Tower Considerations and Prices

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Tower Considerations and Prices

Postby Serena on Sun Oct 06, 2019 8:44 pm

Towers can be considered between a house and a keep. The benefit of towers over a keep or castle is that floor plan submission is not necessary, nor is labor required to be paid separately, such as what is required for keeps and castles. 12 levels maximum with a ratio of 9 levels above ground and 3 levels below ground. Stone towers must have a minimum of 1 basement level plus 1 upper level when initially built.

Sizes/Prices per Level:

10' diameter=100 mhl per floor. Minimum Start 200 mhl - One floor above ground, one below.
...12 levels: 1200 mhl
20' diameter=200 mhl per floor. Minimum Start 400 mhl - One floor above ground, one below.
...12 levels: 2400 mhl
30' diameter=300 mhl per floor. Minimum Start 600 mhl - One floor above ground, one below.
...12 levels: 3600 mhl
40' diameter=400 mhl per floor. Minimum Start 800 mhl - One floor above ground, one below.
...12 levels: 4800 mhl
50' diameter=500 mhl per floor. Minimum Start 1000 mhl - One floor above ground, one below.
...12 levels: 6000 mhl

Adding basements after the original purchase will have an additional modifier cost of x1.5 per level. All levels must be the same diameter from basement to highest level. The ratio of upper levels per basement level is 3:1 for a -maximum- of 9 upper levels/3 basement levels.

Construction time is 1 week per story; (+2 weeks per story for "after the fact" basement levels)

Out of Town Nanthalion: All sizes/levels of towers can be purchased.
Off Map Plots: All sizes/levels of towers can be purchased.
Valencia: By Approval Only
Dethsiris: Maximum 5 upper levels, 1 basement level
Thallis: All sizes/levels of towers can be purchased.
Theressa Annaert, Pledged Lifelong Bondmate to Allivia Annaert and Lady of the Annaert Household
Player of Theressa, Kytte{Naya}, Vonni and Remlie.
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