Dimension Door:
Level required: 5
Casting method: other
Defending method: other
Description: This spell lets the caster open a dark shadowy door to another point within the casters line of site. It takes one full round to cast this spell and on the end of that round, the door has fully created and on the beginning of the second round, he may enter the doorway, blinking himself to the point of where the other door is waiting. This spell can reach a maximum of 100 feet and must have a completely unobstructed view. This spell can only be used once every other round and uses all actions if used in combat.
Dimension Door enchant:
Level required: 5
Casting method: none
Defending method: none
Description: Can be placed upon: All items
Cost: 50 Mhl
This spell lets the caster open a dark shadowy door to another point within the casters line of site. It takes one full round to cast this spell and on the end of that round, the door has fully created and on the beginning of the second round, he may enter the doorway, blinking himself to the point of where the other door is waiting. This spell can only be used once every other round and uses all actions if used in combat.
Since the distance limit is mentioned in the common spell but not the enchantment, is the enchantment limitless in distance, or is this an oversight and does the same 100 feet limit apply?