Consequences and You

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Consequences and You

Postby L`aquera on Wed Apr 13, 2011 2:12 pm

Consequences from Actions

Belariath is a world onto itself, where characters interact on a regular basis and stories evolve from those interactions. Some of those interactions may be considered ‘in passing’ by both parties, while others hold long ranging repercussions for both sides. It’s important to remember that everything your character does carries consequences, so if you do not want to face them, do not invite them.

It is courtesy that when you are involved in a scene with someone else, and you provide OOC consent to rape or harm, you are also informing the other of any possible consequence that might come from such an IC situation; such as anyone who might seek revenge for the assault. On the other hand, if you enter into a scene that is intended to push another character to their mental brink, harm, rape or kill them, you are taking on the implied consent of future action as a result of that scene from any who would be involved with the other character.

Failure to repeatedly avoid the consequences of your IC actions, or to consistently forget to tell your partner of any repercussions that later occur, will result in disciplinary action from the Ops.

I've taken an entire night to calm down from IC fuckery, as I'm going to term it. But! At no time were rules broken.

Since this hit home for me, rather hard, And lemme tell ya, the anger was off the chain, I'm going to reiterate this rule above because I believe a number of folk are forgetting it. It is CONSIDERATE of anyone entering a scene they ask for, to inform the player what ALL they are looking at as a lineup if you rape, beat upon, or stalk someone IC'ly. Why is this considerate? Because I have to say, despite my anger at a situation, I could also SEE the other side. I was just to angry at the time to express it. So lets make it clear here that you 'should' be warning people of the consequences of their actions. Via PM, or in the OOC is fine. But do make it clear to them out of simple respect to your fellow rp'r what if anything has been happening IC'ly after said issues. It doesn't have to be detailed, its not really a rule persay I'm asking for, but it would be considerate of all parties involved so that there are NO misunderstandings. So that the person that did the rape/beating/what have you, has a heads up at the very least.

I was NOT happy. I am still NOT happy, but there was no 'real' fault to point at anyone other than a lovely lack of communication. Its very important that you 'do' talk. Its horrid to be on the receiving end of suddenly a line up coming at you when you weren't informed of any of this, however, that which I've had bold and underlined is also the responsibility of the one doing the damage to ASK and not assume and if need be? Talk to the others that could be involved, just a quick "Hey, you know I beat on so n so or I raped so n so and I know he/she/it is like your lover, do I have to look over my shoulder?" Sometimes just a heads up to that person might take care of a lot of issues right off the bat. Before it gets muddled.

People handle IC as the IC happens. It isn't as if we are all chattering it up in each others PM to know a blow by blow. So be sure, before you step into it and you aren't the type to flow with rp, that you get the goods on everything that could or would, affect your char. This just protects you and your potential IC partner. I make sure to PM people when they want to rape/beat/might have thoughts of.. doing whatever to my char. That I pop into their pm and give them consent and the low down.


This is becoming a bone of contention. I can count to my second hand, not including thumbs, how many times someone 'has' been told.. "Yes but, you will have to pay the consequences.'" and received a big thumbs up from said person informed that yes, they understand. But, when it comes time for those consequences, it suddenly becomes a 'whine' fest. A passive aggressive argument that is frankly turning me off from playing with more than one person. I OFTEN when playing a very high level'd character, go out of my WAY to give people an out. In one form or another, be it OOC'ly or making a statement TO them, pm or OOC floor. Why would I do that? Why shouldn't I? Heres the rub. I am not here to inhibit anyone's fun. I want to see the theme of the channel played out as much as YOU want to play out the theme of the channel. To be perfectly honest, I don't really care about rape. Yours, mine, or theirs. My characters may think.. You bastard! But its common place. Its part of the THEME of the channel. And who doesn't enjoy a good scene? Nor are any of my char. going to go hunt anyone else down for something so common place. Its happened to them. They take their own revenge.

Anything further, that's a big difference. But if you do the crime, expect to pay for that crime. I'm really rather fed up with the excuses, the whining, the huffing out when you are 'called' on your crimes. The rule above states very clearly for you and everyone just what can and will happen and if you don't want it to happen? Then don't do the crime. Its really that simple.

If you have a character that spaz's out and does things they know are going to get them into a heap of trouble, be prepared to face that heat. Be aware that sometimes, actually MOST of the time, this is not a bad thing, that story lines develop from these things, that added fun comes of these things. I am of the few that believe in giving people a 'way out' if it involves me. Sometimes a good scare is all my char. will look for. Plenty of times I've just Free Formed it out and let people get in their shots. But I don't have to do that. No one 'has' to do that. Its called giving someone some respect. But it doesn't mean you have to do squat. You 'have' to follow the rules. You can be kind if it pleases you.
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Re: Consequences and You

Postby Stormbringer on Wed Apr 13, 2011 3:09 pm

I don't know what prompted that and since its been dealt with I don't really care to know either. I'm just going to reiterate something which should be more than obvious just by looking around you. TLI is not an average fuck-and-forget IRC channel. We put too much work into it for that. It is an *ongoing* fantasy environment. Characters live in a small geographic area and they exist from day to day, working and playing, just as any other community would.

Sure it has different norms and different logic to anywhere on Earth. But the premise is still the same. Nothing happens in limbo. Good or bad, what your character does is carried with them into the future. It will become known to others and it will affect their interactions with your character. We have artificial inhibitors in place to prevent the game becoming unplayable but that is all they are. The central premise is action and consequences.
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