Divine Sphere

Questions and suggestions for new spells, changes to spells and the magic system

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Divine Sphere

Postby Amara on Wed Aug 27, 2014 6:26 pm

Calling all Clerics, Priests and players alike!

Please share with us - your thoughts/gripes/comments/suggestions for this Sphere

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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby Ryke Masha on Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:52 pm

Well i dont really have any input besides why can't vulpines be clerics or priests?
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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby Isilindil on Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:53 pm

Well, already posted this some time ago on classes, but since this might get more attention: Allow divine spells to be cast while wearing gauntlets! Makes no sense that a paladin for example would have to remove heavy armor so iconic to the class to call for the favors of his/her god.
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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby Amara on Thu Aug 28, 2014 6:56 pm

Ahh, yeah.. keep in mind, folks ... this is a call for input regarding the Divine Sphere .. not the class of Clerics/Priests.
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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby Dughal on Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:32 pm

If you are planning on re-vamping the spell sphere itself, then I would offer a suggestion of my own. I don't play a divine caster in this game, but I have played plenty in other games. One thing that nearly all of them have as spells or even spheres that are unique or semi-unique to the various deities.

My idea would be to offer up a list that has common spells that all religions draw from. These should be for neophyte casters, acolytes within the church to use and perform the most basic of services and rituals, such a a generic blessing spell, a way finding spell and etc. How these are cast would be dependent upon the religion of course, but the outcome would be the same.

However, each official deity (and all newly proposed deities) should include a spell list that adds to the unique flavor of that faith. These spells should be restricted to the worshipers of that religion only and as such ought to be more powerful, akin to the effects of the elemental mages, though not so many of course. Likely there should be only a few, and they should be rank restricted to a point. For example, a spell for Kirva might be one that makes the victim experience pain as pleasure, making the target far more willing to fight in the name of the Goddess and even lay down his/her life... as well as having other uses that the caster might enjoy being able to do.
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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby miyuka on Thu Aug 28, 2014 8:15 pm

That's been proposed before Du and it's not something that we're looking to do. We try to keep things simple when it comes to development and such a proposal is just a bit much trying to split there sphere up in such a manner versus what can be selected in the database. Not to mention the ability people have to create their own gods that aren't recognized by the empire. What we are doing right now is bringing the divine sphere up to speed as far as when compared to the others spheres as it is quite outdated.
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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby Jodice on Fri Aug 29, 2014 4:18 am

While I would agree with Dughal that some OOB spells work better as set aside for specific deities, I'll let that slide for now.

However, since Cleric's can start rezzing at X2 (5th lvl)...wouldn't it be an idea that they can heal as well?

*waits for the healer's to quit calling for the heretic to be burned*

But really, they already have some power over life and death....And it doesn't have to be an actual spell. well, it does. But not the " Touch, your healed" as a heal spell. It could be based on the healer's spell, but be an ooB one that is used within the temple/ with in-cents.

Can even be deity specific. Kirva's cleric's have to be in darkness/ the one being healed blindfolded to show their faith. Adenver in the form of a massage. Like a warriors muscle massage after a long fight. Ishtar...come on, self explanatory.

Gaea already has something her cleric's could use in the nature sphere. But then again, that's open to druids and has to heal the whole damage if memory serves.

I'm sure I can think of something else, but that's my idea for discussion for now.
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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby miyuka on Fri Aug 29, 2014 4:50 am

The ability to rezz isn't a spell, it's a ritual that also requires an admin granted IOP.

Healing (with very few exceptions) is relegated to the healing sphere.
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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby Jodice on Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:44 am

I'd used rezzing as a reason for the idea. Didn't mean to imply it was a spell. I'm sorry for the confusion.

But since there is exceptions to the regulations, isn't this discussion a way to make clerical healing one of those?
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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby miyuka on Fri Aug 29, 2014 3:41 pm

This is a forum for the spells of the divine sphere so anything beyond that doesn't really need to be discussed here. You can discuss healing spells, just know that such things would be done in a very limited capacity if at all as the healing sphere is where you should be going for healing spells.
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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby Jodice on Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:44 pm

Ok, so we're not adding spells, not differentiating spells to be used by specific deities....Just discussing the spells themselves.

Ok, Shielding hand. Why cost so much STA for something that is for the most part, up to Cleric X4, A Physical armor spell? Also, how long does it last? Number or rounds per slot as in the case of the Physical armor spell or maybe something like a Clophyatk roll as in the case of Leaf armor for Druids?
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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby Amara on Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:15 pm

Spell suggestions for the Sphere that's up for discussion, are always wanted.. I think Yuka's point was in regards to Healing spells/shpere.

So, please, if you have been composing a spell that might allow the Cleric's to do a small semblance of healing, share it. It just can't be a flat out "healing thing' taken from that sphere that would be replacing an actual healer and causing displacement and outrage among all the Healer's ingame.

Necro's have a small healing ability spell
Duessa's have an advantage that allows for small healing.

So, it's not an oulandish thought that the Cleric could do some minor healing.
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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby Jodice on Mon Sep 01, 2014 1:16 am

well, my thought was more of an oob spell. Nope, Healer's are the better bet for instant "Juice" where the cleric's are more prayer/ chanting/ ritual in a setting like the temple or House or even a prepared camp site. Maybe someone else can take this idea and use it for a spell for clerics?

Or maybe it could be some ritual like a rez for the class? Maybe not be required to have an IoP, but need to have Master rank in First aid/ triage?

But that's a discussion for the cleric class and not the divine sphere.
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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby Dughal on Fri Sep 05, 2014 6:01 pm

I had an idea that would work to keep there from being a huge problem with new gods, small, unknown gods etc.

Create a few spheres of influence such as "Altruism" "Strength" "Resolve" that each have their own set of spells... three or four perhaps. Each Cleric individually chooses one sphere as their own, and gets to take the spells on that list. They choose which one best represents their way and means of worship of their God or Goddess. Anyone who picks the class then also picks their sphere. This allows for more customization of the individual without having to worry about catering to each individual religion. How does that work? :)
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Re: Divine Sphere

Postby Naomh on Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:02 pm

Sort of like the cleric spell domain system used in Dungeons and Dragons 3.5ed?

'Your god is the domain of Law, Order, strength, you get to choose two, these are the spells you can chose from from those two domains you have selected' or something... been ages since I cracked open my old books.
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