality*- when it came to challenges such as this. -*Is Infinite*-
02[15:38] * +Clearwater-flower (webchat@6ca5ed5c.6ca5f080.96.53.imsk) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[15:39] <+Rayn-table> The naked seductress entered the maze and placed her hand upon the *wall* to follow the complicated contours.
06[15:41] * +Lilika-CheshireCat grins, actually having a lot more fun than she expected with this role. Skipping around the maze, she continues to hum to herself, in no real hurry to get anywhere, even getting turned around at one point and retracing her steps. She knew that the best way to get out of a maze was to follow the left wall, so that's what she did, following it with all its twists and turns. Finding herself running6 ...
[15:41] <+Lilika-CheshireCat> ...6 into Zailynn, she pauses and smiles with a nod. 14"Do you know the way out of here?"6 Clasping her hands behind her back, she rocks on the balls of her feet, wiggling her hips a little, causing that tail to flick back and forth.

06[15:42] * +Relanoth-Madhatter nodded. "Well, it goes without saying!" He said, returning, to find the mouse calmed down. "Aah, there you are. The Mouse is Gone." He turned to kara{Tam} -Alice. "Not a drop of sense? Well, this is not a Sense PArty, but a Tea Party! How can you put Sense in a Cup anyway! Tea is a lot better than sense, if you ask me!" He looked at the Jabberwock and Alice. "Oh yes, please take her inside! We have tea with in the m
[15:42] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 have tea with in the maze, but we have no sense, we may have non-sense, I haven't checked. Nonsense is good with cookies. Everyone knows that!" (rp) 2<--{( end)}
[15:43] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "Treacle," she added from her place atop the Hatter's hat, nodding her tiny head as if she had said something very clever.
[15:43] <+Breeze_Dormouse> (repost)
01[15:43] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> 4"They are coming! Hurry, Hurry make sure the tea is hot, oh and wine for Lord Relanoth is fine."6 She had a way of speaking in riddles but again looked down to her dress which ebbed out to nothing but faint glitter and than alight with lightning bugs upon her skirt. She reached down for a wand and finally understood why. When she touched the wand her whole dress came alive and billowed out ...
01[15:43] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> ... from her legs.
06[15:43] * +Adrienna{I}-Fireworks flicked clove to the ground, where petite platform beneath the ball of foot would grind down against it, snuffing out the fire and coal to pure nothing'ness. Another lick to those lips, full-kissable things. That sack of coin slung over sculpt of one shoulder, easily carried as she followed Tehya for a ways. A fresh breeze of magic envelloping her as she cast that clean spell once more. 14...2
[15:43] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 Refreshed in lavendar and vanilla perfume as she studied Tehya for a moment longer. The place looked amazing. Beautiful. Adorned and magical, mystical. She approved. And did so with a geniune smile. A grin --perfected white-boxed teeth glimpsed as she laid the sack down at dainty, sandaled feet. Her arms came up --artistic, beautifully sculpted things of feminine proportions. They looked soft, 14...2
[15:43] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 tender, picture'esque. She weaved and circled palms and intricacies of fingers. Patterns drawn in the sky above, over the expanse of maze. Her lips moved, that incantation a thing of beauty, power. Chin tilted upwards as she made that magic of hers come alive. In the sky, something went blue, purple, green and silver.. Something brewing. Soft mist of it tantalizing the heavens... (First round of 14...2
[15:43] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 casting.. Second round will be the fireworks itself..) 14...1
[15:45] <+kara{Tam}-alice> Those words! Oh! That breath of taken in as she would stare at the Hatter! "Oh no! Not into the Maze!" her body moved, that near kicking upon the form of Jabberwock, her little curls bobbing and twisting about the form. "Mouse is gone! And Cat soon after! Sense in a cup, Tea it will be..oh the worlds gone mad..." Her lips pursed as she calmed herself, tucking arms underneath breasts criss cross, 12†
[15:45] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† little foot tapping upon the ground in time with the movement of the Jabber! "Well..I do like cookies.." 4†
06[15:45] * +Rayn-table became a little more obsessed with the maze than the others. While the other party-goers seemed to frolic, the pint-sized priestess concentrated on solving the puzzle. She soon found herself breaking away from the pack. Naked, and nearly alone, the idea of a minotaur within these passages aroused her.
[15:47] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> Sudden that sound like a roar as his taloned grip would curl at the form of poor alice and like a lion striking he would suddenly draw her form into the maze with him, as if claimed by the dpeths of night that form of jabberwock and alice lost to any who had not yet entered. Once out of sight of those behind he would settle ehr back to kicking feel, a lift of mask to place a nip to her neck
[15:47] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> and <cut>
[15:47] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> <cut> a kiss to it before he would pull it back down. "Lead the way, my delicious little morsel. <cut>
01[15:48] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> 6 She circled Adrienna even though she was watching those gathering at the party, fretting over this and that as Relanoth's servants rushed out in costume? to supply the party with food and drink. Food, oh there was a wealth of that. Cupcakes adorned with candy playing cards and roses, of every flavor, cookies shaped as the suites of cards, iced so carefully. Bits of pastry filled with meats, ...
01[15:48] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> ... stuffed with the savory herbs and a selection of cheeses to be sampled. Each teapot held it's own mystery. Green Ale, and bittersweet sorrel tea, berry tea, and honey and lemon mixed with fizzy water, stolen from some nymphs cache. One could even find wine, soft wines, sweet wines, bitter wines there, for sampling in each tea cup.
01[15:48] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> So she was amused at how Relanoth had told her that he would not drink tea, so there was something for everyone. A grand party indeed.
[15:50] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 12**Skies light up in a myriad of colours. Blue streaked into purples, greens, reds and even silvers. Majestic and beautiful. Raining down in weaves of essentric hues, patterns. Hats, rabbits, cakes and tea-cupsm streamers of light and colour as it boomed and sparkled. It was all in the theme of the party. Lively things. They moved, they exploded after a few seconds only to rain down and splash 14...2
06[15:50] * +Relanoth-Madhatter nodded up at the comment from the Mouse. "And Treacle, we have plenty of Treacle of course. It's what coin is made off?" He looked up at the sky. "Oh my, the time for a tea party is soon! Everyone, hurry on inside, The kettle is steaming! Oh, we're going to be late! Or the kettle'll be early! Hahahah." With that he rushed into the maze himself, holding on to his hat, running full tilt in seemingly random directions.
[15:50] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 trees, bushes and earth alike. Sizzling and dying --doused and gone before it altered anything. It did not burn. The sky ablaze for a few minutes before it evaporated into nothing'ness once more...** 4...1
[15:50] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 ngly random directions. "Amazing maze, how sweet the sound, of a fluting kettle of tea! I once was was lost, but now, I found, a sweet, hot drink for me." 2<--{( end)}
06[15:50] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts inched to the maze and gave a look about with one eye. Oh my. Where would we go, oh no. "Where does it lead?" The knave inquired. Here or there. Near or far? They would attempt this ritual. By grace or by misplace. But was it safe? The Knave would attempt it either way. Eye took it in and entered in. Followed the way of the way and all the way. Carefully and just so.
[15:50] <+kara{Tam}-alice> The blush given, as scream was cut short! Better here then out with the beaming boy? Or..was it? Nervous as the Jabber would plunge forwards, snatching her upwards and taking her with into the greenery. That way, put back down and primly she smoothed and soothed the very lines of skirting flounced as it was! Lips curved into bright smile, Master's lifting of mask so she could -see- Him erasing 12†
[15:50] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† the fear that had over taken. " But Master! how can one go left left until there is no right left! oh! " her sudden movement as she would take Jabber's talon in hand, setting off at a march through the greens! We go left, then left then right!" 4†

06[15:52] * +Zailynn-WhiteGuard had managed to just keep Tehya in eyesight, not close, but close enough and managed to see the food and tea. Well, damn, did she have to behave? or just take as she wished? Seeing as this gathering was crazyness and chaos Zailynn would just slide on over and get ahold of a cupcake and nibble a bit. Trying to just take her time eating, one was not to rush a cupcake after all...
06[15:52] * +Breeze_Dormouse eeped slightly and almost fell off the hat as the Hatter suddenly darted off -- but a pixie.... er, a MOUSE is pretty quick when it needs to (even a Dormouse), and with a little help from her wings, she managed to catch the brim and hang on as Relanoth galloped into the maze -- like a mouse riding a Hatter, or like a knight riding a horse and not doing a very good job of it, she clung on.
01[15:53] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> 6 The sky was beautiful it certainly stopped Tehya in her track as she looked up. Then she looked at Adrienna wanting to know the magic behind that, but she did cover her ears for a moment when the explosions went off those elven ears were still sensitive. It was time to find the MadHatter and meet the guests so she began to mingle just by walking through the crowd and towards the table ...
01[15:53] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> ... Relanoth surely was going to talk on a subject dear to her heart.
06[15:53] * +Lilika-CheshireCat shrugs and wanders off, skipping along before finally, somehow even unknown to her, finding her way out of the maze. 14"There we go... and everything's right, once again... well, except this time... everything was left... but now, everybody is left... wait... not yet..."6 Turning, she spins until the maze was towards her left. 14"Ah... there we go... now everything is right, and everybody is left..."6 ...
[15:53] <+Lilika-CheshireCat> ...6 Nodding, the world once again made sense to her. Turning her back on it all, she turns and heads over towards the tea party itself. 14"Hello hello... can someone direct me to the pea tarty... on no wait... that's not quite right... I mean the tea party... yes... that's it."
04[15:53] * Arryld-Tree ( has joined #tli-forest
03[15:53] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Arryld-Tree
[15:54] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> He would chuckle and happily follow after his little one. Such parties and activities were quite up the little one's alley and he was enjoying every wide eyed start and gasp that came from her loverly form. He would move behind her, a sinuous counterpoint to her skipping mvements, that costume seeming to sway snakelike with his movements. His words, well he didn't really speak, just enjoyed

06[15:56] * +Rayn-table tried not to let the fireworks display distract her as she navigated the maze, but when she peeked up she was nearly run over by Relanoth. "Blessed be!" she yelped, her perky breasts bouncing lewdly as she lept out of the way.
[15:58] <+kara{Tam}-alice> Fireworks! Oh those could help..surely? Her movements light things, little one tugging upon Towering Masked one's fingers, wrapping her own well around talon'd nail. He moved like predator and she like well..human. Stumble, almost fall as she took a left, then another left..that frown as she turned face back. "Master could be .." no not Master..well! always Master, confusion showed in the girl's 12†
[15:58] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† face as she would set one hand to tugging down on to short of skirt. "Fireworks, have to come from somewhere. Hints that make no sense, and clues that lead to no where!" Her eyes closed as she thought about it. "Jabbers can fly! " the sudden excitement as she turned around, releasing finger. "Or is that cheating.." 4†
01[15:59] <+Tehya-Duchess> 6 The White Witch just disappeared and the frumpy Duchess with her pet pig came in wearing a high cowl of a dress with her big bossom accented by gold stripes and a big flounced skirt in red stripes. Her hair was done in rolled curls and she walked to the table placing pepper shakers on the table. A few grunts from bending over and that wasn't a flounce in back of her skirt, that was poking up ...
01[15:59] <+Tehya-Duchess> ... it was her oversized behind.14"Where is this art collector Lord Relanoth hmmmmm not enough pepper on this table. Oh sorry dear, she patted the table as if she thought it was alive.
06[16:00] * +Arryld-Tree didn't just casually slip within the clutches of party goers. Rather, she just seemed to 'be' there. From nowhere. Perhaps it was the mud that had long since dried and had artfully been arranged to look like tree bark? With fingers that had run over and over where she'd caked it, dabbling dirt here and there to give it shades. If that was enough, there were limbs. Tree limbs. Tied to her <14.2>
[16:00] <+Arryld-Tree> <14..6> legs, arms, that lovely rounded curve of an ass and over breasts to the precious crux of thighs. It sorta hid.. that the moriel was completely naked under all that, if she didn't bounce so effectively one might not have noticed. She'd even took the trouble to put leaves within hair that had been slicked down in mud. If not for those honey depths and curves it was most positive to her mind she <14.2>
[16:00] <+Arryld-Tree> <14..6> could have passed, for a tree. In her mind, that is. Not those observing the lovely bit of wierd treasury standing so close to goodies and then hovering nimble digits over what was on display and dripping small bits of dried mud. <14...6>

[16:02] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> Beneath mask worn he would smile wide, indeed he would have already thought upon such things bit he owuld let her come to such things. His voice, when he spoke, he worked to make sure it held much more growl that it otherwise would as he would just nod. "Well my little alice...clever clever girl.." And with that, he would wrap her in arms and lift from the ground, he looked like some dark
[16:02] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> dragon <cut>
[16:02] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> <cut> in a smaller form as he would move through air towards sorce of firewords, high he flew then a fast sudden firing of form from the heavens, his feet impacting the ground with a thooming sound as he held her in his arms. Once landed, arms would unfurl from about her. <cut>
06[16:02] * +Relanoth-Madhatter stopped frantically as he passed rayn, hearing her words. "Blessed be? Blessed Me? Or is that Blessed We? Who's doing the blessing?" He looked at her. "That sounds like an order! What if I don't want to be blessed!" He folded his arms and raised his chin. "Anyway, you're too slow, because you have short legs, right Dormouse." he looked up. "I should rush you in, it'll go faster!" With that, he grabbed her and hauled
[16:02] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 grabbed her and hauled her over his shoulder, then started to run rapidly, vaguely in the direction of the source of fireworks, one hand holding his hat, the other holding Rayn. 2<--{( end)}
06[16:04] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts entered into the maze and followed the Mad one. Almost a smile there or rather a hint of one. What if they it couldn't be. Tarts? Yes what if they had some there. Walking quicker so the Knave would go the cloak fluttering out behind. There. Follow turn...follow look....walk this way or that? Where did they go...walking through what was said "Hurry?" Yes hurry the Knave
06[16:04] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts would hurry and make haste to see what all the fuss was about.
[16:04] <+kara{Tam}-alice> Lift of blue eyes upwards, as she drew in breath, biting to the line of the lip. Maybe in truth the corruption she didn't realize she was being immersed into..that made her a cheater! A big fat one too! Instead praise given and she would hold up arms, as if expecting it. Swooped up and lifted from, tucking down to costumed Master, in all faith believing it was her bits of cloth, leather ,paint 12†
[16:04] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† and threads that made Him appear so! Upwards, closing eyes through the fireworks, sheltered to the "Jabbers" chest before they would spark upwards gasping for the air that wouldn't come from the chest! 4†
06[16:05] * +Zailynn-WhiteGuard was in her own little world now having at cupcakes and cookies. Yes, it was obvious *someone* did not eat yet today! All the girl could hope is that crazed hatter did not notice or anything of the like. 2 "Hmm.. to Tea or not to Tea?" 1 Zailynn mused and giggled at herself after saying that, shaking her head softly.
[16:05] <+Rayn-table> "Yikes!" Rayn shirked as her naked petite form was thrown over Relanoth's shoulder, her butt sticking high up in the air. She had to laugh at the absurdity of it all, and at least she would get to the tea party eventually. What's a tea party without a table?
[16:06] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "Eeek! I mean, squeak!" She was of course tiny enough that he could lift her with one hand if necessary (it was why she made for such a good Dormouse), and as she found herself hauled along, she held onto the hat, looking down at the "table" before piping up: "Are you a tablemouse?"
06[16:06] * +Lilika-CheshireCat wanders over to the table and picks out a chair, lounging across it, her feet kicking lightly with knees draped across an arm. Her elbow was resting on the other arm, feeling it resting across her back as she looked around at the table, waiting for the others to arrive. Smiling vacuously, she hums to herself some more, muttering aloud. 14"Names give power. Magic to control. But what is broken, by6 ...
[16:06] <+Lilika-CheshireCat> ...6 naming it?"

[16:08] <+Rayn-table> "I'm certainly big enough to be a table for a mouse." She giggled and waved a foot at Breeze as they galloped along.
06[16:08] * +Adrienna{I}-Fireworks smiled in sweet gratitude. The skies had been lighted up beautifully. Spectacle of it delivered --another would follow in a bit. Lowering her arms once more, that little bend of waist to pick up the sack of coins once more and sling it over bare shoulder. Purse of full lips, accentuating cupid-bowed portion of upper as she began walking and surveying. Cakes, a series of assorted treats. 14...2
[16:08] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 Tea... Oh, havens! Tea! She craved a cup of that. And so she quenched that addiction. Honey, cream, a lump of sugar. Ever the sweet-tooth that betrayed her sometimes. Sip of it, slow and decadent swirl within soft'ness of svelte mouth before she swallowed. A little, quick dart of fingertips --snatching a cube of frosted cake and chewing with a soft 'mmm' vibrating at the back of delicate throat. 14...2
[16:09] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 Delicious. Washed down with more tea as she paced and sauntered. Almost a ballet dance with the quick'ness of heeled feet and the liquid grace she possessed.. 14...1
03[16:09] * +Sativa|Thr| ( has left #tli-forest
06[16:11] * +Famfrit-BeamishBoy has found cause to sneak away from the pack... slipping into the maze, he starts to wander randomly... making sure to get himself good and lost... and not found... he then changes into his second costume... stripping himself down naked... carrying his Vorpal Blade in hands... he then starts wandering the maze again.... crawling on hands and knees... he then looks for a place with
06[16:11] * +Famfrit-BeamishBoy high trafic on the ground... he sets the vorpal blade down, a gift for those that find it, and parts with the enchanted thing before slipping away himself... naked... if he's got a costume... the way he's running about on all fours conceals it...
06[16:11] * +Relanoth-Madhatter blinked. "A mouse table, a splendirifous idea! And we can put other goods on you too!" Wtih that he managed to get to the exit of the maze, where things were ready. "Oooh! The tea is about ready! The tea is just in time!" He said, stopping with a shuddering halt. "Observe! A TABLE!" He held Rayn forward, putting her in the middle of the table, spilling some of the sugar. "IT's a table for on the table! Because if on
[16:11] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 he table! Because if one table makes for a great Tea Party! Two Tables are even better!" 2<--{( end)}
06[16:12] * +Rayn-table thought that was a splaendid idea. She immediately assumed the position (again), getting on her hands and knees in the center of the table.
[16:13] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "I'm a doormouse," she offered. Of course, it was spelled "dormouse, and not "doormouse," but there was nothing wrong with sacrificing spelling in order to make a good pun. "Of course, everyone should have one of me going through a labyrinth, because I can be the door-mouse!" She skidded and almost fell off as Relanoth stopped, but use of her wings caused gravity to lose this round and she fluttered next to the hatter. "An
[16:13] <+Breeze_Dormouse> d I'm part pegamouse."

[16:14] <+kara{Tam}-alice> So much! So very much going on, Jabber set them down where Teaparty was arranged. Blush and fluster from the very nature of the 'table' laid out, as she would then turn to the normal table. Near scamper forth, but then, that tilt of head, blonde curls stumbling, falling into spindles about her features. Cheeks pinker, rosier, those eyes watching as this and that would take from table. Cake 12†
[16:14] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† devoured by Firework! Up and Down and all around confusion! Teeth worried bottom lip as she drew in deep breath and walked forwards, taking glass and teacup within hand and -marching- straight back to the Jabber, extending it for his taloned fingers. "Misery and nonsense! Who ever saw such things!" 4†
01[16:14] <+Tehya-Duchess> 6 She waddled around pig close behind her and she took a turn to the fireworks lady and slipped something in her pocket, who knows it could of been another pepper shaker or something even better. Loving the fireworks it made her appear even prettier she thought if someone misshapen could even carry on without looking utterly ugly she looked for statues that would be enhanced by the colors of ...
01[16:14] <+Tehya-Duchess> ... the fireworks and whispered in Adrienna's ear thank you.
06[16:14] * +Zailynn-WhiteGuard was keeping track of everyone but was eating like hell... in fact she ate so much poor thing passed right the hell out! Oh my the poor little drak sen!! Although, she did look so terribly cute with frosting and crumbs around the edges of her mouth.
06[16:15] * +Lilika-CheshireCat nods, 14"ooooh... a pegamouse... much much better than a stickamouse or a dowelamouse."6 Grinning to herself, she reaches over to grab a tea cup, toasting the people arriving! 14"Greetings people... now all is right... and left... the way it should be. Front and center, approach the table, my friends... oh but please, just don't go back!"6 Lifting the cup to her lips, she takes a drink.
[16:15] <+Saybie-KnaveofHearts> Turn and turn and turn. Then arrive. The Knave tugged on things and looked about. Presentable? Of course we are. We are lovely. Where to sit? Awkward a moment - offer of nervous smile to all of the animated individuals. What would the Queen say if Knave were discovered here among these. It was day off so Knave could care less what the big head said anyway. Eyes took in the food and looked
[16:15] <+Saybie-KnaveofHearts> for the tarts. Oh tea how devine!

06[16:18] * +Famfrit-SecondCostume calls out... 1I HATE FUCKING MAZES6 grunting as the lost he gets himself even makes him loster.... he starts looking for ways to cheat... 3Ah yes, I could set the hedge on fire.6 which prompts him to glare at a hedge wall until it catches on fire or he gets crosseyed. Which, of course... results in crosseyed goblin. He starts climbing over the wall of the hedge... a great idea!
06[16:18] * +Famfrit-SecondCostume 6Except now he's lostest. He grunts... he wanders aimlessly... sure he can navigate secret passages in places he shouldn't be, but toss in bushes and he gets confused. He looks for a squirrel to punch in frustration.
06[16:18] * +Arryld-Tree stared. Those unblinking pools sweeping over everyone as she plucked up something sweet and popped it into lush open lips to chew on and then suck away what was stick on tip of thumb. Eerie creature. Eerie girl. She had rarely spoke, rarely showed herself out of towers or Masters home. That she'd come was a shock in and of itself. But what to dress as? That had thrown her. So, with logic <14.2>
[16:18] <+Arryld-Tree> <14..6> upheld, she'd assumed no matter the story there were always trees. Thus her decision had found sound value. Odd smile was flashed to Cheshire dressed cat of Lilika. Hand raising and held there... before the moriel was off in that strange gait of hers that somehow managed to get her from point A to point B as if she were floating upon the air rather then walking over g <14.2>
[16:18] <+Arryld-Tree> <14..6> round. <4end6>
06[16:18] * +Relanoth-Madhatter looked around. "Now, now, now, everyone eating and stuffing their faces! You nead tea with your stuffed faces to give you full stomachs!" The surroundings of the garden were intricate. Artfully made statues were everywhere. The Keep was not one made for defence or war, it was one made for beauty and art. Still, it was but background, easily forgotten with the madness and chaos going on. He put several cups on top of
[16:18] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> He would greet those with a growl, Zailynn-WhiteGuard, Lilika-CheshireCat and Saybera all growled at as they arrived, those abyssal black eyes taking in Adri and Tehya-Duchess. He would take cup offered from his little alice, a growl before he would bring it to his lips underneath the mask, making a bit of a joke as small finger would extend outwards, the jabbarwock, drinking so politley.
[16:18] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 several cups on top of Rayne's back. "TEA For everyone! I'd offer ARR, but I'm not a pirate!" He'd pour cups of tea for all who wanted, some of the droplets, not scalding fortunately, dripping on Rayn. "Do you take three scoops of jam in your tea, or four?" He asked Saybie. 2<--{( end)}
06[16:19] * +Adrienna{I}-Fireworks drained the last drop of liquid-sweet'ness. Empty tea-cup's ear ringed with her index digit as she twirled it a few times, before laying it back down upon the surface of decorated table. Seam of those lips, sealing them as she savoured aftermath of taste, before beaming at the approach of Tehya. Little dip of chin, smiling, winking at the woman as she accepted that little gift and the grace 14...2
[16:19] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 of whispered breath against sensitive cusp of tapered ear... 14"Do share if you have a request, darling. I will comply and blaze the heavens as a treat." 6*Soft voice. Dark velvet. Lick of tongue-tip once more to remove remnants of cream from succulant curve of upper tier. Onwards once more. Sack closeby. Held secured. A place to sit. Where oh where would she lay that sumptuous rump ? Soft 14...2
[16:19] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 little inclanation of crown at Tamryn. Just that, nothing more, as she moved onward.. 4...1
06[16:20] * +Lilika-CheshireCat grins and jumps up on her chair, dancing in place. 14"Ooooh... dance magic dance..."6 Hopping in place, she bounces (in soooo many ways!)6 with the music, enjoying herself. Seeing Arryld's smile, she waves excitedly and grins. Seeing Lord Tamryn arrive, she waves at him as well, shaking her butt. 14"Greetings Milord!"6 Those words probably the only coherently formed ones for the time spent here. 14"Jump6
[16:20] <+Lilika-CheshireCat> ...6 magic jump!"
[16:21] <+Rayn-table> "OOOooH! Oh my!" Rayn tried not to squirm as tea dribbled upon her naked flesh and pooled into the small of her back. That was slightly hot, but it felt absouly erotic, and already her seductress aura was beginning to emanate sexual energy.

[16:22] <+Breeze_Dormouse> She fluttered and landed on the table. Yes, on the Rayn table; after all, she was the one who said she was going to be a mousetable, and as she was nearly mouse sized anyway, there was plenty of room for someone her size. She moved a little aside to avoid the teacups and instead strolled over on her naked little feet to stand on one of Rayn's buttocks, looking down on her. "You're spilling tea on the table!" she complained
[16:22] <+Breeze_Dormouse> .... and then she lay down on Rayn's butt. beginning to lap up the tea that had pooled into the small of her back. "The mouse will help... mmmm...."
[16:23] <+Saybie-KnaveofHearts> Jabberwock! Who invites a Jabberwock to a tea party! Indeed! Why the Knave would sit down and look at the Fireworks a bit and blush. Tea cup taken up and sipped from and growled at? How Rude! The Knave flup flipped cloak over back of chair and looked up and down the table. What a vivid gathering!! All animated and fun! More tea was sipped and SUDDENLY something began to change. The height
[16:23] <+Saybie-KnaveofHearts> of the table seemed to raise UP. Knave panicked as the shrinking happened. From the usually biggie tall to the pixie small!!
06[16:23] * +Famfrit-SecondCostume finally throws his hands up in frustration.... he sits down and crosses his arms... and he starts to sob. A lost goblin in a maze. 3This isn't faaaaaaiiiiiirrrrr i am angry and there are no squirrels to punch6 Suddenly he hears a woman singing and he decides punching a singing woman would do in lieu of a squirrel... so he climbs the hedge wall.... and falls down the other side in
06[16:23] * +Famfrit-SecondCostume 6the center... he then spies the teaparty... turns around, wipes the tears from his eyes... and then walks boldy into the party... in his second costume! 4This time, he is completely naked. The only thing he is wearing is some body paint on his pecker, and a tag. It's painted to look like a bottle. The tag (tied to his bottlepecker) has two words. 'Drink Me.' He strides boldly, hoping no

[16:24] <+kara{Tam}-alice> Her own movement, the table drew her attention from the Jabber..just for a bit! how could one not! Curls moved and bobbed their sunlight as she would watch the Table squirming and moving, the scent of it. Her eyes turned back to Jabber as she would shake her head, slowly as if in disbelief. Forwards and onewards! Steps were not so sure! not so sure at all. Little pixie sized Saybie now seen, as 12†
[16:24] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† she giggled, that sudden the one who came within. "JABBER! don't do it!" squealed out as she tried to run towards the 'Beast' to shield his eyes, peeking through her own fingers though. 4†
[16:24] <+Rayn-table> Smelling the tea, Rayn couldn't help herself. Keeping herself steady on all fours she deftly picked up a cup of tea to sample. As she began to sip, something crawled across her back and tickled her butt.
06[16:24] * +Archaon-MarchHare appears somewhere near the tea party, taking a cup for his own. Finger swirls it a little, and takes the dabbed taste. Just as suddenly, he'd simply drizzle the tea onto Rayn whom seems to be acting as today's table. "TEA EVERYWHERE" he'd blindly shout out, before moving on as if nothing else happened. A simple looking suit, nothing fancy, and with a slightly ragged hairdo look upon
06[16:24] * +Archaon-MarchHare his head.
01[16:26] <+Tehya-Duchess> 5 walked over to the hedges and then wandered through to find if anyone new was coming in to the party. She waved her hand around a corner of the hedges to lead them through the maze to happen upon the party her padded bottom making her costume sway back and forth and a small pig followed her. She waved them to come along before they got lost in the maze. Soon enough they were on an ...
01[16:26] <+Tehya-Duchess> ... immaculately mowed lawn with a table set out.
06[16:27] * +Arryld-Tree raised a hand once more, but this time, to hide the giggle suddenly popping out as quickly as she'd popped in a goody. Honey depths settled to 'Master' and she swayed her way all the way to his side as she dictated a Tree would walk. Sway sway.. sway.. flick leaves.. sway sway.. flick leaves.. She wondered if she could swat someone with a limb and claim it was the tree that did it? Hmm..
06[16:28] * +Rayn-table giggled and the tea cups on her back clinked. Then a LOT of tea was dumped upon her. She spat the tea in her mouth out like a sprinkler. "WOW! Holy Mother of Ishtar!" She didn't know whether to laugh or scream, but all of her pink little pierced nubs poked out hard now.
02[16:28] * +Lilika-CheshireCat ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:29] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> Laughter at the form of the goblin and he would snicker as the little one tried to hide his eyes fromt he horror of sight. He would look around to other present and laugh softly. His growl was low for her ear. "have no fear my little one, there are much better treats to be found at this party..." he would grin and reach under her short skirt to give a rough pinch to her bottom.
04[16:29] * Lilika-CheshireCat ( has joined #tli-forest
06[16:29] * +Annwyn-RedQueen shifts a bit, eyes like fire flitting about the party, lifting a cup to crimson-painted lips. Her shapely figure was clad in a gown of crimson silk and pale white lace, the skirt more...voluminous that her typical attire, but it suited the amusing theme of the party. And it wasn't as if the dress was exactly -conservative-...the neckline of its tight bodice plunged to show off quite a bit of...
06[16:29] * +Annwyn-RedQueen ...that ample, ebon-hued cleavage, the moriel looking quite enticing and more than a little regal in her costume. Her silver hair, still streaked with red as usual, was left loose, cascading down her back, and atop her head was perched a rather amusing, red-hued crown.
06[16:29] * +Relanoth-Madhatter looked at the mouse. "Well, it's a tea table! Tea tables need lots of tea!" He answered to the Dormouse. The nhe looked as Saybe suddenl yshrank. "Oh dear, you're suddenly small, positively petite! This is wonderful! We were afraid we'd have a table for one person only! That would be silly!" He reached down to take Saybie-KnaveofHearts, and put her on the table, where she could use the petite Rayn as a table. "Now y
[16:29] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 Rayn as a table. "Now you'll need a smaller cup too!" He'd produce a miniature cup, then would take a normal sized kettle, and pour it, the miniature cup soon overflowing, more of the liquis spilled. 2<--{( end)}
06[16:29] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe swaggers, being all naked and imbibable, occasionally wiggling his hips at assorted females lewdly. Is he acting like a bottle? No. But he's acting like a goblin with an invitation on his cock, which is as good as can be expected. He then looks around... and spies tea. That's almost booze, right? He's slightly tipsy. He grabs it, and gulps back a cup, cause... well... he has NO idea
06[16:29] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe how this will start halarity.
03[16:29] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Lilika-CheshireCat
[16:29] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "Gyah!" Breeze, who was lying on top of Rayn, to lap up the spilled tea, got herself a rather hot showed as the the March Hare poured tea directly onto the "table." She shook herself and rolled down into the small of Rayn's back, waving her arm. "The Dormouse is bathing... blub....!"
06[16:29] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts had shrunk to the size of a pixie? This was outrage! How will the Knave REACH those tarts? More tea? Why certainly NOT! Arms crossed indignantly as Knave stood on the chair and fumed. Nothing more that one could do but play the tiny little violin [next song] and be a madness among the mad. The knave thought a moment longer still and realized if you are this little - the tarts would
01[16:29] <+Tehya-Duchess> 6 With wifts of something that would make everyone sneeze she wandered over to Tamryn-Jabberwock` and with a shocked hand she backed away right into a tree and found herself pinned there. She wasn't sure what to do, a Jabberwock meant one thing, and she eyed Alice something had to eb found or done soon enough. Then her beady eyes narrowed even more as she seen the Red Queen things were turning ...
01[16:29] <+Tehya-Duchess> ... around and becoming exciting.
02[16:31] * +Zailynn-WhiteGuard ( Quit (Quit: *To those who are true friends and understand, I love you; To those who never will, your loss.. and love you CD ♥*)
06[16:31] * +Adrienna{I}-Fireworks watched --mezmerised by the characteristic essence each individual portrayed. Chaos. Yet not in the sense she reveled. Some was not quick to note, to understand. Others were just a headache to even -try- to decipher. Lift of free hand, pinching the bridge of aquiline nose as she wandered further and circled. Stayed close. Flush of warmth gushing from her, carrying with it the soft, feminine 14...2
[16:31] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 perfume that was her. Those thick curls, ringlets of froth that framed features danced and bounced against the soft'ness of feverish flesh. She finally noted Archaon. Those fiery depths of hell swimming and taking in his form as she sauntered closer. Brush of hip against him as she whispered -Hello- in passing.. A little flick of wrist. A spark of rainbow flaring and cruising, darting and 14...2
[16:31] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 circling before it shot up and boomed in explosion once more. 4...1
[16:31] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> He would give a grin to Tehya and with a hand he would lean, scooping up the little form of bardess, all pixie sized and settling her on table with those tarts. "Be fierce and stab some desert girl..." His words of amused encouragement before he would turn his attentions back to his little alice, snagging a tart for her.
[16:32] <+Rayn-table> She felt her back cleared to make room for the wee-folk, and she bit her lower lip as slightly hot tea ran down around her neckline and between the crack of her ass. She was a mess already, and it excited her.
[16:32] <+kara{Tam}-alice> Tree caught eye and Hare! her near dancing as she stood in one spot, black shoes making their own pitter patter pon the grass. Table now being lapped by dormouse! But then, violin music drew attention, as Jabber would lean down whisper to the ear of ever attentive one upon tip toes. Hand dropped so Master could see, bewildered! The eyeing of form from the Duchesss and she would squeal "Ought not 12†
[16:32] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† to treat your babe so! Pepper! No wonder he ran away!" the sudden sneeze compelling her as she would yelp to pinch on bottom. "Jabber does insult to where ruffles lay!" finger pointed upwards, before the pretense of it..that sudden calling as she knelt to grass by the Jabber's feet, trying to cluck coo for Piglet to craw towards her! Lips parted for tarty treat, mumble coming from lips. 12†
[16:32] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† "goodhf" 4†
06[16:32] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts is lifted up and over by the mad one and looks at the small table while standing on the table. The food was huge! Oh the Knave was positively delighted. Putting the bow and violin away - long forgotten now. The tarts were in sight. A run and fling of form and the little pixie sized Knave landed in the center of one - kersplot!!!
01[16:34] <+Tehya-Duchess> 6 She smirked that voice was familar that's for sure and wandered around the table looking for something peppery to have with her tea. Oh she noticed a few she might recognize even in costume and for now she looked through a tablet she carried with her, some sort of a contest was up her sleeve. A quick look over to Adrienna with a wink before she decided to have some tea too. Contests and doing ...
01[16:34] <+Tehya-Duchess> ... good things made her think people would like her more, even the Queen of Hearts hmmm now that was a task.
06[16:36] * +Relanoth-Madhatter continued to walk around, dual wielding tea-pots now. His eyes fell on Famfrit. he'd be absolutel yfurious about a goblin disrespecting tea normally, but he held to his role. "What... that's not sensible! A bottle doing the drinking? That's utter nonsense! Welcome to our tea party!" He looked up at Archaon as well. "TEA?" He answered to him, pouring tea into a cup from at least six foot high. "Have some tea! 20 suga
[16:36] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 "Have some tea! 20 sugars, or 21?" 2<--{( end)}

06[16:37] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe grunts... enjoying the tea... he then sits down, leaning back on a female table, grunting as he sits their quietly being drinkable.... he doesn't get the fuss. He just shrugs and says... 1So... um... what's going on guys?6 He pretends not to get it... trying hard not to blend in well. He then grabs another tea, and slams it back, oblivious to the fact there is whimsy afoot.
06[16:37] * +Breeze_Dormouse coughed once and patted Rayn on the ass... her tiny hand just felt like the softest stroke of a finger. "That's a good tablemouse, that is," she said, before shaking her "tail," which was dripping with cooling tea. "The Dormouse will read you a poem!" And then, she began declaring: "Twinkle twinkle little twat.... how I think you'd room a bat. Up above the knees so high.... um.... like a seashell in the sky."
06[16:37] * +Clearwater-flower dances around on the table
01[16:39] <+Tehya-Duchess> 6 Her manners were as sloppy as the three chins she portrayed by an illusion under her chin and she stuffed cookies and tea down like there was no tomorrow. When she seen Famfrit enjoying his she just laughed hoping that little pig wandering around would live through the night.
06[16:39] * +Archaon-MarchHare wanders around idly, picking up another little cup of tea. As Adrienna passed on by, he'd flash a smile towards her once she had passed by. He was still unaware of Arryld creeping ever so close to him as well. As he looked towards Relanoth, he just chuckles and nods. "21, for fun!" and he'd move towards the forest for a moment to change into omething more fitting to his nature so
06[16:39] * +Archaon-MarchHare to speak.
[16:39] <+Rayn-table> As the table was set up upon the naked table <Rayn> she suddenly began to shrink. "UH OH!" She looked back at Breeze in a panic, and then pixie-sized untensils and teacups crashed down to the actual table as Rayn ended up, pixie size, in a pool of tea.
06[16:40] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe shrugs... and he doesn't get the fuss... he walks towards the hedge... and then turns back... completely unaware that his eye is glowing brightly and large, illuminating the place---one sickly yellow and the other bone white--an unpleasent color combination... and that his serrated, sharpened, sharklike teeth are exposed in a gruesome monstrous rictus teeth-clenched grin.... his
06[16:40] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe voice says as he exclaims... 1So who is gonna...6 before he realizes he can't talk quite right... his teeth clenched... 1Ok who fucked with my mouth!
03[16:40] * Archaon-MarchHare is now known as Archaon-Tree
03[16:40] * Desdaemona sets mode: -vv Archaon-Tree Archaon-Tree
06[16:40] * +Annwyn-RedQueen sipped her tea, lips pursing as she began to move about. Something, however. She didn't remember Adrienna being quite so tall, for one, and...she stopped, the entire scene looming above her like some sort of twisted dream, the moriel cursing audibly as she twists and turns, looking about her. She'd shrunk! Of course, her sudden stream of inventive moriel curses probably only came...
06[16:40] * +Annwyn-RedQueen ...out as a tiny squeak to most ears, the moriel darting aside to avoid an ill-placed foot and nearly stumbling, backing into Adrienna's ankle and looking up at the moriel woman.
03[16:40] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Archaon-Tree
[16:41] <+kara{Tam}-alice> While the Duchess dined! that was the time! Listening to all of it, seeing all of it as she would dive forwards. Apron pulled from her waist and wrapped around to swaddle the little piglet, feeding it tart that was half bitten to from her mouth. "Shush! no wonder he runs, poor little darling.." Holding it up, forgetting but the essence that leaked from Jabber, OH! that was it, snatching the 12†
[16:41] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† little piggy down to cradle him as she peered upwards, wide eyed at the chaos. "It looks just like her..." whispered so quietly as she stood up, piggie in swaddling in arms, that rather infuraited expression upon angelic features. "they have all gone mad!" foot stomped to the ground, as eyes stopped moving the Trees oh beautiful trees..poor table though.. 4†
06[16:42] * +Arryld-Tree did, finally, blink. 14"MASTER!" 6was cried out. Limbs began to droop as body stared after Archaon. Where was Hare man going when all she'd wanted to do was trap him in leaves? She began... to pout.. It should look funny, as if the mud caked on those full lips didn't make them seem out of the ordinary already. Now, it looked as if a 'knot' was forming. 14"I'm glad its not fall. All my <14.2>
[16:42] <+Arryld-Tree> <14..6> leaves would be upon ground." 6softly said until honey pools could sweep over Relanoth and hold, an almost vicious glitter within them. 14"What did you give Master?" <4end6>
06[16:42] * +Breeze_Dormouse of course ended up falling as well, since she'd been sitting on top of Rayne, and as they were now the same size, she was still lying on top of the girl but now she was draped over her, her naked little ass high up in the air with her "tail" neatly gathered in her crack. Her head was halfway submerged in tea, and she sputtered and coughed.
06[16:42] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts ate some of the tart landed in. What a dream! A tart big as a bed! The Knave was in heaven and bliss! If it was a dream say I shall not wake. The eye looked about the others at the tea party and gave salute as eating commenced. Using both hands the Knave filled self up without kind regard to anyone else.
06[16:43] * +Relanoth-Madhatter gasped as Archaon went off. "Oh no, the hare has gotten wood!" he called out, then looked again. "And our pyxie sized table has become pyxie sized! Oh no! Our Tea Party might be ruined! We need another pyxie sized table, but who could do such a thing?" He turned his eyes to kara. "Yes! Alice! You want to help us right! Wouldn't you say you're prime table material? Look at how much pyxie sized people we have now!" he
[16:43] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 people we have now!" he looked at Tamryn. "I think she would make a grand table!" 2<--{( end)}

06[16:44] * +Breeze_Dormouse raised herself up on her elbows and looked down on Rayn. "Hey I shrank you with my magical poem!" she said excitedly, completely missing the fact that it had probably been the tea.
06[16:44] * +Rayn-table was now drenched head-to-toe in tea, and she had Breeze sitting on her back. She spit tea out of her mouth and giggled. "I guess so?" and she would slap the pixie on the ass.
06[16:45] * +Adrienna{I}-Fireworks tied that heavy sack of coins off around her curved waist. It's weight was balanced there, more appropriate and comfortable than slung over the sculpt of shoulder. She stopped, in the nick of time. Those eyes, wandering, stilled after a moment. Little..person. It was no joke. No mistake of magics of the eye. There was a little person on the table between treats, tea-cups and tarts. 14...2
[16:45] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 Indentation of line upon her forehead as she frowned. And then a little bump against the curve of ankle. She gazed down. Manicured brow arched upwards in that way of inquiry and interest. Woosh of air as she bent over, allowing back of hand to press against the earth so that palm was flat and ready. Inviting.. 14"It will be damn hard to give your little butt a kick if you lose in the contest.. 14...2
[16:45] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 You will go flying far-far-far awaaaaay." 6*Humor in it. She laughed softly. Bubbling sound to rupture from her collared throat.. 4...1
06[16:45] * +Clearwater-flower takes to the air, spinning around, letting her petals float as though by a breeze as she giggles
[16:45] <+kara{Tam}-alice> "Table!" Her eyes widened as she gasped, her hand coming before those lips, piggie in arms squealing and squawking. "Perhaps a tree, Hatter, such are meant to be boards! Such nonsense to use .." her eyes moved over, the way of it, blushing a furious color as she gasped in air. Black about the throat touched and played with as hand dropped, her own little stomp of foot! " Perhaps bottle should be 12†
[16:45] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† table and up should be down! And down should be around! " Her finger waggled at the Hatter, indeed playing -part-, breathlessly so! 4†
06[16:46] * +Archaon-Tree He'd hear Arryld, and chuckle softly as he worked himself into the more fitting costume of a tree. With that, he'd wiggle his way towards the party, trying to make sure Arryld didn't do anything unnecessary.. like stab someone while they were having fun. "Arryld?" was called out, but then he'd stand still. Like a tree. Leaves rustling slightly, branches warped and sticking out at
06[16:46] * +Archaon-Tree various angles and heights.
06[16:46] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe then forgets about the horrifying things happening to his face, with the glowing eyes... and the rictus grin... and he swaggers 'seductively' towards the 'table' which is now tiny, he grunts in anticipointment... grunting... his eyes looking for someone to torment... the goblin looks a nightmare!
06[16:46] * +Breeze_Dormouse squeaked slightly at the slap -- she was pretty much as covered in tea as Rayn was, and she rolled over and pinched one of the girl's nipples as way of revenge.
[16:47] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> He would give a laugh as he would watch his little one, knowing piglet would go mad if brough anywhere near his presence. He would hear the words spoken from the hatter, those hellish black orbs. "Oh i am sure she would make a lovely table, but might be a better snack I fear for this jabberwock..." He would grin behind mask that held his wicked gaze. Then to the girl. "You think you would
[16:47] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> make a <cut>
[16:47] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> <cut> table, little alice?" His words as he would watch her, amused. <cut>
06[16:47] * +Annwyn-QueenofHearts peers up as Adri bends down, sticking out her tongue impishly and crossing her arms beneath her breasts. "Oh, you'd just enjoy that, too, wouldn't you? Laugh it up!" She retorts, the words still coming out as comically high-pitched, considering her size. "If I don't get stepped on first, at least..." The moriel frowns, conjuring a bit of fire...a tiny little pinprick of light. "Gods, I can't...
06[16:47] * +Annwyn-QueenofHearts ...even -burn- like this! Goddess below!"
[16:48] <+Rayn-table> "OOh!" Rayn squealed from the pinch. Then she felt a heavy grunt and look forward to see the *giant* naked goblin and his *vorpal blade* sticking at her. "Blessed be!"
06[16:48] * +Arryld-Tree snapped honey depths about and for a moment, she was certain the air was teasing her. Besides, she always carried a dagger but had effectively considered untying a limb from her arm and beating Relanoth over the head for the scare he'd obviously given to Archaon. But.. Was that voice teasing her? She turned this way and that and then finally latched those shinning pools to Master and swayed <14.2>
[16:48] <+Arryld-Tree> <14..6> her way to his side, breasts jiggling all the way despite the artfully placed leaves and small twigs.. 14"I thought the strange one in the hat had startled you!" <4end6>
06[16:49] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts stopped eating the food when it was apparent that the growing was beginning. In mid growth - Knave would dive off the table, tart all over face and hands. Thirsty but shocked at the moment of being large again. Safely made way to land on grass and knew it was indeed only a dream!
01[16:49] <+Tehya-Duchess> 6 Pepper blew everywhere when Breeze said that and she laughed watching the table hitting the pixie in the ass, but it was time for her to give a few riddles so she began spouting them off head lifted and those rubied lips yelling the words over the party, a few drips of tea down her bodice. The riddle was asked in a loud voice for even the tree to hear. 4 So much seasoning yes there is, but ...
01[16:49] <+Tehya-Duchess> ... what could the Duchess cook add almost addictive? What is it?"
06[16:50] * +Relanoth-Madhatter looked at her. "Ahah! Genius! Tables are made out of trees!" He looked as Tamryn spoke. "Oh, is she a bit of a tart then! We have lots of tart." He quickly rushed to present soem of the tart to Tamryn, only to find the Tart contained a Saybera. "Oh my, there's guest in our Tart!" And then Arryld drew his attention. "Ooooh, a trea. And we now lack a table!" He grabbed her, trying to lift her from the ground, and haul
[16:50] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 om the ground, and hauling her towards the table. "NEW EMERGENCY TABLE!" He'd try to put her on top of it, on elbows and knees. 2<--{( end)}
06[16:51] * +Breeze_Dormouse looked up at the goblin and at the "vorpal blade" as well -- it was easily as big as her, if not bigger. She squeaked and wrapped her arms around Rayn, squeaking: "There's nobody here but us mice!"
[16:52] <+kara{Tam}-alice> Pepper wafting in the breeze got in the eyes, making them glimmer widen as she bit upon lip. Curls moved and she would turn to look at Jabber who said such so! Had to remember the costume and good costume too! cause Master was -SCARY!- she almost thought he would gobble her up! but then, tart and table! "if you wish it so..Jabber.." Arryld grabbed and tried to haul her and little one spoke up. 12†
[16:52] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† "Don't eat that!" squealed to Master before she would run towards Relanoth. "Oh no! She doesn't want to be a table either,or tart upon the table! or a table upon a tart!" scolding tones, her hands settling upon hips, piggy taking off squealing through the maze. 4†
06[16:52] * +Adrienna{I}-Fireworks laughed again. Mirthful joy in the spilling sound of it. Her other hand came down and over to. A scooting gesture at the back of Annwyn's shrunken frame. To usher and coax her onto the palm of hand. By force, if need be. But she would be there. Lifted, given height and brought up to face as those keen, fiery depths of hell studied her more closely. Breath would flare, breezing along the 14...2
[16:52] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 tiny'ish figure of the one fussing and fretting upon her flattened palm.. 14"The queen of red hearts, hmm ? It is befitting, mine Queen. When will you scream... OFF WITH HIS HEAD! Hah! What did this.. The tea ? Or the cake. I've had both. And still, here I am. Everyone is nutty..." 6*Sniff to the side, catching something in the air. Another cup of tea. Another sip. Pepper. Succession of 14...2
[16:52] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 sneezes. Those eyes rimming with moisture. Annwyn placed upon the surface of the table.. 4...1
06[16:53] * +Archaon-Tree He'd chuckle softly, seeing Arryld returning towards him. The leaves shaking slightly, while he tried to maintain an epic tree pose. Oddly enough, there was a branch on his own 'branch'. Probably an odd place for a branch, but concealed well enough by foliage. "Not at all my dear. It seems the theme of this.. party is not known to me, and so I retreated to change into something
06[16:53] * +Archaon-Tree more.. simple." leaves strewn about, not really a great looking tree, but could pass for one in some crude way.
06[16:53] * +Arryld-Tree blinked as she was suddenly.. lifted. Carted. Carried... If he hadn't startled her so, there might have been more action. Instead.. she found herself being molded to elbows and Knees like some strange table arrangement. Wait... He'd called her, an emergency.. Table....? Those lovely eyes refocused on Relanoth and it didn't take her but a moment to suck in a soft breath and untie the branch <14.2>
[16:53] <+Arryld-Tree> <14..6> that was thick on arm. And raise it, over Relanoths head. She was going to beat him with it. <4end6>
06[16:54] * +Clearwater-flower flutters over to the cake and lands daintily on it, looking around at the scene unfolding around her.
06[16:55] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe simply grins insanely at the crying little poppets looking at his 'bottle', his 'vorpal blade.' He snickers at the 'snacks', and says, his eyes sending beams of sickly light down on them... 1Stop crying, I won't eat you! Why are you crying? No eat shorties! NO EAT THE SHORTIES!6 Of course, he won't eat them because he can't get his teeth apart...
06[16:55] * +Rayn-table was suddenly squeezed the stuffing out of as the pixie threw her arms around her wet naked body. "And tablemice." She added. However, they would become somewhat shielded as a replacement table was put over the spot she had occupied.
06[16:55] * +Annwyn-QueenofHearts eeps, ushered quite forcefully into the moriel's palm, though she laughs a bit as she's lifted up into the woman's field of view. "Yes, well...I felt it fitting, at least until this happened." She says, smiking a bit and letting her gaze wander again. "Dear gods, this is insane...and yes, it was the tea, as that's all I've had since I've been here..." Another eep, then, as she's deposited on...
06[16:55] * +Annwyn-QueenofHearts ...the table. She glares a bit at the other woman at her rather sudden placement, smoothing out her skirt and huffing softly.
[16:55] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> Sudden that way of him to reach out, hard tug back of his little one, pulling her back to him with one arm, the other holding the Saybera-tart that hatter had given to him. He would shake his head. "I think that table can handle herself my little, havea tart..." He would pass the Saybera tart to his litlte one, as he didn't quite notice the bard in it.
06[16:57] * +Adrienna{I}-Fireworks dropped that cup of tea --oh, something was WRONG! She stepped away from table, lifting empty hands to her mouth. A mouth that was spread into the biggest of grins. Showing teeth all the way from here to timbaktu. Eyes, big and glowing. Larger than life. Commical. The advancings of cheshire cat blanketing usual features. Dimples upon cheeks. She grinned at everything. It wouldn't go away. 14...2
[16:57] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 Plastered there. Oh, the ache of it would soon reside. Still, gazing down at Annwyn once more, she could only GRIN and eye her with HUGE eyes... No more tea. No more..tarts.. And still she GRINNED madly. 4...1
06[16:57] * +Rayn-table had an idea and quickly leapt to her feet. "Come, follow me!" she chirped to Breeze and would take her by the hand. The seductress would then race up the goblin's erection and jump off of his belly and onto the back of Arryld. "Better from up here."
06[16:58] * +Relanoth-Madhatter turned to kara as she protested the turning of Arryld into a table. "Oh! But she's here, isn't she? What other reason would wood have to be to be at a Tea Party? You can't have a Tree as a guest! That would be absolutely insane! Wooden cups aren't good, and wooden tea won't do at all! Wooden tables! Except if she is a chair!" He looked at the Jabberwockey. "I think Alice is a bit... unhinged." He reached back and to
[16:58] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 He reached back and took a cup, offering it to her. "Maybe you should have a cup of tea." 2<--{( end)}
06[16:59] * +Relanoth-Madhatter then got hit on the head by Arryld, flattening his hat over his eyes, and causing the tea to spill all over Alice. "What, where have the lights gone?"
[16:59] <+kara{Tam}-alice> Oh! that reach of her, squawk as she would come to hard stop upon her plump little ass. Skirts up! Apron gone, bow a bit off put upon the head, as words would come and be given. Table to handle itself! Tart put into hands and who wouldnt dine upon it! Pixie sized Saybera though blue eyes as she screamed out plucking it with fingers and thumb holding it upwards towards Jabber. "I don't 12†
[16:59] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† eat people! Would you turn me to maddnesss too! Where is that Cat! Off with its head! " her lips prushed pursed together as Rela would speak and then that cup of tea..Pixie handed to Taloned Jabber as she nodded head to Hatter. "Don't mind if I do, this is such a frightful mess.. is it always so?" 4†
01[16:59] <+Tehya-Duchess> 4 A voice came from the hedges and they were still in the maze, Oh, you can't help that. Almost everyone is mad here. Ha... ha ha ha ha ha! You may have noticed that I'm not all there myself.... hahaha... and the momeraths outgrabe... Who am I?" <riddle for a prize>
06[16:59] * +Breeze_Dormouse was hugging Rayn quite closely, her naked breasts squeezing against the "tablemouse's" back, but as Rayn lept up, she spread her wings, still wet with tea, and began beating them.... and she clung onto Rayn as she ran, and though the wings were too wet to fully fift them, the fluttering made them both much lighter and the running easier.
[17:00] <+kara{Tam}-alice> <amending!> Tea splashed upon the blue! The scalding heat and she would be lucky if Jabber took the very Saybera from fingers! Poor knave! Her hands beating at the lines of her bosum, trying to sooth it from clinging searing ..wait..honey scent and fingers would bring it mouth! "tis not lights! Your hat band is to tight!"
06[17:00] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts had begun to grow large oh dear! The Jabberwock and Alice would be shocked! What was with all the tea and oddness therein. Drink tea again, no I shall not! What else could be had for the Knave who grew right before their eyes. Mad? Mad is an understatement, Madam, he thought with fear of the Jabber! Let me go Knave would squirm!
06[17:00] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe grunts... his jaw no longer stuck together... shaking the glowing from his eyes (tho his grin is still horrid, it's the usual goblinny sort)... as tiny women climb up his pecker... he grunts... and tilts his head... there's a first time for everything, not often one's dick becomes a climbing device. He contemplates... was it pleasent or just weird...
06[17:01] * +Annwyn-QueenofHearts gasps, watching as Adri's face spread into that madcap grin, coming to the same conclusion as the woman above more goddamn tea! She eeps, then, suddenly, as she's griped by a sense of vertigo, practically toppling off of the table as she grows back to normal size. The moriel woman groans, pushing herself back to her feet and brushing herself off with a sour frown. "Gods damn tea..."
[17:02] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "We have a doormouse and a tablemouse.... now we just need a chairmouse, a windowmouse, a floormouse, a wallmouse, a roofmouse and a housemouse." She paused, thinking a little. "Oh, and a titmouse." She groped Rayn's breasts. "Or maybe that's not needed."
06[17:03] * +Adrienna{I}-Fireworks shook her head, laughing, as it all came together with the madened grin that possessed her.. 14"No no! This will not do. You must scream, mine Queen. Off with his head!" 6*It was all getting to her. This surely was a MAD party. One she would never attend again. It was everything that she never came to witness before. She backed away from the table, the other crazy guests. Soft little sound 14...2
[17:03] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 escaping the back of her mouth. Vibration of it against the grit of still-grinning facade.. 4...1
06[17:04] * +Clearwater-flower lies in the cake, making little angels in it, then she props herself up on her arms, looking at the fireworks and then at the queen herself.
[17:04] <+Rayn-table> "Higher now, and out of danger from the dirty horny goblin." She nodded to Breeze, giggling as the pixie teased her tits... and then she felt funny again. "Uh oh! Somethings happening!" She thought it best that she jump off Arryld's back before sge got sick, and before she hit the table she grew back to her enormous 4' 11" size.
[17:06] <+Famfrit-DrinkMe> DAMN IT PEOPLE CHOOSE A SIZE AND STICK WITH IT!6 He stomps his foot, causing his 'Drink Me' bottle to waggle in the wind... the tag flopping about in a light breeze... his hands on his hips, trying to look fierce and cruel and succeeding at looking naked and rediculous.
[17:06] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> He couldn't help but laugh, it was madness, these things always where. In truth he usually avoided such, but this one, well it had been themed based upon old tale and it would amuse him mostly because of his little alice there. He would watch as she would pluck out the form of saybera all pixie sized and then watch as she regrew, it was an odd thing seeing his holding one moment a small
[17:06] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> little <cut>
[17:06] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> <cut> pixie sized shape and thens mooshed under the form of his chamberlain. <cut>
[17:07] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "Whuh.... whooooa!" The tiny pixie was flung off Rayn's back as she suddenly grew back to her normal size, and since her wings were still wet she couldn't fly very well -- and so she whoosed through the air, completely out of control, and landed in a teacup with a tiny little splash.
06[17:08] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts clambered off and apologized and moved to wipe the tart off the two of them only getting MORE tart on the two! "Oh dear I am ever so sorry...please dont bite me." The knave clambered away to find a napkin or would use the hem of the Hatter's jacket for to wipe the Knave's face off.
06[17:08] * +Rayn-table was already on her hands and knees when her body returned back to its normal size. She sprung up quickly next to Arryld, and her head butted into the goblin's prick. "Oh! Excuse me!" She giggled and was also amused at Breeze's predicament.
01[17:08] <+Tehya-Duchess> 6 She walked around amused by the people changing sizes and the tarts and tables but she wanted to impress Annwyn-QueenofHearts so she called out another riddle, 4Crisp and small, painted sat on top of alll, if you count me there are 52, but you cheat YES twiddle dee you cheat unless those two cads come along then there is 54 that’s almost a song, what am I? <riddle for a prize>
06[17:08] * +Annwyn-QueenofHearts arches a brow, smirking and leaning close to that madly-grinning moriel, reaching up to wrap slim fingers around her throat with a laugh. " with -your- head, hmm? I'm sure right now you'd be happy with that, if only to stop grinning so much!" She lets go, laughing and licking her lips. "But...let's...not eat or drink anything else here...I think that's a good plan..."
06[17:09] * +Relanoth-Madhatter staggered around a bit, pulling the hate from his eyes. "Who did that? Violence in our tea party! Ruffians! Rebels!" He raised his fists as if to fight. then noticed there was noone, taking a teacup and preparign to drink, only to see the mouse. "A mouse in my tea!" He put it down. "Well, you started thsi tea, you finish it!" He said, decisively, putting the teacup with the pyxie in it back on top of Arryld. Then he
[17:09] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 top of Arryld. Then he'd notice Saybera grabbing his clothes. "EXCUSE ME! You are VERY rude!" He said. "You knave!" 2<--{( end)}
06[17:09] * +Adrienna{I}-Fireworks still grinned madly. That shine of eyes, the glow if it insane. But, eventually, it did dwindle and evaporate. Leaving her usual features intact and the little sparks of ache at the corner of fussing mouth. Rubbing at it with palm, massaging with tips of fingers. But there was no time. She moved. Languid strides of grace. Coins to give to those that won. kara, that little Alica, and to 14...2
[17:09] <+Adrienna{I}-Fireworks> 14...1 Saybie, the Knave of Hearts. Each appraised with a pat to shoulder or butt. Weight of coin gifted to them for efforts in riddles. Silence in it. Just the brush of frame and then nothing in it's wake except the lingering perfume of lavendar and vanilla.. 4...1
[17:10] <+Rayn-table> "I think there's something in the tea... in addition to pixies."
[17:11] <+Breeze_Dormouse> Emerged in hot tea, and a little dizzy after her impromptu flight, she looked up at the Hatter beginning to drink her! "HEY! she shouted. "I may be your dish of tea, but baby don't you sugar me! Don't stir me boy -- or start to swoon! Don't sugar me, cause us is throon!" And with that, the teacup was placed back on Arryld, and the pixie went "blub" as her head slid underwater again.
06[17:11] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe hears the riddle... he grunts... and he says... 1What does a deck of cards have to do with this crap?6 He of course, ignores the Queen of Hearts, and other such nonsence
06[17:11] * +Relanoth-Madhatter looked at Rayn. "Well of course ,sugar and milk and jam!" He grabbed a toast, and jammed it in Rayn's mouth, to shut her up. "Now, you are a very bad table, get back in your positiion!"
06[17:11] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts stood slowly "Hatter. You've something on your nose!" Knave moved away to Adrienna and took up her hand and bowed and kissed the delicate center knuckle "My eternal gratitude my dear lady..." Eyes dart to the Hatter - it was rumored that the Hatter was in secret kahoots with that blasted big headed Queen and would have the Knave flogged by association. He gave the lady a huge grin
06[17:11] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts and then moved away.
[17:12] <+kara{Tam}-alice> What -could- she do!? Saybera held up then growing so very big! Scream given as ass would meet her face, squishing her to some space underneath, feet kicking skirts raised as she murphed wailed pinned down as she was. Bite! oh she was going to bite, before that movement, as body was proppelled forwards so close to table and to Hatter. Disgruntled expression given upwards to her Master in His 12†
[17:12] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† mask, lips pursing. "I got made a chair instead! FOOLISHNESS!" blurted from as she would try to rise upwards, unsteady, eyes blinking, so much pepper! so many yelling! Her foot -stomped- to the ground as she spoke it. "STOP! " 4†
[17:13] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "How do you take your tea? Oh the usual.... two sugars, one drop of lemon, one mouse." She emerged from the trea again and blinked as Kara stomped her foot and started to yell "Stop." "I didn't think it was THAT bad," she said indignantly.
[17:13] <+Rayn-table> On her hands and knees Rayn *hurumphed* between the toast wedged in her mouth.
01[17:13] <+Tehya-Duchess> 6 She waddled off laughing holding some in her hand that she collected on the table to add to her collection. Oh she thought these were magical and special and she leaned against Archaon-Tree not even realizing who or what it was. It was all abou timpressing the queen of hearts. She was out to impress. Thumbing through her book she came up with another riddle, 4 Kings horsemen a slacking bunch ...
01[17:13] <+Tehya-Duchess> ... of lame brains had one job to do and yet failed miserably. I wonder how wise you are tell me what they failed at? <riddle for contest>
06[17:14] * +Breeze_Dormouse piped up from her tea: "They failed to properly do a jigsaw puzzle that in reality was a cracked egg!"
06[17:15] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe ponders this riddle... he blurts out his answer... 1What does the King's Whore Semen fail to do... I GOT IT!6 He claps his hand excitedly... 1 The whore semen failed to pay up when the 'king' aka... 'pimp' slapped them! So that's my answer! Pimping!
06[17:16] * +Clearwater-flower flutters over to the Dormouse, twirling around before resting her petal against the mouse.
06[17:17] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts sent a million to a zillion apologies to kara ...Knave had NO control and shied away from the Hatter AND the tea! It was the tea!! The Knave though quickly moved to seat and sat and stayed there a bit looking ever so pensive and repentitant.
06[17:17] * +Rayn-table spit the toast out. "Pimp slap?" she asked while spitting out crumbs.
06[17:17] * +Breeze_Dormouse blinked and looked at Clearwater. "Can't a Dormouse take a nice relaxing tea bath? ... what are you supposed to be?"
[17:18] <+Famfrit-DrinkMe> /me eyes Rayn... he nods and starts to wind his hand back as he walks towards her... 1Well, if you insist!6 Suddenly he pauses...
06[17:18] * +Archaon-Tree Seeing his Arryld taken away from him immediately shattered his motive to stand there as a simple tree. No further thinking or focus put on this little gathering, and he'd move towards where Arryld was taken. Delivering immediate death wasn't far from his thoughts. He'd simply stride on through, pushing and shoving his way to retrieve his lovely shadow before either of them began
06[17:18] * +Archaon-Tree adding other ingredients to the party favors. Things were not panning out as he thought.
01[17:18] <+Tehya-Duchess> 6 She recognized Famfrit's voice or so she thought so and she whispered in his ear, "No add a little flavor to it."6 She scooted away he may of recognized her voice too, but her body sure didn't look like the Sylvan's bards.
[17:18] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> He would give tilt of his head and then he would lift up the mask of his costume, and suddenly pull plump little curves of his little slave to press in tight to him, and just like that, uncaring of the madness around him, he would give her a deep devouring kiss, hungry, pushing his tongue within her mouth to flick to hers and then he would release it after what seemed an awefuly long time
[17:18] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> before <cut>
[17:18] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> <cut> he would lean and kiss the line of her ear and whisper to it. "Do not fear my little one. Madness about us, but Master shall protect you.." He would grin and ease his Mask down over his features, his grin nearly as broad as the goblin's had been. <cut>
[17:18] <+Famfrit-DrinkMe> Wait... you weren't asking for one...6 He then pulls his hand back, and shrugs, sitting down, scratching his 'bottle'
06[17:18] * +Clearwater-flower giggles, her hands dipping into the tea "Have you never seen a flower silly mousey?"
d her off, away from her master for now, towards Annwyn-QueenofHearts . "I think the new chair should be one first tested by royalty, shouldn't it?" He made to position kara on her onw hands and knees, in front of the table. "Only the best chairs for queens, ma
[17:19] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 t chairs for queens, maybe later, you can queen on it!" 2<--{( end)}
06[17:20] * +Breeze_Dormouse grabbed the flower's hand, looking at it. "I've never seen a flower with petals like that," she observed, playing with Clearwater's fingers.
[17:21] <+Rayn-table> "Wait! What? OH! NO!" Rayn wasn't familiar with the term, but now that she knew, she wasn't interested.
06[17:21] * +Clearwater-flower giggled, her petals shaking briskly "well you need to get out more then."
[17:23] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "No... I think you should get in!" she said, and then wrapped both her arms around Clearwater and tried to pull her into the tea with her.
04[17:23] * Winn ( has joined #tli-forest
[17:23] <+kara{Tam}-alice> Jabberwock pulled her upwards kiss! Oh Kiss, that she knew the bite of lips to Master's own, teeth raking plucking, sweet thing, that made her take in deeper breath, unsteady, a bit swoony. Knees near knocked! Sudden it was! No sooner had words been given that arms would come about her little form and take her with! Chair! Fingers clutched pulled to remain upon talon's of Master's costume before 12†
[17:23] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† she was taken off. Pushed to hands and knees, that shocked sound escaped lips! Hatter placed hands upon shoulders, used foot to sweep knees forwards and down the little one went, her head popping upwards though. Annwyn's backside stared at as she would suddenly move, harsh thing bite that was attempted to be given to the Hatter's calf! Uncaring if it broke skin or not 12†
[17:23] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† ! 4†
03[17:23] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Winn
06[17:23] * +Arryld-Tree had raised that tree limb a second time, her aim would have been lower. She had in mind to yell 'Timber!' after the strike but it was Archaon that saved Relanoth a painful reminder of why one didn't put hands on her form. She either stabbed them, or hurt them. Archaon of course, knew such things and was wise enough to stop his little shadow before she broke out of the mold. Blink of pools <14.2>
[17:23] <+Arryld-Tree> <14..6> and body slithered its way free of mess and madness, arms about his one thick arm and clinging there, softly apologizing. 14"I'm, sorry Master. He startled me." 6Such sweet lullabye tones. Odd creature she was. But she was 'his' creature none the less. <4end6>
06[17:24] * +Annwyn-QueenofHearts blinks as Kara was dragged before her, the moriel laughing and grinning before inclining her head to the Hatter. "Oh! Well, don't mind if I do, dear one..." She purrs, stepping around and perching upon Kara's back, though she at least makes sure not to -crush- the poor dear. "A beautiful chair for a beautiful queen." Jumping up, then, with another laugh as the girl tries to bite the Hatter,...
06[17:24] * +Annwyn-QueenofHearts ...the whole thing purely ludicrous...and gods, she was enjoying it. "My! The chair has a temper!"
06[17:25] * +Rayn-table remained poised, on hands and knees, upon the larger table. She looked around, while staying in character, at all of the chaos and costumes, including the goblin's *bottle and tag*.
01[17:26] <+Tehya-Duchess> 6 She had a lot of contention of the Queen of Hearts to give her the head of someone to keep in her room, but more trying to impress she gave out another riddle this one she called out loudly as she again leaned against the tree. 4"Riddle: Find part of a cow and hold it and say wow, be it hard and firm not milk in an urn.? What am I?" <Riddle for a prize>
04[17:26] * Kerianna|Ann| ( has joined #tli-forest
03[17:26] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Kerianna|Ann|
[17:27] <+Rayn-table> "The horns!" Rayn chirped.
[17:27] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> Eyes that sudden blackness seeming to suck in the air around them. It was almost like a wave out from him how that sudden change in mood, from playful to something with far far truer menace, mask would be pulled from his head, he didn't need it, teeth would seem longer than they should be and he would radiate that danger. His ire rising abruptly as he watched a Annwyn. "This is your ownly
[17:27] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> <cut>
[17:27] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> <cut> warning. GET THE HELL OFF MY SLAVE'S BACK OR I WILL KILL YOU. And then to Relanoth. Lay hand's on my property again and I will show you I need no costume to be a thing of nightmares..." The last finished with a dark deadly intent, his hand flicked out and blade would be in it. <cut>
06[17:27] * +Clearwater-flower giggles "The horn of the cow?"
06[17:27] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe grunts, and he leans back, using the 'table' as his backstop, scratching his bare belly... treating her as leanable furnature as he hears the riddle... he claims his answer... 1Tits on a cold day!6 He then looks at Rayn... 1Or hers!
[17:27] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "The udders!" Breeze piped up.
04[17:29] * janousse ( has joined #tli-forest
03[17:29] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v janousse
01[17:29] <+Tehya-Duchess> 6 she waddled over to Breeze_Dormouse and whispered, 14"Some call them tits but you're right dear!"6 She handed her some coin and then decided to go change her costume, that's when she disappeared leaving coin in Breeze's hand.
[17:29] <+Rayn-table> "When you take the bull by the horns you get the cow." Rayn nodded, and she felt the goblin rest the back of his head against her bare side.
06[17:30] * +Relanoth-Madhatter got bitten, giving out a loud cry. "Oh my, this chair is not taking this sitting down! She's been too long with the Jabberwockey and has learned bad, bad manners! Like eating guests!" The Mad Hatter quickly produced another slice of bread, filled iwht very sweet jam. "Let me jam that mouth! He said with an insane cheer, reaching back, only top stop suddenly as Tamryn enraged. The cheer vanished, the high elf's visag
[17:30] <+Relanoth-Madhatter> 2{( continue)}--> 6 d, the high elf's visage growing cold. "I see. Well then, far be it from me to do so." He said, the voice of Relanoth, not the Mad Hatter. "Then please take your property, and leave my home, if you wish to make a scene." 2<--{( end)}
06[17:30] * +Archaon-Tree He'd nod at her words, knowing well things would've gone south in a hurry. "It's not your fault." he muttered, leading her back towards where they had been standing prior to the incident. "It seems there's more of that coming, and it isn't even our own doing." he chuckles, hearing others scream out what he had thought when Arryld was taken. "Good thing we are trees. This might get
06[17:30] * +Archaon-Tree a little more interesting now." a soft chuckle, before he'd assume a tree-like pose, watching as things began to unfold.
03[17:30] * Tehya-Duchess is now known as Tehya-WhiteWitch
03[17:30] * Desdaemona sets mode: -vv Tehya-WhiteWitch Tehya-WhiteWitch
05[17:30] -Desdaemona- Character Tehya logged in.
03[17:30] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Tehya-WhiteWitch
06[17:31] * +Kerianna|Ann| arrives at the site of the party in her characteristic manner, dimensions wailing in protest, charge gathering in the air, and then where one had been empty air stands the sorceress, her attire sheer and red, quite scant, though not seeming particularly themed. Mistress had summoned her, and now emerald eyes peer over the gathering in search of Annwyn, blinking, head tilting a bit
06[17:31] * +Kerianna|Ann| as she sees the gathered crowd.
06[17:31] * +Annwyn-QueenofHearts turns, snowy brow only arching all the more at Tamryn's outburst, swallowing another laugh and merely shaking her head. "Oh, do calm's a party. And I wasn't going to -hurt- her..." She says, the moriel rolling her eyes. "There's no need for blades, My Lord...'twas only a joke, I'm certain."
06[17:31] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe eyes the scene... he grins cackling... giving Rayn's rump a pinch... calling out to... one side or the other... 1KICK HIM IN THE TITS!6 He looks for a snack to pop in his mouth... conflict! This is getting exciting! Bouncing with great joy.
03[17:32] * +Winn ( has left #tli-forest
[17:32] <+Famfrit-DrinkMe> ...fuck... left the vorpal blade in the hedge....
[17:32] <+kara{Tam}-alice> Skirts flounced upwards! Just like her puppy, refusing to release from where she bit down! Eyes wide, widening still as she was -omphed- sat upon once more! Golden curls bounced, her struggle to 'not' fall lessened by Annwyn's at least attempt to not squish her! Yelp though then! Temper ? kara? not alice..wait..! Like booming clap of thunder that yelp that came from her, dropping to flatten down 12†
[17:32] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† on stomach and cover the back of her head with her hands. Nearer to truth to try to crawl! Even with Annwyn on her or not towards where Booming thunder came from! Grassstains and wide eyes clenched tight, even as the High Elf's visage turned cold, one eye opening to peek from, as bread and jam were topped and started towards her lips! Set free! Little one dipped head, and raced unsteady towards 12†
[17:32] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† Master. Annwyn's words heard, her own stumble fall at Jabber's feet. 4†
02[17:33] * +Clearwater-flower (webchat@6ca5ed5c.6ca5f080.96.53.imsk) Quit (Quit: Page closed)
06[17:34] * +Arryld-Tree smiles slyly, slowly, an eerie bit of 'tree' as it were planting itself next to its Masters side as honey depths slithered over Tamryn and Kara and onwards to the one that had grabbed her up like so much wreckage. She had once hummed a morbid song to such goings on and even now, it seemed appropriate as if to sooth Archaon as she took pose by his side. She feared him. Loved him. Served him. <14.2>
[17:34] <+Arryld-Tree> <14..6> No collar would ever change such things for the little mud caked beauty of oddities had never found another that could match him in the awe felt and given. <4end6>
[17:34] <+Rayn-table> "Yeow!" The pinch made Rayn's dainty feet flutter up and down, ans she too watched the events unfold. It was disappointing for such a wonderful party.
01[17:35] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> 6 She heard the commotion from Famfrit and was glad to get rid of all the padding on her since she was dressed with padding for the last costume. This one suited her more, and the change of hair color and dark brows and lashes might be enough to change her identity. So she spun that wand over her head and gave out another riddle. 4 "Wind me up, let me spin if I don’t fall over you win. What am ...
01[17:35] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> ... I? <riddle to win a prize>
[17:36] <+Rayn-table> "A top!" Rayn called out!
06[17:36] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe slaps his hands together, and he says... 1A slut!6 Suddenly he hears the table talk, and he does a falsetto voice to make it sound like he said it... 1Which is goblin for a top! I totally said that! Me! Stupid talking tables!
02[17:36] * +janousse ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[17:36] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> He would watch through narrowed gaze, smirk of lips at Annwyn. "I will decide when i feel such is needed." Then to Relanoth a nod as he would scoop Kara up right to his side. "I do believe that is best sir, I so hate it when blood need be shed at my home, and I would hate to do it at anothers, no matter how I deemed the need for it..." His hand not holding the little slave flickers and
[17:36] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> blade <cut>
[17:36] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> <cut> disappears. He would press her form into his hip as they would rise upwards into the air. "I tink it is time we are home, my little Alice. This is not a place for a Jabberwock..." His words a amused meaning as the night would claim them. <cut>
06[17:37] * +Breeze_Dormouse sat up in her tea bath, ran a hand over her mouse ears to make sure they were still there, then grabbed behind herself to check if her tail was still fastened to her. Everything was in order, though her makeup-whiskers were gone after so much drenching with tea. But that was okay. She turned over to Rayn as the girl yelp, and then, still in her role as Dormouse, she vaved a tiny and tea-dripping finger. "The dormous
[17:37] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "The dormouse seconds the table's notion -- so lets shelve the hostilities!"
[17:40] <+Rayn-table> "Shall we have no more hostilities?" Then she heard Famfrit's comment. "That's it!" And from unique higher position (and if Star Wars taught us nothing about having the higher ground) she would grab the naked goblin in a head lock.
01[17:40] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> She walked over towards Lord Relanoth and took her wand to hold over his head while asking the next question, she wasn't sure if they would be clever enough to guess it even after seeing his gardens and Manor let alone the man himself.4 "Ladies and Gentleman What delights our noble Lord Relanoth, name it on the count of 10 or you will feel his wraith this night. <riddle for prize>
[17:41] <+kara{Tam}-alice> Change self dropped, the more curved form, the truthful form of human, would settle within Master's arms. Was Master anyways! Not some silly Jabberwok. Still frightful though..her eyes showed it, peeking upwards at the mask, not having the nerve to even lift it to look at the features. Head curved down, was in super big trouble and knew it as such. Fingers shook as they tried to twine around the 12†
[17:41] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† neck, so she wouldn't fall from far up, but girl knew it, if she did, was Master's whim and want, for such misbehavior! Head tucked tight, using hair to cover, missing the length he had grown by Magic very much so now. Whisper it, tried to, didn't even say thank you! to those hosting. Trembles overtook as she tried to say how sorry she was but voice wouldn't come..spitting out a bit of cloth 12†
[17:41] <+kara{Tam}-alice> 12† though on Master's costumed shoulder. (TY for the RP!!!) 4†
06[17:41] * +Kerianna|Ann| blinks, arching a scarlet brow as she sees the festivities, eyes falling on her beloved Mistress then. The elf saunters toward her gracefully, winding her way through the revellers and dropping to her knees once she reaches Annwyn, head bowed a moment. "Apologies for the delay, Mistress - this one had to dry and dress." she purrs, looking up to her then with a grin. "She must say
06[17:41] * +Kerianna|Ann| this look suits you look amazing, tariamin."
06[17:41] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe says in immediate answer...1aachkkhkkkhkkhkhkkhkhkhkkhkhk6 as he is getting attacked by an angry table... he growls... grabbing at her, trying ineffectively to shake off her sneak attack... even tho she is tinier, she has the advantage of surprise... grunting as he tries to wrestle with the naked woman
06[17:41] * +Breeze_Dormouse wasn't sure she liked the part about feeling his wraith, and so she turned around in her tea, thinking about what role he was playing. "...Hats?"! she tried. "Hats are delightful...!"
06[17:42] * +Relanoth-Madhatter was still angry; "You do not threaten one of my guests. Do so again and I will demand satisfaction! It is simply..." He took a deep breath, closing his eyes, waiting till Tamry nwas gone and then giving the mad smile again. "Terribly, terribly rude! And now our Queen has no chair! It is terrible, what will we do?"
06[17:42] * +Archaon-Tree As if it were part of the appearance of the two trees, he'd reach out and hug Arryld to him. Two trees mingled by branch and twig, leaf and muck. "Not even summer, and chaos laps at the world." he'd mutter softly, watching the party continue on despite the departure of two of its guests. While things once again moved along as intended, there was talk of a riddle to solve, possibly
06[17:42] * +Archaon-Tree for some type of prize. He'd simply listen in as he'd lavish his shadow with attention.
06[17:43] * +Relanoth-Madhatter rubbed his hat. "hats are very nice, but not for Marquis Relanoth." He leaned against a carefully crafted statue, many more of which decorated the garden.
06[17:43] * +Annwyn-QueenofHearts exhales softly as the situation is defused, laughing and looking down at her pet as she finally arrives, reaching out to cup her cheek. "'s no trouble, pet...but, you heard the man. The Queen has no chair..." She breathes, a wicked smirk curving the woman's lips.
[17:44] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "Does this mean I have to feel your wraith?" She slipped out of her role for a moment, looking at Relanoth.
01[17:44] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> 6 she shook her head no at the word hats and then pointed to all around her manicured gardens and statues all over the place and then she walked over to Lord Relanoth and entwined her arms around his neck while he looked at the statue in the garden, only to look back at the one's guessing.
[17:45] <+Tamryn-Jabberwock`> (thank you for play all!)
06[17:45] * +Rayn-table wrestled with the goblin half-way off the table. She was very strong for her size even though she wasn't really trying to do any harm. "He'll be feeling some wrath in a second!" She grunted as her breasts pressed into the back of his head.
03[17:45] * +kara{Tam}-alice ( has left #tli-forest
03[17:45] * +Tamryn-Jabberwock` ( has left #tli-forest
06[17:45] * +Kerianna|Ann| coos and turns her face into that touch, kissing her beloved's hand, then grinning at that smirk, her words. "Of course she does, Mistress." she replies, leaning forward and pushing herself to hands and knees. "Such a scandal as a chairless Queen cannot be allowed to pass."
06[17:46] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts wonders when the Hatter is gunna futterwacken. Then reaches across the table for another tart and shoves it into mouth. No more tea. No way. Just the tarts thank you very much. Maybe a cookie too. What was the big bother? The Queenie could sit in that chair or that. The Knave merely shrugged and shoved mouth full of the tart and seemed to be in a state of bliss. Not like that one
06[17:46] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts time, Knave went wandering and got into love potion laced tarts and woke in an alley stripped to waste clutching the packaging of the tarts. That was bad. Very bad indeed.
06[17:47] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe turns his head to get some leverage, now his face is buried in mammary pillowy assault... his arms reaching for her... trying to get some sort of grapple... then he realizes he's in tits! 1BRBRBRBRBRBBRBRBRBRBBRBRBR6 Belariath might not have motorboats, but it DOES have the Motorboat! Famfrit making funny noises in those breasts before reverting to fighting for... bah he doesn't
06[17:47] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe 6even know, really, but naked wrestling is its own reward
06[17:47] * +Annwyn-QueenofHearts can't help but laugh as her pet takes the spot of a chair on hands and knees, smoothing out her skirt and perching upon the girl's back, doing her best to sit regally. "MMmm...-much- better!" She exclaims, crossing her legs beneath those rather voluminous skirts, looking quite the Queen, perches upon her pale elven chair. "And quite the -comfy- chair at that!"
06[17:48] * +Relanoth-Madhatter chuckled at the little one. "Oh, absolutely you will. I heard the Marquis Alandil is a cruel and depraved man! But don't let anyone know" He put his finger in front of his mouth. "It's a secret." He looked at the goblin. "Hey, is that goblin raping the furniture?"
[17:50] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "Oh, the humanity! Uh, the rodenty! The... whatever!" She shook her head and slipped back into her role as Dormouse -- she wasn't going to let a goblin stop her fun.
06[17:50] * +Kerianna|Ann| smirks at her lover's laughter, mmming softly as she moves to sit upon her back, the girl shifting just a bit to try and make herself more comfortable, laughing softly then at her words. "She's pleased to hear that, Mistress - t'would be a travesty to have such a royal personage perch upon an uncomfortable seat." she replies, tempted to let a hand drift to caress the moriel's
06[17:50] * +Kerianna|Ann| rear...but no, she'd better keep them both on the ground lest the Queen take a tumble.
06[17:51] * +Rayn-table was appalled when the goblin gave her *the motorboat*. Her tits squeezed his cheeks together, and she would use her feet to push from the table and pin him upon the ground.
06[17:53] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe grins as her offense at his fun move... suddenly the big naked goblin is off balance, knocked on his back... his moan of discomfort muffled by tits... his hand coming up, grabbing a breast so he can breathe.. and also, cause his hand needs a breast in it, otherwise this is just a waste of effort.
01[17:54] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> 6 She closed the book of riddles that being the last one and decided to go get something to drink herself such a pretty white witch wand and all went over to the table and poured herself a tall glass of cool wine, She drank it down like she was dying of thirst and then sat down on a chair with an amused smile, she was deciding what to do next.
04[17:56] * Matwyn ( has joined #tli-forest
03[17:56] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Matwyn
[17:57] <+Rayn-table> "At this party the table teaches one table manners!" She hissed, almost laughing, in pleasure as the goblin pawed her tits. She tried to wriggle behind him, the two wrestling naked upon the ground, and lock his arms behind him with her own.
06[17:58] * +Arryld-Tree watched as the Lord Tamryn and his tiny one left, she wondered briefly if such a mad house were to her Masters taste. When asking if he would come with her, she'd thought such chaos and delights would wring him out and put back that fresher taste of life within his maw but.. perhaps it only dug a darker hole for him? She wasn't so sure this had been good.. 14"Master? Would you rather, go <14.2>
[17:58] <+Arryld-Tree> <14..6> have a quiet dinner? Perhaps, the Inn?" 6It was put to him tentatively. A careful wording. He'd been growing darker and darker and while not alarmed but such things, she wondered if he were slipping back to his 'roots' as it were. <4end6>
06[17:59] * +Breeze_Dormouse sat up in her tea bath again, looking at the table fight that had all of a sudden broken out. She blinked and looked around. "I wasn't asleep!" she squeaked. "I was just lying here in the tea and.... floating around!"
[18:00] <+Famfrit-DrinkMe> Manners!? You're a woman, and I'm a goblin THAT'S RACIST! TIME TO TEACH YOU TABLE... um... GOBLINNERS!6 He grunts... twisting around, the huge goblin beast trying to grab her back... finally he plays dirty and uses that mouth, nibbling on something near his face connected to her body. That'll show her. Maybe a suckle if it is flavorful...
06[18:01] * +Relanoth-Madhatter was quiet for a moment, whispering something in the ear of Tehya, though his mad grin stayed on his face.
06[18:01] * +Matwyn approached the party with a stretch the vulpine shaman atired in the forest green suit, with a top hat, he had selected for the potion of reeve though he hadn't been elected he pondered tryign to remember just what characters were in the story, rubbing his chin as he flicked those tails behind him stepping upon the grounds.
06[18:04] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts stands from the table and folds the napkin carefully before placing it back on the table. OCD Knave. Cloak tugged about shoulders and crumbs brushed off scale mail. Funny it was a lovely thing dressing like a male. Knave did not worry about having to slap hands off breast and ass.
06[18:04] * +Rayn-table found herself facing him again, and then her tit was in his mouth. He suckled quite briskly upon her pierced teat, raising the pink, tea-flavored nipple to hardness. She moaned and bit her lower lip in ecstasy. She couldn't let him get the goblinners out of her, so she tried to break his concentration by firmly grabbing his *bottle*.
06[18:06] * +Matwyn would keep his top hat as he aproached as he chanted softly the shamans form ripplign like quick silver, extending contortign ears made long and slender, and his tail a simply stub, coat brown as he aproached still atired in the bright green suit.
06[18:06] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe growls, shaking his head as he sucks on that teat... tongue flickering the nipple ring, does the bottle grow, or does she shrink? Question of perspective but one thing is for sure, the bottle is filling with something as she grips it in her hand... he turns his attention to her other breast now, popping piercing into puckered mouth, figuring she has TWO weakspots, and his cock is
06[18:06] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe nothing but strong... besides... he refuses to learn anything called 'manners'

06[18:07] * +Archaon-Tree He chuckled softly. Things then started to return to their normalcy, so to speak. Things had a way of doing so as it were meant to be. "That does sound like a worthwhile idea. We can do that." he responded, looking to Arryld with a faint smile upon leaf covered face. "I think we will need to clean ourselves before that. Would not want to trail in dirt and leaves into the Inn. The
06[18:07] * +Archaon-Tree owner would probably not like having a mess all over the floor." he smirked and chuckled at that.
03[18:07] * +Annwyn-QueenofHearts ( has left #tli-forest
[18:08] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "It may be my mousy little imagination, but all the parties I've been to tend to end either in violence or sex, usually both," she commented, looking down at the cup she was still sitting in. "My tea is getting cold, too," she complained, raising herself and dripping tea as she stepped out of her "bath."
03[18:08] * +Kerianna|Ann| ( has left #tli-forest
06[18:10] * +Matwyn-Hare approached long slender ear cocked to one side hat perched between them nose wiggling once aproachign the table tsking softly as he looked over the other party goers wonderign if he was rather late. as he looked for an empty seat.
06[18:11] * +Relanoth-Madhatter stepped forward, looking at the hare. "you're late, you're late! Oh wait, no, you're right on time! It's hare-iving time!" he grinned, taking the cup of tea had soaked in. "Have soem pyxie tea?"
06[18:11] * +Arryld-Tree practically beamed. Well.. as well as she could. A lovely girl indeed but one that was cold to most. Little curtsey was given to Tehya whom seemed to her, to be Hostess. She had respect, it was simply oddly shown. Only then would hand grasp at Archaons hand and lead him away. Promising softly.. 14"The River is cold but I believe, Master that it can be tolerated." 6She never quite looked <14.2>
[18:11] <+Arryld-Tree> <14..6> into his eyes, to her he was Master. This is how one treated those they kneeled to. <4end6>
06[18:11] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts contemplated the way -out- yes there would be a way wouldn't there be? Knave gave look about and reached up to wipe residual tart off the mouth. Another hare - my the food attracted the rabbits. How splendid really. Many seats would be found to be sure. However, the Knave was feeling rather good about ol Queenie big head leaving - no worry about being brought to court ....again.
06[18:12] * +Breeze_Dormouse to keep in character, she rushed over the table, vaving her tiny little arms at Matwyn. "No room, no room!" the squeaked, even though there was obviously plenty of room.
01[18:12] <+Tehya-WhiteWitch> 6 Such a slouching witch she sat on the chair but she did see Arryld-Tree coming over and smiled she sat up a bit and of course waved that wand at her thinking something magical would follow her away.
[18:13] <+Rayn-table> "You will learn to behave around clean, decent people!" The naked seductress grunted. Her silver tongue stud clicked against her teeth as he deliciously teased her other breast. But she was determined and would attempt to strangle him into submission by the bottle neck, up and down, again and again.
06[18:15] * +Matwyn-Hare looked down takign the tea from relenoth sipping once as he spoke "needs more pixie" he reached to attempt to lift, and dunk the tiny breeze a second time, as he glanced about ears cocking to the other side as that nose gave a wigglle. glancing towards the table and drink.
06[18:16] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe moans in the back of his throat... his chicken surely well choked... throbbing in protest with each piston of her tiny hand... he grows at the human... she may be a seductress, but he is a warlord... she may be skilled at wrestling with his dick, but he's skilled at wrasslin with all of a woman... his hand grabbing the cup of her ass... he moves his leg... and kips... trying to push
06[18:16] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe her onto her back, and him into the superior position, seeking to pin her beneath him--tho he doubts anything he could do would relinquish that grip on his shaft... she's fighting with dirty deeds, he'll have to dirty fight back!
06[18:17] * +Breeze_Dormouse squeaked as Matwyn lifted her up, her tiny lengs kicking wildly in the air as he once again dunked her into the tea. "Aaaaah gl gl gl glglglgl..." she gurgled as her head submerged again.
06[18:21] * +Archaon-Tree He'd nod to those present as well, chuckling at Arryld's words. "One can only hope." he added in as he was led by hand. As they both departed toward the river, the drak began to take off the branches and brush off some of the leaves that he had pasted upon himself. "I think I used too much mud on my face." he chuckled at himself, trying to wipe it off, but only succeeding in smearing
06[18:21] * +Archaon-Tree it around more. He looked as if he were born of the earth rather than born of a dragon's dreamings at this rate.
03[18:22] * +Saybie-KnaveofHearts ( has left #tli-forest
06[18:23] * +Matwyn-Hare would lift the pixie sitting her upon the edge of his cup sipping it carefully so as not to jostle her too badly as he looked around nose wigglign as he spoke "seems everyons leaving i certainly am too early or perhaps ariving in the wrong direction"
[18:25] <+Rayn-table> He flips her onto her back, and her foot kicks the table. Did he think he could so easily pin the *Mistress of Missionary*? She used her size and agility to slide down between his legs and get his cock and balls in a head lock. He would feel her mouth bite his shaft, not terribly hard, but enough so he felt some teeth and tongue.
06[18:27] * +Arryld-Tree considered his words carefully before looking to her own dried and caked muddied form. Had she used to much? It was starting to cake off and a finger to one crack and flick to it sent bits of dried mud to falling free of dark flesh. Half smile formed, had soft lips twitching as she moved just that much quicker until the rivers edge was achieved and she'd kneel down to cup at water and then <14.2>
[18:27] <+Arryld-Tree> <14..6> splash it upwards to Masters fine features to wash them clean. Again.. and again until most was free. Only then would she ease into the cold rush of it, shiver and glare at its uncalm surface. It was.. still.. freezing! 14"Hurry Master! Knees.... are.. knocking." <4end6>

06[18:28] * +Relanoth-Madhatter looked at Matwyn. "Oooh, you know, a lot of tea was spilled, we had a table, then we lsot it, then it's back, but now a goblin is raping the table. It's a regular Tea Party." He said. "But I do have things I need to see too. But feel free to drink all the tea! As long as there's Tea, there's Tea Party!"
06[18:28] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe grunts as she administers the figure four mouth lock upon his thick beast... throbbing angrily in her mouth, he makes note of her slippery nature, trying to break the hold by thrusting gently within her tight lips... sitting up... his hand moving back between her legs, touching the petals between her thighs, trying to lull her pussy with his rough calloused fingers... he is not
06[18:28] * +Famfrit-DrinkMe going to give up this fall that easily!
03[18:28] * Tehya-WhiteWitch is now known as Tehya
03[18:28] * Desdaemona sets mode: -vv Tehya Tehya
06[18:29] * +Breeze_Dormouse coughed and sputtered as she was lifted out of the tea again, her tiny body soaked ad sticky, her wings so wet that she couldn't even fly if she wanted to, and her round mouse ears (carefully cut out in cloth) were starting to lose their shape. The tail she'd tied round her waist was soaking wet and flopped and hang outside the cup, dripping tea down on the table (the real table, not Rayn). "And the dormouse... *cou
03[18:29] * +Relanoth-Madhatter ( has left #tli-forest
[18:29] <+Breeze_Dormouse> "And the dormouse... *couch* slept in the teapot," she murmured, having gone a little tired and, yes, sticky.
03[18:31] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Tehya
06[18:32] * +Archaon-Tree Steps taken into water, and he'd start wincing at the frigid temperature of it. As if he were on fire, he began to wash away the dirt and grime. "Too cold.." he'd chatter out, wiping it away, splashing himself rapidly to get the mud and foliage off of himself. With that done, he'd get out of the water, and immediately work his magic to cast warmth upon himself to get rid of the bone
06[18:32] * +Archaon-Tree chilling cold feeling. "Ugh, that was too cold." he chuckled softly, feeling the energies of warmth taking away that cold sensation over time.

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