Alcriztoc's second reset

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Alcriztoc's second reset

Postby Zekairenoki on Mon Jul 08, 2019 4:46 am

Hello, it's me again. Mr. Drak sen XL.

I only realized after choosing knight again for level five that I have made a mistake. I was planning to pick up a magic class later, but I've realized that won't work out and I won't be able to do anything good with that. I won't be able to achieve what I want to do. That being choose water mage and become a good one later along the line. I want to reset al so that the class he chose to go into at level five is shaman instead of knight. Basically, I want to roll things back some cause I did some research and know more about the system than I did back then. Now that I know more, I've realized my mistake, and want to fix it if possible.

11:48 PM <Desdaemona> Equipment list for Alcriztoc: Drak Sen Stinger, Horse, shield, long sword, chain leggings, buckler, long sword.

11:48 PM <Desdaemona> ShopItems (* denotes using equip slots) owned by Alcriztoc: Mini Dildo, Clit Tickler Dildo, Glass Dildo, voucher, Leather Collar, Mithril Collar, Chain Leash, Reminder Leash, Box of Chocolates -  50, Wooden Anal Plug, Heating Oil, Clitoris Clamp, Interconnecting Pull Chain, Leather and Brass Harness, Friendly Persuasion Bra, Bullwhip, Squeeze Eggs, Medium Butt Plug, Leather Wrist Cuffs, Muzzle, Mystical Familiar w/ritual bond, Chastity belt - iron, Bedroom package basic, Livingroom basic package, Kitchen basic package 1, Bathroom package basic.

11:48 PM <Desdaemona> Character 'Alcriztoc' has 440 Mhl, 1 Cp in hand, 160 Mhl in the bank

11:53 PM <Desdaemona>  Out of Town - WF (No title) No mortgage
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Re: Alcriztoc's second reset

Postby Amethine on Mon Jul 08, 2019 5:58 am

Amethine Tawariell is the main catgirl.
Felicia`Delacroix is the naughty catgirl.
All the catgirl's just wanna have fun!

If you like this wax-seal, I could make one for your too. PM or hit me up in IRC if you're interested :)
Thank you Abby for drawing the amazing pic I'm using as the avatar!
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