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Attention Bandits and other lowlives

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 4:11 pm
by Rida_Cherryglade
There’s a new orc in town that’s been raping and robbing through out Nathalion. Few cunts have been safe so far but one green skin can only spread so much chaos on his own. Jackal is looking for like minded folk to join him in a group of bandits and rapists... preference given towards other goblins and goblin half breeds but if there’s room for many types of low lives and cut throats. Trolls, Oggers, minotaurs the human races might be a harder sell thanks to Jackals prejudice against them but if you have someone that would like to start a horde
or be used by one don’t hesitate to reach out.

Re: Attention Bandits and other lowlives

PostPosted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 6:16 pm
by CallieO
The Orc Band currently has Jackal, Zuru (a BlackDawn character), Alexei Windrunner (played by Carthellen), Meradar (played by Annwyn), Mizri (played by Sarmani), and Georgia Riverblossom (played by me). It's lots of fun. You should consider joining with your character too!

Re: Attention Bandits and other lowlives

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 12:26 pm
by BlackDawn
The Orc Band currently has Jackal, Zuru (a BlackDawn character), Alexei Windrunner (played by Carthellen), V`kayn (played by Jarek_Kaeden ), Faena{JKL} (played by Mae), and Siloen{JKL} (played by Sativa). It's lots of fun. You should consider joining with your character too!