Players say the Damndest things!

Jokes, word games and general un-serious stuff because Jonie said there isn't enough fun on the board

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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby L`aquera on Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:33 am

This started in Opchat while we were watching Scathien do his Interrogation in the Forest :D Its Goldys fault! *swears an stuff*


Man.. Scaths good
-Elthorion- ops: nah.. he sucks
-Ielenia- I is enjoying this
: *Darth Scath* "Only a fool would lie to me!" "I won't!" "Only a fool would not understand death!" "I understand!"
-Ielenia- if you only knew the power of the scathien
-Elthorion- ops: i find your lack of scathien... disturbing
-Ielenia- The Scathien is strong in this one
: You are part of the Scathien alliance!
<@Scathien> *just starts spanking L'aquera*
: May the Scath be with you..
L`aquera smiles innocently
L`aquera> You give such good helmet
-Ielenia- It's not my Scathien!
Scathien> thats enough out of all of you, i cant respond using /
Ielenia> all the better
Scathien> stupid web-client doesnt have the /onotice command
Elthorion> lrn2notwebclient
L`aquera> The Scathien is in our range! Fire when ready!
Ielenia> thats no Scathien
L`aquera> Scathien doesn't like you. "Sorry." Neither do I!
Ielenia> You may fire at Scathien
Scathien> ive tried
Karram slices L`aquera's arm off
L`aquera> A tremor in the Scathien. The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old master.
Istoaj> Does anyone need or want me, need the GoB, the BH Manager, or me and my OPliness?
Ielenia> there is no scathien..only do or do not
L`aquera> Don't be too proud of this technological terror you've constructed. The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Scathien.
Ielenia> now thats the best one
Karram> wtf L`aquera lol
Ielenia> we are doing scathien star wars quotes
L`aquera> Darth Scath... coming to a theater near you.
Elthorion> The more you tighten your grip, the more scathine will slip through your fingers
L`aquera> oooh
L`aquera high fives Elth
stoaj> Your faith in Scathien has not conjured up those battleplans, nor has it given you the clairvoyance to find the hidden rebel base.
Ielenia> your kinda short for a scathien
Scathien> you people suck
Karram> Elthorion wins

Then.. others began getting involved..

L`aquera> I find your lack of Scathien disturbing.
Elahri> "no luke... i am an OP!" "no... it cant be... its impossible... "Search your chat logs... you know it to be true"
Karram> ahh moff Scathien i recognized your foul stench the second i stepped on board
Scathien> *sets fire to Karram*
L`aquera> I told you she would never consciously betray the Scathien.
Istoaj> If you strike me down, I will become more Scathien than you could possibly imagine.
tothiel{ang}> this is like the Vagina game
Ielenia> This is not the scathien you are looking for
Karram> get this Scathien carpet out of my way
Istoaj is now known as Christolf
Ielenia> what a fabulous scathien you have discovered
Ielenia> it's addictive
Ielenia> lol
L`aquera> Will someone get this big walking scathien out of my way?
tothiel{ang}> The Scathien is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together
Karram> i love you Scathien! i know
Christolf> Did you think I'd let you get all the Scathien, and take all the reward?
Rashka> All your Scathien are belong to us.
Sorgram> I have scathien and only 6 months to live.
Scathien> .....
Karram> don't get Scathien kid
Ielenia> you have constructed your own Scathien..your training is complete
Karram> stay on Scathien
tothiel{ang}> becareful its a scathien
Karram> that's no moon it's a Scathien
Ielenia> You scruffy looking Scathien herder!
Jasmin> nerf herder
Ielenia> no scathien herder
Karram> when 900 years old Scathien reach not so good he look
Jasmin> marot you rock
Ielenia> LOL
Ielenia> Scathien..youuuu seek Scathien
Jasmin> lmao
Ielenia> Much scathien do I sense in him
Karram> Scathien not far from here
Jasmin> *huff puff* Scathien I am your *huff puff* FATHER!
Elahri> "When i left you, i was but a learner, now i am the scathien"

Scathien left us.. but he left us with this legacy... Scath Wars...

- This will be a day long remembered. It has seen the end of Scathien, it will soon see the end of the Rebellion.
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Ielenia on Thu Aug 14, 2008 2:42 am

Stay tuned for the Scathien Strikes Back and Return of the Scathien!
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Rhia on Wed Aug 27, 2008 3:26 am

what about episode 1 the Scathien menace? episode 2 the clone scathien? or who can ever forget Revenge of the scathien
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Scathien on Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:02 am

I am going to make sure every last one of you people die a horrible burny death, richard style
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Adonai on Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:07 am

Scathien wrote:I am going to make sure every last one of you people die a horrible burny death, richard style

Richard... is god, i so should make a Richard for tli lol
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Ascalante_Rhee on Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:40 pm

OMMFG you people are pout of yuour damned tree! I LOVE IT!

.. and (if I get his permission of course!!) when I start writing star Wars Fanfics.. I want the main Sith baddy to be named?... You guess it.. Scathien..

ANND.. to show my uber Star Wars geekiness I came up with a quote of my own from before the movies.. well in the history of the things, at least..

"Surrender to the Scath Side or you will die a burny death. Richard Style."
―Freedon Nadd to Exar Kun, during an outtake


Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Ehlanna on Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:33 pm

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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Bantus on Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:09 am

You people have lost your effing mind's. I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! But i cant get to the chat rooms or whatever theyr called.

Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby JamesMenel on Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:45 am

Im sorry, but that was hilarious... that or i was seriously tired and bored while lurking the boards... either way i was laughing to tears..... May the Scath be with you all
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby L`aquera on Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:17 pm

<Scourge`> OMG
<Scourge`> Takao is the only op here!
<Scourge`> quick, lets over throw him
<Saphamira> Orly
<Scourge`> Hurry 12...
<Saphamira> Ehl... L... Arch..
<L`aquera> I'd need a step ladder
* lotaneth waits for him to be op muted or something lol
<Scourge`> together we can topple the regime!
<Dowjin_Qui> Togetherrr!
<Scourge`> a step ladder eh?
* Quits: lotaneth (Quit: Feff-To lotaneth-if im not hunting that white wolveness, ill... come about hunting you)
<Scourge`> no idea where i'd find one of those...
<Scourge`> unless...
* Scourge` pushes Dowjin to his knees
<Scourge`> quick...step on his back
<Scourge`> reach for the @
<Scourge`> take it!
<L`aquera> Much to perilous
* Infernis once bought L` a sequined and Be-Dazzled stepladder with streamers and a bike horn.
<Saphamira> You're mean.
<Dowjin_Qui> O.o;
<L`aquera> ...
<Infernis> Well....I was going to.
<Saphamira> Evil credentials re-established
<L`aquera> And then, you remembered the pain of knee to groin?
<Infernis> Yes, actually
<Dowjin_Qui> LOL, did it smell of flowers?
<Infernis> daisies!
<Scourge`> who's mean?
<Dowjin_Qui> Mmm daisies.
<Adonai> Fucking, Windows Live ID is useless, I Swear to god.
<Scourge`> Microsoft anything is useless
<Scourge`> ugh...stupid asses
<Scourge`> won't cover their own hardware
<Adonai> Nah, just i can't log onto the sight, to see my friends on there >.>
<Scourge`> don't even get me started!
<Dowjin_Qui> Scourge do you have penis stuck in your brain?
<Adonai> Lol, Scourge, the xbox lost them billions it gained em some but lost buillions.
<Infernis> is that an offer, Dow?
<Adonai> or millions forgot which
<Boleslaw> If not, can Dow insert it?
<Scourge`> They've known of the red ring of death from day 1 of the 360 release
<Saphamira> I'm fairly sure the Xbox has made a profit overall
<Adonai> I only hadi t once got it replaced in aday
<Scourge`> Not in my brain!
<Scourge`> teehee
<Saphamira> And of course they do, it's FaRTs.
<Saphamira> Forced artificial redundancy :P
<Adonai> Not even half as much as they would, saph if they didn't do the rrod.
<Saphamira> They don't want the Xbox to last for more then two/three years
<Dowjin_Qui> Yeah well...
<Dowjin_Qui> Thats why the call it rape.
<Dowjin_Qui> :X
<Adonai> mine lasted 5 years before a redring
<Saphamira> So you have to buy a new one!
<Scourge`> yeah, mine red ringed a few years back a few times, they fixed it a few times
<Scourge`> then they sent me a new one
<Adonai> Nah, flawed =P if it last 3 years you get a free redo
<Scourge`> now they refuse to fix it
<Scourge`> saying the warranty is done now
<Scourge`> and its a warranty issue
<Scourge`> not a known issue...
<Adonai> Thats when you say, fuck you, and buy a refurbished one
<Scourge`> Microsoft does not send out faulty equipment
<Adonai> lol
<Saphamira> There's an extended warranty on RRoD I thought
<Adonai> So they won't get anything.
<Scourge`> is what the manager said
<Adonai> Saph, 3 years.
<alexis{StWi}> LOL
<Scourge`> I told him i was going to fix it myself
<Scourge`> and he told me not to do that
<Scourge`> and I told him to fix it for me then
<Scourge`> and he told me to pay 120 bucks
<Scourge`> and i told him to suck my cock
<Adonai> Lol
<Adonai> Scourge has had farrrr to much caffinee
* L`aquera looks from Infy to B
<L`aquera> Could I just meld you two?
<Scourge`> that i'd try to fix it myself and take that 120 bcuks and put it towards buying a ps3
<Boleslaw> As long as its my face and penis that are kept
<Infernis> By your powers combined, I am Captain Bastard!
* Adonai thinks he should lend his device to Boleslaw
<Boleslaw> Infy does however have very fetching forearms
<Saphamira> By the power of Grey...Ass?
<Adonai> Lol Saph
<Dowjin_Qui> LOL Infernis' alter ego
<Winn> .. lol
<Winn> k, naptime
<Winn> bbl!
<Dowjin_Qui> You know.
<Dowjin_Qui> I miss naptime.
<Shogeton> Scourge, did you consider contact Microsoft more directly?
<Winn> i'm having one right now.
<Scourge`> how so Shogeton?
* Joins: surinya{Dev}
<Winn> you should have a naptime, too.
* Quits: Winn (Quit: NAPTIME FOR ALL!)
* Desdaemona sets mode: +v surinya{Dev}
<Shogeton> I mean, if it's MS that offers the warranty, it could be some shop is trying to scam money out of people
* L`aquera gets her juice box
<Adonai> Shoge don't give him Ideas, he will go monkey on it.
<Scourge`> I called the 18004myxbox number multiple times, spoke to multiple fine Indian people
<alexis{StWi}> lol
<Scourge`> untill I got to a very well spoken Indian manager fella who's name was steve but not really
<L`aquera> LOL
<Dowjin_Qui> Yeah...


Sometimes.. I just have to share the giggles.
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby taria on Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:45 am

=D> =D> =D> =D> I must admit, I am highly amused... I should remember this when picking on Scathien later.. So he can go "Richard" on me.. =D> =D> =D> =D> As for taking over? Pfffffffffffft! You may try, but will never.. Ever.. Succeed.. At least... Until SB finally asks if you want to be an op! But.. It made for a good read. Bravissimo!
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby L`aquera on Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:11 am

* Lethtal-Nethalm be'z in the closet, apparently. Tromps around, knocking over buildings.
<Sarayna> There are buildings in the closet?
* Traael would then push Lethtal out of her closet. "Please, no distruction within my closet. I worked hard on getting it just right."
<Traael> apparently, Sarayna. lol
<Sarayna> That's a very nice sized closet you have there, Traael. LoL.
* Traael looked around. Even I didn't know it was this big! wow! I'm awesome! :D
<Sarayna> Talk about a license to shop till you drop! No worries about where to put all your new clothes!
<varisanna> makes mental note never to give sarayna her credit card.
<Sarayna> Well.. -I- don't have a closet that big.. :P
<Traael> lol
<Ujgrad> Apparently it is that big
<Ujgrad> As Lethtal lives in it
<Sarayna> Not mine! Traael's!
* Atis`dai settles on Oreodraks shoulder, watches
<Sarayna> Oh, well, Lethtal. He's just an itty bitty pretty black kitty.
<Traael> Lethtal does not live here.
<Sarayna> He doesn't take up much space.
<Traael> he is not allowed.
<Atis`dai> oh, wow, haven't seen that one in a LONG time
<Traael> he's an evil kitty/
<Archaon> rofl
<Sarayna> Evil doesn't take up a lot of space.. in fact, it tends to hide in small, dark, places.
<Vahris> Leth.. she called you small and dark
* Vahris totally tells
* Quits: Viktor`Corsarris (Client Quit)
<Archaon> gonads n strife, gonads n strife, gonads n strife *boogies*
<Archaon> weeee
* Vahris takes away Archs goodies
<Rila> When yer a kid and you wanna go wheeee, but you ain't got drugs yet!
<Kurobu> gonads n STRIFE.. godnads and STRIFE.. gonads and STRIIFFEEEEH
<Sarayna> Hey! I didn't mean he was small and dark in -that- way.
<Atis`dai> Gonads in the lightning, in the lightning... in the rain!
<Vahris> I didn't indicate in 'what' way. :D
<Sarayna> Oh.
<Sarayna> Whoops.
<Vahris> HA HA!
* Sarayna coughs.
<Sarayna> Atis`dai made me say that!
* Sarayna points accusingly.
<Atis`dai> !
<Vahris> He made you say it, with his mind!
<Atis`dai> I did not! Any blackmail I may have used to achieve this has been accidentally revealed to Sarayna.
<Sarayna> He did!
<Vahris> Flag on the field, foul mind found in gutter!
<Sarayna> Is that where I put it?
<Vahris> Well, somebody did. :/
<Sarayna> Well, I knew I lost my mind.. I didn't know where to start looking. :/
* Atis`dai shakes the dirt off of it and hands it back to Sarayna. "It... it's about 90%... 70%... 22% as good as it used to."
* Abhay pets Bessy
<Vahris> You know, I just had a horrid image of Leth dressed like Hanible Lector.. stroking his talons over your brain, Saray
<Sarayna> EW!
<Vahris> If.. if he buys you a lamb.. run
<Sarayna> That was like.. the grossest scene EVER.
* Sarayna glares at Atis
<Sarayna> Then you'd better buy me a new one!
<Atis`dai> It wasn't my fault!
<Atis`dai> it was his!
<Lethtal-Nethalm> :[
* Atis`dai points at Kir!
<Lethtal-Nethalm> ...
* Aeoles tries to spy if there is an Angsty in disguise.
* Lethtal-Nethalm scrolls up.
<Sarayna> You! You did this?!
<Lethtal-Nethalm> I should really put my highlight back on.
<Aeoles> It's always Kir
<Atis`dai> You missed about 15 girls rubbing on you, Leth
<Vahris> No blame is to go to Kirpachi
<Lethtal-Nethalm> Damn it.
<Lethtal-Nethalm> Every time, seriously.
<Sarayna> You're right.. it IS always Kir's fault. He's so guilty.
* Abhay pets Vahris
* Aeoles nods and gives Sarayna a bull whip
<Sarayna> ...
<Sarayna> Oh no. Not even.
* Sarayna hands the bull whip to Atis`dai
<Sarayna> You do it.
* Atis`dai looks it all over "But,.. there's your name written on it."
<Lethtal-Nethalm> Hey, can I have that?
<Lethtal-Nethalm> :)
<Atis`dai> ...and your address.
<Atis`dai> Oh
<Atis`dai> sure!
* Atis`dai hands it to Leth
<Atis`dai> whatever could go wrong?
<Sarayna> Wait.. give it to Vahris. She'll do it. She'll do anything. *in the Mikey-esque Life Cereal commercial*
<Lethtal-Nethalm> >:D
<Sarayna> ...
<Viktor`Corsarris> lol Sarayna
<Atis`dai> Screwed!
<Sarayna> I am so not liking you right now, Atis.
* Vahris will run with scissors
<Sarayna> LoL!
<Atis`dai> !
<Atis`dai> But! It wasn't my fault! It was Kir's!
<Atis`dai> again
<Sarayna> Well, if you trip while running with scissors.. can you fall on Atis?
<Viktor`Corsarris> Twice
<Vahris> Aoelas? If the cops call.. I'm going to claim ignorance.
* Aeoles gives Vahris some hedge clippers
* Atis`dai acks, and stands BEHIND Sarayna?
<Sarayna> Twice is good.
<Sarayna> Hey!
<Aeoles> why so?
* Sarayna hides behind Leth.
* Atis`dai stands behind Sarayna, who stands behind Leth
* Vahris uses the hedges on Aeoles. Woops..
* Lethtal-Nethalm looks in front. Looks behind. Steps sideways?
* Aeoles hides behind Atis, who is behind Sarayna, who is behind Leth
* Aeoles is not hurt.
<Vahris> Wait..
<Aeoles> Wait what?
<Vahris> Did I just try to cut you with plant life?
* Viktor`Corsarris whispers to Vahris "50 cal. will go through all three."
<Atis`dai> I see working in the SE really gave you ideas to use those plants :X
<Aeoles> Yes.
* Vahris beams
* Aeoles puts Aurin infront oif them all
<Sarayna> Death by hedge?
<Sarayna> That's.. special.
<Vahris> Its better then a herring
* Aeoles hands Vahris a red herring.
<Viktor`Corsarris> Pickled Herring..
<Atis`dai> a red her...
<Atis`dai> damn you
<Vahris> .. gross
<Sarayna> :/
<Sarayna> blech
<Viktor`Corsarris> lmao
* Vahris would rather eat limburger cheese
<Aeoles> lol what Atis, damn who?
<Viktor`Corsarris> Hey blame it on my time in Europe..
* Aeoles hands Vahris some limburger cheese.
* Atis`dai shanks Aeoles with a bottle of milk
* Vahris eats it, after spreading it on a cracker
* Aeoles flails and shanks Atis with some fish and chips
* Atis`dai dies deliciously!
<Vahris> ... the f
* Viktor`Corsarris chuckles
<Vahris> Now you're just getting silly. Alright. Everyone! Out of the pool!
<Viktor`Corsarris> Death by wet noodle.. What?
<Aeoles> Death by snoo snoo?
* Vahris thinks this is going on the MB... yesssss
<Atis`dai> Oh sh :x
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby L`aquera on Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:11 pm

<@Viktor`Corsarris> Bravely bold Sir Robin rode forth from Camelot. He was not afraid to die, oh brave Sir Robin. He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways, brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Robin. He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp, or to have his eyes gouged out, and his elbows broken. To have his kneecaps split, and his body burned away, and his limbs all hacked and
<@Viktor`Corsarris> mangled, brave Sir Robin. His head smashed in and heart cut out, and his liver removed, and his bowels unplugged, and his nostrils raped and his bottom burned off and his penis...
<@Viktor`Corsarris> That's, uh, that's enough music for now, lads... looks like there's dirty work afoot.
<+Valayne> there is?
<+Valayne> Wb Cymmy
* Desdaemona sets mode: +v Cymorill
<+Cymorill> Thanks, Val.
<+Saybera> [singing] Brave Sir Robin ran away...
<+Cirri> DID NOT
<+Dakral> wb cymmers
<+Saybera> singing] bravely ran away away...
<@L`aquera> You see what happens? hmm? Do you see what you started Llew?
<+Cymorill> Thanks, Dak.
<+Dakral> I dont see anything wrong with whats been started L` >.>
<@L`aquera> We cannot speak.. about Star Wars, Monty Python, or ... Men in Tights.
* +Valayne eyes L..
<+Valayne> tighs?
<+Cirri> Manly Men!
<+Saybera> lmao
<@L`aquera> You see?
* +Valayne drooooooools all over.
<+Llewellyn_Pathwalker> ... and they were forced to eat Sir Robin's minstrels. And there was much rejoicing.
<+Cirri> Unlike OTHER robin Hoods...I Actually speak with an English Accent
<+Llewellyn_Pathwalker> INCONCEIVABLE!
<@Viktor`Corsarris> When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up. And that's what you're going to get, Lad, the strongest castle
<@Viktor`Corsarris> in all of England.
<+Saybera> Scarlet's my middle name. My full name is Will Scarlet O'Hara *pause* We're from....Georgia.
* Joins: Davak (
<+Saybera> afkland
* Desdaemona sets mode: +v Davak
<@L`aquera> You can't mention Space Balls either
<+Davak> I see your swartz is bigger then mine
<+Varisanna> pizza the hutt
<@Viktor`Corsarris> Yes yes I got it. Save them Save them hurt you..
<+Llewellyn_Pathwalker> I told you not to ever call me on this wall! This is an UNLISTED WALL!
<+Cirri> I am your brother's sister's cousin's nephew on yoru dad
<@Viktor`Corsarris> Hate it when my swartz gets tangled..
<+Llewellyn_Pathwalker> I see your Schwartz is as big as mine... now let's see how well you handle it!
<@L`aquera> Nor, should one ever mention, Young Frankenstien
<@Viktor`Corsarris> How many assholes do we have on this ship!!! Ho!!! (the entire crew) I knew it I am surrounded by Assholes!!
<@Viktor`Corsarris> lol
<+Llewellyn_Pathwalker> Frau Blucher!
<+Llewellyn_Pathwalker> *whinny*
<+Opal-Unigo> If anyone needs Unigo we have a nice little group there
<@Viktor`Corsarris> Only one man would dare give me the Rasberry... *flips mask down... (this is where David Carusso learned to put the glasses on btw)* LONESTAR!!!
<+Llewellyn_Pathwalker> He rode a blazing saddle, he wore a shining star! He came to offer battle to bad men near and far!
<+Valayne> Anyone wishing IC'ly of Vala?
* +Saybera returns with coffee
<@Viktor`Corsarris> A black sheriff???? Why not it worked in blazing Saddles.
<+Valayne> Wb Saybie
<+Llewellyn_Pathwalker> Shewwif? Is it twue what they say about... your people? *ZZZZZZZIP!* Oh, it's twue! It's twue!
<+Saybera> that day I called Famfrit "Fambluchah" and L said "Somewhere horses whinney" I nearly spewed tea all over my keyboard!! that was hysterical!
<@Viktor`Corsarris> PATRIOT ARROW!!!!!
<@Viktor`Corsarris> And this is Filthy Looker...
<+Llewellyn_Pathwalker> And now it's... Springtime for Hitler and Germany! Rheinland's a fine land once more! We're marching to a faster pace! Look out! Here comes the Master Race!
* +KalebHyde` just offers everyone beans around the campfire...
* +Valayne eyes Llew.
<@Viktor`Corsarris> And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then
<@Viktor`Corsarris> lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.
<+Cirri> 1...5.....3~
<+Llewellyn_Pathwalker> One, two, five!
<+Llewellyn_Pathwalker> Three, sir.
<+Llewellyn_Pathwalker> Three!
* +Valayne pinches Velve - booteh, ponders sweet abuse.
* +KalebHyde` thinks the Princess Bride cant be far behind

Its like politics.. These are the Movies you cannot mention. Ever..

Just kidding!
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby L`aquera on Tue Jul 23, 2013 3:21 am

* +Boannan snuggles L
<+Aphielanis> evening L`
<+Tahni> Hello L`
<@L`aquera> Theres a Boa snugglin me, I'm pretty sure I've seen this on animal planet. It didn't end well.
<+Joe{Boa}`> Hey L
<+Kiyodai> Bahaha.
<+Zevelyn> pretty oh most sweet L`~ may I pm?
<@L`aquera> ...
<@L`aquera> sweet?
<@L`aquera> Ok. Now I know I fell down the rabbit hole
<+Zevelyn> :3
<@L`aquera> yes.. you can PM
<+Zevelyn> i got some more butter if you need it
<+Boannan> I dun bite though L....well unless its wanted...then maybe just a little.
<@L`aquera> Oh, I'm not worried about being bitten
* Joins: Infernis (
* Desdaemona sets mode: +v Infernis
<+Boannan> Well I might squeeze you to death with my sex....:P
<@L`aquera> 'lo Infy
<+Kiyodai> Oh mai.
<@L`aquera> Funny, SB was just saying Kirva does that with her pussy
* +Malekith hugs L
* +Boannan chuckles
<+Infernis> hallo L`
<@L`aquera> <@Stormbringer> or just have him under kirva and trying to get out of her death-grip pussy <-- Proof
<+Boannan> lol
<+Malekith> lol
<+Joe{Boa}`> lol
<+Infernis> kirva's got teeth in bad places.
<@L`aquera> pfft
<+Infernis> vagina dentata, what a wonderful phrase....
<+Infernis> Vagina dentata, it ain't no passin craze...
* @L`aquera facepalms
<+Aurelius{LZ}> It's a probem free... vasectormyyyy
<+Aurelius{LZ}> ^5 Queen of Wands fans
<+Infernis> vagina dentata!
<@L`aquera> the fuck is wrong with you people
<+Aphielanis> that was an actual gift for evil werewolves in white wolf..
<+Malekith> everything, L
<+Infernis> I don't know about them, but I've been in TLI for a few years.
<+Malekith> everything
<@L`aquera> Well, that settles it. Its going under Players say the Damndest things
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby L`aquera on Thu Feb 13, 2014 5:50 am

<+Kir^Trelander> Interesting assessment?
<+Thunder> Well darn if only SS stood for spankings spankings I would so be there hehe
<@L`aquera> <+Daimyon> unfortunately bullets don't travel in a straight line
<@L`aquera> <+Daimyon> and neither do other players
<@L`aquera> I rather like the way it was put
<+Kir^Trelander> My bullets go straight into other players.
<@Scathien-SS> For anyone interested, the current sale is as follows: OOB Spell slots - 25 mhl per, Combat/Anywhere Spell Slots - 50 mhl per (doesnt matter if its 1st slot or 15th)
<@L`aquera> Your cock IC'ly certainly does. But thats not bullet worthy, though bullet shapped :D
<@Scathien-SS> and today is the last day
<+Kir^Trelander> Well. That bullet can't decide which way to go. It goes back and forth.
<+Sorgram-> dang scathien anyway for an ooc sale?
<@Scathien-SS> IC only im afraid
* Joins: James`Vodera (
* Desdaemona sets mode: +v James`Vodera
<@Scathien-SS> ill be working the SS for another 20 minutes or so
<+James`Vodera> doing clean up detail Scathien?
<+Benji_Nihil`novi> Is there a spell that can make a sextoy out of stuff in the environment? Like sand, water, or wood?
<+Kir^Trelander> That could be interesting.
<+Kir^Trelander> I've never needed it though. I have the erection spell.
<+Benji_Nihil`novi> erection spell?
<+Kir^Trelander>'ll learn to ignore me. Just start now.
<+Benji_Nihil`novi> I can't when you keep mentioning erections...
<@Elthorion> i, too, have the erection spell.
<@L`aquera> new.. quit
<+James`Vodera> LOL
<+Kir^Trelander> :/
<+Gravik> He needs the erection spell to get it up.
<+Kir^Trelander> cast 'viagra monster' Kir
<+Van> Rape it all!
<+Van> I cast "full fuckin drunk " on kir to reset his erection
<+Kir^Trelander> ...awh, you bastard.
<+James`Vodera> LOL
<+Kir^Trelander> I worked hard on that.
<+Daimyon> woot, headshot on a running target from 325 yards
<+Van> made yer arm stiff?
<+Kir^Trelander>, that's not what gets stiff. That'd defeat the purpose.
<+Van> looking at porno mags while having women's tennis on?
<+Daimyon> lol listening to Serena and Venus Williams?
<+Van> ya
<+Kir^Trelander> Stop trying to make me sticky my keyboard, saying such things.
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