Solandias Flora and Fauna

This is for the House Solandias

Moderators: Naomi, Xanetia

Solandias Flora and Fauna

Postby Naomi on Wed Nov 02, 2022 2:13 am


Helix Deer

A deer native to the Solandias wilds, the helix deer is unique in that, unlike normal species of deer, this one is carnivorous. Males and females both possess long, spiraled horns in the shape of a helix (with bucks having longer, sharper ones) that are capable of impaling prey. As opposed to the flat teeth of their herbivorous cousins, the helix deer has the sharp teeth of a carnivore. Preferring to hunt smaller animals such as the solandian hare, the helix deer will bound across the snow scape at high speed--and attempt to impale its prey using its horns. Once it has, the creatures will release the prey by dragging their horns against a tree or rock, at which point they will eat the creature.

Though they seem to prefer to hunt, the helix deer will regularly eat carrion as well. They also appear to be omnivorous overall, supplementing their diet with berries and fern leaves.

White Bear (rare)

While rare there are enough for sightings to happen, this beast is a one ton bear of all white. The fur is white year round. Mostly found in the forested mountain. The fur is coveted for its velvety softness. Only found in Solandias. ( )


Quite common and decidedly shy. While they may not come near people they will come out for food when it is scarce and can be quite ferocious when threatened. ( )


while some are quite large and sport good sized racks the ones in the mountains are generally smaller and easily carried after a kill by a wolven or other larger person.


Generally found in less dense part of the forests they are larger than the deer and provide good meat.


Normal bears tend to be quite large and up to 700 to 800 lbs. They come in thee colors normally, black, brown and golden.While they are mainly passive woe to those who piss them off. Bear meat can also be eaten tho tends to be fatty. prized for their claws as well.

Alpacha Mountain Sheep

Bigger than regular Mountain Sheep, but a couple of hundred pounds, this fauna can be used to make clothing with its warmer and comfier than wool feel. The meat is tender, and non-gamey in taste, and overall the best to have in wintry climates.

El`Garemnta Butterfly
- The El`Garemnta butterfly are only found in the mines of Solandias, the caterpillars eat the minerals in the mines and pupate into butterflies that glows with bioluminescence. The butterflies are large and live for a year before they die. They eat the minerals that are in the mines, as they did when they were caterpillars and have teeth that grind down the minerals inside of the mines. Safe to people they often like to spend time with people in the mines and they don't know that people are dangerous. When cornered, they will attack with their grinding cheek, but they do not attack. (see additional write up here : viewtopic.php?f=290&t=25488&p=167992#p167992 )

Solandian Hare
- has white fur and black eyes, with elongated ears like those of a hare. It has a lithe, agile body with unusually broad feet, along with significantly thicker darker colored fur on its stomach. While capable of bounding around quite quickly on the snow as a result of the snow-shoe like benefit it receives from its broad feet, the Solandian hare's thick, oily fur on its stomach confers an advantage over its normal brethren--namely, being able to slide on its stomach at high speeds. This allows the hare to evade predators while losing less energy, as it deftly maneuvers between hopping and sliding. That said, while they tend to be quite difficult to catch on ground with sufficient snowfall, less snowy areas rob them of their camouflage and limit their maneuverability. This is why the predators of the hare typically try to drive it towards areas with less snowfall, where they can be cornered far more easily.


Pine trees

While found all over the region most are tall. Upwards of 15foot or more. Can be used for lumber and is quite readily available.

Deciduous trees

Found in more deeply forested areas and conceivably are mainly oak and maple. The oaks can be used for good lumber on a limited basis and the acorns from the oaks can be used for making flour and in cooking. The maple are highly prized for the syrup made from the trees sap.

Sky Apples

Blue apples with a fuzziness around them *think peach fuzz*. Have a mellower taste than apples, but best eaten when frozen when the real taste of the fruit comes out which is more of a fruit punch taste. Can be found in forests, or by themselves.

Snow Drops

In small patches in the forests or in small clearings can be found a low growing plant with heart shaped leaves. The leaves when dried would produce an almost clear tea that tastes of strawberries. The fruit found among the leaves were heart shaped globes that when eaten frozen or even thawed would taste of strawberries and cream. (grows only in Solandias) ( )
Because I am one with the taker of life, and I love pain and suffering, misery and death as it loves me. These are things I am not willing to give up, if death is release then let it never find me so I may live long and suffer much.
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