Class reset for Jarod

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Class reset for Jarod

Postby Jarod Nevwinter on Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:24 pm

Due to character development over time and general attitude change I am looking for Jarod to become a Necromancer.

Yes, I know I have to get reset to Mage, then evolve :D I did do a wee bit of research beforehand.

Okay here's all the Des info, let me know if you need more :D

[10:56] <Jarod`N{Nai}> !stats Jarod Nevwinter
[10:56] <Desdaemona> Character 'Jarod Nevwinter' (level 10 Healerx3) stats: Str 9 Int 33 Agi 8 Res 20 Stam 56 Life 8

[10:56] <Jarod`N{Nai}> !equip Jarod Nevwinter
[10:57] <Desdaemona> Equipment list for Jarod Nevwinter: whip, leather armor.
[10:57] <Desdaemona> ShopItems (* denotes using equip slots) owned by Jarod Nevwinter: Shirt, Trousers, Cloak, Gloves, Boots, voucher.
[10:57] <Jarod`N{Nai}> !shopitem myitems voucher
[10:57] <Desdaemona> Owned ShopItem descriptions matching 'voucher'
[10:57] <Desdaemona> ALL: voucher (#15833) (Detail: 300mhl voucher).
[10:57] <Desdaemona> End List

[10:57] <Jarod`N{Nai}> !spells Jarod Nevwinter
[10:57] <Desdaemona> Spell list for Jarod Nevwinter: Cure Disease (Healing:Anywhere - 5), Cure the Senses (Healing:Anywhere -1), Heal (Healing:Anywhere - 9), Shield of Healing Waters (Healing:Anywhere - 2), Empathic Touch (Healing:Battle - 5), DiscernAilment (Healing:OOB - 2), Fly (Common:Anywhere - 1), Flash (Common:OOB - 1), Floating Disc (Common:OOB - 1), Telekinesis(Common:OOB - 1).
[10:57] <Desdaemona> OOB Spell list for Jarod Nevwinter: Cure Poison (Healing:Anywhere - 1), Clean (Common:OOB - 1), SwapGender (Common:OOB - 1).

[10:58] <Jarod`N{Nai}> !balance
[10:58] --Desdaemona-- Character 'Jarod Nevwinter' has 180 Mhl, 1 Cp in hand, 1539 Mhl in the bank.

[10:58] <Jarod`N{Nai}> !notes Jarod Nevwinter
[10:58] <Desdaemona> Notes for Jarod Nevwinter: fist sized pouch containing : one use numbing salve, 2 yards rolled bandages, 7 LIFE restore potion, 5 STA restore potion, and herb pack to directly dress and clot blood flow for one wound.
[10:58] <Desdaemona> Wardrobe:
[10:58] <Desdaemona> 1x black silk shirt
[10:58] <Desdaemona> 1x black spidersilk shirt
[10:58] <Desdaemona> 1x black long coat (knee length)
[10:58] <Desdaemona> 2x pair leather pants (black)
[10:58] <Desdaemona> 1x black vest
[10:58] <Desdaemona> 1x long coat (near floor length)
[10:58] <Desdaemona> 2x pairs of leather boots
[10:59] <Desdaemona> 5x pair black socks
[10:59] <Desdaemona> 5 pairs of back silk briefs
[10:59] <Desdaemona> Familiar:
[10:59] <Desdaemona> Female Arctic Fox. named " Luminesca "
[10:59] <Desdaemona> {Ritual Bonding (Full Bonding)}
[10:59] <Desdaemona> 1x Pair of mithril vambraces with Christine-Daae's wizard mark upon them. <Gift from CD>
[10:59] <Desdaemona>
[10:59] <Desdaemona> 1x Mithril ring with flames etched upon it and a pristine ruby within the center. <Gift from CD>
[10:59] <Desdaemona> Property: Brick home with full basement, 5 bedrooms. Plot UO
[10:59] <Desdaemona> --End of Notes

[11:00] <Jarod`N{Nai}> !skills Jarod Nevwinter
[11:00] <Desdaemona> Skills for Jarod Nevwinter: lvl 1 - Tending/Etiquette : Novice
[11:00] <Desdaemona> lvl 1 - Tending/Etiquette : Journeyman
[11:00] <Desdaemona> lvl 1 - Artist : Novice
[11:00] <Desdaemona> lvl 1 - Artist : Apprentice
[11:00] <Desdaemona> lvl 2 - Speaking : Language : Catfolk
[11:00] <Desdaemona> lvl 3 - Artist : Journeyman
[11:00] <Desdaemona> lvl 4 - Haggling
[11:00] <Desdaemona> lvl 5 - Speaking : Language : Moriel
[11:00] <Desdaemona> lvl 6 - Diplomacy
[11:00] <Desdaemona> lvl 7 - Politics
[11:00] <Desdaemona> lvl 8 - Administration
[11:00] <Desdaemona> lvl 9 - Alchemy : Novice
[11:00] <Desdaemona> lv; 10- Alchemy : Apprentice
[11:00] <Desdaemona> --End of Skills
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Jarod Nevwinter
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Re: Class reset for Jarod

Postby Ehlanna on Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:58 pm

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