Week of April 3rd Topic 'No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

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Week of April 3rd Topic 'No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Postby Tehya on Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:20 pm

This week's topic is, 'No Fury Like a Woman Scorned!'

Please place your Art, Poems, Stories, and Photography here.

Stop back and comment on the work, its much appreciated.
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Re: Week of April 3rd Topic 'No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Postby Akaton on Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:27 pm

So. I found this meme about a year or so ago and its kinda fitting so figured id post it here.
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Re: Week of April 3rd Topic 'No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Postby Stormbringer on Mon Apr 03, 2017 9:30 pm

Charm’d magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn

(John Keats)
Check your baggage at the door and bring some magic through your
window onto the world of Belariath
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Re: Week of April 3rd Topic 'No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Postby Lucien Valdres on Tue Apr 04, 2017 12:03 am

What, you are leaving me, what you cannot see?
How could you do this, how could you go?
To spend all your money, on your new honey,
Fuck you, fuck it all, fuck everything,
No, no, not at all, I wont be your friend,
Get out of my life, I wont be your wife,
See that this heart you made bleed,
I so thought It's you that I need,
But fine, go, whatever, I'm done.
Stupid prick, you've lost, you've not won.
See me now laughing, that's right I can,
Because I'm a woman and your just a man.
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Re: Week of April 3rd Topic 'No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Postby tbohms75 on Tue Apr 04, 2017 12:25 am

Okay, so I just finished this and thought it might be a good little story to put in here. Not Belariath themed, but it fits the theme of the week I think. Enjoy:

Takeshii slipped from the small house that she had managed to become a part of. It had not taken her long to meet up with another group, that was living sort of on the fly for the moment. They had taken her in, given her a place to call home for the time being. At least until she was ready to continue her journey. The past few months had gone by quickly, most of it spent in the quiet solitude of concentration and training. She knew that if she was to follow through on her own plans, she was going to need to be smarter, faster, stronger in general. Takeshii took time to wander a bit during her stay, always on the hunt for deserters that had chosen to turn against the Saiyan Solar Empire. This was what she had been tasked with, and something she would follow through all the way to the end. She really did not have a choice, or at least within her mind she didn't. The pride within her form, refused to allow her to back out of an arrangement she had already been placed within. She took a deep breath then, and would continue along her path, that dark chocolate gaze constantly watching the streets before her.

The shadows before her parted, and her gaze fell upon a familiar form. It was a man she had been following about for a little bit of time now. He was not known to her, not really, but she had heard his name in passing and it had embedded its way into her mind. She would stop, choosing to hide in the shadows of one of the nearby buildings and just watch for a moment. She had gotten good at using the shadows to her advantage, her flesh almost seeming to mold perfectly against wood and stone. That gaze shifted with the movement of the man before her as he seemed to just be lazily wandering his way along the street. The crack of thunder could be heard above, and moments later the skies opened up and cascaded their tears down upon their heads. She cursed softly to herself as she had not bothered to check the weather that morning, so now she stood there, quickly getting drenched by the torrent of rain. She had gotten so distracted in that moment, that the man she had been watching had managed to shift out of sight.

"Fuck me!"

Her words were spit out as she growled angrily and turned to continue her way down the street. She was intent on heading to the nearby bar she had been frequenting recently. It had become a place for her to not only relax, but catch up on the various rumors that always seemed to be flying around here or there. She would step inside, booted feet almost soundless as she made her way over to her usual table, settling in with a huff as she curled her back up into the corner. The bartender would look over towards her, but half of the time she did not really know if he saw her, or was just looking past her and into some ethereal space within his own head. Whatever the case was, she would soon find a large glass of wine settling in front of her, which she would bring to her lips while she sat...sat and listened.

All seemed to be quiet at first, a few wanderers here and there, but nothing that would particularly draw her attention. She would be half dozing off in that booth, when a slight commotion at the door would snap her awake, causing her to lean forward a bit in that booth. Standing at the doorway where a couple of younger Saiyan's. Both males, and both seeming cocky in their actions. They were both talking loud enough to be heard, and it was obvious they had been drinking already that day before even stepping into the bar.

"I told you we would be able to get away. Trust me, I am not going to let them catch us."

This was coming from the oldest looking of the two, his gaze seeming to spark with the light of excitement of being free. The younger one was still looking around, nervousness clearly written on his features.

"Are you sure they won't find us. They told us to come back. You know what happens for us not listening to them and returning like they told us to."

The older of the two snarled at the other,

"If you're going to be a chicken shit, then go back to Vegeta...I AM NOT GOING!"

The elder of the two would slip past and make his way to one of the tables in the center of bar, the younger soon following. The younger had a bit of a scowl upon his features, but it would not be enough to NOT keep him loyally at the side of the elder. They both settled in at the table, ordering drinks and something to eat. Takeshii had heard enough for her to determine that these two were part of the deserters that the older members of the Saiyan Solar Empire had sent her here to Earth to eradicate. Now, this only took her a moment or two before she was able to deduce what she needed to do next. With a shift of her form she was rising from that booth, her calculated steps carrying her across the bar, and over to that table where the two younger men now sat. Oh it was all her ploy now, but she would use her feminine whiles to her advantage to get what she wanted out of them.

"Well hello there boys. Care to buy a lady a drink?"

That soft feminine voice would be clearly heard as she pressed her hip against the edge of the table, the woman clad in only her skin tight leather bodysuit and those thigh high boots. Her tail twitched behind her as she spoke, her form leaning forward enough to just expose a slight expanse of creamy flesh to the two younger men. Her intentions where this...she was going to seduce the two men, draw them away from the bar and then take care of what needed to be taken care of. She had to do this, it was what she had been sent here for after all. Her past mistakes started to drift away from her as she began to focus on the here and now, on what she had to do to regain redemption in the eyes of those that had sent her out in the first place.

Both of the young men would shift forward within their seats, a combination of nervousness and exhilaration rolling through them both. The older would be the first to speak, his voice seeming to have shifted into a slightly deeper tone as he spoke, even as his gaze seemed to traverse her form with a look of intention deep within his pale blue depths.

"Sure, sure we can buy you a drink. Sit down, join us....unless, of course, you would like to go somewhere else for a drink."

The younger of the two just sat there, looking between them with that deer in the headlight look that made him appear even younger than he already did. He was shifting in his seat now, half expecting to soon be following the other two out the door. Or maybe it was more like half hoping to be following them out the door. It was then that Takeshii would turn, the rounded curve of her backside most evident as she made her way in the direction of the door, calling out over her shoulder with that same sultry tone of voice.

"Come on, we can go back to my place. We might be a bit more comfortable there."

The two men would shift then, completely abandoning the food and drink they had ordered to follow the enticing woman that had so readily offered to spend some time with them. Even if all she offered was a drink, they knew that the two of them together could just take whatever else they wanted from her, or beat her into a bloody pulp until she succumbed to their whims....or so they thought. Little did they know, Takeshii had other intentions, intentions far darker than a simple drink and shag. Oh no...that was the furthest from her wicked little mind at that very moment.

She led the men down the streets, actually heading in the opposite direction of where she had been staying. It would have been stupid of her to draw them back in the direction of where she called home at the given moment. If they managed to get free and went to others, that would be the first direction they would go. As they were passing by one of the darkened alley's she made a turn, and the two younger men would turn to follow, not really noticing that the streets had become rather deserted by that point. They only had eyes for the Saiyan woman before them. The moment the shadows entombed them, that was when she pounced, spinning around on the balls of her feet, and channeling her ki into herself to form that pall of energy that was an extension of her fists, hoping to catch the older and larger of the two off guard.That ball of energy would hit the young man square in the gut, shooting him back against the wall with a loud *thwap* of sound that would resonate around them.

"What do you think you're doing? Who are you? You do realize I am a Saiyan right?"

She would turn then, channeling that energy towards the younger now and hitting him so hard that it shattered the nearby buildings when he hit that wall. There was a quiet rage boiling within her at that moment now. It was quite evident in the darkened color of her chocolate colored eyes. That thin tail would whip behind her slowly, occasionally lifting up to wrap around her thigh as those glowing orbs of rage would nearly consume her.

"Deserters! Do you not think you would not be found? Do you not think that you would be made to pay for turning against the Saiyan Solar Empire?"

There was pride in her voice, a pride that showed where her loyalty lay in that given moment, and that loyalty resided with the Empire alone. The two younger men were far too weak to put up much of a fight beyond a few sharp words spoken from their lips and aimed in the direction of the Saiyan warrior.

"Fine, return us to Vegeta. If you think that for one moment, we will not hunt you back down and make you pay for ever trying to hunt us down, then you have another thing coming...girl."

In that moment, it could not be certain exactly what it was that triggered her from pride to blind rage...however she knew exactly what it was....that word. A life spent being ridiculed by her friends and family because she was a girl wanting to be a warrior. A life spent being looked down upon because she chose to follow in her father's footsteps. It all flashed through her mind like a tidal wave....and she turned. Charging forward like a bullet ejected from the muzzle of a gun, her fists would fly, pummeling against both of the young men with consistent swings. Both of the men would be turned into bloody pulps, soon crumbling to the ground at her feet, no longer moving...no longer breathing. They were nothing more than shells to a non existent life force that had been beaten out of their slender frames.

“I am not just a girl you worthless excuses for men. I am the girl that just ended your lives.”

Takeshii stood over them, her body trembling with rage, every breath being hissed through clenched teeth. Her eyes were swollen in her head, and she looked more like a demon than Saiyan in that very moment. Takeshii's fingers were coiled into fists still, almost seeming locked into place. Time seemed to slip past, the rain still tumbling down upon her head. She would slowly begin to focus, her head tilting back to allow the cool rain to wash over her flesh. A chest rose and fell with panted breaths, before slowly returning to normal. When she finally opened her eyes, she had returned to normal, an almost peaceful look upon her features. No words would be spoken as she turned and walked away, her booted feet carrying her soundlessly back to that bar. The tender would look at her, giving her a knowing look before another glass of wine would be brought to that booth, that booth that she sank back down into and let the shadows swallow her once again.
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Re: Week of April 3rd Topic 'No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Postby Tehya on Wed Apr 05, 2017 12:03 am

Very nice SB she sure looks scorned.

Great poem Lucien, loved the last line!

Nice story Boannan, liked the action in it.
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Re: Week of April 3rd Topic 'No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Postby Lozen on Wed Apr 05, 2017 6:06 am

I tried. XD
Woman Scorned Challenge.jpg
Beware of Dog
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Re: Week of April 3rd Topic 'No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Postby Tehya on Wed Apr 05, 2017 2:42 pm

Made me laugh this morning Lozen, too funny with the doghouse bit. Thanks
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Re: Week of April 3rd Topic 'No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Postby tbohms75 on Wed Apr 05, 2017 10:09 pm

Hahaha, love the doghouse bit.
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Re: Week of April 3rd Topic 'No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Postby Tehya on Fri Apr 07, 2017 4:49 pm

Sorgram... caught her heart on fire
Memories of dances in the snow... faded
A kiss that sent her into rapture from a liar
Another couldn't match only his arms could suffice
She decorated him with the name Patron
BUT it should have been Satan
That promise of love so fierce
and if she left he would pull his heart out with his fist
That first smack to her jaw
Left her bloody and raw
Then came a fellow bard
Miranda was quite refreshing and never thought too hard
The words fell from her pretty lips
with a lethal sting that rips
Made Sorgram so angry he had a hissifit
Such a tiny sting to a man so big
He killed the bard that loved to sing
That was the wrong move
Tehya would lose love and smile
Yet this bard's death made her wild
A list of things to set him straight
Was written while gentle Morgan kept her from hate
What I wish and command to be returned to me
Will make the decision to kill love your destiny

This list might be the first time a wife bonded has demanded her belongings back that were bought for her as part of the marriage and Tehya had a long list.

1. A full new wardrobe for my friend Miranda.
2. All paintings Tehya has done within the temple
3. All my clothing, duvets, sheets and curtains.
4. The statue of the dragon outside the temple
5. All furnishings given to me the night we were wed, included that nasty wedding bed.
6. The dark guard you had me walk in front of naked, now he can be relished in front of you and your sacred.
7. I might even visit the man who killed you that I hate so, just to revenge you, paint a few pictures of him, You know that man who killed you years ago?
8. I take back that special poem I wrote to you.
9. I will have Morgan explain to you how to keep a woman's interest.
10. Number Ten is something we both know, but that will be taken away nice and slow.

Special poem

Temple of Uvelcra

The pulsing in the temple Uvelcra
The ever insistent beat becoming your heat
Absorb it… hear the music
The fire within your veins
Your heartbeat becoming one of the same
Temple of Uvelcra
The Volcano… the anvil
That very hard mountain of stone
Has heat …some will never know
Insane…such heat
Can you feel it beat
Red hair of fire
Sculpted in the mire
Temple’s hammers finding the beat
Pulsing through your veins
Not a vengeful god they say
Don’t mock fire
Temple Uvelcra

No fury like a woman Scorned

(OOC) This divorce has created a story-line for anyone who wants to join us. Sorgram and I have no hard feelings personally and enjoy the chance to offer rp for all to join us.
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Re: Week of April 3rd Topic 'No Fury Like a Woman Scorned

Postby Stormbringer on Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:29 pm

Very good contributions by everyone
Charm’d magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn

(John Keats)
Check your baggage at the door and bring some magic through your
window onto the world of Belariath
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