Who's down for a weekly session of Greedy Pig?

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Who's down for a weekly session of Greedy Pig?

Postby CallieO on Fri Jan 14, 2022 7:56 pm

Callie Volopa is seeking several other players to take part in weekly sessions of the Belariath dice game, Greedy Pig, after-hours at her restaurant for money. Maybe just low-stakes. We're not out to bankrupt one another. I hope to make this a weekly recurring social event, perhaps taking part on Sunday afternoons (Eastern time), with mostly the same crew every week, but with the potential for people to rotate in and out as needed.

Food and drink will be cheerfully provided by the restaurant at no cost.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Who's down for a weekly session of Greedy Pig?

Postby CallieO on Fri Jan 14, 2022 7:59 pm

"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Who's down for a weekly session of Greedy Pig?

Postby Shiho on Fri Jan 14, 2022 8:57 pm

One of my chars would like to join. Assuming Shiho
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Re: Who's down for a weekly session of Greedy Pig?

Postby Aeoles on Sun Jan 16, 2022 12:12 am

Aeoles might be interested, so I will keep an eye out!
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Re: Who's down for a weekly session of Greedy Pig?

Postby BlackDawn on Wed Apr 06, 2022 7:44 am

That sounds like fun! I'd like for Dawn to join, unless I'm working. Though, I can also bring other chars of mine to this.
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Re: Who's down for a weekly session of Greedy Pig?

Postby CallieO on Tue May 24, 2022 2:05 am

I haven't forgotten about this. What say we have our first game at 2 o'clock Eastern time on this coming Sunday, May 29?
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Who's down for a weekly session of Greedy Pig?

Postby CallieO on Tue May 31, 2022 7:08 pm

Thank you to everyone who showed up and made our first Greedy Pig game such a success!

This coming Sunday is the first night of the Blood Swan Moon, and I don't want to counter-program against it, especially because I want Tenni to participate in it for the third year in a row. So, our next Greedy Pig game will be a week from this coming Sunday, June 12, at 2 p.m. Eastern time. (That's 8 o'clock for those of us joining us by way of The Netherlands.) I hope to play at least four games, for low stakes.
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Fourth Greedy Pig Session: First Tournament

Postby CallieO on Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:57 am

The Fourth Session of Greedy Pig, on Sunday, June 26, at 2 p.m. will be a little different. A series of three 40-point qualifying matches will take place. No entry fee is required. The winners of each qualifying match will receive 100 mhl from Callie and advance to the Final Table, where three players will play an 80-point game for a grand prize package.

200 mhl, donated by Naomi
400 mhl, donated by Muzna
400 mhl, donated by Vexademus
600 mhl, donated by James Vodera
CVC Date Night Package (retail value 100 mhl), donated by Callie Volopa
75 mhl Belladonna voucher, donated by Cameo
250 mhl REB voucher, donated by Theressa
Any custom-made outfit designed by Zully (will be created in voucher form for the winner)
Stagecoach wagon, donated by Ray`el

The second-place winner at the Final Table will receive:

Voucher: Apothecary custom basket fun, donated by Ray`el
Silver belly chain, donated by Ray`el
Gold Ingot, donated by Ray`el
Ribbon, donated by Ray`el

The third-place winner at the Final Table will receive:

Voucher: Apothecary custom basket healing, donated by Ray`el
Bolt of cloth, donated by Ray`el
Large Jar of Honey, donated by Ray`el

Everyone who advances to the Final Table will receive:

100 mhl, donated by Callie Volopa
Love Potion Number 9, donated by Ray`el
Seductress Aura, donated by Ray`el
Mithril Ink, donated by Ray`el

That's a total of 1600 mhl cash, and at least 425 mhl in vouchers!

There's never been a better time to get in on Greedy Pig! Go for the big prize!


Grand Champion: Menhir
2nd Place: Shiho
3rd Place: Vanilla Violet
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Who's down for a weekly session of Greedy Pig?

Postby CallieO on Fri Jul 08, 2022 11:56 pm

I have plans this coming Sunday and a week from Sunday, so let's plan to have our Sixth Greedy Pig Dice Game session, and our Second Tournament, on Sunday, July 24, at 2 pm Eastern.

Just like in our previous Tournament, we will have three 50-point Qualifying Matches. Each qualifier will advance to the Final Table for an 80-point match, and attempt to win the Grand Prize Package. There is no entry fee.

I'm going to start working on building a prize package. If anyone wants to contribute money, items, or vouchers, please see me!

Already on the table:

Grand Prize Package (for Winning at the Final Table)

Gold Trophy reading "THE GREEDIEST PIG!!!", hand-crafted by Zully
200 mhl, donated by Callie Volopa
CVC Date Night Package, donated by Callie Volopa
350 mhl REB voucher, donated by Theressa
100 mhl Belladonna voucher, donated by Traael
SS voucher worth either one small healing potion, one small stamina potion, or three potions of Swap Gender, donated by Naomh

Qualifier Prize Package (for Winning a Qualifying Match)

50 mhl, donated by Callie Volopa
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Re: Who's down for a weekly session of Greedy Pig?

Postby CallieO on Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:09 am

We will have our third Greedy Pig tournament, as part of the CVC Grand Re-Opening Ceremony, on Sunday, September 25, 2022, at 3 p.m. Eastern. Anyone who wishes to donate a prize of money, a shop voucher, or another item is encouraged to do so!

As with the first two tournaments, we will have three Qualifying Games to 50 points, with a "Lucky Goblin" limit of 30 points for the first round, and the winners of the three Qualifying Games will advance to the Winner's Table for a chance at the Grand Prize. The Winner's Table will be an 80-point game, with a "Lucky Goblin" limit of 48 points for the first round.

Grand Prize (worth 1,400 mhl cash and 930 in voucher value)

1,000 mhl, donated by Katipo
200 mhl, donated by Callie Volopa
200 mhl, donated by Naomi
Sculpture of a pig wallowing in mehrials, donated by Dias Eesha
Voucher for a CVC Banquet (estimated retail value 250 mhl)
250 mhl voucher for Real Estate Brokers, donated by Theressa
150 mhl voucher for Siren's Call, donated by Cryene
150 mhl voucher for Anvil's Horn, donated by Ice
50 mhl voucher for General Store, donated by Hannah
50 mhl voucher for Naked Bird, donated by Babi
Voucher for Ultimate Baths Experience at the Bath House (estimated retail value 30 mhl), donated by Makka
Slave for a Day experience with Makka

Second Prize (worth 750 mhl in cash and 320 mhl in voucher value)

500 mhl, donated by Katipo
150 mhl, donated by Callie Volopa
100 mhl, donated by Naomi
Voucher for a CVC Date Night Package (estimated retail value 100 mhl)
100 mhl voucher for Siren's Call, donated by Cryene
100 mhl voucher for Anvil's Horn, donated by Ice
Voucher for Supreme Baths Experience at the Bath House (estimated retail value 20 mhl), donated by Makka

Third Prize (worth 400 mhl in cash and 210 mhl in voucher value)

250 mhl, donated by Katipo
100 mhl, donated by Callie Volopa
50 mhl, donated by Naomi
Voucher for a CVC Date Night Package (estimated retail value 100 mhl)
50 mhl voucher for Siren's Call, donated by Cryene
50 mhl voucher for Anvil's Horn, donated by Ice
Voucher for Basic Baths Experience at the Bath House (estimated retail value 10 mhl), donated by Makka

Players Not Advancing to the Final Table Will All Receive:

50 mhl, donated by Callie Volopa
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

Fourth Greedy Pig Dice Game Tournament

Postby CallieO on Sun Oct 23, 2022 9:34 pm

I now have a real-life job, so I can't promise these with regularity anymore, but so far, my boss has not seen fit to work me on Sunday afternoons.

So, I hope to present our Fourth Greedy Pig Tournament on Sunday, November 13, 2022, at 2 p.m. Eastern!

The first three games will be Qualifying Games played to 50 points, with a "Lucky Goblin" limit of 30 points for everyone's first turn. That means that if you reach or slightly exceed that score on your first turn, you must bank. The winners of the three qualifying games will advance to the Winner's Table for a chance at the Grand Prize. The Winner's Table will be an 80-point game, with a "Lucky Goblin" limit of 48 points for the first round.

For new players, this is a great way to get at least *some* guaranteed cash, as everyone who participates will get at least 50 mhl. 50 mhl will buy you a halfway decent weapon or plenty of clothes!

Grand Prize:

200 mhl, donated by Callie Volopa
Voucher for a CVC Banquet (estimated retail value 250 mhl)

Second Prize:

150 mhl, donated by Callie Volopa
Voucher for a CVC Date Night Package (estimated retail value 100 mhl)

Third Prize:

100 mhl, donated by Callie Volopa
Voucher for a complimentary meal for two at CVC (estimated retail value 50 mhl)

Players Not Advancing to the Winner's Table Will All Receive:

50 mhl, donated by Callie Volopa
"If there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the universe."
--Dr. Beverly Crusher

Player of Callie Volopa, Viaa, Auric Lightwing, Brian Perano, Erin Tarcata and Aimee Sarasiné

Posts: 697
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:13 am

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