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Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Wed Oct 23, 2019 9:24 am
by Ehlanna
Another quick update ... Muzna mentioned a short while ago a 'weighted choice' - whereby you could specify different options, but give them each a different chance of being picked, so "this" is twice as likely to be chosen over "that", for example. Being a simple example you could do that with the existing command: !choice this this that. But, if you, say reckoned "this" was only likely 10% of the time, with "that" being the rest .. well, then you'd have to type "this" 9 times
With the new command you'd simply use:
[10:16] <@Ehlanna> !weight this(10) that(90)
[10:16] <@Desdaemona> Chose option: 'that' for Ehlanna from the 2 weighted options

Like the !choice command you can use multi-word options
[10:18] <@Ehlanna> !weight "this one(10)" "that one(90)" another(100)
[10:18] <@Desdaemona> Chose option: 'another' for Ehlanna from the 3 weighted options

Limits are: the weight must be in brackets at the the end of the associated option and be a whole number between 1 and 100 (and inside any quotes used for that option).

The total of the weights can be anything as they are treated as a relative amount so !weight this(1) that(2) other(3) being the same as !weight this(10) that(20) other(30), which makes "that" twice as likely as "this" and "other" 50% likely to be picked: 30 is half of the total weights (10 + 20 + 30).

!whoice is a valid synonym for the command.

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 10:00 am
by Ehlanna
Another quick update, as suggested by Aavran. This is to an existing command, !slots, adding optional parameters: show, list and help. If you don't specify any it will default to 'show' which will do exactly what the command used to do. If, however, you use the 'list' option you will be shown what items are using those slots:
[18:29] <Ehlanna> !slots list
[18:29] <Desdaemona> Character Ehlanna has 40 equipment slots (13 free), used by - Equipment: 13, ShopItems: 0, Slaves: 12, Special Items: 2
[18:29] <Desdaemona> List of possessions and equipment, with slots used:
[18:29] <Desdaemona> concubine (2 slots): sarai,icu ayeo,brianna,Adara
[18:29] <Desdaemona> slave (2 slots): Detritus,Veri Mzil
[18:29] <Desdaemona> Slots 1: arrows, arrows, circlet, Cure Poison Potion, dagger, Full Healing Potion, gambeson, Horse, mithril dagger, Mithril greaves, mithril vambraces, robe of the arch magi, targe
[18:29] <Desdaemona> Slots used: 1: Item of Power - Ballad of Willow and Oak
[18:29] <Desdaemona> Slots used: 1: Relic - Bastard Sword of Elemental Bane
[18:29] <Desdaemona> -- end of list

Why not always use that option, well apart from not really needing to, there is also the additional overhead of database access and data processing that will consume Desdaemona time .. :)

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Fri Oct 25, 2019 1:25 pm
by Ehlanna
Oh, and at the same time I adjusted the out from the !equip command to return the results sorted in alpha order.

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:48 pm
by Ehlanna
Nothing obvious this time ...!
Stuff has been done with the back-end database in the are of equipment (the weapons, armour stuff) to allow certain items to be flagged as not being available for sale or only to be able to be sold by an Op. Currently, finally to match the descriptive text!, the Elven Warbow has been set to be an 'Op only' sale item. The various list commands, etc., have been updated to reflect these conditions and the relevant web pages will be updated in due course.
[22:44] <Ehlanna-AFK> !list weapon Elven warbow
[22:44] <Desdaemona> Details about weapon: Elven warbow
[22:44] <Desdaemona> Item requires an Op to do sale
[22:44] <Desdaemona> ATK rating: 5 Class: C
[22:44] <Desdaemona> Str Req: 18 Cost: 750.00 Mhl Slots: 1
[22:44] <Desdaemona> Extremely rare, normally given as a gift
[22:44] <Desdaemona> Full details at:

[22:45] -Desdaemona- Item 69 'Elven warbow': type Weapon, ATK value 5, price 750.00, slots 1, uses 0, level 1 strength 18 class C. (requires an Op for sale)
[22:45] -Desdaemona- Description : Extremely rare, normally given as a gift

[22:48] <+Allivia-HH> !itemsell Ehlanna-AFK 69 0mhl
[22:48] <@Desdaemona> -- this item requies An Op to do the sale

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Sun Apr 26, 2020 5:23 pm
by Ehlanna
A smallish update: the !item destroy and !item give commands can now be done in channel as well as in PM with Des

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Wed May 06, 2020 10:28 pm
by Ehlanna
Another smallish update ..
To better fit in with the 'mixed syntax' between !itemsell and !item give (with space and without, etc.) you can use either !item sell or !itemsell.
The same has been done for the !itemuse command, with !item use now being valid. If the item has uses left the command will now show how many left after the use. (This is in preparation for a system that may be implemented of the use of things like arrows not being automatic).

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2020 4:44 pm
by Ehlanna
After a while of trying I have manged to track down a possible way of checking if Desdaemona has lost contact with the database. As an aside this is a thing that happens from time to time, not often, hence the lack of urgency in pursuing a solution allied to the fact that to test it the database has to 'go away' ... ;)
There is now a timed check (every 10 minutes) to see if Desdaemona can access the database and if not a message will be displayed in OOC and an attempt to re-establish the link will be made.
So far all I can say is the the code looks to be good (no errors!) but as the database has yet to oblige I cannot say if the method of re-establishing the link will work. At worst you'll get a single line message in OOC every 10 minutes until someone (Amethine or myself) notices and steps in to fix things.
If all this faisl to work I will look at a very, very ugly way of sorting this out - which will involve giving the Ops a command that will kill Desdaemona, and allow the 'active check' process to do the restart at sometime within the following 15 minutes.

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 9:29 pm
by miyuka
ohhh there's a chance to get a command to murder that bitch. Payback for all the god awful dice rolls!

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 1:14 am
by Ehlanna
miyuka wrote:ohhh there's a chance to get a command to murder that bitch. Payback for all the god awful dice rolls!

If it will warm the cockles of your heart, the command that this would use would be .. die.

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 3:39 pm
by Ehlanna
The database connection loss happened a couple of night ago, and the code spotted it at the next scheduled check and corrected the issue by remaking the connection ... so no need to have the 'die' command after all, sorry Yuka :)

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2020 1:01 am
by miyuka
awww...but also, awesome!

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 3:30 pm
by Ehlanna
A couple of quick changes, one cosmetic, one not ...
First up, the cosmetic change - to the !money command. The !money give and !money sub command will now tell you how much you had and how much you have after the command:
Code: Select all
[12:40] <@Ehlanna> !money give Dragovar 100 mhl
[12:40] <@Desdaemona> *transaction* Ehlanna subtracted 100 mhl 0 cop and gave it to Dragovar
[12:40] -Desdaemona- You had 27073 mehrial and 98 copper and after using 100 Mhl 0 Cop have 26973 Mhl 98 Cop remaining

The second change is with the !qdice command. It has been possible to over-ride the default target number for a long while, it is now possible to specify a new damage die roll (also to add a comment if you wish). Just !qdice will, as before, use the defaults of target of 6 and damage die of 10:
Code: Select all
[13:12] <@Ehlanna> !qdice
[13:12] <@Desdaemona> Ehlanna (Ehlanna) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for d(10)5 damage

A different target number:
Code: Select all
[14:13] <@Ehlanna> !qdice 8
[14:13] <@Desdaemona> Ehlanna (Ehlanna) uses Quest Dice against a target of 8 and gets a 5, missing!

Using a comment:
Code: Select all
[15:24] <@Ehlanna> !qdice Example comment
[15:24] <@Desdaemona> Ehlanna (Ehlanna) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 4, missing!

Specifying a different damage die (valid values are 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 20):
Code: Select all
[15:25] <@Ehlanna> !qdice #12
[15:25] <@Desdaemona> Ehlanna (Ehlanna) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 7, hitting for (d12)11 damage

You can, of course mix and match (but if specified need to be in order of target damage die and comment):
Code: Select all
[15:26] <@Ehlanna> !qdice 4 #12 Example of all parameters
[15:26] <@Desdaemona> Ehlanna (Ehlanna) uses Quest Dice against a target of 4 and gets a 4, hitting for (d12)11 damage

Just using damage die and comment:
Code: Select all
[15:26] <@Ehlanna> !qdice #12 Example of all parameters
[15:26] <@Desdaemona> Ehlanna (Ehlanna) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 6, hitting for (d12)9 damage

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 4:21 pm
by Ehlanna
A small tweak, to correct some underlying flawed logic with e !deflist command. Only of merit to note if you happen to have more than one item of the same piece of armour (two vambraces, etc.). The code will only now count one item of the same name (and yes, it WILL be the one with highest DEF value if need be).

Code: Select all
[12:15] <Ehlanna> !deflist
[12:15] <Desdaemona> Defensive equipment held by Ehlanna
[12:15] <Desdaemona>  Equipment item ------------------------- | Str  | DEF  |
[12:15] <Desdaemona>  circlet                                  |    2 |    0 |
[12:15] <Desdaemona>  gambeson                                 |    1 |    1 |
[12:15] <Desdaemona>  mithril circlet                          |    2 |    0 |
[12:15] <Desdaemona>  Mithril greaves                          |    4 |   12 |
[12:15] <Desdaemona>  mithril vambraces                        |    9 |   18 |
[12:15] <Desdaemona>  robe of the arch magi                    |    4 |    5 |
[12:15] <Desdaemona>  targe                                    |    6 |    2 |
[12:15] <Desdaemona>  Total                                    |   28 |   38 |
[12:15] <Desdaemona>   --- end of list ---


Code: Select all
[12:21] <Ehlanna> !deflist
[12:21] <Desdaemona> Defensive equipment held by Ehlanna
[12:21] <Desdaemona>  Equipment item ------------------------- | Str  | DEF  |
[12:21] <Desdaemona>  circlet                                  |    2 |    0 |
[12:21] <Desdaemona>  gambeson                                 |    1 |    1 |
[12:21] <Desdaemona>  mithril circlet                          |    2 |    0 |
[12:21] <Desdaemona>  Mithril greaves                          |    2 |    6 |
[12:21] <Desdaemona>  mithril vambraces                        |    3 |    6 |
[12:21] <Desdaemona>  robe of the arch magi                    |    4 |    5 |
[12:21] <Desdaemona>  targe                                    |    6 |    2 |
[12:21] <Desdaemona>  Total                                    |   20 |   20 |
[12:21] <Desdaemona>   --- end of list ---

The cunning amongst you will work out that I have 2 pairs of graves and 3 vambraces!

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:28 pm
by Ehlanna
Another small tweak. Now, if you add 'flavour text' to one of the 4 'standard' combat dice roll commands (!clohyatk, etc.,) that comment will be echoed in the result outout.

Re: Desdaemona changes

PostPosted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 3:50 pm
by Ehlanna
A quick tweak to the !list weapon and !list armour sub-commands - if the item is a 'starter item' - available at character creation time that will now be shown on the 1st line. Also, if you are an MMR employee the item's ID will be shown (as used in the !itemsell command).