Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas

Postby Tehya on Fri Dec 23, 2016 3:14 pm

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To all the players of TLI I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas, and to those who don't celebrate Happy Holidays.

I must admit this game which I have played for years has been a catalyst to my creativity as a writer and a great diversion from my health issues.

To each and everyone I know, and to those I do not know, I hope the feeling of Christmas... the warmth and awareness to share with others stays with you throughout the year. Giving to others is the best feeling ever.

AND if you have room, there are many pets needing homes... even fosters to take in to get ready for adoption. That doesn't work for me, I wind up keeping them LOL but a lot of people do it.

Merry Christmas
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Re: Merry Christmas

Postby Elentin on Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:58 pm

Thank you Tehya.

I would to wish too everyone Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays.
To spend these time with your familly and friends in good and happy atmosphere.
To be healthy you and your familly.
I wish you. :)

And thank you for these last few months which I spend with you all.
Nice picture
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Elentin|Vys|, Leara, Blaithinn, Isilvenn, Kuulik
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