<+Wade> shark.. nado. 3. that should be a crime...
<+Nylan> Crimes were meant to be committed!
<+Nylan> Or is that crazy people...
<+Nylan> I can't never keep it straight
* +Nylan gnaws on his lip
* Joins: Nuala`DeDanaan (
<+Wade> hahahaha cant help ta
<+Wade> ya
* Desdaemona sets mode: +v Nuala`DeDanaan
<+Wade> now if youll excuse me Im off to the tea party
<+Wade> Ta
<+Nylan> Chaaaaange placeeeessss!
<+Scourge`> Tea party is slang for circle jerk
<+Scourge`> He's hoping to eat the cookie
<+Scourge`> or cracker...What ever they have available really
<+Wade> actually im just here for tea. CHANGE PLACES!!
<+Wade> Nylan got it.
<@Archaon> wut
<+Wade> archy! have tea with us.
* @Archaon splashes about
<+Wade> lol
<@Archaon> i dun do tea
<+Wade> really.
<@Archaon> tastes like pleh to me
<+Nylan> Yeah, dunking oreos in tea just doesn't work
<@Archaon> i tried
<+Scourge`> He's totally trying to recruit more dudes for the circle jerk
<+Wade> ever had earl grey iced? damn good..
<@Archaon> nu
* +Kir^Trelander returns, tosses confetti.
<+Scourge`> Confetti!
* +Scourge` revels in confetti
<+Wade> alright then smartass.. Ill invite.. Laquera! and Callie. they'd be more fun. were having a tea party and you're not invited, scourge.
<+Wade> so nyaaah
<+Callie`Volopa> YAY tea party!
* @Archaon puts on teh ant man suit
<+Nylan> With Callie there you can be sure there'll be lots of cream for the tea. *nods sagely*
<+Wade> right on archy
<+Nylan> And with L, it'll never get cold!
* +Nylan nods to himself.
<+Wade> well... it might, if she takes an interest in something, or someone, else.
<+Scourge`> Wade, if you invite women it becomes a bukkake
<+Callie`Volopa> Buck cake?
<+Scourge`> so nyaaah
<@L`aquera> Mmm.. Tea
* +Thunder peeks back in to see if anyone needs her before she goes back to the kitchen
<+Wade> well no, it becomes tea party because thats what it is. with tea and lil sammiches and tons of oreos and frosted animal cookies
* +Toris slurps the Thunderluvvin
<@L`aquera> sammiches!
* +Velthorian Velthorian ponders what deliciousness Thunder may be conjuring up.
* @L`aquera will nom with appreciation
<+Wade> oh and lil cucumber slices.
<@L`aquera> garden fresh?
* +Wade offers L a sammich
<+Wade> yeah of course.
<+Wade> got a lady up the street who grows em
* @L`aquera will keep Wade
<+Wade> yay!!!
* +Thunder purrs and snuggles Toris and smiles looking to Velthorian "maybe i be a good girl and show you sometime" she winks
<+Wade> also, I make a mean quesadilla, not to mention a badass chili.
<+Gareth{CV}> lol
<+Scourge`> Omg
<+Gareth{CV}> I got pinged by garden fresh
<+Scourge`> Did this channel turn british?
<+Wade> not a hot chili. just badass.. flavorful..
<+Gareth{CV}> and I thought laquera was suggesting lewd things about Gareth cucumber
<+Scourge`> Tea parties...psh
<+Wade> lol
<+Gareth{CV}> 'cucumber'
<+Scourge`> Actual tea parties and not circle jerks or bukkakes
<+Velthorian> Both options sound tempting at the moment, as I warm my microwave burrito and bemoan the wife's absence.
<+Scourge`> Is this TLI??
* +Scourge` looks around
<+Scourge`> am I in bizarro world?
<+Wade> you do know.. its not just an english thing any more right?
* +Kir^Trelander stares.
<+Callie`Volopa> Gareth has a nice cucumber. *nodnod*
<+Thunder> who was wanting me to make them dinner? hhehe
* Joins: Menhir (
<+Thunder> hi Menhir hun
* Desdaemona sets mode: +v Menhir
* Joins: Caz`na_DeVier (
<+Wade> Velth: I gots chorizo in the fridge and Im not afraid to use it.
<@L`aquera> Yes Scourgie, this is bizaro world
<@L`aquera> Here, have some tiny cakes
<+Wade> heh
* +Scourge` smashes the tiny cakes
<+Scourge`> No!
* @L`aquera cries
<+Scourge`> I will return to the normal world!
* +Velthorian chuckles. "I could do with a bite, sadly my talents lie outside of the kitchen."
* +Suldaim pets L, tugs to lap and cuddles.
<+Menhir> Howdy folks
<@L`aquera> He smashed my tiny cakes!
<+Suldaim> heya Menhir
* +Wade snugs da L. dun cry. *Zaps Scourge*
<+Scourge`> L crying??
<+Scourge`> This is Bizaro world!
<+Menhir> crying tears of white phospherous
<+Kir^Trelander> I can make her cry.
* +Scourge` smashes his way back to the normal world
<+Thunder> Zombie Shark really what the hell will they think of next
<+Wade> hahahahah
<+Gareth{CV}> callie gosh, you'll make him blush
<+Toris> Zombie-Octopus-Burger
<@L`aquera> I like it when Kir makes me cry
<+Wade> omg really.. now zombie sharks? stick a fork in me, Im done.
<+Kir^Trelander> Yus.
<+Kir^Trelander> It's a beautiful thing.
<+Menhir> lazers on their heads?
<@L`aquera> LOL
<+Wade> heh. nice
<+Wade> I see what you did there.
<+Scourge`> What is happening right now?
<+Kir^Trelander> Not enough, because we're all talking in OOC.
* Desdaemona sets mode: +v Caz`na_DeVier
* @Elthorion gives Scourge` a rape whistle
<+Suldaim> Sul is collaring his pet officially
* +Scourge` blows it non stop
<+Wade> Paul Heymans running his mouth about the Undertaker..
<+Suldaim> I'd say that#s something
<+Wade> thats about it.
<+Scourge`> It's a non-rape whistle since it's bizaro world
<+Scourge`> Consent whistle
* +Kir^Trelander facepalms.
* +Scourge` uses his consent whistle to play yankiedoodle.
<+Thunder> really Wade its on right now and they got a 3 ofd that zharknado thingy
* +Suldaim isn't sure if she could make L cry..
<+Suldaim> I adore her to much :/
* +Wade hides under Ls chair.. zombie freakin sharknado with lasers on the heads... lofl
* @L`aquera snickers at Elth
* Joins: Somali_Longtail (
<@L`aquera> Scourgie Doodle went to town, a ridin on his Jhoooore
<+Scourge`> Anyone else find it hillarious when Titus O`Neil just throws people around?
<@L`aquera> Blew his whistle and woke up with chains around his neeckkk'o
<+Toris> Zombie Turtles with lasers attached to their penises.
<+Wade> lol
<+Scourge`> No chains on this neck boi
* +Thunder thinks
<@L`aquera> Scourgie Doodle is troubled, Scooorgie Whistled Dammmmit
<+Thunder> lol
* +Scourge` hammers down on the whistle blowing
<+Scourge`> TLI was missing more whistles
<+Thunder> dinner will be ready soon
<+Thunder> wouldnt it make more to be a none rape whistle blow it to get it
* +Scourge` blows the whistle near Thunder and points at her
<+Scourge`> Foul!
<+Scourge`> You're outta here!
<+Wade> did you say put the Hammer down? * drops his big forging hammer on Scourges foot. * there. that should do.
<+Wade> be nice to thunder. shes the cook!
<+Thunder> really Scourge?
<@L`aquera> LOL
<+Scourge`> That would be fine, but I don't have any foots.
<@L`aquera> I so need to put this into "Players say the Damndest things"
<+Wade> lol