Dev Project

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Dev Project

Postby miyuka on Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:05 pm

Good day folks. Head of the mechanical side of dev here and I'd like to open up to grab a few more folk for the team but before I do that I'd like to try something a bit different than my usual method. One major thing I've been wanting to get into the game and a lot of players as well has been a system for the more physical folks to do when in combat. The amount of times we've gone over this in dev is honestly an annoying amount of time with things not panning out and the last attempt came to a screeching halt just at the end of finally getting something together for reasons I will not get into here. What I will get into is what I'm looking for!

I want to try something a bit new that I kinda am already doing with someone that I think may be more beneficial than the usual method. Instead of just adding someone to the team and giving them access to all the other dev stuff, I want to work together with someone one on one to hash this out or at least get a good idea of something we can submit for further review. This will both hopefully get the person or persons (I'll prolly select 2 people) more used to me as well as how to go through the process without worry of keeping up with other things. You'll still get the rewards that other dev members get, of course.

Now before you volunteer your time, I want everyone to know that first and foremost, Belariath is a game. This is not a job, this is volunteer, so if RL keeps you away and inconsistent then that could be an issue for me choosing you but not an instant disqualifier as it's very understandable that...well shit happens and I do not like the idea of this game stressing anyone out. That defeats the purpose, ultimately, of the game. Next thing is that to avoid the issue from before that caused things to sadly get off track, you have to understand that as a member of the dev team the work we submit is for the game and that the game is ultimately SB's game. If you are the kind of person that don't want to have your ideas tweaked or changed or you'll take your ball and go home sometime down the not apply. Speaking of SB and it being his game, when it all comes down to it. It's him that has the final say. If you cannot adjust to the fact that even after all the changes and revisions and the like and it's still a no, then please do not let it anger you or stress you out. All we can do as dev is try to fit things into the world.

The goal is to create something simple not quite like spells which are made to be the primary method for combat for mages. The physical sphere should be something that supplements the usual "I swing my weapon/fist" and whilst still retaining the low stamina usage that physicals are used to. It's not going to be on a per class basis but a pool that any physical class can dip into. It can be based off fighting style, weapon style, or even just the various stats. Don't stress too much about numbers as those can always be adjusted before being finalized. Keep it simple.

If all goes well, regardless of if the idea is accepted or not, I'll make my decision to fully accept you as a member of dev (thus giving you access to the rest of the forums) or if it's best if we parted ways. Also depending on how this goes, it could be a more permanent method on getting player submissions to dev that have been green lit.

Just leave your name here if you are interested. I'll contact the ones I wish to choose via MB PM and update this thread when my decision has been made.

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Re: Dev Project

Postby Akaton on Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:22 pm

Hey Yuka. Id love to help. I actually have had some ideas for like a physical thing. But I never really got around to writing anything, because I could only get so far with it. Id love to have the chance to share the idea with you and get feedback and help to make it a full thing. Also I have been here long enough to see this game change and understand what sort of things are in need of changes and things that are fine as is. Even if I am not accepted for this position. I would love to still talk and express my idea to you and maybe you and the dev team can take what I have mix it with your own and make it a thing.

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Re: Dev Project

Postby Sanjin Koukyu on Sun Sep 18, 2022 2:24 pm

Am interested!

I love dev work :}
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Re: Dev Project

Postby Sha`Ruse on Sun Sep 18, 2022 7:53 pm

I would love to help out with this. Been at TLI for over a decade now, and would love to help shape some of it. Though I am not online as often as I used to be, I'd be willing to get online more to help out. (Mom willing on good days). Thank you for your consideration. :)
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Re: Dev Project

Postby miyuka on Thu Sep 22, 2022 12:38 pm

just a lil update I've not made any decisions yet prolly gonna give this another week as I'm going to be rather busy with IRL and just mentally exhausted.
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Re: Dev Project

Postby miyuka on Tue Oct 04, 2022 2:46 pm

Alright I've made my decision, ty for those that reviewed and replied either on here or on IRC.
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