
News from the admin relating to developments in the roleplay, changes to the web site, etc

Moderators: Stormbringer, Ehlanna


Postby L`aquera on Sun May 18, 2014 6:47 pm


Guess who?

Yes. I'm that f'n L.

No need to introduce myself further right? Good. Then I can disperse the pleasantries now and get down to business.

We all want to win. I'm mean, lets get real, we do right? We want the biggest baddest asshole in the game to come try slapping us so we can slap them harder and kick dirt on their corpse. I mean, who doesn't like that?

I love it.... I also like losing. It makes me giddy and I tend to have more fun when I ffrp....

half the channel is the same. Half, like to win, half like to lose and still theres a percentage that like to have the best of both worlds.

I'll cheer you on in whichever direction you decide to take. I might even mock on the sidelines.

Unless... you do a few things. Then I'm not going to cheer you. I'm going to get annoyed.

If you migrate yourself from that annoyed wonderboi or wondergurl... and slip into thorn in my side? Guess where I'm going to be? If you slither from thorn in my side to pain in my ass. Guess where you won't be anymore?

But I bet your saying to yourself, "But L! What does this all mean!"

Good question! Thanks for asking!

If you come into TLI and you want to fight and play and get jiggy with it, cool. If you come into TLI knowing it all, seeing it all, being it all and using ooc info into IC and downright lying to others and using lil trinkets that don't follow the rules of enchantments and then ignore an Op that tells you to knock it off? There is going to be issues. SOME OF YOU already have those issues.

Ops forum is FULL of recent lil crap and every time I log into this MB and see it, I feel my usual good mood, hit a few rocks on the way down.

So is the OOC.


Beats me. I'm not the cheery one of the family. I'm the one that is going to be all over you like white on rice. And if you haven't discovered this yet, you will.

The rudeness... the attitude.... The whining.

All 3 need to come to an end. I've hit my wall. And now those that do these things, are going to find out what my wall is like. Don't start nothin, there won't be nothin.

If you have an issue with anything I've said, Call 1-800-WhineService
Don't breath, don't think.. for I am the shadow that will forever over take you..
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