This is actually something I dont normally do. However I figure it might be fun. Here are some characters I play that I thought might be fun to have in collars either for the first time or once again. If you find one you like feel free to let me know. Also if you happen to look on my site other then at the ones I have posted and you would like to see if you can have one of them let me know and I will let you know. Enjoy looking thought. And if you wish to claim them on here be my guest to claim them here I will keep an eye on this.
Characters Willing to be a slave/concubine. Ones that have land that should be concubine and not a slave. Name of characters and their races. A Master or a Mistress will be good either will be fine. And the sex of the character.
1. Qaletaqas - Female - Centaur (Slave/Concubine) (Master or Mistress welcome)
2. Acadia - Female- Kittyling (Concubine only) (Master or Mistress welcome)
3. Annalhe - Female - Dark Elf (Concubine/ Slave) (Master or Mistress welcome)
4. Phish`Deis - Female - Drak Sen (Concubine/Slave) (Master or Mistress welcome)
5. Vithrothe- Female - Kitty/Goblin (Concubine/Slave) (Master or Mistress welcome)
6. Nitas - Female - Goblin (Concubine/Slave) (Master or Mistress welcome)
7. Sinha - Female - Dark Elf (Concubine/Slave) (Master or Mistress welcome)
8. Kuro- Male - Drak - (Concubine/Slave) (Master or Mistress welcome)
9. WinterStorms - Female - Sithian (Concubine/Slave) (Master or Mistress welcome)
10. Xero - Female - Pixie (Concubine/Slave) (Master or Mistress welcome)
11. Zola - Female - Wemic (Concubine/Slave) (Master or Mistress welcome) ... s-pictures ... as-picture ... s-pictures ... s-pictures ... es-picture ... as-picture ... ha-picture ... ro-picture ... ss-picture ... os-picture ... as-picture