Hi. Its that OOC room kind of day.

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Hi. Its that OOC room kind of day.

Postby L`aquera on Thu Aug 18, 2022 4:00 pm

Hello. Hi. Howsit? Good. Good.

A few things I'd like to discuss.

1: The OOC room
2: Payroll
3: What you should discuss with the Ops

1: The OOC Room; Whats it for?

News. No not Faux news. Please! No really, I mean that. No Faux news. The OOC room is for questions about the Game. Rules. Engagements. Sometimes a bit of fun. A few links to brighten our not so sunny day. Talking to your fellow players and Ops about IC things. Desdaemona issues.

We all have our days, some good, some bad. I want to point something out as gently as I can. None of us are psychologist. Nor are we savvy in Mental health. We can guesstimate! But that could do more harm then good. The same goes for your fellow players. I know someone needs to vent or need an ear or a shoulder. Thats ok. From time to time dropping a "My day was hell!" "I have a cold" "I got the rona" "I was in the hospital" those are ok. From time to time. I mean, its human nature to complain if its raining to hard. But I want you to understand that when I say we aren't psychologists, I mean we can't diagnose you. And anything you put out there could trigger the other players.

I'm going to say this lightly but I want you to actually ingrain this into your minds. The needs of the many will outweigh the needs of the few.

So before you begin typing, take in that lone sentence.

I'm not saying you don't matter. I'm saying, if you trigger other folks to the point where they are leaving or complaining to the Ops, we will consider their well being over just the one person. Is it cruel? I don't mean it to be. You can vent to us without making a complaint. Or pick someone you trust.

2: Payroll; I'm very much considering putting the old payroll system back into full swing. We appreciate the hell out of Tawny for doing it so long but I think it may just be best. I'm open to thoughts on this.

3: What you should discuss with the Ops; Rule violations. Harassment. Being uncomfortable. What we require when you finally decide you've had it up to here!! Logs. Yes, black and white. We don't do the he said she said stuff as that would interfere with our ability to judge the situation. Sometimes what you think is cut and dry, is not. Logs are required. After we have read the logs, we'll assess the situation and handle it quietly. Yes, thats what I said. Quietly.. all hush hush.. We aren't sweeping anything under the rug folks, we simply don't want to create further drama. Its for your protection and the one that made the complaint. You really don't want to be privy to some of the nasty things that actually go on while thinking Janet and Bob are the greatest. We know differently.

It has been our tradition when someone has been spoke to or even kicked, banned, or temp banned, to allow said person to come up with whatever they want to tell you, the players, about what happened. We don't do that. We keep the privacy, private. Maybe you think this is unfair. But I highly doubt you want us spilling your secrets. We aren't worried about ours. We are worried about yours. Its up to them to tell the story or lie, or not lie or maybe just say 'its none of your business'.

This is just your friendly reminder. I hope all have a great day :)

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Re: Hi. Its that OOC room kind of day.

Postby Tawny on Thu Aug 18, 2022 9:24 pm

Thoughts on payroll

Well I think the payroll system you created is a large help in several ways. The old system simply paid you for having you name on the shops payroll. You didn't have to work to get paid. Those that did work got exactly the same pay as those that didn't. Your payroll system now makes it so that you get paid only if you work . Its fair to those who do work as well as to those who don't work. I know that 99 percent of the workers in this game know the system and know how to post their work log hours. Players know if they want paid they need to show they worked and if they don't work every month that is ok, but they also know if they don't work they wont be paid. Simply put your system is a lot more fair to those who do work. I think it should stay as it is.
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Re: Hi. Its that OOC room kind of day.

Postby Elahri on Wed Aug 31, 2022 12:29 pm

I cant say ive been the recipient of your commitment and level of work for what you do tawny, but you're consistently smashing it out of the park with what your doing.

It might be a silly suggestion but is could there be a fail safe trigger? So if you are crook or need time off, the payroll can be thrown back to the old method as a circuit breaker.

It allows consistency,

But it ALSO allows you to take the time off you need to rest/chill/recover/nurse that well deserved hangover without having the need to work yourself to the bone to make payroll happen!


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Re: Hi. Its that OOC room kind of day.

Postby Tawny on Wed Aug 31, 2022 7:19 pm

Thank you for your very sweet words but truth is I enjoy doing the payroll and it does in fact relax me. I have been doing for so long I have system down that makes it take way less time than when I first started. But if something were to happen where I simply couldn't do payroll I am sure L or maybe one of the high Ops could look at the month before payroll and maybe just repeat the month prior payroll. But either way I am sure people would get their pay for that month. L and everyone has worked so hard to make this payroll system that I cant see why she should just ditch it now. Its not broken and I think it should remain for a number of reasons. Not the least being its a fair system that lets everyone know what is expected and what they can expect to get for the effort they put into the game job.
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Re: Hi. Its that OOC room kind of day.

Postby Sanjin Koukyu on Sun Sep 11, 2022 5:14 am

Would it be possible to program in a command, using the old payroll system (as I understand it) that functionally 'logs' a person into their role? Possibly with a dual purpose of adding the !time function so that Desdaemona can track the login/logout of the job and showing how long someone was on the job for?

I imagine it'd be a lot of code, and I don't know remotely if it'd even be possible (as i'm not a code monkey, I just write stuff and the like), but it'd have something like

1. Is Character Logged in? (this prevents being logged into one character but displaying another)
2. !clockin/!clockout ### (or something better suited) - this clocks a character into their job. TNB, INN, C2C, etc. Something with 3 alphanumerics.
3a. Upon !clockin, time is displayed and an invisible timer is started.
3b. Something that watches whether or not the player is active, i.e. monologuing if merely trying to get hours and if no one needs said service. If no text input within # amount of time, character is clocked out. (this is tough, people get busy with rl unexpectedly, so perhaps something with a lot of leeway, like 10 minutes).
4. Invisible timer x mhl per hour logged in is accrued. There may need to be a command to indicate how much someone should make (I.E. Tawny, but this would be far less workload than what's currently on her plate I think?). This would need a lot of work initially to get everyone in the system, but it'd be smoother/less work in the long run (I feel at least).
5. !clockout displays the time and how much time the player/character was clocked in, showing exactly how much time they've put on their timeclock. Being disconnected/switching handles immediately !clockout's the character.
6. Perhaps a command for the player to see how much time they have clocked in on that particular character, broken down by their places of employment.

This would free up Tawny plus require people to be active in order to earn their character's mehrial instead of having it be given out as a flat bonus every month. If it's possible!

Thanks for reading my TED talk. :shock:
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