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Dec. 7th Creative Challenge topic My Favorite Gift...

PostPosted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 11:34 pm
by Tehya
This week's topic is My Favorite Gift
This does not have to be TLI based, but original Art, Stories, Poems, and Photography.

Post your entries here and come back to vote on a winner.
Feel free to leave comments too, those sharing their work will appreciate it.

Re: Dec. 7th Creative Challenge topic My Favorite Gift...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 6:39 am
by CallieO
It was the winter of 1992. For the last couple of years, the only video game system I had was the Sega Master System, which was a perfectly acceptable device, but it didn't hold a candle to the Nintendo Entertainment System. I used to go over to my best friend Craig's house across the street and play his NES all the time. In particular, I loved Super Mario Bros. 3, to the point where I bought the Nintendo Power Complete Strategy Guide for it. I sat awake at night with a flashlight, memorizing the layouts and the locations of all the 1-Ups and Special Suits. I loved it when I started getting much farther in that game than he ever could. He was at a complete loss to explain how I'd gotten so good, and I don't think I ever told him.

But in 1992, I had recently discovered Sonic the Hedgehog, thanks to a display at Toys R Us. If I recall correctly, the system reset every 15 minutes or so, so I couldn't get into the second Zone, but I must have played the complete Green Hill Zone several times through. When I saw they were coming out with a sequel, I bought a gaming magazine that showed the first couple of courses. (And yes, I was also enchanted by the idea that they debuted a two-tailed fox as Sonic's sidekick).

I had to have that game, and the system to play it on. So that's what I asked my parents for, for Christmas.

Mom and Dad never really had very much money, and *still* don't, but they were determined to get this system for me. On Christmas morning, 1992, I woke up and saw a HUGE box under the tree. But the smaller boxes were to be opened first.

One of them, which was in a box that vaguely resembled a VHS tape, was Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the Genesis. Another one was Ms. Pac-Man, same system.

Of course, I started freaking out with excitement, but I look back on it now and laugh: My parents managed to spoil the ending for me! Now I knew that either that big box under the tree, which would be opened last, was the Genesis system itself, which came with the original Sonic the Hedgehog. That, or my parents were morons who didn't understand the most basic concept of a video-game system.

Naturally, the Genesis *was indeed* the big box, and my sister Laura and I had countless hours of enjoyment with those games, which continue to this day. I still occasionally pick up one of the original Sonic the Hedgehog games (though, these days, I play them on an emulator), and have a lovely time with them. I've gotten used to them, to the point where they're no longer as difficult as they used to be, but they're still a blast to play.

Re: Dec. 7th Creative Challenge topic My Favorite Gift...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:16 pm
by Twerlinger

One wife's attempt at a perfect gift for her mate.... a new slave

Re: Dec. 7th Creative Challenge topic My Favorite Gift...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:40 pm
by Tehya
Callie what a great story and I am glad you shared it with us.

Twerl great picture and every man's fantasy! I like the skin tones.

Re: Dec. 7th Creative Challenge topic My Favorite Gift...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 9:59 pm
by Tehya
Christmas Wish

He showed his face and those lips that smiled
It faded to black but not in my mind
No its there forever even when I close my eyes
His beard brushing against my lips
His eyes filled with spark

I curled up in the chair by the tree and closed my eyes
His face loomed up next to mine no lie

Lips traced down to my thigh
I didn’t feel forlorn, his kisses made me squirm

When I gasped with pleasure what did I see?

Those lips that smiled at me

Hope your Christmas is happy and look what happens if you play too many games.
Santa puts you in the stable and locks you away.

The cats and I cry for attention day and night.
WOW will be put out of sight.

Come hold me in your arms like you used to and watch the tree.
It becomes hard to remember without your arms refreshing me

I Love You Every Christmas Until Eternity!

My greatest gift still by my side!

Re: Dec. 7th Creative Challenge topic My Favorite Gift...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 5:47 am
by Naomi
The Charlie Brown Tree

When I was young we did not have a TV. So before I ever saw Charlie Brown's Christmas Special my brother gave me the best gift ever.

We were about 7 and 9 years old, with me being the elder. We had made gifts for each other but they were not special to anyone but us. We had no tree but my brother knew I wanted to have one. Christmas Eve he snuck out of the house on a very cold snowy night and was gone for hours. When he returned he refused to tell me where he had been so he went to bed without telling me anything. The next morning tho I awoke after him and went to find him to see if he would finally tell me where he had been. Much to my surprise I found him in the small living room with a pine tree branch stuck in an old coffee can. He was in the process of decorating it with popcorn 'tinsel' when I arrived. he smiled up at me and said "I got you a tree". He had placed our meagre presents around that tin can and we had the best Christmas ever.

Over the years we kept that tree. Every year we added a few more ornaments until it was too brittle and forlorn to hold any more. After finally seeing the Charlie Brown Special we always recalled his 'Charlie Brown' tree he had gotten was the best present ever.

Re: Dec. 7th Creative Challenge topic My Favorite Gift...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 10:56 pm
by Tehya
Lovely Story! and now its time to vote!