Before and after (a wade uth Matar tail)

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Before and after (a wade uth Matar tail)

Postby Wadeywade on Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:00 pm

The Darkness

There was blackness all around, Wade seemed to float in an eternal ether of dark. Come, Wade. Wade followed the voice. It was a booming male voice.. 'Where am I?' Wade asks his voice not really needed, it seemed. Come. It is time to go to the place of forgetting. Wade shakes his head. 'Fuck that, Im going home.' He turns into the ether and immediately falls into the Adobe. Or, under it, the buildings' remains.. It seemed more like a memory, and when another him walks down the stairs, it confirms it.. Hey! HEY! Wade shouts at himself but obviously this shadow-self was unable to see or hear him.. Wade rises floating across the room without using a spell. That should have been an indication in his mind what had happened, and was happening. But none of it registers, Wade is intent on seeing where he's going. Following himself into the tunnels, he heads for the river.. There he sees himself, hands on his hips, listening to the city; Wade remembered this night, he had stopped a runaway.. And there he went, the ghostly runaway coach causing the other him to spring into action. 'I remember this.' Wade says, shaking his head.. Why was he here.. Everything swirled, and now he was in the CVC with Callie, and Ellyssa, other he could not remember their names, so their faces were hazy... He hated that, it only happened when.. 'Aw shit. I'm dead. again.' Everything swirled again.. A memory he was not prepared for.. His mothers' face, bloody a few feet away, lifeless.. And dark shadows closing on him. Then the Darkness consumes him. But it doesn't really, he realized, he is glowing a little. "This little light of mine, Imma gonna let it shine.." He says glowing brighter now.. But still around, under, above him was just darkness without form or substance yet it engulfed and consumed everything, including his light. The word eternity did not do it justice, the blackness beyond the bubble stretched on for unseen distances. "Hello!" Wade says, but there wasn't even an echo of any kind. Behind him, he could hear some sort of.. chittering sound. It began to get closer. "Oh crap." He says, the noise was fairly loud and he could hear strange snuffling too.

"Well. Time to go." Wade says, moving in a direction that he believed to be forward. On and on and on it went, eventually the sound faded away, but he could still hear it approaching. Wade kept going, sure that eventually he would find.. Something. Hopefully, not whatever made that sound. Wade felt like it took an eternity to reach the edge; the upside was he doesn't get hungry or thirsty (though he pondered, he wouldn't mind a drink right about now, seeing as he was dead and all. Man should have a drink at his own wake), the downshot was.. It was incredibly, inedibly boring as all get. Just about the time Wade wondered how long to the edge..


The Light
(Warning: 4th wall break and other silliness ahead!! Buckle up dearies, the rides just beginning!)

Wade smacked into something. It was more like being dropped on it than running into it, gravity still had him though he was sure he was moving forward, not down in the dark. Wade lifts himself up, he lays in a rocky road with a ramshackle building in front of him. Strange carriages littered the front but Wade didn't hear anyone else around. He picks himself up and dusts himself off, walking onto the porch, and about then, it begins to POUR rain. Wade couldn't even see where he had.. Impacted, a wall of white water blocks his path. This definately wasnt normal since the rain was actually falling up. He turns the knob, the door creaks open.. Wade had no idea what to expect, what he found, caught him off guard.

"Mama take this badge from me...I cant use it, any more.. Its getting dark, to dark to see.. Feel like Im knockin' on heavens door.." The soft music issued from the room, Wade stepped into what looked like a bar, but it was bizarre in ways his mind could not grasp. "Where... Am I?" He says, amazed by how shiny and new it all looked. "This is a bar mid-eastern Pennsylvania, called the Point of Know Return pub. I used to come here alot, you know, and I'd.. Well I'd write you, Wade." Wade whirls hand dropping to his hip only to realize he has no weapon; the man he saw was shorter than he was.. Slightly thinner to but.. something about him seemed incredibly familiar. Especially his voice. He had an auburn red hair, and dark blue eyes that seemed to cut you down to the soul. "Whats a pen-sel-vaynia?" Wade asks softly, The man snorts and shakes his head of auburn hair. "Never mind that. Please, sit." The music issued from what seemed to be the very wood itself. The Silver Bullet Band sang about making night moves. This place made Wade slightly uneasy, actually.

"Who the fuck are you, and how the fuck did I end up here?" Wade quips, and the man motions, "Sit. Have a beer." The man motions the the bartender, a huge ugly fuck of a man who seriously, could be Fuglys' male doppelgänger, ambles over. The man pulls a draft handle and fills a mug and sets it in front of Wade. "As to who I am," the other man continues.. "I am the man who made you. You were born of my imagination... And.. A few hundred heroes of my world all mooshed together. And until two weeks ago, I would have said 'you are no hero,' only to be proven so.. Very wrong by so many people." Wade sits, the man smiles warmly at this idea, it seems. "I don't feel like a hero. I've killed. Gotten people killed. Alot of people. and done terrible things." Wade exhales then takes a pull off his beer. It tasted of apples. "I know, I was behind every loosing of the fletching. You have killed exactly nineteen people; that accounts for the thirteen heads in the barrel, the three you killed as an assassin and three others that were random accidents. Not counting the one you tried to kill and couldn't." The other man said softly. "By the way, burn that barrel for me when you get back. Just sayin', theres nothing in there you need." The man tosses a peanut in the air, catching then chewing it before swallowing, then saying; "But what matters, to me at least, is you died twice, for the Empire. Three, technically speaking. There is a.. Goodness, about that kind of thing. You took a dark path, dealt with the consequences in a manner that was both honorable and swift, and it led us here."
Wade shrugs softly. "So why am I here? I thought I was dead." He says glibly.. What could they do, kill him in the afterlife? "As a matter of fact I can, actually. It'd be easy for me to erase you, mechanically speaking." Wades' jaw hits the bar. Not literally, but he was flabbergasted. "How did you.." "Do that? I created you.. This.. Its happening now to me or later, depending on if I am writing or reading it." The man says tapping his chin. He grins broadly. "Nevermind the physics, pay attention. The road thus far has lead you to some very.. Dark, places and for that, you've paid a steep price. I must send you on to.. Her, but before I do, I wanted to bring you here, have my Vonnegut moment and tell you I am sorry. This misstep it.. Was not meant to happen this way and as I said, your.. Muchness, on Belariath is why we have to send you home." the man sighs. "Thats ok," Wade says after sipping his beer again. "You got me out of it. Yeah it was a tough way out but it also was about keeping a promise. And I never tried to.. Be popular, I just did what seemed right at the time." the man smiles at Wade, "I'll let you in on a secret. you got yourself out of that. I didn't actually have anything to do with that beyond giving you the basics to make it happen. That ability to sort of.. Make your own path is why I play you. No matter what I try, nothing explains what you are. Magic, really."

The man grins apparently pleased with himself. "And it is the same dynamic thats sending you home. I cannot explain it beyond saying; you've made more friends than enemies and for that, my hats off to you." Wade smiles, it was like a mirror image of the man before him. "Thanks, I think." He says, motioning to the bartender to refill his mug. The other man reached over the bar and fills his glass with whats obviously whiskey and downs it, fills it again, downs that, fills it a third time and downs that. "Talking to you is a real brainteaser and I'd love for this to go on forever.." The man trails off. He eyes Wade dark blue eyes sparkle. "Finish yer beer. " he says leaning on the bar as music plays from everywhere softly in the backround. Wade watches the man, who shifts around more than he does, and it doesn't seem to be that he is nervous, really.. Its like some part of the man is eternally restless, seeking a place to make sense of himself. "Stop analyzing me Wade." The man says curtly, but then he smiles and taps his temple. "Made you, remember?" Wade sighs rolling his eyes. "Yeah yeah," they both said at the same time and Wade says, "stop it!" The stranger laughs heartily.

"Not so fun when it runs away from you, is it?" The man chuckles, "maybe I wanted a little payback for all the times you did that to me, but I'm satisfied." The man laughs, "I will admit it amused me when it happened.. The first two times. After that it was like riding.." The man pauses seeming to translate his thought into something Wade could understand: "A runaway coach with no reins or brakes." Wade hums, "Wow. Must be scary." The man nod then shrugs. "In my world theres a thing on a track that people ride on purpose to get that feeling. I think they are all fucking idiots but I'd never deny them the right to, as long as I don't have to again. Fuck that. Riding you around is enough rough ridin' for me." Outside it had grown darker, not that the pair noticed. The roofboards chattered above their heads, the Bartender was long gone, and only the two remained, looking up at the roof as the sound increased, doubling, then trebling as they looked at each other. "Time for you to go." The man steps off the stool and pulls two odd objects from his hip, when the small bows popped out Wade realized they were some sort of mini-crossbows made hand-held.

"Let me have one, " Wade says as the door begins to rattle, the chittering and scraping sounds had increased. "I can help you fight them off." The man shakes his head viciously firing a double shot, one from each hand through the window of the door. A pair of very.. Ugly, dog like things fell over, but others replaced them quickly. "You are the one they are after, to drag you to the place of permanent ends. I'll hold them off, GO!" the man yells, one slams into the wall and the music skips. 'Bum, bum, bum.. Another One bites the dust..' Croons from wherever the music was coming from, and both Wade and his creator said, a room apart from each other unknowing of the other, said. "Heh. Nice song. How fitting." Wade makes his way through piles of stools and tables and chairs until he could reach that door. It seemed to go on forever, the whole time the man behind him throwing obscenities and crossbow bolts, reloading the magazines with spares and never missing a beat. "Stylin' and profilin', Wooo!" The man shouts as he does combat. Wade was actually somewhat impressed, actually, right up to the moment the door rips outward off the hinges and the Demon dog things began to storm the room.

Finally expending all his bolts, the man threw the first handheld crossbow at one of the beasts, it hits the floor and the thing slips on the weapon as it breaks and slides, causing the thing to hit the floor face first, blocking the door. Another tried to come over its back but the man whirls, and then everything seems to stop.. It was if time has been paused, even Wade would be stopped mid-toss, stools forming a line like ants behind him. The man looks over, rather randomly and says. "What? You didn't expect at least one of these chapters not to end without some sort of firefight? and a Deadpool stop screen, fourth wall break moment. This is me we're talking about. I Have a few hand to hand skills of my own and besides, I can't let Wade have ALL the fun in life. Or death. Whatever." He says with a waggle of his brows, Then everything goes back into motion. The second weapon impacts the face of the demon dog, causing the beasts' eyes to be cut out by the sharp arms of the crossbow. It roars hanging up its horns in the door jamb, blocking entry or egress for the moment. Wade reaches the door, only to realize it was locked, the key jutting out. Wade turns the key and in that next moment when he turned the knob, three things happened:

First, the monsters stormed the front door, and flooded the room, they basicaly pasted the one stuck in the doorway and the one under him, raw numbers did them in. And then, second, His creator the mystery man began to glow and he was incanting something, and Wade thought, this is it. He's using magic or something, and Im gonna die in the afterlife. How does that work? Finally, There was a high pitched sound, it seemed to cut Wades soul, the sound was painful and piercing even at a lower volume. Wade redoubles his effort but moving even just his fingers was raw agony. The sound increased to loud, windows and glass shattered, whiskey and beers from bottles covered the floor, pooling. "Wade is my charge, you cannot have him... You... Shall not.. PASS!!" The man shouts, his voice booms and echoes shaking Wades bones.

The juke box bumped music softly into the bar that was eerily like the one she had been reading about. The pair sat at the booth eating, and the dark haired woman had been proofreading a recently penned story. "Wait, Wait, Wait. First of all, you can't write yourself into your characters' story. Secondly-" the brown haired woman with the blonde streak holds up a hand, the auburn haired man meant to say something but she cuts him off. "Secondly, you can't.. Fight.. Like.. That." She trails off as he looks at her with a furrowed brow. "Taught you, didn't I?" He interjects, but she holds her hand up again. " true. But..Third.. Tolkien, really?" She laughs, "and the light burst, haven't I seen that before, too?" He crosses his arms. "Shush, its my fucking story, let me tell it my way. I know it sort of prevents the suspension of belief for a second, but I played out emotional elements that get the reader to associate their own experiences to it and maybe take something new away for their lives. So what I am cheesy and hammy, I could be a sammich and they'd still eat me up!"

He laughs and she sighs shaking her head. "Just eat your dinner." She returns to the story, hoping the other ones would get better. "You're just mad I can do it, and people actually like it. I could write for Deadpool!" The man exclaims. The dark haired woman rolls her eyes, he bangs a hand on the table. Now people were looking, but he didn't seem to mind or care. His companion however, wasn't that keen on the idea. "Rob Liefield beware!" He rants, laughing. Then he adds, "No, not really. I suck at deadlines and responsibilities. More power to him writing my second favorite figment of someones imagination. (The first bring my own of course. Yep. Personal vanity.)" the dark haired woman gives him a scalding glance. "Shut the fuck up, finish eating, and let me read." Picking up his fork he quips, "ooooooohh, you kiss yer mother with that mouth?" The assembled people hear a thump when she kicks him under the table, and he rubs his leg. "Ow."

There was a flash, like ball lightning but far, far brighter. Wade felt it hit him, it burned and electrified his skin. Wade faceplants into the door from the impact, he could smell burned flesh and wood and ozone as he was thrust out, and then he fell through what seems to be a smoky mist, the wind rushed around him and yet he felt nothing. And so on and on he went, it seemed like it took forever, Wade thought to himself, wonder how much further? And then.. SMACK!

Clowns to the left, Jokers to the right..

(Writers note: this chapter is dedicated to the memory of all those who helped make me the man I am today before their light left this world. But especially my mom, who 12 year ago left this world for brighter shores and sunnier days. Ey ata hey, mom. It is good. Ill see you someday in those endless grassy seas, rowing a boat like in that stupid blonde joke you loved so much, only you'll be going places. And for the sake of the sanity of the readers, Ill scribble the joke so you understand the reference:
A blonde was driving in Kansas when she came across another blonde out a hundred feet from the road in a rowboat just rowing her little heart out. So the woman pulls over, gets out and shouts: 'hey! What the hell are you doing?' The second blonde, without missing a stroke, says, 'trying to get to shore!' To which the first blonde says, 'you dumb fool! It's blondes like you that give blondes like me a bad name, and if I could swim, I'd come out there and kick your ass!')

Wade sat up in a field. "What the fuck." He says, he could still taste apple ale. He could still smell the burned flesh, burned wood, and the smell that came after the lightning (ozone). Wade looks around a moment, the soft rustle of billions of grass blades being shifted by the wind sighs around him. Wade was pretty sure, he was still dead though but now he had no idea where he was now. "Just great. Wandering the afterlife like an idiot. Balls!!" He exclaims, smacking the ground. Get ahold of yourself. Wade thinks to himself.. He balls his hands up and breathes slowly, letting his mind relax..

Shaking his head he wonders at first is he hit his head or crashed, but he doesn't see any other impression or moved grass in the field around him so he stands up to see what seems to be endless fields of rye. Standing there, the plants only came to Wades' waist, at best; be that as it may, a woman in a rowboat rowed up, the boat kept aloft by the plants. Man, Wade thinks to himself, This just keeps getting stranger and stranger.. Wade pinches himself "Ow!" He says, rubbing the sore spot. "What'd ya go and do that for? I was jus' gonna ask ya if ya needed a lift." The woman says, steadying the rocking boat. Wade shrugs, he is at a loss, so may as well go with it. "Sure." Wade wades through the grain-field and climbs into the boat and notices it literally was like being on semi-choppy water until his companion began to row. She pulls the oars and the boat moves like rowing on a lake or a slow river, steering them towards a series of grass knolls some distance away.

"You made it this far, " the woman says with a small, almost triumphant smile. "The Lady wishes to see you before you are sent.. On." She says cryptically. Wade wondered why the woman with black hair seemed so familiar, but Wade didn't ask. "So why the rowboat?" Wade says hand draping in the rye. "You may not wanna do that.. Land Sharks, thats why." She says, and about then this thing that looks like it has a head like a goblin and the body of a worm with fins pops out of the ground, and bites at Wades fingers. "HOLY FUCKTARD SONOFABITCH!" Wade scrambles back across the boat trying to center himself. The woman chuckles, "I warned ya at least." She says and continues rowing.

"What the.. " Wade says, counting his fingers to make sure he has all ten. The woman smirks, shaking her head at him. "Land Sharks, I told ya. Nasty little bastards." She says rowing on, rounding one island of grass that was a hillside in the endless seas of rye she nods. "There it is, the Ladys home." Before him was a tree bigger than any he had ever seen, literally, and he lived in a sequoia! "Wow." Wade exclaims, awed by it. "That trees got to be thousands of years old." Wade says and the woman nods. "Thats a tale for another telling." She says, pulling the oars hard around another bend and wade sees this is actually one island in the center of smaller ones.. One to represent every clan, and one that was for The Lady herself. They pull up to a dock and wade tied the boat off, waiting for the woman to stow the oars and disembark herself before he would exit onto the dock. He looks at the rye, shaking his head. This being dead shit was beyond weird.

"This way," the woman from the boat said, and gestured. Wade followed. Walking up the docks they headed straight for that gargantuan tree, Wade felt he had to ask, "who are you? I have to ask because you seem familiar." The woman stopped, and turned. Putting a hand on each side of his head, she smiled at him as she strokes his face softly in a way that sent chills up his back, because it is familiar in a way he doesn't remember but he can feel, right down to his soul. her eyes were wet as she says to him in a slightly shaky voice, "My son." Shelley says, smiling through her tears as she wraps her arms around him gently. "Mom?" Wade says before he buried his face against her collarbone. "Oh my boy.." Shelley says softly, stroking his hair, "I am so sorry your father laid the darkness so deeply upon you. Your goddess rightly abandoned you, because your mission became corrupted, but somehow it didn't corrupt you. Something inside you resisted that darkness at every turn, and the voices of the many who love you were heard by another. A light you made in the world despite a dark destiny put at your feet. Those voices call you back now.."

Wade lifts his face from the wetness on her shirt and with a voice strong as ever says, in typical Wade manner, "what the hell does that even mean, mom. how are you here?" He half laughs, confused by it but so elated by seeing her.. holding her.. He'd stay, right here. Wade felt more at home, more at rest, than he had in an age. "I began worshipping her just after your father fell into darkness. And it means, I can't go on with you, and your work for the Lady isn't finished. You have a new destiny ahead of you. To create, not destroy." At the top of a long stairs bound by tree roots, Shelley turns and opens a door set in the wood of the tree. Wade smiles, so it was a Vulpine who designed that door in his house. Funny little coincidence. "She will see you know, Wade uth Matar." Wade walked over hugging again the woman who had sacrificed her own life protecting him. "Will I see you after?" Shelley nods then nods again, even though it was a lie Wade bought it. "You should get going. I love you." This last she blurts out then laughs, "I never got to say it when you were grown up. I wanted you to know how very much you were, and are, loved. And loves yet to be born. I am proud of the man you have become. Always."

Wade releases her, and steps inside what seems to be a room larger than the outside could hold, the door shuts quietly behind him. It was dark at first, but once his eyes adjusted he saw what amounted to the most beautiful Vulpine woman he had ever seen. "I.. Uh.," Wade points back, was he in the right place? She was naked, maybe he was in the wrong place! He felt a heat rising in his face. Maybe this was her dressing room, not the audience hall.. Oh damn. He thinks to himself. the Lady chuckles, her nine tails sway and swish softly. "please come in Wade. I have heard.. Very much about you. For a mortal thats a hefty feat." Wade walks over, kneeling beside her. "Milady, Im sorry, I thought we were to meet.." Wade says, shuddering a little. Was this real?!? Was he sitting beside a.. Goddess? "I didn't know.." He says trying not to look at her, avert his eyes from respect and not a small amount of fear. The Lady laughs gently, and reaching out strokes his head.

"I see why people like you. You are very funny." She giggles soft then strokes her hand down his back to his ass. "Ohh you work out, too." Wade jumps, "Aaah!" He says naturally and falls over sideways, and The Lady laughs. "You're adorable. How you were drawn to such ugliness is beyond me. But here we are." Wade sits on a footstool.. He looks behind him, tails!! "W-W-W-What.." He stammers and feels his head. "I got fox ears!" He says, it was a mix between excited and scared, actually. "The only way for you to go home again, is forgetting. The ones who need to find you, will." She says smiling.. Wade had resumed his seat, holding one tail looking at it. "How will I live if I can't remember what I know?" Wade asks. Kissing his forehead lightly, The Lady smiles at him and says, "what you are deep inside, will not be forgotten. That you cannot forget." She says to Wade, and then he had a sense of being pulled and pushed at the same time.
"There is one last message, for the master of Umbara..." She says, fading now, but the message was heard, exactly. He knew that he would remember.

the skies rumble, Thoom!! Dark clouds had ringed Umbara as if the skies themselves heralded what was to come. In the highest reaches of Umbara a chrysalis had been stored in the office of the Master of the Tower, inside the chrysalis was Wades body.. Or what was. For what was surely a week and a half, every five hours it would pulse with colored lightning, only to be quiet until the next discharge, but in the last 48 hours it came at exact hour intervals. Then, in the 12 hours since, it has become a pulse every minute.. A hour ago, it began to pulse at sixty pulses a minute, and every fourth pulse the skies would rumble, as though to answer. Then zero hour came, a bolt of lightning strikes the towers' peak, and another follows through the window, hitting the chrysalis and lighting it up, inside a humanoid form is curled; silhouetted by the light show, finally the tough stem snaps or is burned through and the chrysalis crashed to the floor. lightning in the chrysalis flickers; it falls over laying flat on the floor now, smoking slightly.

Those assembled wondered if the one inside was truly gone, then theres a rending sound as a figure rips through the side and lands on the thick base, balanced there Wade almost kneels as though in prayer, his silver ears and three silver tails gleam in the light as lightning, black lightning, crackles across his body, across his new tails that gleam argent in the sun, the clouds outside dissipating now. Wade kneels there, eyes closed. He flicks the green orbs open to espy the Master of the Tower, who he flicks a wink at And says, "The Lady says, 'the forgotten path is laid, the debt is paid. All will be well.'" Wade says softly. Then, a moment later he springboards out that window and falls, landing with a featherfall spell he just instinctively tosses out.. When he hits the ground he hits it running and is gone, a blur and a trail of dust.. He goes like that for..

Well not too far, in fact he trips and ends up crashing into a river. Soaked but unharmed Wade clambers from the water, making his way along the road until he would arrive at a clearing in the center of the forest. It wasnt a big clearing but the tent attached to his gear before he died would fit snugly inside. wade sets up a tent, builds himself a small fire and strips down using a piece of rope and a hook he found in the bag to make a makeshift clothesline. He found waxed packets containing dried fruit and meat jerky, so he munched on these wondering how he knew he would crash into water.. Wade couldn't remember anything, exactly. Even his own name. He rubs his silver tails dry, sighing softly to himself. Then he dressed once his clothes were dry, and hung all the other clothing items and such out to dry..

Somehow it hadn't really wetted the lionskin or bearskin ground cover and blanket, respectively. Wade sets these in the tents in case it was cold tonight, he had no idea what to expect. He saw mountains in the distance, capped in snow; maybe if he climbed up a ways he could see where to go, there had to be other people, somewhere... And in time, he would find them. But they were strangers to him, and yet he was not to them..
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
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Re: Before and after (a wade uth Matar tail)

Postby Tehya on Wed Jun 01, 2016 4:27 pm

Thanks for the story!
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Re: Before and after (a wade uth Matar tail)

Postby Wadeywade on Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:04 pm

You are welcome. There is one last part, but it requires permissions from players for character usaage, so until I can get all five to sign off I have to wait to post the last chapter.
(Ty to Callie, one of the four, for her permission and I promise, youll get to see it fully!!)
"There are no strings on me." Leonard Snart
“it gladdens me to know Odin prepares for a feast, soon I will be drinking ale from curved horns! I will not enter Odins Hall with fear, I shall wait for my sons to join me.. and when they do, I shall bask in their tales of triumph! the Aesir shall welcome me. my death comes without apology! I welcome the Valkeries, to SUMMON ME HOME!”-Ragnar Lodbrok
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Re: Before and after (a wade uth Matar tail)

Postby Tehya on Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:26 pm

For some reason my priv message to you will not go thru. So posting it here

Hi I was just looking in the bard's journal section on the message board and wondered where you wanted that last piece you put there. In the Journal or in Legends.

It could go both places I suppose, but I wasn't sure where.

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