Public Auction

For sales of property and improvements. Not for roleplay unconnected to purchases (ie: not for raping the customers). See the separate forum for making mortgage payments.

Moderators: Twerlinger, Shiho, Serena

Public Auction

Postby Serena on Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:19 pm

1. All auctions are final.
2. Starting bid starts at 50% of current value of plot with improvements .
3. Plot limits apply and will not be allowed to be exceeded for any amount of time.
4. Winner must have the mehrials on hand to make subpayment or risk being banned from further auctions.
5. Plot transfer of ownership will occur once subpayment is completed.
6. Transferred plots are fully owned and at the disposal of the winner.
7. Date and time of all auctions subject to change due to RL. Changes will be posted here and announced in OOC
8. Winning bid purchases the plot with the current improvements listed on the specific plot
9. Participation within the auction is a voluntary waiving of right to privacy of land ownership.
10. Plot description can be viewed within Des via command: !reb display plot PLOTID


Nanthalion Region, Valencia, Sha Shir:
Thallis Region:
Thallis Port Proper:

Plot Limits:

There is a limit to the amount of land ON MAP that a character may possess. This is as follows
3 plots of land in Nanthalion and 1 plot of land in Valencia, or 3 plots of land in Valencia and 1 plot of land in Nanthalion. Co-owning still counts as 1 plot.
Regardless of how many plots of Nanthalion or Valencia are owned, only 1 plot of Sha`Shir, 1 plot of Dethsiris, and 1 plot of Thallis is allowed.
In-Town Plots count as one of your Nanthalion entitlement
You may, in addition to the above, hold ownership of up to 3 plots of land OFF MAP.

All auction listings, stipulations and considerations are subject to change with no notification.
Theressa Annaert, Pledged Lifelong Bondmate to Allivia Annaert and Lady of the Annaert Household
Player of Theressa, Kytte{Naya}, Vonni and Remlie.
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Posts: 308
Joined: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:15 pm

Re: Public Auction

Postby Serena on Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:52 pm

Public Auction 21.1
March 14, 2 pm CST

Starting bid: 1075 mhl SOLD
<Desdaemona> Information on plot "LW":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: -unowned-
<Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 900.00
<Desdaemona> 5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#3608) BathHouse - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#3610) M-Outbuilding - Untitled - Build complete -- Medium Outside Shed
<Desdaemona> (#3607) S.Cot W/Fbsmt - Untitled - Build complete -- Stone cottage with basement
<Desdaemona> (#3609) Smokehouse-M - Untitled - Build complete -- Medium Smokehouse
<Desdaemona> End of information

Starting bid: 1263 mhl SOLD
<Desdaemona> Information on plot "H":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: -unowned-
<Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 250.00
<Desdaemona> 1ac - 0/250
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#4494) 2st-House W/Fbsmt - Untitled - Build complete -- 2 story brick house with basement
<Desdaemona> (#4493) Hot Spring - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> End of information

Starting bid: 750 mhl SOLD
<Desdaemona> Information on plot "DD":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: -unowned-
<Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 500.00
<Desdaemona> 2ac - 0/500 - Creek
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#4497) Brick House W/Fbsmt - Untitled - Build complete -- 1 story brick house with basement
<Desdaemona> End of information

Starting bid: 875 mhl SOLD
<Desdaemona> Information on plot "GF":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: -unowned-
<Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 500.00
<Desdaemona> 1ac - 0/500 - River Frontage
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#942) 2h-wbrn - Untitled - Build complete -- 2 horse wooden barn
<Desdaemona> (#2153) BathHouse W/Porch - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#941) Cabin w/fbsmt - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#2154) Hot Spring - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#2155) Smokehouse-S - Untitled - Build complete -- small smokehouse
<Desdaemona> End of information

Starting bid: 1325 mhl SOLD
<Desdaemona> Information on plot "AK":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: -unowned-
<Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 850.00
<Desdaemona> 5ac - 0/850 - Stream
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#1994) 2St-Cottage - Untitled - Build complete -- 2 story stone cottage
<Desdaemona> (#1993) BathHouse W/Porch - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#1992) Hot Spring - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> End of information

Starting bid: 950 mhl SOLD
<Desdaemona> Information on plot "JD":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: -unowned-
<Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 1100.00
<Desdaemona> 4ac - 0/1100 - Creek, Pond, Stream
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#4104) bathhouse - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#4103) hot spring - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#4102) tree house - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> End of information
Theressa Annaert, Pledged Lifelong Bondmate to Allivia Annaert and Lady of the Annaert Household
Player of Theressa, Kytte{Naya}, Vonni and Remlie.
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Posts: 308
Joined: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:15 pm

Re: Public Auction

Postby Serena on Sun May 02, 2021 2:29 am

Public Auction 21.2
July 23rd, 12pm CST

Participation within the auction is a voluntary waiving of any IC right to privacy of ownership.

Starting bid: 500 mhl SOLD
<Desdaemona> Information on plot "LC":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: -unowned-
<Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 650.00
<Desdaemona> 5ac - 0/650
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#4179) Cabin - Untitled - Build complete - Comes with 2-3 bedrooms.
<Desdaemona> End of information

Starting bid: 700 mhl SOLD
<Desdaemona> Information on plot "MF":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: -unowned-
<Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 750.00
<Desdaemona> 4ac - 0/750 - Stream
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#401) Brick House - Untitled - Build complete - Comes with 4-5 bedrooms.
<Desdaemona> End of information

Starting bid: 800 mhl SOLD
<Desdaemona> Information on plot "TR11":
<Desdaemona> Being bought by: -unowned-
<Desdaemona> Location: Thallis Price: 750.00
<Desdaemona> 5ac - 0/750 - Forest, Grassland
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#4662) bathhouse - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#4661) BRICK HOUSE - Untitled - Build complete - Comes with 4-5 bedrooms.
<Desdaemona> End of information

Starting bid: 975 Cleared for Resale
<Desdaemona> Information on plot "TP":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: -unowned-
<Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 900.00
<Desdaemona> 5ac - 0/900 - River Frontage
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#4409) S.COT W/FBSMT - Untitled - Build complete - Stone cottage that comes with 3-4 bedrooms and full basement
<Desdaemona> (#4410) T-GARD-LG - Untitled - Build complete - Large garden with tall, 5' hedge
<Desdaemona> End of information

Starting bid: 1225 SOLD
<Desdaemona> Information on plot "OM":
<Desdaemona> Owned by: -unowned-
<Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 1100.00
<Desdaemona> 5ac - 0/1100 - Mountain, River Frontage, Stream
<Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
<Desdaemona> (#4225) BathHouse W/Porch - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#4224) Cabin W/Fbsmt - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#4222) cavern - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> (#4223) Waterfall - Untitled - Build complete
<Desdaemona> End of information
Theressa Annaert, Pledged Lifelong Bondmate to Allivia Annaert and Lady of the Annaert Household
Player of Theressa, Kytte{Naya}, Vonni and Remlie.
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Posts: 308
Joined: Tue Jan 31, 2017 4:15 pm

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