What the Ops do in the Ops room.. all top sekret stuff

Jokes, word games and general un-serious stuff because Jonie said there isn't enough fun on the board

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What the Ops do in the Ops room.. all top sekret stuff

Postby L`aquera on Wed Sep 07, 2011 12:16 am

<@Miyuka> oh I know who is setting the fires
<@Miyuka> it's obviously L`aquera. Cause she's a fire mage. And a moriel.
<@L`aquera> Hey now!
<@L`aquera> It wasn't L`
<@Miyuka> of course. That is what L would say.
* @L`aquera smiles, rubs Ehlvils beard
<@Miyuka> but we all know you can't trust a moriel as far as Yuka can throw one. Without the use of her magics.
<@Ehlanna> Meep!
<@Miyuka> lol
* @Archaon is havin fun pewpewin orkz :o
<@Miyuka> you pvpin?
<@Miyuka> and I thought you were hord-alicious
<@Miyuka> or are you playin Warhammer SPACE MARINE!
<@Archaon> space marine :o
<@Kain> how's that?
<@L`aquera> Well Kain..
<@L`aquera> It goes like this
<@L`aquera> You take the right gun out, you put the right gun in, you take the left gun out, and you pew pew pew all about.
* @Kain snaps up a beat for L`aquera
<@Archaon> lol
<@Kain> thats awesome. I was totally prepared for a Seasme street song moment, and L`aquers did not dissapoint
<@L`aquera> :/
<@Archaon> I like it. I'm jumpin around with a jump pack right now, bashin orks with aerial attacks
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Re: What the Ops do in the Ops room.. all top sekret stuff

Postby Archaon on Sat Oct 08, 2011 6:27 pm

rofl awesome :D
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Re: What the Ops do in the Ops room.. all top sekret stuff

Postby L`aquera on Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:57 am

<@Archaon> i hate this damn class more and more.. but it's almost over.
<@Archaon> if it isn't for its sheer irrelevance to what I wanna do, it's the fact that I sit by a stank ass old dude that wears the same fuckin camoflague pants everytime I see him, and cannot shut the fuck up when the prof is talkin.
<@L`aquera> Ask him to act like his pants :D
<@Elthorion> so fart.
<@Archaon> lmao
<@Elthorion> drop a big ole taco bell powered ass blast right next to him
<@L`aquera> ewww!
<@Elthorion> tell him to stfu, or the colonic assault continues
<@Archaon> and all this group crap. i can't stand group work
* @L`aquera facepalms.. giggles
<@Elthorion> tell him this while eating white castle. Then he, and the rest of the world, knows yuo mean business
<@Archaon> lol
<@L`aquera> this is so going to the MB
<@Elthorion> however, your lower GI tract with fucking HATE you.
<@Elthorion> and probably rebel.
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Re: What the Ops do in the Ops room.. all top sekret stuff

Postby Ryke Masha on Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:12 pm

*looks around the MB sees this and just starts to laugh his ass off* Oh lord I needed this laugh after a long day
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Re: What the Ops do in the Ops room.. all top sekret stuff

Postby Archaon on Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:46 am

There's so much more that should be added..
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Re: What the Ops do in the Ops room.. all top sekret stuff

Postby L`aquera on Thu Mar 05, 2015 12:23 am

<@Quilain> heh: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B_R5l4sVAAAv3HN.png
* @Cevelt eyes Scath
<@Cevelt> Hello. I am L`max. Your personal Opcare, provider. On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate your star wars addiction?
<@Quilain> says the one who constantly makes star wars jokes at my expense ;)
<@Cevelt> Yes. I wonder why....
* @Cevelt whistles
<@Viktor`Corsarris> lol
* @Cevelt totally puts this in the Ops say the damndest things, section of the MB
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Re: What the Ops do in the Ops room.. all top sekret stuff

Postby Morrigan_Steel on Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:41 pm

oh this is wonderful to see! I had always wondered what you all did in there but its great you have a place to vent and have some fun and not just all serious work and problems. You all work so hard for us, so thank you for sharing.
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Re: What the Ops do in the Ops room.. all top sekret stuff

Postby L`aquera on Wed Jun 08, 2016 10:51 pm

<@Miyuka> I would if I could but to cancel now would be a dick move on my part
<@L`aquera> Be a dick. Be a dick. Be a dick.
* @L`aquera smiles slowly
<@Sorgram> smirks. 'i can double her speed.'
<@L`aquera> I get all excited by Wargames, I never know what they might do or say or even act upon
<@Kir^Trelander> That's what L chants when she opens up gifts.
<@L`aquera> Only if they are attached to men
<@Miyuka> lol
* @Kir^Trelander wears a bow around his waist.
<@Kir^Trelander> Happy Birthday...Missus...pres-i-deeeent.
<@Miyuka> I'm so glad no one is around to have heard me bursting out laughing. that is not a thing I wish to explain outloud
<@L`aquera> LOL
<@L`aquera> I just did :p
* @Sorgram now pictures Kir in a white summer dress and blond hair...and a beard.
* Miyuka is now known as Miyuka-AFK
<@Kir^Trelander> It's hawt, right?!
<@Kir^Trelander> The beard really ties it all together.
<@L`aquera> Is it fuzz above lip?
<@L`aquera> Like the Hitler version of almost sexy?
<@Kir^Trelander> http://imnotpostingthissothatkircanhurtmelater.jpg
<@Kir^Trelander> It's a full beard!
<@Kir^Trelander> That's my face when anyone mentions Kir-Yaoi.
<@Miyuka-AFK> nice!
<@Archaon> giving the inn lurker another minute before i punt em. not answering
<@Miyuka-AFK> Oh my, yer pretty hot, Kir. Don't take that the wrong way ot anything
<@L`aquera> No, you should take it the wrong way, and then hire Yukas presence
<@Kir^Trelander> ...my fear of yaoi makes me hotter. Thanks Yuka. I'm so glad we're on a rape channel!
[15:24] * @L`aquera giggles
[15:24] * @Ehlanna lubes the strap-on ....
[15:24] <@Kir^Trelander> oh my god.
<@Kir^Trelander> The fear.
<@Kir^Trelander> THE FEAR.
<@Miyuka-AFK> I...wouldn't need a strap on
<@L`aquera> this is escalating very quickly
<@Kir^Trelander> It is.
<@Kir^Trelander> Halp.
<@Kir^Trelander> Halp halp!
<@Miyuka-AFK> anywho, as I want Kir to still be my friend
<@Miyuka-AFK> I'm going to go watch anime now
* @Ehlanna giggles
* @L`aquera dies
<@L`aquera> I know where this is going
<@Kir^Trelander> Nowhere.
<@Miyuka-AFK> :P
<@Kir^Trelander> It is going NOWHERE.
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