Seeking Slave(s)

Looking for some specific roleplay, or a character to enslave, rape, share knitting patterns? This forum is for requests for IC interaction, NOT OOC.

Moderators: Tehya, Kerianna

Seeking Slave(s)

Postby DehanCoer on Tue Aug 16, 2022 2:26 am

Seeking a female slave/concubine(or two) etc to add to the characters, Carnage, Jason Dehan, Hanet or Shadowbolt.

If you're not into rape/slavery etc; it likely will not work. If your character starts a willing participant, it'll take some consideration.

Full transparency; I am more into rape, slave training via my character, and having someone in the same boat.

Curvy/voluptuous to the front of the line! Not a requirement, but what can I say...I have a type!

And as far as races, open to all except Halflings(soft limit depending on build/height), Dwarves(nope), Ogre(nope), Sithian(nope), Centaur/Wemic(nope), Troll(nope), Goblin(soft limit depending on description/type etc), Torian/Chirot(soft limit depending on build).

Play time for me is strongly limited to weekends and the occasional weekday/evening(due to work).

Looking for descriptive/long posts as well. Doesn't have to be on the level of George RR Martin but it's always fun to have details. A story/development is fun as well. So if you have a character that you know is slave material but will fight to have a bit more freedom as a concubine; that would be neat.

If we don't mesh rp wise, it's quite alright. I don't want to force anything and would not want anyone trying to force it with me...giggity.

PM for discussion. Or for easier communication, I strongly prefer discord so we can talk. A things have gotten 'lost in translation' and respective tones can not be heard when typed out.
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Re: Seeking Slave(s)

Postby Odette on Tue Aug 16, 2022 7:54 am

I have interest in Jason Dehan!

Would love to rp with you and see how it goes.
I currently only have Ives 'available' but I am willing to create a char for him.

Feel free to pm me here or on TLI. I am mostly online as Mae.
Player of Odette, Mae, Blair, Cosette, Nalsha, Sednar, Varkhan and many others!
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