Random issue on the website

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Random issue on the website

Postby Akaton on Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:01 pm

So was going over shopping things. Its probably just minor. But in The Works http://www.belariath.com/php/shop/ah.php saw an issue with Jewelers kits. Think they are just listed backwards for their prices. But not sure if that goes deeper to it being backwards in the DB too.
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Re: Random issue on the website

Postby Ehlanna on Tue Jun 02, 2020 9:58 am

They are for different things, so the names may be the issue, not the cost!
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Re: Random issue on the website

Postby Tawny on Tue Jun 02, 2020 7:58 pm

Hi and I see what looks like a problem in one of the listings joe put in.

Jewelers kit - Basic 30.00 0 Everything for making metal jewelry. 15mhl 3 cruets, 5 jewelers chisel, 1 jeweler’s hammer, 3 jeweler’s saws, 3 picks, 1 rasp, 4 rabbits feet, 1 bag wax, 1 bag clay for casting..

Jewelers kit - Basic 30.00 0 Everything for making metal jewelry. 15mhl

looks like they are getting paid 15 mhl for buying the kit to me. Dont know if that is what Joe was talking about but it seems odd to me is all.
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