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In Search of Slave(s)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 2:11 am
by Zeddular
I have returned after an unfortunate absence that took me away from the game for quite a long time. I'm looking to establish some new storylines, some new RP, and more importantly for Zeddular to find himself some new slaves or concubines.

Zeddular/I am looking for characters that he can rape/capture and take his time slowly breaking and molding them to his true desires. He's a true Dominant at heart and he enjoys finding innocent things that he can corrupt and break and mold forcefully through rape into his pretty little fuckdoll over time while enjoying them as they squirm and writhe and blush against their will. The resistance is important, it is part of what keeps it enjoyable, I find and it is fun to see that transformation slowly happening through his careful manipulations. That is what he truly enjoys more than anything else, complete control. The rape is fun, but he is not a Sadist, pain is a tool, a teacher, and sometimes a means of pleasure but not what he truly enjoys. He enjoys slowly taking complete control and molding his girls to his desires.

As mentioned above, Zeddular is what has been called a true Dominant in the past. That simply means that what truly excites him more than anything is the element of control. Taking it from another, forcing his control, his rules, using it to guide and teach and mold his pets into whatever individual desires he sees in them. He is not a cruel man, but cruelty comes easily to him. Just as also mentioned, he is not a Sadist, but he understands the tenets of pain and has no qualms about using it or even enjoying the suffering of a well-taught lesson when it is needed.

This doesn't need to be an entirely new character, although that can be fun, and nothing needs to be decided in the early talking/planning stages. The story will flow and evolve as it should and reach whatever, pun intended, climax it should as it gets there. It'll be a process. All good stories should be and nothing will be rushed into straight away.

His ideal prey is female only, and beyond that, anything else can be negotiated and discussed. If any of this sounds interesting to you, feel free to contact me here or send me a PM on IRC where I am usually present.
And as a final word, my real aim for this is simply to meet new people and generate new and rewarding writing experiences together.

Re: In Search of Slave(s)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2023 2:16 am
by Zeddular
Edited to add a little more detail and clarity for anyone potentially interested.