If still valid, Gabriel helped out too!! He hauled stone to and from the worksite, assisted in general repair, learned the basics of stoneworking, and even provided assistance as a guard while the workers toiled.
•Gabriel> Stormdragon !time
7:42 AM <•Desdaemona> TLI DataFemBot Current time (as shown by Message Board) in UTC/GMT is: 2020-06-30 11:42:00 - please remember this is NOT game time
I forgot to !time out on my way, due to having to fade the scene unexpectedly, but...
11:43AM← •Gabriel left (uid311375@sorcery-23pp7i.brockwell.irccloud.com): ""
So four hours or so.
Callie was there during my RP, as well as Balard.
<+Theressa> !payout "Gabriel" 600mhl
<@Desdaemona> ** Payout! Theressa has given 600 Mhl, 0 copper to Gabriel Storm-Dancer