JUST recently, we had a fairly new player go off to create his own channel. This is not a bad thing, we don't really care nor mind. It was a Role Playing sexually based channel. Again, nothing wrong with it. Not until we caught wind that he was privately pm'ing people asking them to Join his channel. This raised red flags, it is considered piracy/pilfering of our players, but.. thats also a grey area. As long as there is no out right advertising or speaking of your channels you chose to make, it is not our business. What did become our business, was when we found out that people were role playing out very young children, being .... well I can't go into it. Its purely disgusting. It was disturbing on so many many levels that I can't even type it out.
What we do here as adults and the very reason we don't allow people coming in here as PC's under the consenting age of 18. Is that we all understand we ARE adults, not children that could get in the way of something... that... that.. oh my god I still can't say it....... I admit there aren't a lot of things as an adult I can't talk about but this is one of them, not because I want to keep someones privacy, because that will be wiped away, but because its damned fucking disturbing!!!! I don't even want others having to know what was done and condoned by this player that USED to be in TLI. NO LONGER! TLI will NOT support any kind of channel that supports.. that.. ever.
This is to let all our players know, and our future players, that if you go into this mans channel, you are no longer welcome here, because then you are condoning that sort of.. disgusting, behavior. And we won't be associated with it. End of subject. Non-negotiable.
The player was Aiden, and his channel was Blackheart Castle. No it wasn't on this, sorcery server, or I'd have it tossed off the server since they will not condone it either.
So if you know someone going over there, or are going over there? Get out. Stay out. If we find out, you'll be out. Thats it.
SB will be making a statement tomorrow morning on this subject.