Projects for Researchers

A place for researchers to post what they are doing.

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Projects for Researchers

Postby miyuka on Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:10 am

Following will be a list that will have projects that can be chosen from to work on. In rare cases a specific project may be assigned to a group of researchers, but they will be notified of such. This is simply things to be worked on should a researcher have no ideas of their own.

Project Library Maintenence:

The following items are all for the purpose of library maintenence, specifically Unigo's Library, but of course once all projects are fully researched, the information could be used for other libraries of important note.

Fire Ward
Sphere: Enchant
Type: OOB
A simple Ward to prevent the burning of books

When the Ward is placed upon a book it prevents the book from suffering the effects of fire damage, both natural and weak magics.
Project being researched by: Lindor

Water Ward
Sphere: Enchant
Type: OOB
A simple ward to prevent water damage to books.

When this ward is placed upon a book, it prevents the book from suffering the effects of water damage, both natural and weak magics.
Project being researched by: None

Mold ward
Sphere: enchant
Type: OOB
A simple ward to prevent mold damage to books.

When this ward is placed upon a book, it prevents the book from suffering the effects of mold damage both natural and weak magics.
Project being researched by: Matwyn (completed 10/11/11)

Pest Ward
Sphere: Enchant
Type: OOB
A ward that is used to keep pest away from a building.

This ward is placed around the outside of a building, or within a certain area which keeps pest such as rats, roaches, and bookworms at bay. Familliars are not affected by this ward.
Project being researched by: Matwyn Competed 5/4/12

Theft ward/theft ward anchor
Sphere: Enchant
Type: OOB
A ward placed on a book or item to keep it from being removed from a certain area

Placing this ward upon an object and attuning it to to its' anchor will prevent books or items within the building from being taken outside a certain distance. Once the warded item is moved a certain distance, it is magically transported to it's anchored location.
Project Being Researched by: Matwyn (Completed 8/14/11)

Book Restoration
Sphere: common
Type: OOB
A spell used to repair damage done to books.

Casting this spell will allow a book that has been recently damaged to be fully restored. This spell only works on recent damages and will not fix any ancient tome from times past. After a week of being damaged, a book can no longer be restored.
Project being researched by: None
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Re: Projects for Researchers

Postby Takao on Wed Jun 22, 2011 1:17 am

Except for Umbara's library. Because they wouldn't want anything that might put them back underneath our shadow anyways. And because they're all bums too.
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Re: Projects for Researchers

Postby L`aquera on Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:17 pm


AHEM! Actually this is good..
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Re: Projects for Researchers

Postby Takao on Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:01 pm

No, you're a towel!

Also, if anyone happens to have any ideas they wish to add to this list then please let myself or Miyuka know. It would be much appreciated.
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Re: Projects for Researchers

Postby Tehya on Tue Jun 28, 2011 2:03 pm

Character Opal: Unigo Librarian

Unless there is a level requirement I would like to get Opal involved, either on the books restoration, or what is listed below.

I will catch you or Takao online.

Ancient Book Reserve
Sphere: common
Type: OOB
A spell used to only to allow the chosen to read ancient books alive with magic of their own.

Casting this spell will allow books with their own magic within them to be revealed for the chosen to read with a ward of secrecy of where they are stored.

Heh got to love it Takao Opal wants to do it one way or another :lol: but if it is allowed I'd like to research this.
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Re: Projects for Researchers

Postby miyuka on Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:52 pm

this is for those hired as researchers though I am not stopping you from wanting to help out ICly.
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