Players say the Damndest things!

Jokes, word games and general un-serious stuff because Jonie said there isn't enough fun on the board

Moderators: Tawny, Keaira

Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby L`aquera on Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:05 pm

<+Joe`> Vote joe for reeve! *hands cevelt a joe for reeve button*
* +Akris needs to steal L`aquera again for rp
<+Akris> sometime
<@L`aquera> Oh good idea, give it to the lasiest PC in game
<@L`aquera> Everytime she demands a glass of rum, she'll point at her pin
<@Ehlanna> Hi Jorian
* +Irontail spanks the evil Ehlanna
<+Joe`> Lol
<@L`aquera> "Drinks on joe."
* Joins: Realia (
<@Ehlanna> wb Realia
<+Joe`> Well L doesnt like joe from what i remember
* Desdaemona sets mode: +v Realia
<@L`aquera> Bestill they tongue
<@L`aquera> She likes joe.
<@L`aquera> In a collar.
<+Realia> hey everyone
<@L`aquera> In a dungeon
* +Jorian waves and sits on joe's head with a yawn
<@L`aquera> Under her thumb
* +Joe` laughs
<@Sorgram> no body wanted my vote
<@Viktor`Corsarris> L is like... I don't like you unless your in a collar
* +Joe` blinks at Jorian
<@L`aquera> So!?!
<@Sorgram> i like joe in a collar, in a dungeon, under six feet of dirt
<@Sutara> who can blame her.
* +DarkDreamer blinks, snickers
<@Sutara> They are so much easier to manage in a collar.
<@Sutara> and it's legal too.
<@L`aquera> Right!?
<@Viktor`Corsarris> Baah
<+Jorian> zzzzz *iz sleeping fur hat*
<@L`aquera> I swear I'm putting this under the Players say the darndest things
<@Sutara> Baah, why yes it is the year of the goat Viktor, Happy Lunar New Year to you too!
<+Joe`> Yeah......joe ain't going into a collar anytime in the foreseeable future*
* @L`aquera slaps head
<+Ray`el> yeah
<+Ray`el> he already is in one
<@Viktor`Corsarris> Actually..
<+Ray`el> hes married ad whipped
* +Ray`el nods
<+Joe`> Lol
<+Ray`el> the whipped is strong on that one
<+Akris> i dont know they are just as easy to manage when wrapped in coils
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby L`aquera on Tue Jul 21, 2015 1:51 am

<+Wade> shark.. nado. 3. that should be a crime...
<+Nylan> Crimes were meant to be committed!
<+Nylan> Or is that crazy people...
<+Nylan> I can't never keep it straight
* +Nylan gnaws on his lip
* Joins: Nuala`DeDanaan (
<+Wade> hahahaha cant help ta
<+Wade> ya
* Desdaemona sets mode: +v Nuala`DeDanaan
<+Wade> now if youll excuse me Im off to the tea party
<+Wade> :D
<+Wade> Ta
<+Nylan> Chaaaaange placeeeessss!
<+Scourge`> Tea party is slang for circle jerk
<+Scourge`> He's hoping to eat the cookie
<+Scourge`> or cracker...What ever they have available really
<+Wade> actually im just here for tea. CHANGE PLACES!!
<+Wade> :D
<+Wade> Nylan got it.
<@Archaon> wut
<+Wade> archy! have tea with us.
<+Wade> :)
* @Archaon splashes about
<+Wade> lol
<@Archaon> i dun do tea
<+Wade> really.
<@Archaon> tastes like pleh to me
<+Nylan> Yeah, dunking oreos in tea just doesn't work
<@Archaon> i tried
<+Scourge`> He's totally trying to recruit more dudes for the circle jerk
<+Wade> ever had earl grey iced? damn good..
<@Archaon> nu
* +Kir^Trelander returns, tosses confetti.
<+Scourge`> Confetti!
* +Scourge` revels in confetti
<+Wade> alright then smartass.. Ill invite.. Laquera! and Callie. they'd be more fun. were having a tea party and you're not invited, scourge. :P
<+Wade> so nyaaah
<+Callie`Volopa> YAY tea party!
* @Archaon puts on teh ant man suit
<+Nylan> With Callie there you can be sure there'll be lots of cream for the tea. *nods sagely*
<+Wade> right on archy
<+Nylan> And with L, it'll never get cold!
* +Nylan nods to himself.
<+Wade> well... it might, if she takes an interest in something, or someone, else.
<+Scourge`> Wade, if you invite women it becomes a bukkake
<+Callie`Volopa> Buck cake?
<+Scourge`> so nyaaah
<@L`aquera> Mmm.. Tea
* +Thunder peeks back in to see if anyone needs her before she goes back to the kitchen
<+Wade> well no, it becomes tea party because thats what it is. with tea and lil sammiches and tons of oreos and frosted animal cookies
* +Toris slurps the Thunderluvvin
<@L`aquera> sammiches!
* +Velthorian Velthorian ponders what deliciousness Thunder may be conjuring up.
* @L`aquera will nom with appreciation
<+Wade> oh and lil cucumber slices.
<@L`aquera> garden fresh?
* +Wade offers L a sammich
<+Wade> yeah of course.
<+Wade> got a lady up the street who grows em
* @L`aquera will keep Wade
<+Wade> yay!!!
* +Thunder purrs and snuggles Toris and smiles looking to Velthorian "maybe i be a good girl and show you sometime" she winks
<+Wade> :D
<+Wade> also, I make a mean quesadilla, not to mention a badass chili.
<+Gareth{CV}> lol
<+Scourge`> Omg
<+Gareth{CV}> I got pinged by garden fresh
<+Scourge`> Did this channel turn british?
<+Wade> not a hot chili. just badass.. flavorful..
<+Gareth{CV}> and I thought laquera was suggesting lewd things about Gareth cucumber
<+Scourge`> Tea parties...psh
<+Wade> lol
<+Gareth{CV}> 'cucumber'
<+Scourge`> Actual tea parties and not circle jerks or bukkakes
<+Velthorian> Both options sound tempting at the moment, as I warm my microwave burrito and bemoan the wife's absence.
<+Scourge`> Is this TLI??
* +Scourge` looks around
<+Scourge`> am I in bizarro world?
<+Wade> you do know.. its not just an english thing any more right?
* +Kir^Trelander stares.
<+Callie`Volopa> Gareth has a nice cucumber. *nodnod*
<+Thunder> who was wanting me to make them dinner? hhehe
* Joins: Menhir (
<+Thunder> hi Menhir hun
* Desdaemona sets mode: +v Menhir
* Joins: Caz`na_DeVier (
<+Wade> Velth: I gots chorizo in the fridge and Im not afraid to use it. ;)
<@L`aquera> Yes Scourgie, this is bizaro world
<@L`aquera> Here, have some tiny cakes
<+Wade> heh
* +Scourge` smashes the tiny cakes
<+Scourge`> No!
* @L`aquera cries
<+Scourge`> I will return to the normal world!
* +Velthorian chuckles. "I could do with a bite, sadly my talents lie outside of the kitchen."
* +Suldaim pets L, tugs to lap and cuddles.
<+Menhir> Howdy folks
<@L`aquera> He smashed my tiny cakes!
<+Suldaim> heya Menhir
* +Wade snugs da L. dun cry. *Zaps Scourge*
<+Scourge`> L crying??
<+Scourge`> This is Bizaro world!
<+Menhir> crying tears of white phospherous
<+Kir^Trelander> I can make her cry.
* +Scourge` smashes his way back to the normal world
<+Thunder> Zombie Shark really what the hell will they think of next
<+Wade> hahahahah
<+Gareth{CV}> callie gosh, you'll make him blush
<+Toris> Zombie-Octopus-Burger
<@L`aquera> I like it when Kir makes me cry :D
<+Wade> omg really.. now zombie sharks? stick a fork in me, Im done.
<+Kir^Trelander> Yus.
<+Kir^Trelander> It's a beautiful thing.
<+Menhir> lazers on their heads?
<@L`aquera> LOL
<+Wade> heh. nice
<+Wade> I see what you did there. ;)
<+Scourge`> What is happening right now?
<+Kir^Trelander> Not enough, because we're all talking in OOC.
* Desdaemona sets mode: +v Caz`na_DeVier
* @Elthorion gives Scourge` a rape whistle
<+Suldaim> Sul is collaring his pet officially
* +Scourge` blows it non stop
<+Wade> Paul Heymans running his mouth about the Undertaker..
<+Suldaim> I'd say that#s something :P
<+Wade> thats about it.
<+Scourge`> It's a non-rape whistle since it's bizaro world
<+Scourge`> Consent whistle
* +Kir^Trelander facepalms.
* +Scourge` uses his consent whistle to play yankiedoodle.
<+Thunder> really Wade its on right now and they got a 3 ofd that zharknado thingy
* +Suldaim isn't sure if she could make L cry..
<+Suldaim> I adore her to much :/
* +Wade hides under Ls chair.. zombie freakin sharknado with lasers on the heads... lofl
* @L`aquera snickers at Elth
* Joins: Somali_Longtail (IceChat77@6ca5eca0.14055af1.207.35.imsk)
<@L`aquera> Scourgie Doodle went to town, a ridin on his Jhoooore
<+Scourge`> Anyone else find it hillarious when Titus O`Neil just throws people around?
<@L`aquera> Blew his whistle and woke up with chains around his neeckkk'o
<+Toris> Zombie Turtles with lasers attached to their penises.
<+Wade> lol
<+Scourge`> No chains on this neck boi
* +Thunder thinks
<@L`aquera> Scourgie Doodle is troubled, Scooorgie Whistled Dammmmit
<+Thunder> lol
* +Scourge` hammers down on the whistle blowing
<+Scourge`> TLI was missing more whistles
<+Thunder> dinner will be ready soon
<+Thunder> wouldnt it make more to be a none rape whistle blow it to get it
* +Scourge` blows the whistle near Thunder and points at her
<+Scourge`> Foul!
<+Scourge`> You're outta here!
<+Wade> did you say put the Hammer down? * drops his big forging hammer on Scourges foot. * there. that should do.
<+Wade> :P
<+Wade> be nice to thunder. shes the cook!
<+Thunder> really Scourge?
<+Wade> :)
<@L`aquera> LOL
<+Scourge`> That would be fine, but I don't have any foots.
<@L`aquera> I so need to put this into "Players say the Damndest things"
<+Wade> lol
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Ryke Masha on Wed Oct 17, 2018 11:00 pm

this was in the ooc and well feel like we might get a CnD letter from disney here soon =p

[11:48] <+Duraak> hope she has a nice healthy baby.
[11:49] <+Joe> same
[11:49] <+Caolan{LO}> Yus. Big and strong like ox!
[11:49] <+Duraak> Big'und stronk
[11:50] <+Naomi> hi kir
[11:50] <+Naomi> wb kai
[11:52] <@Kir^Trelander> BIG AND STRONK LIKE KIR
[11:52] * @Kir^Trelander flexes, poses.
[11:52] <@Kir^Trelander> Noooooo ooooooone's big as Kir is, no one's quick as Kir is, no one's neck's as incredibly thick as Kir's is!
[11:53] * +Joe blinks and feels likes putting on mouse ears and recording this
[11:53] <+Duraak> Nobody kills like DEADPOOL!
[11:53] <+Aerin|Ressa|> He's got catgirls in place of his masturbaaating!
[11:53] * +Joe highfives Duraak
[11:54] <+Joe> i am soooo posting this to the mb
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby L`aquera on Fri Oct 19, 2018 7:20 am

Don't breath, don't think.. for I am the shadow that will forever over take you..
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby L`aquera on Tue Dec 25, 2018 12:19 am

During Yule tide chatter in the Ops room.... Staring... Your ops

11:03] <@L`aquera> Ok so.. what shall we give them this year?
[11:03] <@L`aquera> A lvl
[11:03] <@L`aquera> A combo of xp and monie?
[11:04] <@Callie`Volopa> I think they'd probably like a level more than anything; that comes *with* money.
[11:04] <@Duchialla> COAL
[11:04] <@Elthorion> My dick
[11:04] <@Duchialla> A free date with Miyuka!
[11:04] * Duchialla is now known as Miyuka
[11:04] <@L`aquera> Everyone deserves Elth dick, just share dear
[11:04] <@Callie`Volopa> We're offering *gifts*, not punishment, you guys. *eyes Miyuka and Elth*
[11:05] * @L`aquera stares
[11:05] <@Archaon> yea, levels do produce monies, and Ehl already handed out monies yesterday..
[11:05] <@Miyuka> How is a date with Miyuka punishment?
[11:05] <@L`aquera> I donno..
[11:05] <@L`aquera> Also, those ARE gifts
[11:05] <@Callie`Volopa> "Oh, you're not fuzzy. Psh. Next."
[11:05] <@Miyuka> A date with Miyuka would be awesome as fuck.
[11:05] <@Miyuka> Levels. I vote for
[11:05] <@Archaon> and 1 undead minion per person from everyone's favorite necro *nod*
[11:06] <@Miyuka> Miyuka doesn't just got for fuzzies, or even just men. Have you see her wife?
[11:06] <@Archaon> cos nothin says Xmas like brainz
[11:06] <@L`aquera> er.. this is christmas not deadmas
[11:06] <@Archaon> bah
[11:06] * @Archaon casts vote for level
[11:06] <@L`aquera> I'm so putting this on the board for Ops say the darndest things!
[11:07] <@Archaon> xD
[11:07] <@Archaon> but brainz are covered in red.. red is xmas

Did you read it all? Good.. GO Level up! And Merry Christmas from us, to you.
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby L`aquera on Sat Jan 26, 2019 11:24 am

[21:40] * +Ray`el kidnaps Neri
[21:40] <+Tesan> Neri!
[21:40] * +Neri is kidnapped. Tesan! Help!
[21:41] * +Alexis|StWi| stabs Ray and releases Neri
[21:41] * +Tesan sends Ray a note to please return Neri when he's done.
[21:41] <+Neri> rotf
[21:41] * Neri is now known as Kaspar
[21:41] * Desdaemona sets mode: -v Kaspar
[21:41] <+Menhir> lol
[21:41] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Kaspar
[21:42] <+Menhir> please notate which damages were upon the chassis before taking it under your care.
[21:42] * +Kaspar Ray gets a big sdurprise when he gets 'Neri' home
[21:42] <+Kaspar> surprise
[21:42] <+Kaspar> your fingers are rubbing off on mine Tesan
[21:42] <+Zargek> are you a friendly ghost
[21:42] <+Kaspar> not really no lol
[21:43] * +Luciorus{AS} will rub his finger off on yours...
[21:43] <+Zargek> friendly or a ghost
[21:43] <+Kaspar> either. So far hes managed to avoid death
[21:46] <+Tesan> Fingers. Fired!
[21:46] * +Lei`Saran ponders
[21:46] <+Kaspar> Tesan I figured out how to get BAltus to go ic
[21:46] * Kaspar is now known as Neri
[21:46] * Desdaemona sets mode: -v Neri
[21:46] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Neri
[21:47] <+Tesan> You did?!
[21:47] <+Neri> Yes!
[21:47] * +Ray`el uses Whispers and makes Kasper into neri anyway ic?
[21:47] * +Tesan listens!
[21:47] * +Neri waves her trusty butterfly net. If it will catch butterflies it will catch Baltuses!
[21:48] <+Neri> the two words sound ALMOST the same
[21:48] <+Tesan> That means it -will- work!
[21:48] * +Ray`el pinches Tesan
[21:48] * @L`aquera drops the water bucket over Neri.. sighs.. Drags it back to Infernis
[21:49] * +Neri flitters around madly, rocking the bucket. L! Lemme ouuuuuuut!
[21:49] <+Neri> theres no Infernis here!
[21:50] <@L`aquera> Thats ok, I'll wrap it up and write on it, not to open until christmas
[21:50] * +Tesan bruises prettily
[21:50] <+Abby`> Back!
[21:50] <+Tesan> wb!
[21:50] <+Naomi> wb abby
[21:50] <+Abby`> Ty, Tesan, Naomi
[21:50] <+Tesan> Yw :)
[21:51] <+Neri> oh noes I cant wait until Christmas. Im building an army to attack...who are we attacking Phel?
[21:51] * +Ray`el tosses Tesan over a shoulder and walks off
[21:51] <+Ray`el> Abby!
[21:51] * +Baltus glances in, lofts a brow
[21:51] <+Tesan> I don't know! You started it!
[21:51] <+Ray`el> give in! join!
[21:51] <+Tesan> ACK!
[21:51] <+Tesan> Hey!
[21:51] <+Abby`> Never! D: I would sooner stick Airy in a jar of salt!
[21:51] * +Ray`el pats Tesan
[21:51] <+Neri> oh...Evil not-Him necromancers!
[21:51] <+Ray`el> shhh your being kidnapped
[21:51] * +Menhir throws rock salt at Ray`el, watches as he dissolves into a puddle like a slug
[21:52] * +Tesan scampers over to Menhir, plunks bottom onto lap.
[21:52] * +Ray`el blinks
[21:52] <+Ray`el> considering how much salt i drink irl
[21:52] <+Tesan> Ew.
[21:52] <@L`aquera> I'll stick Airy in a jar of salt
[21:52] <+Ray`el> that wouldnt work
[21:52] * +Gavin waves to Ray.
[21:52] <+Ray`el> Hey Gavin
[21:52] <+Abby`> xD
[21:52] <+Menhir> fine... then I'll get a shop vac and deal with you that way heh heh
[21:52] <+Gavin> Hey there
[21:52] <@L`aquera> Airisms
[21:52] <+Ray`el> ..
[21:53] <+Ray`el> Menhir were not that friendly
[21:53] <+Menhir> lol
[21:53] <+Ray`el> and manually sheesh
[21:53] <+Menhir> it's the machine that'd do the sucking!
[21:53] <+Menhir> don't get your hopes up, baka
[21:53] <@L`aquera> Hes calling himself a machine now
[21:53] <@L`aquera> Thats super cute
[21:53] <+Ray`el> and this is why you fail at life, you wont suck when you need to
[21:53] * +Tesan blinks
[21:53] <+Airy`> Why does this always involve Airy and jars of salt D:
[21:54] <@L`aquera> Abby did it
[21:54] <+Ray`el> Blame Abby
[21:54] <+Menhir> I blame Abby as well.
[21:54] <@L`aquera> Also.. this is a very confusing convo
[21:54] <+Tesan> Agreed.
[21:54] <+Abby`> <_<!
[21:55] <+Ray`el> Hello Abby
[21:55] <+Abby`> Hello, Lord of Thallis
[21:55] <+Ray`el> So Gavin?
[21:55] * @L`aquera puts it in the Players say the Damndest things, part of the board
[21:55] <+Gavin> Yes almighty pain the ass? What can I do for you?
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Azara on Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:12 pm

[23:22] <+Tomato> Jason pops up from nowhere and 30-year-old dude becomes 12-year-old girl REAL quick.
[23:23] * Daja (Daja@chasing.cats) has joined #lonely_inn_ooc
[23:23] <+Tomato> "OMG! DON'T KILL ME!"
[23:23] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Daja
[23:23] <@Archaon> XD
[23:23] <+Menhir> Daja Run!
[23:23] <+Menhir> Runn!
[23:23] <+Phelonie> RUN DAJA
[23:23] <+Tomato> Followed by Jason, of course, killing his dumb ass
[23:23] * +Daja FLEEES!
[23:23] * +Phelonie dies.
[23:23] * +Daja (Daja@chasing.cats) has left #lonely_inn_ooc ("")
[23:23] * @Archaon chases with a sharp oreo
[23:23] * +Menhir laughs
[23:23] <+Phelonie> OMG
[23:23] <+Phelonie> I just... can't.
[23:23] <@Archaon> >:E
[23:23] * Daja (Daja@chasing.cats) has joined #lonely_inn_ooc
[23:23] * Desdaemona sets mode: +v Daja
[23:24] * +Daja peeks...
[23:24] <+Phelonie> LOL Daja!
[23:24] * +Menhir topples against Phel
[23:24] * @Archaon hides the object
[23:24] * +Phelonie holds him and weeps with laughter.
[23:24] <+Tomato> Archy's sharpened O- ...
[23:24] <+Neri> hi Daja
[23:24] <+Tomato> I mean ...
[23:24] * +Daja mutters.
[23:24] <+Tomato> Welcome back?
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Farvel on Wed Jan 15, 2020 7:31 pm

That awkward moment you tell a joke so bad that 7 people leave the room in disgust :lol:

[18:25.00] <+Calixa> Hey hey hey i have a joke
[18:25.17] <+Calixa> Why do computer scientists always get their holidays mixed up?
[18:26.45] <+Arothiel> oh no
[18:26.46] <+Arothiel> why
[18:26.55] <+Calixa> Because DEC25 = OCT31
[18:27.41] <+Dakral> Well, you should have specified which holidays...
[18:28.02] <Farvel> how many computer programmers does it take to change a lightbulb?
[18:29.46] * Suldaim ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[18:29.48] * Abby` ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[18:30.02] <Farvel> none, that's a hardware problem
[18:30.05] * Twerlinger` (Imaginatio@Dark.Brooding.Kitten) Quit (Quit: Awesome Bashful Cat Doesn't Ever ForgetGaea Humble Inventive Jovial Kind Loyal Man Never Opens Portals Quite Readily Sexy Thrashing Under Velvet White X-rated Young Zendik (An A-Z guy by Laerel))
[18:30.18] * Calixa (An@sorcery-uoj.5m8.111.12.IP) Quit (Quit: Igloo IRC:
[18:30.35] <+Aavran-REBv> I don't believe people liked that one Farvel ;)
[18:30.41] <Farvel> yeah :(
[18:30.42] * Dragovar (uid135515@Dark.Flame.Burning) Quit (Connection closed)
[18:30.42] <+Arothiel> LMAO
[18:30.45] * Gavin ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[18:30.49] <+Arothiel> Wow Farvel you cleared the room :o
[18:31.02] * Astrid ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[18:31.08] <Farvel> :O
[18:31.24] * Markov wonders if somebody broke wind without him noticing
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Sanjin Koukyu on Sun Sep 27, 2020 4:38 am

[21:35] <+Menhir> I do not wield a ring saber
[21:35] <+Menhir> ... sabre?
[21:36] <+Sanjin`Koukyu> If you put the right piercings and counterweights on a halfling, you'd have a living fidgetspinner
[21:36] <+Menhir> ... lol
[21:36] <+Calixa> sanjin you fucked up
[21:36] <+Sanjin`Koukyu> I fail to see how!
[21:36] <+Calixa> shoulda been
[21:36] <+Menhir> boy you crazeh
[21:36] <+Calixa> "midgetspinner"
[21:36] <+Sanjin`Koukyu> Oh
[21:36] <+Sanjin`Koukyu> Ok
[21:36] <+Menhir> hahahahhahaha
[21:36] <+Sanjin`Koukyu> You're right.
[21:36] <+Sanjin`Koukyu> I fucked up, rofl
[21:36] <+Calixa> THAT ONE WAS YOURS TO LOSE
[21:36] <+Menhir> you had ONE JOB!
[21:37] <+Sanjin`Koukyu> It's late! And I am full of pasta and sea food!
[21:37] <+Menhir> heh heh heh heh heh heh... midget spinner...
[21:37] <+Menhir> jesus

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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby L`aquera on Thu Dec 24, 2020 5:07 am

:lol: :lol:
Don't breath, don't think.. for I am the shadow that will forever over take you..
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Pipistrelle on Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:43 am

Just now in OOC:

<+Amethine> What you up to?
<+Blelp> He;s gonna try to cleanse Blelp
<+Amethine> With fire or...?
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Sanjin Koukyu on Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:47 am

Sometimes, it just has to be shared.

[01:28] <+Sanjin> ... 8382f75510 (nsfw, but also hmmmmmmm????)
[01:28] <+James`Vodera> wtf lmao
[01:28] <+Pipistrelle|Arch|-BT> I'm sorry my what getting what into a what???
[01:29] <+Pipistrelle|Arch|-BT> It's a clitorus not a fucking joystick.
[01:29] <+Sanjin> Not with that attitude!
[01:29] <+Pipistrelle|Arch|-BT> hahahaha
[01:29] <+Sanjin> Tell me I can't namco code on your lady bits and you won't enjoy it.
[01:30] <+Pipistrelle|Arch|-BT> I mean maybe the Konami code...
[01:30] <+Sanjin> OH, yes, lolol
[01:30] * +Elinya ( Quit (Ping timeout: 121 seconds)
[01:30] <+James`Vodera> xD
[01:30] <+Sanjin> 'The fuck hun, you screwed up Sub-Zero's fatality for the fourth time tonight.'
[01:30] <+Pipistrelle|Arch|-BT> LMAO
[01:30] <+James`Vodera> XD
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Pipistrelle on Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:40 pm

<+Durigon> Greetings from Hangover city >.<
<+Pipistrelle> LOL
<+Pipistrelle> Hi Durigin
<+Pipistrelle> ...
<+Pipistrelle> Unintentional, but LOL
<+Durigon> Not Gin!
<+Pipistrelle> Yeah but Durivodka doesn't have the same ring to it.
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Re: Players say the Damndest things!

Postby Cangelosi on Mon Dec 11, 2023 8:37 pm

<@Miyuka> I feel like LP9 is so unnecesary to use on Yuka
<+Shiho> When she was younger she fell in the kettle
<+MorganDrakewing> Oh dear God.
<+MorganDrakewing> That's now officially canon
-post presented by the actual mun of characters Morgan Drakewing and Arnoch Bretail-
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Postby BlackDawn on Sun Oct 27, 2024 11:55 pm

<+James`Vodera> 6 min 30
<+Kree> *Blinks at James*
<+Kree> What happens in 6mins 30 seconds?
<+Cochanka> He cums
<+Cochanka> GOTTEM
<+Cochanka> <o/
<+Kree> Well at least it wasn’t premature?
<+Cochanka> ...
<+James`Vodera> noms, Kree
<+BlackDawn> *chuckles*
<+Kree> *Smiles innocently*
<+Cochanka> Kree you have a generous soul
<+Kree> Welllll… Sometimes
<+Kree> After about 10 mins I’m bored, so..
<+Cochanka> girl

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