I, the mun of Cameo, wish for the duessa to change from Necromancer to a Seductress as the whole necro thing wasn't working out for her. lol. Please and thank you!
<Cameo> !equip
<Desdaemona> Equipment list for Cameo: dagger, leather armor.
-Desdaemona- Character 'Cameo' has 1401 Mhl, 50 Cp in hand, 75 Mhl in the bank.
<don't need the ShopItem stuff as that is retained across a reset, but a list of spells can be handy!>
[16:22] <Desdaemona> Spell list for Cameo: Empathy (Necromancy:Anywhere - 15), Bone Shards (Necromancy:Battle - 15), Dark Armor (Necromancy:Battle - 15), Infection (Necromancy:Battle - 1), Poison Touch (Necromancy:Battle - 5), Serpent`s Kiss (Necromancy:Battle - 1), Dead Speak (Necromancy:OOB - 1), Fear Aura (Necromancy:OOB - 15), Incorporeal Presence (Necromancy:OOB - 1), Fly (Common:Anywhere - 1), Graceful Leap (Common:Anywhere - 1), Unigo Key
[16:22] <Desdaemona> (Common:Anywhere - 1), Change Self (Common:OOB - 1), Dawn`s Early Light (Common:OOB - 1), Dimension Door (Common:OOB - 1), Feather Fall (Common:OOB - 1), Message (Common:OOB - 1), Swap Gender (Common:OOB - 1), Telekinesis (Common:OOB - 1), Tongues (Common:OOB - 1).
[16:22] <Desdaemona> OOB Spell list for Cameo: Dead Speak (Necromancy:OOB - 1), Clean (Common:OOB - 1), Mend (Common:OOB - 1), Unerase (Common:OOB - 1).