May 17th Topic 'Lonely'

Weekly projects with absolutely no chance of either fortune or fame. Open to all.

Moderator: Tehya

May 17th Topic 'Lonely'

Postby Tehya on Tue May 17, 2016 3:51 pm

This week's topic is "Lonely"

This week's topic is for any expression in Art, Stories, Poems, or Photography!

Everyone is welcome to post their work here, and it doesn't have to be TLI based.

Please stop by to comment on fellow player's work I am sure they will appreciate it.

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Re: May 17th Topic 'Lonely'

Postby Tehya on Sun May 22, 2016 4:18 pm

A Journey of Loneliness

Every time she looked at the other woman she imagined her in the arms of her lover. Jealousy like a rage grew within her and Shantry plotted to make sure the feeling disappeared. Her tongue was sweet when near her lover, and she portrayed the most innocent of anyone he touched. Wondering in the back of her mind how he treated the woman he loved, and hate grew within her like a festering wound.

Jealousy led the woman named Shantry to the heights of twisting the man around her finger, even though he thought she was so innocent when bent at her knees doing his every bidding, she was the manipulator, and she wanted Envy out of his life.

Envy was Ergos true love without her he felt a void she was a bright red haired woman with a body that was flawless, a nice curve to her hips, soft skin, and breasts that he couldn’t get enough of. There was more to this woman than flesh. She had a height of intelligence where they could sit and talk for hours, and they grew from each others knowledge.

Shantry never gave Envy a chance, never looked beyond the sexual connection to her lover, why would she though, when all she thought of was sex and love … she the great controller of jealousy. Whims and hate grew every day and the manipulation of Ergo could of filled books teaching others how to manipulate a person.

Envy was a busy woman and gave her spirit to her lover, if anyone could hand spirit on a plate she did, but she allowed him to wander. There were no secrets between them none at all, and she knew of his other sexual rendezvous, but they were considerate to each other and didn’t wander over the borderline to dive into orgies together, there was a separation of respect but neither of them could hide the burning passion when near each other. It would be strange if he didn’t gather her in his arms to kiss her deeply not caring who was there.

They were intelligent enough to know their boundaries and yet free enough to allow themselves to express. There were no promises… how can a spirit promise to another spirit in spoken words, but that is where the word intelligence comes in again, and understanding.

Shantry spent more time worrying about her place in his life than actually enjoying life, even when she was promised to never be left behind. It was a sad situation for the time wasted in worry, could have been the right time for her to enjoy him and everyone else around him. Envy found her charming and offered her friendship wanting nothing to do with Shantry's whimpering. She was working to wipe that sort of person out of her path. She kept her temper and had put up with it for a long, long time.

Envy was given a silver dagger named Fate from a grand mage she met at Unigo, nothing fancy but plenty sharp enough to end someone’s life. It was always tucked into a sheath on her waist, and sometimes she would occupy herself sharpening it and testing how sharp it was.

Then the fateful night came; when Envy shared a tent in the desert with her love Ergos, they were wrapped in each others arms and the firelight played their shadows against the canvas. Talking and listening to the fire crackle, it was ecstasy that night as they told stories of elementals of sand and worlds not even seen by the strongest warrior’s eyes.

That night brought the couple to a new ecstasy where Ergos wondered if what they conjured in their minds was truth or fiction. Sand Elementals were something he never seen, nor did Envy really, but she was a curious one and watched outside the tent knowing there wasn’t a breeze, nor was anyone suppose to be there yet she seen a shadow.

Ergos was reading a book about elementals by the firelight and she crept out of the tent to see, she couldn’t help it after their conversation since the shadow she seen looked so odd. That is when the dagger came down to plunge into her back and she fell face first into the sand. Her breath was fading from her body and she watched the blood seep into the sand but she managed one call out, “Ergos!”

He could tell by the tone of her cry something was wrong. Shantry had used her own dagger and was pulling at Envy’s dagger to say she attacked her first, but she hadn’t known there was an enchantment on the dagger that could only be pulled from the sheathe with a special word so it wouldn’t budge. He stood there looking down at Envy and gathered her dead body into his arms.

Shantry slipped her weapon a bloody dagger under her tunic and stood there wide eyed and looked at Ergo’s face never seeing such hate and desperation.

“How did this happen?”

“I don’t know; I think she was mad and came at me with her dagger and I had to protect myself. I tried not to kill her but only stop her from killing me.”

His voice bellowed in that desolate desert.

“DO NOT LIE to me anymore, she couldn’t have pulled that dagger without saying a word, and I heard nothing.”

He stormed over to her and ripped her clothes off her only to see the hidden dagger fall into the sand with Envy’s blood on it. Oh Ergos could be a cruel man and that had fascinated his love Envy, she sometimes wanted to see how cruel.

He took the bloody dagger and slashed it across Shantry’s lying lips watching them fall to the sand and then neatly cut her tongue out, and then dissected her piece by piece until the last flutter of life faded from her, and she fell silent in the sand.

Bellows of rage were so loud it was like a hurricane of wind that whipped the sand into forms of elementals that to this day wander about the tent where Ergos remains next to Envy’s grave.

Shantry’s body was consumed by the vultures until all that was left was white gleaming bones in the sand.

Ergos erected the bones into a totem with Envy’s dagger sticking into her rib cage as symbolism. They were pristine and white gleaming in the sunlight and every night he would curl up against that mounded grave where Envy rested until one night he found her sitting there looking at him and she held her hand out to him.

She looked into his eyes and then the sand elementals gathered around them and they knew every story and dream they had would come true, as death put Ergos hand into hers. Rest, peace and eternity Jealousy finally was gone from their life. To this day adventurers that travel that area of the desert come back reporting of the rib cage totem that no one is able to pull from the ground and up on a large dune they see a couple’s body entwined in the most passionate kiss, only to disappear quickly into the moonlight with a parade of sand elementals in back of them.

Ergos was no longer lonely.
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Re: May 17th Topic 'Lonely'

Postby Stormbringer on Fri May 27, 2016 5:49 pm

Charm’d magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn

(John Keats)
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Re: May 17th Topic 'Lonely'

Postby Stormbringer on Fri May 27, 2016 5:57 pm

Nice story Tehya
Charm’d magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn

(John Keats)
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Re: May 17th Topic 'Lonely'

Postby Lucien Valdres on Mon May 30, 2016 4:03 am


It's the dark of night, with no end in sight,
A room of people, in which you stand alone.
The phone that sits, never to ring,
To be drawn close and held, all you long for,
Beauty of song, what makes you so wrong,
When laying at night, pillow held tight,
An avalanche of hurt, burying you whole.
To live with one to love, the cry of your soul.
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Re: May 17th Topic 'Lonely'

Postby Tehya on Mon May 30, 2016 4:17 pm

Great picture SB

Lucien as always your poetry is true to life experiences.
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Re: May 17th Topic 'Lonely'

Postby Ehlanna on Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:31 pm

And finally, I manage to get a picture done for the challenge!
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Re: May 17th Topic 'Lonely'

Postby Stormbringer on Sun Jun 12, 2016 2:07 pm

Nice one, Ehl !!
Charm’d magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn

(John Keats)
Check your baggage at the door and bring some magic through your
window onto the world of Belariath
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Re: May 17th Topic 'Lonely'

Postby Tehya on Sun Jun 12, 2016 5:40 pm

Great picture Ehl hope to see a lot more :P
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