First reset for Lhaindir

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First reset for Lhaindir

Postby Devidial on Wed Oct 17, 2018 6:11 am

I'm not totally happy with my choice in choice in class and spells and want to make some minor adjustments by dropping the Artisan class and going with just Mage instead of both and better specialize his spells rather than being all over the place.

Not totally sure on how much info in needed on Lhaindir's possessions so will include everything I can think of.


[19:42] -Desdaemona- Character 'Lhaindir' has 0 Mhl, 0 Cp in hand, 1370 Mhl in the bank.


[18:59] <Desdaemona> Equipment list for Lhaindir: crossbow bolts (10 uses), wrist crossbow, leather armor, mithril short sword, leather armor, sling, Potion of Swap Gender (1 uses), robe of the magi.
[18:59] <Desdaemona> ShopItems (* denotes using equip slots) owned by Lhaindir: Panties (x5), Corset, Shirt (x2), Skirt (short) (x2), Skirt (knee length), Dress (knee length) (x5), Outfit (x2), voucher, Silver Collar, Teddy, Silk Scarf, Silver Ring (x2), Artist Paint Brush Pack, Artist Paint Palette, Artist Canvas (x2), Artist Easel.


Client: Lhaindir
Enchant: +2 defense
Cost: 200 mhl
Item: Leather Armor
[18:02] <+Lotaneth> !money sub 200 mhl
[18:02] <@Desdaemona> *transaction* lotaneth subtracted 200 mhl 0 cop
[18:03] <+Liriel-SS> <witnessed for +2 defense enchantment on leather armor>

Shop Items

[19:00] <Lhaindir{LO}> !shopitem myitems
[19:00] <Desdaemona> Owned ShopItem descriptions
[19:00] <Desdaemona> ALL: voucher (#21979) (Detail: (voucher for the General Store. value: 50 Mhl)).
[19:00] <Desdaemona> GS: Artist Canvas (#18792), Artist Canvas (#18791), Artist Easel (#18793), Artist Paint Brush Pack (#18790), Artist Paint Palette (#18789), Silk Scarf (#20609), Silver Collar (#18858) (Ench: enchanted with unremovable without command and innability to cum without command), Silver Ring (#20333) (Detail: Braided from five strands of silver wire), Silver Ring (#20524) (Ench: enchanted with swap gender).
NB: Corset (#18831), Dress (knee length) (#18821), Dress (knee length) (#33044) (Detail: baby pink corseted dress ), Dress (knee length) (#33042) (Detail: short yellow dress ), Dress (knee length) (#18820), Dress (knee length) (#33043) (Detail: short black dress with red ribbons and frills ), Outfit (#31906) (Detail: Outfit: Black Silk Blouse, Heeled Black Boots, Golden Skirt with Red Trim, Red Bra + Panties, Black Stockings, HOF Tabard (Black, Red, Gold)), Outfit (#33045) (Detail: black outfit with corset and frilly skirt ), Panties (#18823), Panties (#18824), Panties (#18822), Panties (#18825), Panties (#18826), Shirt (#18828), Shirt (#18829), Skirt (knee length) (#18827), Skirt (short) (#18819), Skirt (short) (#18818), Teddy (#18830).

(I've excluded the links on the clothing since most of them are now broken so it doesn't matter if they are included or not)

Owned Land/Property

[19:07] <Lhaindir{LO}> !reb iown
[19:07] <Desdaemona> You own the following properties:
[19:07] <Desdaemona> Out of Town - AK (No title) No mortgage
[19:07] <Desdaemona> Out of Town - ZC (No title) No mortgage
[19:07] <Desdaemona> -- End List
[19:08] <Lhaindir{LO}> !reb display plot "ak"
[19:08] <Desdaemona> Information on plot "ak":
[19:08] <Desdaemona> Owned by: Lhaindir
[19:08] <Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 850.00
[19:08] <Desdaemona> You have paid 2150.00
[19:08] <Desdaemona> 5ac - 0/850 - Stream
[19:08] <Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
[19:08] <Desdaemona> 2St-Cottage - Untitled - Build complete
[19:08] <Desdaemona> BathHouse W/Porch - Untitled - Build complete
[19:08] <Desdaemona> Hot Spring - Untitled - Build complete
[19:08] <Desdaemona> End of information
[19:08] <Lhaindir{LO}> !reb display plot "zc"
[19:08] <Desdaemona> Information on plot "zc":
[19:08] <Desdaemona> Owned by: Lhaindir
[19:08] <Desdaemona> Location: Out of Town Price: 300.00
[19:08] <Desdaemona> You have paid 1400.00
[19:08] <Desdaemona> Off Map East - 5ac - 0/300
[19:08] <Desdaemona> With the following improvements:
[19:08] <Desdaemona> S.Cot W/Fbsmt - Untitled - Build complete
[19:08] <Desdaemona> S.Dock - Untitled - Build complete
[19:08] <Desdaemona> Stream - Untitled - Build complete
[19:08] <Desdaemona> End of information

If I've forgotten or missed anything please let me know, thank you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arumil Nerrean Lhaindir Naumil Jeanette ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~~~These are only a few of my characters for a full list and details look here~~~~~~~
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Joined: Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:44 pm

Re: First reset for Lhaindir

Postby Ehlanna on Fri Oct 19, 2018 3:58 am

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