Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Jokes, word games and general un-serious stuff because Jonie said there isn't enough fun on the board

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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:05 am

Rida_Cherryglade wrote:Danior "have you girls ever encountered a satyr before? and how did you find their presence to be like?"
Image"I try ta stay away from 'em 'cause of what people say would happen if ya let one get too close. Yes, that they can make people either really horny or really aggressive. So if I see one in public, I try ta make sure there aren't others 'round us or else things might go out of control, ya know? Not that I hate 'em or anythin'. I mean I've only really met one, honestly, and he was pretty nice if I recall right. Made me one of my clothes. But I didn't feel much from 'em... I dunno if that says more 'bout 'em or me, though. Hm? If I ever worry if bein' near a satyr would affect me? Of course! The same way I feel 'bout bein' anywhere close ta a Seductress. It's why I make sure ta keep myself busy or ta keep myself 'sated' (Airy told me it'd be funny ta say this but I don't get it) whenever I feel... well, ya know. Who knows if you're gonna meet one or the other, or maybe even both at the same time? I'm only human, after all."
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Amethine on Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:07 am

Rida_Cherryglade wrote:Danior "have you girls ever encountered a satyr before? and how did you find their presence to be like?"
Image"Hmm... can't say I've seen that many, I think the only time I "spoke" with one was when one called out to me once "c'mere cat, I've got a post you can scratch!". I uh... kept a wide berth. They don't have the best of reputation to begin with and I was already... feeling stuff! Plus, I've learned a lot about them as part of my training as a Healer, you have to learn about EVERY race out there you know! And... did you know, that they REALLY increase the 'fertility' of someone they have sex with? I don't need that right now, I already have a fae, human, raven, cat, pig, bee, jhore, ox, wind-walker, and three mephos to look after! I mean, I trust that what that wizard did when I was young will still work but, I'd rather not "stress-test" anything, I have personal reasons about that kinda thing as well! I wonder if it's true what they say about "horn size" though... from what I've read, I don't THINK so but... there's gotta be a reason for the myth, right?"
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Hashmulan on Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:10 am

Rida_Cherryglade wrote:Danior "have you girls ever encountered a satyr before? and how did you find their presence to be like?"
Image“Satyr? Dunno anything about them. Sometimes see them from time to time... They sound like lil horsies, which is kinda funny though! Clippy cloppy clippy clopppppp!”
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Hashmulan on Mon Jan 14, 2019 3:02 pm

Hashmulan wrote:"What's your favorite way to sleep?"
Image“Huh? How does Airy love to sleep, Airy is clearly asking herself? Well, that’s real simple... Anywhere kitty or Lady Abby is! And sometimes, Airy really has a nice and wonderful sleep when the two of them hug each other real close and Airy can snug into both their chests and just... it’s so warm and niceee~~!”
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Amethine on Mon Jan 14, 2019 3:05 pm

Hashmulan wrote:“What’s your favorite way to sleep?"
Image"Well I guess I sleep normally for a cat-person... I sometimes sleep curled up at the foot of the bed, or on the pillow, or maybe I want to rest somewhere higher so I'll just clamber up onto the wardrobe... no matter where I sleep though, I'm usually on my side, curled up as small as possible so that I can wrap my tail around and use it was a pillow. It's.. a catgirl thing. It just doesn't feel RIGHT when I don't get to sleep like that! And it's handy when we all share Abby's Inn room, I can take up little space when I want to, so Abby can enjoy most of the bed by just lying flat like most humans seem to do. Her thigh or arm makes a REAL nice pillow too by the way! It's so nice to cuddle with! Must be all the physical training she does... and sleeping with Airy's weird... it's worst for Abby but, it's still wierd waking up with a fae nestled in my cleavage, or in my ear like some little cave dweller! Have you ever had a fae in your ear? It feels so WEIRD!"
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Mon Jan 14, 2019 3:07 pm

Hashmulan wrote:“What’s your favorite way to sleep?"
Image"Normally I like sleeping on my own but recently that has not been an option for me. No, it ain't that; it's just that -Airy- rarely leaves me alone and most of the time at the inn, she and I share the same bed with Ammey because there ain't a lot of room. Yes, they ALL share -my- room... I like sleeping on my back whenever possible, though... because if I sleep on my side, someone could sneak up on me from behind. And I like having a lot of room ta move around in in case anything happens. But... that's when I'm alone. Now, I have to be careful I don't roll over Airy. See, she seems ta -really- like sleeping right -on- me. But I s'pose that's better than on my face where she can kick me in the head... Speakin' of... I don't always enjoy it when Ammey wraps her arms 'round one of mine. Always wakes me up! ... but -she- won't wake up no matter how hard I shake her."
"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Ithilwen on Wed Jan 16, 2019 7:46 am

This just crossed my mind. How much do you know about airy? I mean really know about the little fae. I mean for all we know she could of had something dramatic happen to her in the past, which is why she doesn't like sex, and is all happy like. What if she was a serious warrior and due to dramatic experience it caused her to block out those memories and shift her personality. So I guess the question is how much about each other past do you guys know about each other?
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:07 am

Ithilwen wrote:This just crossed my mind. How much do you know about airy? I mean really know about the little fae. I mean for all we know she could of had something dramatic happen to her in the past, which is why she doesn't like sex, and is all happy like. What if she was a serious warrior and due to dramatic experience it caused her to block out those memories and shift her personality. So I guess the question is how much about each other past do you guys know about each other?
Image"... good question... I mean, we don't really talk much ta each other 'bout our past and all. Even more so with Airy; can't ever tell if what she's tellin' me is true, a lie, or just a huge exaggeration. But Airy bein' a 'warrior'...? Hahaha... That ain't somethin' that can be true if ya know how she used ta be. We don't really need ta know much 'bout each other's past, though. Because sometimes the past brings us ta really dark places... and things happen! ... possibly things we can never truly recover from too. We'll cross that bridge if we get there, though. We're fine as we are now."
"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Amethine on Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:21 am

Ithilwen wrote:This just crossed my mind. How much do you know about airy? I mean really know about the little fae. I mean for all we know she could of had something dramatic happen to her in the past, which is why she doesn't like sex, and is all happy like. What if she was a serious warrior and due to dramatic experience it caused her to block out those memories and shift her personality. So I guess the question is how much about each other past do you guys know about each other?
Image"I'm not even sure AIRY knows about Airy's past! It's always something to do with "Her" from "over there". Or something. Have you ever tried having a straight conversation with a fae? Attention span of a... well, a fae I guess. But talking about our pasts isn't really... something we tend to do. Mine isn't exactly the prettiest... and I get the feeling that Abby's is similar. I try to keep a happy face on everything, and talking about the various things that've happened to me makes it harder to keep such a happy face, you know? I'm, not obligated to say some of the stuff right? Nobody's asked that yet? But yeah, we like to keep each other happy and going down that particular path isn't exactly happy. Though we do know SOME stuff, I mean, they know that I apprenticed to just about every profession concievable, Abby used to live with Dwarves and Airy once punched a god in the face (or something)."
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Hashmulan on Wed Jan 16, 2019 9:26 am

Ithilwen wrote:This just crossed my mind. How much do you know about airy? I mean really know about the little fae. I mean for all we know she could of had something dramatic happen to her in the past, which is why she doesn't like sex, and is all happy like. What if she was a serious warrior and due to dramatic experience it caused her to block out those memories and shift her personality. So I guess the question is how much about each other past do you guys know about each other?
Image“Duh, Airy is the greatest and mightiest fae, and even maybe person, to ever exist, keke! Hmmm, Airy only really knows what she’s been told... which isn’t a lot at all! Airy generally doesn’t asky, cuz you know, it doesn’t really mean much! Lady Abby is Lady Abby, and kitty is kitty, and Airy loves both with all of her little heart as they are riiiight now!”
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Serena on Sat Jan 19, 2019 5:56 am

A Team... if you could, what would be the silliest thing possible to wear that each of you would make the other two wear, and be seen in.. for one entire day!
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Amethine on Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:20 am

Serena wrote:A Team... if you could, what would be the silliest thing possible to wear that each of you would make the other two wear, and be seen in.. for one entire day!
Image"Oh my sweet Gaea... can we hide this from Airy? Quick, Abby, hide this one from Airy! As for my answer... so many delightful possibilities! Hmmm... I think, that I'd make Abby wear... a really short, but wide skirt with garish frills everywhere, long stockings, high heels! Ohhh gotta make her wear high heels! Nice big red ones! And uh... fingerless gloves, a crop-top to show off that muscley stomach of hers, maybe a cut-out in the back just to show off her scars more as well, and... ridiculously over the top make up, like THICK eyeliner and purple lipstick! Oh! And a great big massive pink bow on the top of her head! Like, almost as big as I am big! Make it all pink actually! Pink and red and white! As for Airy... well, I think... the only thing I could make her wear, would be a suit in the shape of a dick, I'm talking head and balls and everything. She'd have no idea why that'd be embarrassing, which makes it even funnier! Heehee...! Oh can we actually do this? Please say we can actually do this!"
Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:22 am

Serena wrote:A Team... if you could, what would be the silliest thing possible to wear that each of you would make the other two wear, and be seen in.. for one entire day!
Image"... Ammy, yer catgirl is showin.... Ahem! Lessee, I'd have ta say... each other's old outfits. Lemme explain: remember last year's All Hallow's Eve? Well... *sighs* ... AIRY made us wear each other's outfit: I was wearin' Ammy's stained dress she used ta wear, which shows WAY too much skin for my likin' (it's no wonder so many people keep goin' after her!), mind ya... While Ammy wore Airy's dress and Airy wearing fake heavy armor 'cause I used ta wear that sorta thing before I could use magic freely. She even shrunk Ammy so she can be the 'Airy' that night, fer bloody hell's sake. T'was real embarassin' ta see Airy stomp around too, going 'Bloody hell! Bloody hell!'; I do -NOT- stomp 'round like that and I do -NOT- say 'bloody' as much as she seems to be suggestin'! Needless ta say that night made me feel all self-conscious than I want ta admit. Not... that I think Airy would mind looking 'silly'; pretty sure it would embarrass Ammy, though."
"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing."
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Hashmulan on Sat Jan 19, 2019 7:24 am

Serena wrote:A Team... if you could, what would be the silliest thing possible to wear that each of you would make the other two wear, and be seen in.. for one entire day!
Image“KEEEEEEEEEEEEEKEKEKEKEKE. Airy loves this question! Ohh, what should Airy do what should Airy do... Oohh, she knows, the perfect answer! Amethine will show up dressed like a big black birdie! Ravey, of course! She’ll have to go CAWWWW a lot and be all cute and adorable! She’ll have to flap her wings to get around and peck at the ground, probably! As for Lady Abby... of course, Lady Abby... she’ll be the perfect choice for... a piggler costume! That’s right! Abby Chop! The best ever! She’ll oink and also be incredibly lazy and steal all of our food! Just like Pork Chop! And, just to be nice, Airy will actually wear a beeeeeeee costume. Buzzzzzzz!! Buzzzzz! STING!”
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Re: Ask A-Team About Anything (A.A.A.A) + Fun Trivia

Postby Ithilwen on Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:42 pm

Out of curiosity does airy live in a doll house at your residence abby, and if so does she have dolls in it that she thinks are real and talks to?
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