Personal Temples

For sales of property and improvements. Not for roleplay unconnected to purchases (ie: not for raping the customers). See the separate forum for making mortgage payments.

Moderators: Twerlinger, Serena, Shiho

Personal Temples

Postby Twerlinger on Wed Jan 08, 2014 6:37 pm

Structures/Grottos: (as taken from the website. These are Private Shrines and not considered Temples in any way, shape or form)
Structures are buildings that house the shrines themselves and provide a sheltered place for worship. Included will be either benches, or kneeling bars.

    Small : Wood - 100, Stone - 200 (8x8/8ft. diam./1-4 persons)
    Medium : Wood- 150, Stone - 300 (10x10/10ft. diam./4-8 persons)
    Large : Wood - 200, Stone - 400 (12x12/12ft. diam./8-10 persons)

All temples require at least 2 acres of free space to be built on (So if added to a plot that has housing upon it, the plot will require at least 4 acres in size). They consist of a major worshiping area and a smaller private area and are not suitable for living in.

    Small - Capacity of 20 - Costs 2000 mhl
    Medium - Capacity of 40 - Costs 3000 mhl
    Large - Capacity of 75 - Costs 6000 mhl
    Huge - Capacity of 100 - Costs 10000 mhl

Building Modifiers:
Costs as listed are for a plain and rough stone construction of Interior and Exterior. Other materials can be acquired and used for the construction of the building for an extra cost:

    Smooth or Colored Stone - x1.5
    Granite - x2
    Quartz - x3
    Crystal or Glass - x4
    Marble - x5

It takes 12 weeks to complete the construction of a Temple, with a miniumum of 6 people working each week.

When construction starts, a thread will be created for the specific purpose of keeping track of PC's who work on the construction of such a project. All payment for PC work will be arranged between the Purchaser and the Workers, it does not involve the REB at all.

At the end of the 12 weeks, any shortfall between the hours worked by PC's and the required amount, will be required to be paid in full, to detail the working of NPC's to 'Fill In' those hours. If this cost can not be paid, then it will be put into a 3 month mortgage.

Requires 2 Stonemason/Dwarf, 1 Carpenter/Woodcrafter, 1 Blacksmith

Interior Additions (As taken from the website

Shrine Housings:
Housings are floor units that are to be placed against a wall and have a base to set the statue upon, a back for drapery, and an overhang to set/hang a lamp/lantern on (an optional indentation in the base to hold a bowl for blessed water can be added at no extra cost).

    Small: Wood - 25, Stone - 50 (4ft. tall)
    Medium: Wood- 75, Stone- 100 (6ft. tall)
    Large: Wood- 125, Stone- 150 (8ft. tall)

Shrine Pedestals/Altars/Half-circles:
(half-circles are inset into the floor)
A simpler alternative to shrine housings (an optional indentation to hold a bowl for blessed water can be added at no extra cost).

    Small: Wood - 20, Stone- 40
    Medium: Wood- 30, Stone- 60
    Large: Wood- 40, Stone- 80

Shrine Statues/Tablets:
A statue, or any appropriate symbol intended to represent the deity, will be carved expertly with attention to detail

    Small: Wood- 30, Stone- 50 (2-3ft)
    Medium: Wood- 60, Stone- 80 (4-5ft)
    Large: Wood- 90, Stone- 110 (6-7ft)

Tablets are smoothly polished slabs of stone that can have, not only an image of well known deities carved into its surface, but also any type of symbol for an obscure deity that has no "natural" form to represent it (i.e. some water God/Goddess that is represented by wavy lines to depict flowing water).

    Small: 2x2- 40
    Medium: 4x4- 60
    Large: 6x6- 80

Note that, though the tablets are square in size, they can be carved into circles, ovals, or rectangles as the original measurements allow.

Shrine Drapes/Wall Hangings:
Made to order, these splashes of color will decorate the shrine housing/pedestal/altar/half-circle, or hang upon the walls of a structure, to further depict the joy in worship. A single image can be added to a wall hanging at no extra cost.

    1-2 yrds of material: Cotton- 5, Velvet- 10, Silk- 15
    4-6 yrds of material: Cotton- 10, Velvet- 15, Silk- 20
    8-10 yrds of material: Cotton- 15, Velvet- 20, Silk- 25

If you wish, you can special order your housings, pedestals/alters/half-circles, and statues/tablets, with these extras:
Plated- Add the following to the WOOD prices. Solid- Add the following to the STONE prices.

    Copper: Small: +25, Medium: +35, Large: +45
    Silver: Small: +50, Medium: +75, Large: +150
    Gold: Small: +100, Medium: +200, Large: +300
    Platinum: Small: +200, Medium: +400, Large: +600
    Mithril: Small: +300, Medium: +600, Large: +900
    Gems (per gem): Minor gem: +5mhl, Major gem: +25mhl, Exceptional gem: +50mhl

Rulings for Temples

    1) All Privately owned Temples understand that the maintenance and those that come to worship fall under the land owners rules and regulations of said land owner.
    2) The Imperial Guard will not patrol your Private Temple. Any guards you wish to hire will be paid from your own pocket and not the empires funds and will be your responsibility and not the Empires.
    3) If you wish to make your Temple a Public place of worship, you the owner of the land upon which the Temple is situated, understand that the Empire is in no way responsible for whatever happens on said land.
    4) Privately owned Temples are for the sole Worship of anything but the Major 5 God/dess that have their own Temples. Any other God or Goddess that the Empire might wish to add onto this list will fall into this ruling as well.
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