Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

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Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Wed Feb 28, 2018 7:49 pm



Before I go into detail how I think this guild should be run through both IC and OOC, I would just like to point out that most of the jobs that can be offered at the guild are more akin to the little events run by the Imperial Guard or shops like the Might Makes Right: just short events that do not necessarily have significant follow-up storylines and have small payoffs in mehrials.

Really, the intention of creating such a place is just to give characters something to do that can help them earn money other than working in shops, working for nobles, or fighting as a gladiator at the Arena. The characters who take up such jobs, however, do not get paid on an hourly basis (refer to ‘Rewards’ below).

At the same time, players can have their characters work as Guild Clerks to help run the jobs to perhaps get a feel on how to run an actual Quest. Or just cater to those players who just want to run a small event for fun.

Also, I was hoping that the Guild would have its own thread on the Message Board, much like the Arena and its Gladiator Hall.


Like the little events sometimes run by the Imperial Guard or shops like the Might Makes Right, the jobs will mostly be simple, straightforward, and linear – nothing like the complex quests that must go through our Quest Team that can reward 100 mehrials to each Adventurer and even give the Quest Runner a chance at earning a Special Item.

These jobs are more towards ‘hunting’, ’delivery’, ‘escorting’, and maybe even help with catering or volunteering at a shop for a day or two. Each job can only accommodate up to 4 Adventurers (to make it easier for the Guild Clerk and/or Guild Master; refer to ‘Positions’).

This, of course, also means that an Adventurer can take a job alone if they want to rake up the money for themselves, but it might not always be easy. And ICly, this could be frowned upon by either the Guild Master or Guild Clerk, which could hinder the Adventurer from ranking up comes their interview.

Jobs, however, will not always be available: they will go with a ‘first come, first serve’ basis; in a month, I was thinking that maybe 3 to 4 jobs per ‘rank’ (refer to ‘Ranks’) will be posted in the Message Board. Once a new month rolls in, new jobs are posted (except the jobs that were not taken, which will remain until otherwise).

Each Adventurer can only take 1 job per month – no matter if they succeed or failed. This will be recorded in the Message Board so players cannot abuse this to get easy money. They will be recorded like how Gladiators’ wins and losses are recorded on the Message Board: one thread per Adventurer.


For now, I’d rather that the jobs follow consistent types to make it easier for the Guild Master, Assistant Guild Master, and Guild Clerks to run or watch over. Of course, Adventurers CAN die (or worse) in most of these jobs if something goes wrong, so they must be very careful when choosing them.

NOTE: Death, rape, or slavery are NOT necessary consequences of failing jobs if it is not the players’ cups of tea, but they can make for extra RP. Heck, there might be players who might actually WANT their Adventurer to fail and be subjected to these kinds of punishments.

Bounty Hunting Jobs
For these jobs, Adventurers will go through a quest seeking out one or more individuals that need to be brought down to justice either dead or alive depending on the job. Stats will be provided by the Guild Master to their workers (either in private or publicly in the Message Board). How the jobs will be narrated is all RP fluff; what will truly matter is if the job is done – success or otherwise.

The harder the difficulty, the tougher the target. Harder jobs would see Adventurers tasked to take down more than just one target.

Beast Hunting Jobs
This mostly requires the ranked skill Hunting/Trapping. The simpler jobs would just have you hunt down the animals in the forest via the hunting mechanics here: viewtopic.php?f=216&t=18951&p=128162 (mind, it’s being reworked but it is the best I could find so far), or going up against lesser beasts like giant rats.

The harder beast-hunting jobs will pit Adventurers against the likes of wild jhores, mephos, and even the giant flying scorpions of the desert. Much like the Bounty Hunting Jobs, stats will be provided. How the jobs will be narrated is all RP fluff; what will truly matter is if the job is done – success or otherwise.

Escort & Delivery Jobs
These kinds of jobs can be mostly just RP, but they can usually take a while to finish. In these jobs, players just need to roleplay escorting/ delivering someone or something from Point A to Point B. Simple escort jobs go for two days IRL: day one for the Adventurers to set out; day two for the Adventurers to arrive at their destination. These jobs are very roleplay heavy.

The harder jobs would see more than just two days of travelling. These jobs, however, are unique in the sense that ANYTHING could be thrown the Adventurers’ way between leaving and arriving: combat, accidents, etc. So, Adventurers need to be very prepared, especially once Adventurers are tasked to help escort or deliver something or someone VERY important.

‘Other’ jobs are jobs that do not fit into the other categories, but they are unique in the sense that they could be pretty much anything: from giving someone a massage, to helping a restaurant cater for a party, to get something from the General Store for another Playable Character, etc. ‘Other’ jobs are most likely going to be roleplay heavy.


I have not really decided how much the guild can pay Adventurers, but I would like it to be reasonable and not something easily abused. As mentioned above, the reward/pay is encouraged to be split among Adventurers who take the same job – of course, this is all up to IC: if one Adventurer thinks they deserve a bigger cut than the rest and the others agree, then the Guild will pay them as such.

If the Adventurers cannot decide, the Guild Master or Guild Clerk will split the reward evenly. Payouts will be done AFTER the job/quest is done (or by the end of the Month).

On an unrelated note: divided rewards will result in more Copper coming into play, which I think is nice since Adventurers can eventually rake up the Coppers and then convert them into mehrials – a function of the !bank that a lot of players tend to forget or just plainly not be aware of.

Since the maximum number of Adventurers taking a job is planned to be 4, I would say anything beyond 400 mehrials is ‘too much’ or else it will undermine the rewards typically given out after Quests.

Pay will depend on an Adventurer’s ‘Rank’ in the Guild as well so someone who just recently joined would not be able to earn a potential 100 mehrials per job. They have to work their way up, meaning they have to finish a certain number of jobs to continue ranking. Which brings us to…


(Note: I’ve opt to make their Manager and Assistant Manager earnings lower than what a standard Manager/Asst. Manager would earn considering the nature of the job mechanic-wise)

Guild Master
Basically the ‘Manager’ of the Adventurers Guild. He or she will be the one handling !payouts for the Adventurers who succeeds in a job and will also be able to watch over and play out the jobs (similar to a Quest Runner). Like most jobs with a Manager position, they earn 20 mehrials per hour, including a bonus of 250 mehrials for the first 4 hours, plus 50 mehrials per Master Skill (to a maximum of 3; refer below).

Assistant Guild Master
Same duties as the Guild Master, except they earn a bonus of 200 mehrials for the first 4 hours on top of the 20 mehrials per hour, plus 50 mehrials per Master Skill (to a maximum of 3; refer below).

Guild Clerks
The only other workers in the payroll besides the Guild Master and Assistant Guild Master. These Guild Clerks are the ones who stand behind the counter and help keep records of how many jobs an Adventurer has taken in the Message Board. ICly the Adventurers will report to the Guild Clerks if they wish to take a job and/or if they wish to report finishing it. Guild Clerk players will help run the narrative side of the jobs if a Guild Master or Assistant Guild Master cannot. They earn 20 mehrials per hour, plus 50 mehrials per Master Skill (to a maximum of 3; refer below).

Appropriate Ranked Skills (only to a maximum of 3 can be counter for bonus pay):
First Air/Triage


The following ranks are for non-guild workers (which also means Guild Master, Assistant Guild Master, and Guild Clerks cannot take jobs while they are on the job). ICly, each registered Adventurer will receive a tag made from the exact material of their rank.

Rank 10: Obsidian – 50 mehrials
All adventurers start at Obsidian rank. The jobs are usually very simple, if not more like chores… and also nothing to really write home about. Like killing giant rats. Jobs at this rank have a difficulty of ‘Easy’.

Rank 9: Steel – 75 mehrials
At this rank, Adventurers can now take Bounty Hunting jobs (Difficulty: Intermediate). To achieve this, Adventurers must finish 3 jobs/quests posted under the Guild.

Rank 8: Sapphire – 100 mehrials
At this rank, Adventurers can now take Beast Hunting jobs (Difficulty: Intermediate). To achieve this, Adventurers must finish 6 jobs/quests posted under the Guild AND must pass an interview session with a Guild Clerk.

Rank 7: Emerald – 125 mehrials
At this rank, Adventurers can now take Escorting and Delivery jobs (Difficulty: Intermediate). To achieve this, Adventurers must finish 9 jobs/quests posted under the Guild.

Rank 6: Ruby – 150 mehrials
At this rank, Adventurers can now take Bounty Hunting jobs (Difficulty: Hard). To achieve this, Adventurers must finish 12 jobs/quests posted under the Guild. Special Quests/Jobs will now be available to the Adventurers.

Rank 5: Bronze – 200 mehrials
At this rank, Adventurers can now take Beast Hunting jobs (Difficulty: Hard). To achieve this, Adventurers must finish 15 jobs/quests posted under the Guild, finish 1 Special Quest/Job, AND must pass an interview session with a Guild Clerk and Guild Master.

Rank 4: Silver – 250 mehrials
At this rank, Adventurers can now take Escorting and Delivery jobs (Difficulty: Hard). To achieve this, Adventurers must finish 18 jobs/quests posted under the Guild.

Rank 3: Gold – 300 mehrials
At this rank, Adventurers can now take Bounty Hunting jobs (Difficulty: Very Hard). To achieve this, Adventurers must finish 21 jobs/quests posted under the Guild.

Rank 2: Platinum – 350 mehrials
At this rank, Adventurers can now take Beast Hunting jobs (Difficulty: Very Hard). To achieve this, Adventurers must finish 24 jobs/quests posted under the Guild, finish 2 Special Quest/Jobs, AND must pass an interview session with a Guild Clerk, Guild Master, and a Noble.

Rank 1: Mithril – 400 mehrials
At this rank, Adventurers can now take Escorting and Delivery jobs (Difficulty: Very Hard). To achieve this, Adventurers must finish 30 jobs/quests posted under the Guild, finish 3 Special Quest/Jobs, AND must pass an interview session with a Guild Master, and two Nobles.

Adventurers can take jobs from lower ranks if they want, but they cannot take jobs from ranks higher than their current rank.

In total, to get to Mithril Rank a player would have to spend more than TWO YEARS IRL doing jobs. And that is only if they manage to succeed every single month. Either way: here’s hoping that it creates long term roleplaying.


To become an Adventurer of the Adventurers Guild, a character must first Register ICly by meeting with the Guild Master, Assistant Guild Master, or a Guild Clerk. They will be interviewed ICly (questions like ‘ambition’, ‘intention’, and might even involve the character filling up a form asking things like name, hair color, etc. – with the reason being so the Guild can identify their bodies if something were to happen) and if they are approved, they will be given their Adventurer tag (Obsidian) and their names will be posted on the Message Board via a new thread.


Like everything else on this post, this is just a work-in-progress, but I would imagine that the job listings would look like this:


Name: “Get Rid of the Rats!” (Type: Beast Hunting) (Difficulty: Easy)
Reward: 50 Mhl
Max Adventurer Capacity: 4
Info: A shop owner is having problems with some really big rats hiding in his basement. Help him drive them out.
Enemy: Giant Rat x5
Status: Available

Name: “Help Out at The Works” (Type: Other) (Difficulty: Easy)
Reward: 50 Mhl
Max Adventurer Capacity: 2
Info: The Works need some help moving some of the heavier equipment around.
Enemy: -
Status: Available

Name: “Wanted: Kill McKill the Killer” (Type: Bounty) (Difficulty: Easy)
Reward: 50 Mhl
Max Adventurer Capacity: 4
Info: A serial killer is on the loose and he was last spotted in Old Town. Capture him – dead or alive!
Enemy: Kill McKill the Killer (Level 3 Warrior)
Status: Available


I was thinking a specific thread would be dedicated to players submitting ideas for jobs. Probably will not be doing this right off the bat until I get a good feel of where I can take this idea in.


A lot of this were written on a whim and probably not well-thought out - got a feeling a lot of the things I brought up here might not work out like I would hope - but I'm open to reading what you all think about the idea. It might get turned down in the long run, but I am sure there would be no harm in trying.

As for Work Tags, I'd imagine 'Guild' (for e.g. Abby-Guild) would suffice. And I was thinking this Guild can be somewhere in TLI-Town.
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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby Rida_Cherryglade on Thu Mar 01, 2018 2:12 am

im intruiged Ronja might join if it takes of
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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby Hashmulan on Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:44 am

Just got done reading all that. I think it's a great idea. Thinking about it, all the core concepts are solid, so I don't see too much to change.

I look forward to participating in it, and killing McKill The Killer.

I might write up a better writeup soon when I have some time.

EDIT: Well, I suppose the money amounts might be tweakable, but it's good overall.
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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Wed Mar 07, 2018 7:34 am

Well, I've given it some thought and I was wondering if it would be easier (or more fun/practical) if the enemies will be fought via Quest Dice, which would make things easier for those overlooking and running the jobs. The same, perhaps, can be said for the jobs that do not necessarily have combat.

The intention behind this is to make Skills feel more important.

And not to mention balance things out between characters with huge gaps in their Levels.

But that is not to say higher level characters are exempted for being able to do better than the lower leveled characters in rolls.

But first, I’d like to talk about how BOUNTY JOBS can be done.

Perhaps much like the Freelance Hunting linked in the starting post, certain skills can come into play and affect rolls and/or rate of success within different missions. For example, at the top of my head, we could say the Ranked Skill 'Scouting' could help with the Bounty Jobs, perhaps in this sort of manner:


Scouting (Warrior, Knight, Ranger, Thief, Bard, Druid, Shaman, Mage, Magi, All Elemental Classes, Warrior-Mage, Mist Raider, Monk, Warlord, Necromancer, Seductress)

Novice - able to find a large group of individuals in a rather open location, such as a field, given their general location. They can then relay their rough position using landmarks to someone, but they may be noticed by the group.
Apprentice - able to find a large group of individuals in a lightly wooded area, given their general location. They can remain fairly inconspicuous and relay their rough position using landmarks to someone.
Journeyman - able to find a small group of people in an heavily wooded environment, given their general location. They can remain inconspicuous and relay their position to someone on a map with a fair amount of accuracy and give a rough estimation of their numbers.
Expert - able to identify a single person within a small group in a heavily wooded environment, given their general location. They can remain inconspicuous and relay the group's size and set-up to someone.
Master - They can identify the leader of a very large group of persons from a distance in any environment, given their general location. They can remain entirely unnoticed given adequate cover and relay the group's numbers, set up, watch patrols and any other viable information about them to someone.

So the first step would be to have a character who has the Ranked Skill 'Scouting'. Depending on the level of the skill, rolls will be different, with a higher level in the skill reflecting more efficiency. At the top of my head, I’d imagine it’d look something like this:

Once the players are ready to track down their Target, they must roll 1d50. Whatever results they get, they receive a bonus to the number depending on their level in Scouting.

Novice: +10
Apprentice: +20
Journeyman: +30
Expert: +40
Master: +50
(Note: Characters without the skill do not get the bonuses)

So, rolls would look like this (for a character with a Journeyman level in Scouting):
<•Abby`> !r 1d50+30
<•Desdaemona> Abby` rolls for 1 dice at 50 sides per die: 22, modified by +30 Result: 52

This number will determine whether your character has tracked the Target or not. For every Bunty Job, the Target will have a Difficulty Check (DC); the higher the Bounty Job’s ranked at, the higher the DC.

So at the top of my head, I would imagine a Bounty Job under the Obsidian Rank would look like this:
Name: “Wanted: Kill McKill the Killer” (Type: Bounty) (Difficulty: Easy) (DC: 100)
Reward: 50 Mhl
Max Adventurer Capacity: 4
Info: A serial killer is on the loose and he was last spotted in Old Town. Capture him – dead or alive!
Enemy: Kill McKill the Killer
Status: Available

The Target’s DC is ‘100’, which means the Adventurer must roll to a total of 100 or more to actually be able to track them down. I was thinking that an Adventurer would get a total of THREE ATTEMPTS and their results will be added up.

Players can make 3 1d50 rolls if they want, or they can roleplay each one. Either way, their accumulated results must reach the DC. Otherwise, the Adventurer fails the job and will go home empty handed.

This is why partnering up with other characters would be encouraged: each Adventurer will get THREE attempts so if one Adventurer fails, the other one might still have a chance.

Do note, though, that you do NOT add Adventurers’ Scouting results together. Each Adventurer uses/keep their own results.


Once your Adventurer locates the Target, they must take them down – either dead or alive. Players can be as creative as they want as long as the one narrating the job (e,g Guild Clerk) is alright with it.

But when straight-up combat is concerned, Quest Dice (QDIce) will be used for the sake of balance. Again, however, Guild Clerks can be as creative as they want with their rolls if they do not go crazy over it.

Either way, every Target will have set Hit Points. An easier Target might have a Hit Point of 15, while a much harder target might have a Hit Point of 30. An Adventurer just needs to take down that Hit Point to 0 to subdue them. Killing them or leaving them alive will solely be roleplayed.

Each Adventurer also gets their own Hit Point, of course. I’ve not full thought this out, but in my head I’d say someone from the Obsidian Rank would have a Hit Point of 20 (the usual default Hit Point in Quests whenever Qdice is concerned). The next rank would increase their Hit Point to 25. The next would increase it further to 30. And so on.

Some of you might prefer using Standard Combat Dice, but do keep in mind that even a Level 50+ can start off as Obsidian at the same time as a Level 1. So I’m only suggesting Quest Dice to make things balance out.

Until I can think of something better.

The Guild Job Runner will, of course, control and roll for the Target.

An example of a Quest Dice roll:
<•Abby`> !qdice
<•Desdaemona> Abby` (Abby) uses Quest Dice against a target of 6 and gets a 8, hitting for 9 damage

Easy, right?

Perhaps during the SPECIAL QUESTS will Standard Combat Dice be used.


This will just be roleplaying. Once the Target is taken down – dead or alive – the body must be presented ICly to the Guild Clerk.

The Guild Clerk will then ask the Adventurers how the job went and will record what they said in a log. What the Adventurers choose to say may affect how the scene will turn out, but what they say can be used against or to support them during the Interview Sessions to ranking up.

I was thinking the Guild Clerk would have to post these reports on the Message Board.

So as to not let people go nuts, maybe… limit their reports to 3 to 5 sentences?

What do you all think?
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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby Rebecca of Valaris on Wed Mar 07, 2018 10:11 am

I don't feel I have any right to comment on the mechanics given it's not the sort of thing my gals would take part in.

But, as someone who has been trying to design a quest on and off for six months now, I would concur with Vlad over anything that can make events easier is to be welcomed especially if it leads to more s/l bases rp.
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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby Cangelosi on Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:57 pm

I do remember we tried the same things with the Bounty Hunter Guild many years ago, and if we can get this off the ground, I'd like to participate in some form.

You go, girl.
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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby Menhir on Fri Mar 09, 2018 2:50 am

Personally, seems a fine idea on paper.

Practically; a few concerns.

Is this going to be an 'Anyone who walks up to the *generic job board item* gets to take part in the job.' or is this another of those 'These jobs are exclusively for my friends and I.' ...

Also, I would not advocate this as an Ops observed thing. There shouldn't be any bonus xp or out of thin air pay-outs. The 'payoff' so to speak, should be the fact that the 'mercenaries' are on a job and get to actually roleplay. The people 'running' the quests shouldn't get the option of mIoPs/IoPs/Levels and any items found by the players in the mission should be things in the 'Host's' inventory that they can physically give to the 'mercs'. (These restrictions might pose issues at first, mainly funding and 'why would my pc X do anything for such a measly sum?' scenarios, but I feel in the long term it would put these little adventures in better light and avoid situations we've had in the past. For example, there was recently an all female merc group, from the outside looking in, with the individuals involved, there certainly was a view of 'well, they're getting shit handed to them in their little club, even have an Op or two as a member doing payouts and free xp.' ... May not have been the actual situation, but we all know we see the worst in one another.)

Also, how would you have this interact with the new Jobs system in place? Is this just a way to get more supplemental income now that we can't each have six jobs, work one hour at each job and get paid maximum for that job and then rinse/repeat. Or would this 'mercenary profession' take a 'Job Slot' so to speak? ... I've typically felt that folks here don't put enough emphasis on the value of the currency because ... well... everyone gets what might be considered 'too much money'. I believe I've read that the 10 mhl a month every player gets automatically, is actually more than the 'common citizen' of Nanthalion makes in a year of farming/hard-labor/service, and yet we have players tending the bar getting 20mhl an hour (Plus retarded tips ranging in the double digits and sometimes hundreds of mhl)
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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Fri Mar 09, 2018 6:03 am

Menhir, I think if you read the first post, you'd see that I did mention that the ones running/narrating the jobs should not be rewarded with any Special Items whatsover:
Like the little events sometimes run by the Imperial Guard or shops like the Might Makes Right, the jobs will mostly be simple, straightforward, and linear – nothing like the complex quests that must go through our Quest Team that can reward 100 mehrials to each Adventurer and even give the Quest Runner a chance at earning a Special Item.

Obvious reason for this would be that it would completely undermine the importance of actual Quests approved by our Quest Team.
Is this going to be an 'Anyone who walks up to the *generic job board item* gets to take part in the job.' or is this another of those 'These jobs are exclusively for my friends and I.' ...

It is more to the first. The Adventurers are not paid on an hourly basis and therefore are not exactly under payrolls of the Guild compared to the Guild Clerk and Manager (again, this has been mentioned in the first post, where I specifically wrote that the Adventurers do not get paid on an hourly basis).

As mentioned above, they're more like how Gladiators get paid at the Arena.
Also, how would you have this interact with the new Jobs system in place?

Only the Manager, Assistant Manager, and Guild Clerk will use the new Jobs System. Adventurers do not, much like Gladiators.
Or would this 'mercenary profession' take a 'Job Slot' so to speak?

Only the Manager, Assistant Manager, and Guild Clerk will fill a one of their three Job Slots. Adventurers do not, much like Gladiators.
For example, there was recently an all female merc group, from the outside looking in, with the individuals involved, there certainly was a view of 'well, they're getting shit handed to them in their little club, even have an Op or two as a member doing payouts and free xp.' ... May not have been the actual situation, but we all know we see the worst in one another.)

That was Damenkrieg and Abby was in it << I don't recall anyone doing payouts or getting free xp, and Miyuka was one of the members too. But what is true, though, is that Damenkrieg kept things to themselves in terms of their little events.

Which is what I want to avoid doing with this idea.
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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby Menhir on Fri Mar 09, 2018 3:26 pm

So... What you're saying then... is ... .... If I had read your first post properly most of my comments had been answered for already ... Hrmm... I see, I see...

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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby DiasEesha on Fri Aug 24, 2018 6:59 am

Well, seems this is the first time I get to say this on the boards. I would gladly put Dias' name behind this venture.
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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby L`aquera on Sun Sep 02, 2018 3:21 am

We are pretty leary on guilds forming and its something generally the HC would have to poke at, however, I do like this and the thought put into it. Just my two cents :)
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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Sun Sep 02, 2018 10:20 am

Thanks! The basic intention was simply to give players something to look forward to doing every month, but seems like there might soon be a rise of monthly activities so there may be no need for this idea after all (The Works and the Might Makes Right mini events are two examples).

It will still be something I'll try to work on just to see if there are other practical ways of doing it, though.
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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby Balard on Sun Sep 09, 2018 5:49 pm

The idea is sound, the ranking up system seems to be a bit too long i think that 2 years maybe harsh if someone fails a-lot as it might take longer to reach it.
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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby The Mercenary Abby on Sun Sep 09, 2018 10:11 pm

Balard wrote:The idea is sound, the ranking up system seems to be a bit too long i think that 2 years maybe harsh if someone fails a-lot as it might take longer to reach it.
Well, that is the whole point of it: to give players something long-term to do and possibly keep them around since they will always have something to look forward to.

And by the time they reach the highest rank, it really -would- be something to have bragging rights over!

Given the reward(s), I'd say trying to make it 'easier' might turn it into something players can abuse.
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Re: Suggestion: Adventurer Guild?

Postby miyuka on Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:42 pm

The more I read this the more I can't help but to feel it's not really necesary. Most of the jobs are things you can already do either by doing an event, or by being freelance (for the small beast hunting dealio). The Escort and Delivery jobs sound more like they'd just be quest, even more so if they take multiple days.

The positions I also find a bit odd as it's meant for something that's supposed to be once a month (for the adventurers) but then you have positions for the guild itself with actual payroll related stuff. Then there's the whole ranking system. I get the idea is to create long term roleplay but over 2 years if you succeeded every month is rather long winded. I'm not even sure if a ranking system would be necessary if it's just things that are meant to be less than quest type things. It goes back to what I mentioned earlier about the event system already in place.

All in all, if this game was in it's stages of infancy and we didn't already have a system for events, quest, and major story lines already set up along with the noble houses, freelancing, IG and shop related events, I'd be all for it, but as it stands now I'd honestly say it's just an unecessary way to do events when we already have such a system in place.

Look at it this way, this is a player run game. Even if we implemented such a system you'd still have all the issues of trying to get the right people online to do the event, the managers necessary to payout for the event, and the people who signed up for whatever the job may be. As an OP as well as a member of HC, I'd be against this type of guild in it's current stage. I'd rather see people take more advantage of what's already implemented before we start adding even more things to it.
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