Small or Just Too Young?

Questions and suggestions that don't fit anywhere else in this area.

Moderators: Stormbringer, Ehlanna

Small or Just Too Young?

Postby Stormbringer on Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:18 pm

I'm not going to give details of the circumstance that prompted this post, nor should it be assumed to be aimed at any one player. It applies to you all.

We don't tolerate any hint of underage sex here.

That should be enough in and of itself without amplification but apparently not. So let's be more specific:

- No player in the roleplay may be allowed in under the age of 18

- No character in the roleplay is, or appears to be, under the age of 18 (or equivalent in their racial development)

- No character in the roleplay ever had sex, or got into a provocative situation under the age of 18 in their backstory

- No character in the roleplay has a character picture which makes them APPEAR to be less than 18

- No race, including fae, pixies, halflings etc, looks like immature humans just because they are small. They look like small ADULTS

It's not rocket science. If you say it's under 18, if you imply it looks under 18, if the picture makes people think it's under 18, you are heading for a lot of problems with us.

We have three reasons for this stance:

1. We mostly all have kids of our own

2. We don't want to get kicked off Sorcery

3. The FBI does not consider textual paedohilia protected under the concept of constitutional free speech, let alone graphical representations of such; fantasy or reality it's all the same.

It really shouldn't need even mentioning but we frequently have players who break or skirt one of the above rules, so let's be very clear about it:

- If you are under 18 you are required to leave the roleplay and not return until you are old enough

- If you make a mistake along the lines of saying your character got raped at age 16 as a part of their background or using a char pic that looks a bit marginal or being vague about your character's age, we'll be tolerant the first few times but we will warn you and we will require you to change. If you keep doing that, expect the tolerance to wear off real fast.

- If you are proved to be using the roleplay to troll for underage cyber, you will be immediately and permanently banned.
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Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn

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