Spell frippery and you? Problem?

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Spell frippery and you? Problem?

Postby L`aquera on Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:34 pm

I guess, I have a slight problem, or I'm more lost then the player stating something, they should not.

Lets get to it!


Yep, that old thing again!

Listen, heres the deal! If you cast fireball and it starts out ok and then you have it grow and grow and on impact, it explodes with your opponents fiery doom falling from your lips! Thats ok... If you turn your fireball green.. thats ok...

I don't actually care if you produce a thundercloud the color of puce. The only thing that matters in a spell, is the mechanics.

Thats right. Thats it.

If you want dancing penguins to fly out of your fingertips when you cast dancing light, have at it.... As you grow in levels, so too would your manipulation over the spells you practice the most. You would put in your own key element as a mage of any kind. As long as the following are kept: Mechanics and Spell name inserted into your post. These are important. Otherwise the gloss you put onto a spell... matters squat. What we want is the rules followed. Not once have I ever cast a text book spell. I've always put my personal spin on it and I'm not alone in that. I don't say.. The Four Horsemen come raging out of fingers, leaping and writhing as if the flames themselves are about to bite your head off! But its my own personal touch. So too.. can it be yours. The only two things we require is stated already.

Fluff is just that.. fluff.. You don't have to go overboard to make it unrecognizable but you can put your own personal touch to it.
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Re: Spell frippery and you? Problem?

Postby lyllamarie on Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:26 pm

Not many Ops are going to get bent out of shape if you decide to add some fluff to your spells. It's not worth the aggravation.

Keep in mind what L` said though.

Fluff is just that.. fluff.. You don't have to go overboard to make it unrecognizable but you can put your own personal touch to it.

So making your energy bolt look like a tidal wave wouldn't be in the vein of things, and some people 'do' have SI's that change the aesthetics of their spells, that is their choice and sometimes done to avoid any confusion on the matter.
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