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TLI's A-Team CombatBuddy

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 1:14 am
by Amethine

The A-Team Combat Buddy!

(Created by Amethine. Credit goes to Abby and Airy for their support, as well as Ellyssa, Dragovar, Miyuka, L`Aquera and Ehlanna)

A-Team CombatBuddy.xlsx
(61.51 KiB) Downloaded 31 times

So, first thing's first, here's what it looks like.


Now, it may look busy and confusing, but it's actually quite simple to use! Below is a nice simple diagram that splits the spreadsheet up in sections. Let's look at the top half first.

How to auto-generate your Combat Dice rolls!

How to use the roll generator!

  • Part 1:
    Select the dice roll you want to use. That's it!

  • Part 2:
    You won't have to do anything with this a lot, only the first time you open the calculator. This is where you add in all your stats and gear. All GREEN cells expect an input of some kind (even if it's 0). ORANGE cells, are optional, you can just leave them alone unless you need them. Everything should be fairly self explanatory. If you have a bonus to your stats from items or whatnot, just put in the total, like you would if you were using combat dice. (If you have +5 INT from a bit of gear, and +3 INT from having a familiar, then you put in 8 in the cell for the INT bonus). If you're using a normal dagger, put 1 in the cell for bonus to CloPhyAtk, or whatever bonus you happen to get. If you're using an attack spell, put in the number of slots used to cast it. All the armor is chosen from drop-down menus.

  • Part 3:
    As mentioned in Part 2, this is all optional as they're all orange. These are used if you suffer any negatives (or buffs) to your stats, or to the entire roll. If you suffer from an effect that lowers your INT by 30%, put 30 in the INT debuff cell. If all your stats are lowered by 40%, put 40 in the ALL debuff cell (if you have a buff, simply put that buff as a minus, so a buff of 200% to all stats, you would put -100 in the ALL cell as you're gaining that amount of your stat as a buff/bonus). The other side of this, adds a @% modifier to the entire roll. So if you suffer a 10% debuff to all CloPhyAtk rolls, put a 10 in the CPA cell. Bear in mind, if you put anything in the CLAW cell, it overrides everything in the stat debuffs, because there's no greater stat debuff than using CLAW. That and the math involved there was far too daunting.

  • Part 4:
    This is where the magic happens. When you want to make your roll, simply highlight the red cell, and copy it. Then go to your IRC and paste it directly into the message window, and you should see the roll you want to make already typed out! Either type a comment, or hit enter, and let Desdaemona do the rest.

That's one half of the Calculator! You don't need to worry about anything else if you don't want to, but you can if you want, keep a tab on your life and stamina during a fight, or everybody else's!



How to track Life/Stamina of everybody involved in a fight, and keep tab on active effects!

How to track life/stam costs in a battle!

  • Part 1:
    You may have noticed that the bottom half of the spreadsheet looked a bit blank, that's because these purple cells are empty. When you fill out each row with a Name, and the max stamina/life of that person, the row will then light up green and red. You can find out the stats of someone by typing "!stats CHARACTERNAME" in a private query to Desdaemona.

  • Part 2:
    As an example, say the A-Team was in a quest and fighting evil and saving the day. With this, you can keep track of their status per round. The GREEN cells are for stamina costs, the RED cells for life lost. So if Abby used a RanPhyAtk, Airy cast a ZOT at 5 slots, and Amethine cast a defense spell at 15 slots, with a 7 slot focus enchantment, then you would put a 1 for Abby, 6 for Airy and 9 for Amethine in that green column. Gaining life and stamina is easy enough, just put the amount gained that round as a minus. So, an !evade that returns 12 stamina, would mean you put -12 in that round's green cell. It's the exact same for any life lost or gained. This can go up to 34 rounds, because no reasonable combat should EVER last that long. Ever.

  • Part 3:
    This section here gives you a brief summary of each character in the fight, what their current life and stamina is.

  • Part 4:
    Like above, this is where the magic happens. Copy this red cell, and paste it into IRC directly, and you can post an update of everybody's Life/Stam totals. Using the current example with the A-Team, assuming that the first round was spent on a RanPhyAtk, a 5slot spellcast and a 15slot shield cast (with focus), then that red cell will give you this:
    "End of Round: 1 - Abby: [S: 107 / 108] [L: 133 / 133] | Airy: [S: 58 / 64] [L: 50 / 50] | Amethine: [S: 46 / 55] [L: 32 / 32] | "
    And yes, I've tested it on multiple IRC clients, it should appear coloured as well! Assuming colour-coding hasn't been stripped

  • Part 5:
    This part here is quite special. Sometimes, keeping track of what was cast when can be a nuisance, especially when multiple effects are active at once. So, I made a tracker! It works off of the Life/Stam tracker, so you have to be using that every round to make sure the tracker works properly. Each time you put data into a new Round column in the Life/Stam tracker, the "Current Round" updates to show what round it is, you use that round number to record when something was cast. In this area, you can see 4 rows of cells. White, Green, Purple and Red. Ignore the red for now. The white row is simple enough, it's the Notes cell. Simply type in something to remind you of what it is you're tracking. Like "Amethine, Fur Armor x15" or something. The green row is for putting in the round number the effect was cast on. The purple row, is for how many rounds the effect will last for. For example, if Defensive Winds lasts for 8 rounds, you put 8 in that cell. Then the red cell will give you an output, and will start counting down the rounds until the effect expires, where it'll be replaced with an X to let you know that the effect is no longer active.

I hope this helps! Trying to learn dice combat can be daunting, so I hope that this can help ease the task a little! If there's any issues or problems, don't hesitate to say in this thread, or hit me up with a PM here on the MB or on IRC. Me, Abby and Ellyssa tested this thing a lot, but there's always that possibility of missing something.

Don't have Excel?
If you don't have excel, then you can TRY free alternatives, but there's no guarantee they'd work. At all. However, you CAN use this GoogleDocs link to make your own copy online, it should behave just the same. The only difference is you select your attack from a dropdown rather than with buttons:

A-Team CombatBuddy.xlsx
(61.51 KiB) Downloaded 31 times

Re: TLI's A-Team CombatBuddy

PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2019 7:47 am
by Ellyssa_Flamewing
Just gonna take a moment to say, this little sheet works just fine! I've found it vastly simplifying my combat RP both from the perspective of someone running a quest or officiating over a gladiator match, and from the perspective of just one character trying to figure out what their specific armor value is and what commands and values to use to attack or defend. This sheet is well worth the time to learn, and for those of you who play on mobile devices too, I've used it with google docs both on my computer and my iphone app with equal luck.