Sorcery Ops did figure out that they could however target the fact that the spammers were spamming pretty much the exact same message every single time and use that to target and block them with an automated system.
This caused a bit of an issue recently, and now has a bit of a continued warning with it. Several people who had copied the spammer's messages got caught in the g-line purge all across Sorcery, also multiple bots who tend to repeat messages, such as our own Desdaemona, was also smacked down. We were able to clear our own user's names, and get Desdaemona back online, but there are some issues that still remain and so I give a warning:
- Minimize copy-paste in IRC - They're monitoring messages, so if you get hit with a spammer, don't copy and paste their message, not even with a 'look at this nonsense' type of context, as you'll likely get flagged as one of the spammers due to repeating the messages. Copying and pasting -FROM- an outside program, such as notepad or word -TO- IRC should be fine.
- Be mindful about repeating messages - Once or twice should be fine as they're trying to monitor a mass message spam, but only quote other people once or twice, and repeat yourself rarely.
- If G-Lined - G-Line is a temporary ban from all of Sorcery, default length is 30 days. If you can get a message to the SORCERY (Not TLI) Ops, they may be able to lift it.