For all things IC and OOC pertaining to the castle, lands, and port in the far north, named Virelith

Moderators: L`aquera, Stormbringer, StormWind, Naomi


Postby Naomi on Wed Apr 08, 2020 11:55 pm

Virelith Roster

House Emblem

Stormwind – Steward

Katryanna - Head Healer - Seneschal

Jarek Kaeden - - Master Scout, Apprentice Seneschal

Kalika - Freelance Twilight Breeze

Liel - Librarian

- Freelance Chief Cartographer

Thunder - Personal Guard for Noble

= Guards =
(Ranked skills needed for bonus pay each month as a Guard. Only 3 needed: scouting, hunting/trapping, first aid/triage, soldiering or horsemanship)
(Guard Uniform description coming soon)

Carnage - Guard

Erik Darkwynd - House Guard

Gray - House Knight

Raviina - House Guard

= Healers =
(Ranked skills needed for bonus pay each month as a Healer. Only 3 needed: first aid/triage, potion making, alchemy, tending/etiquette, scribe)

Xembra - Healer

= Gardener =

Natasha`Dracov - Freelance Gardner

= = Scouts = =
(Ranked skills needed for bonus pay for Scouts, Only 3 needed: tending etiquette, scribe, cartography, first aide/triage, scouting)

Droyn - scout/guard

Gideon - Apprentice to Capt of the Guard

Kaede - Scout and Shaman

Syn - Freelance Scout/Shaman

= = Other Positions = =
(Ranked skills needed for bonus pay. Only 3 needed: tending/ettiquette, first/triage, scribe)

Angel`Wolff - Spirt wind <house Shaman>

Greygoreh - Freelance Blacksmith

LayTrayin - House Mage

Meri - house tailor

Sarmani - Freelance Researcher

Tarsis - Freelance

Valara - Freelance

Voo - Freelance
Because I am one with the taker of life, and I love pain and suffering, misery and death as it loves me. These are things I am not willing to give up, if death is release then let it never find me so I may live long and suffer much.
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