An idea for a twist of shop steals

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An idea for a twist of shop steals

Postby Istoaj on Sat Jun 16, 2018 5:59 am

I was musing, and I would like to propose a little event/steal that can be worked out.

What is this? I want to have Istoaj break into a shop (such as the MMR) and pretend to be an employee, selling things and pocketing the funds instead of putting them into the till. Could put a max limit on customers, or on money able to be taken, or whatever. I just think this is a great idea that should be fun to RP out. Yes, I know there will be consequences if he is caught, but I am totally up for it.

How it would work:

#1: Istoaj would attempt the break in.
#2. Istoaj pretends to be the employee, selling things at a rate he decides to sell them for (i.e. He is not going to know the real shop list prices, so he will make them up as he goes)
#3: An MMR employee or OP makes the sale for 0 mhl to the buyer
#4: The buyer gives the money to Istoaj instead of subbing it.
#5: Maybe an employee, maybe an IG wanders in...who knows. But after an either approved time limit, or money limit, the shop will be hurriedly closed, and none will be the wiser, if not caught.

What do you think?
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Re: An idea for a twist of shop steals

Postby Sorgram on Sat Jun 16, 2018 11:04 am

Having been apart of this discussion, I like this one. I would offer that an additional roll be added for the potential of a shop employee showing up. but I think it would heighten RP interestingly.

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