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Slaves and ownership

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 3:30 pm
by Ehlanna
The website will be updated to reflect this, where it is currently 'in error' but, for now the following is the actual policy (as detailed in Theressa's post):
Slaves do not own things as they, themselves, are property. The day-to-day administration of that is bordering on impossible as well as impractical. Like a lot of things we leave it to the conscience of our players. However for some of the larger stuff, like property and boats and ships we feel we should be a bit more hard-line as despite the logical similarity of owning a thing there is a world of difference between a teaspoon and a cottage ... ;)
What does this mean? In simple terms, from now a slave will not be able to buy any REB item (plot, improvement, etc.,) or boat/ship (from SLIPWAY or DOCKYARD), nor will such plots, if already owned, be allowed to be altered (upgraded or degraded) regardless of who would pay (so a slave's owner will not be able to upgrade a slave's plot, if they had one).
Those plots and boats ALREADY owned will not be subject to buy-back, forced sale, etc., but will be subject to the ongoing 'no improvements'. We did discuss various measures to be taken (plots to be 'given' to slave owner, be placed in some form of escrow, etc.,), but in the end L`aquera decided that a policy of 'let be' was a more sensible approach.

Re: Slaves and ownership

PostPosted: Sat Dec 14, 2019 9:29 pm
by Tawny
Really glad to see this post and hope all players read it. Not only does it show the rules of slaves but it also defines the difference between concubines and slaves without having to boldly state it. Concubines can own property and can buy property and anything else they wish to do. Their Controlling Mate owners might set rules for them BUT the empire does not. The ISA has nothing more to do with a concubine once registering them is done. Unless a deregistering is needed, or maybe help if one if kidnapped..and that is up to the ISA at the time
if they wish to help find a kidnapped concubine. Concubines are Not slaves and slaves are NOT concubines. If the owner wishes to play that their concubine is controlled by them that is fine, but the empire does not and wont see a concubine as a slave. So unless rules are changed concubines can buy or upgrade property at any time.